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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue II.E2

Group II. Papers on Public Questions, 1908-1924.

The following material relating to AS's work on various national issues had been arranged in chronological order under each heading by the time that the the "E.L. Morgan" listing was made. This structure has been preserved, and the letter identifiers given to each heading correspond to those on the "E.L. Morgan" list. The Morgan list noted that the material on "Extra-Mural Work" had been arranged with more care - this implies that this material had been used before the Morgan list was drawn up [See II A below].

E. "POST-WAR, 1919-1924."

This material shows AS continuing to be involved with the causes and issues that feature in "The War and Public Policy" material - the reform of education, social questions, the Empire etc. The material was originally kept in one box.

2. Other Material (Collected and used by AS, Correspondence etc).

1. TS extract from a paper on attitudes to German atrocities by Prof. A.A. McDonnell. 3L. With ALS from McDonnell. 21 June 1920. Sending the extracts. Arrangements for another meeting.

2. Cutting from The Times 4 Feb. 1921 on the budget.

3. Education, WEA material, including material from the Adult Education Committee.

i.TS memo on Rural Development for the conference of the National Council of Social Service. 17 Dec. 1921. 6L.

ii.TLS from T.H. Searls of the British Institute of Adult Education. 8 Aug. 1922. 1L. Arrangements for a conference. (See E1/14v above for a report of the proceedings.)

iii.TS copy of the Report of the University Tutorial Classes Sub-committee of the Adult Education Committee. 15 June 1923. 2L.

iv.TS copy of agenda for the 10 July 1923 meeting of the Adult Education Committee. 1L.

v.ALS from J.M. Mactavish. 12 July 1923. 1L. Thanks AS for his help. Points in a speech by AS.

vi.AMS text "Notes on "the organisation of adult education as an integral part of the Universities."" [Not in AS's hand.] n.d. 4L.

vii.AMS notes on "Subjects requiring lectures." n.d. 1L.

4. Material collected [for an address?] on England and America, Oct. 1923. With envelope.

i.TS copy of remarks made by President Wilson to Mr. Worthington on 28 Dec. 1918. 3L.

With ALS from T.R. Merton. 23 May 1920. 1L. Sending the remarks to AS.

ii.AMS notes on Anglo-American relations. 12L.

iii.Printed pamphlet of Provost's Report on London University Faculties Assembly, 5 July 1923. Includes speech by G.E. MacLean of the American University Union. 16pp.

iv.Newspaper cutting 4 Sept. [1923?] America and the League of Nations.

v.Cutting from The Times Sept. [1923?] Speech by N.L. Miller, ex-governor of New York.

vi.Cutting from The Times 5 Sept. 1923. Lord Birkenhead on international relations.

5. Material on the Empire, International Relations etc.

i.TS copy of resolutions passed by the Imperial Education Committee. 23 July 1919. 3L.

ii.Cutting from The Times 28 Oct. 1920. A speech by Mr. Balfour on nationality.

iii.TS copy of a draft Labour Party pamphlet by H. Duncan Hall on "Empire Government." c.late 1921. 6L.

iv.TS copy of a letter from ? in Jeddah to ?. 27 April 1924. 2L. News of the Middle East situation, including the sinking of the pilgrim ship "Frangestan."

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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