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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue III.B

III. Balliol and the University

The "Balliol" material originally formed Group III of the "E.L. Morgan" list, but when this catalogue was compiled, more material relating to AS's work in the administration of both the college and the university had come to light. As the new material did not concern AS's teaching or academic work, it was decided to place it in Group III with the Balliol material.

B: University Endowment Fund material

This material concerns AS's work on the University Endowment Scheme, the appeal for funds and the uses to which the money was to be put. These papers were transferred from the Strachan-Davidson Papers when they were fully catalogued in November 1992.

1. Adminstration of the Endowment Scheme, the Appeal etc, 1906-1909.

i.TS note from T.A. Brassey. 8 Nov. 1906. 2L. About a memo on the university's needs.
ii.TS draft of the memo. 6L.
iii.Printed brochure on "The Needs of Oxford University" by T.A. Brassey. Dec. 1906. 5pp.
iv.Printed agenda for a meeting on "The Needs of Oxford University." 16 May 1907. 1L.
v.TL copy of Edmund Warre to the Vice-Chancellor. 17 July 1907. 2L. On organising a summary of financial needs.
vi.TS account sheet for the Appeal Fund. 10 Oct. 1907. 1L.
vii.AMS notes on a meeting about colleges' work for the Endowment Scheme. 15 Jan. 1908. 1L.
viii.AMS notes on a draft trust deed. 25 Jan. 1908. 1L.
ix.Printed report on a meeting of the Common University Fund Finance Committee. 27 Feb. 1908. 1L.
x.TS minutes of a meeting of the Endowment Fund trustees. 30 April 1908. 3L.
xi.Printed pamphlet on the Endowment Fund and Balliol subscribers to it. [c.July 908]. 1L.
xii.TS draft of the above. July 1908. 2L.
xiii.Galley proof of a memo on the need for endowing a Political Science Lectureship. 1909. 2L.
xiv.TLS from Nigel Bond, Secretary of the Endowment Fund. 25 Nov. 1909. 2L. Report on discussions of endowing a Political Science Lectureship and the Geography School.
xv.AMS copy of AS to Bond. 28 Nov. 1909. 1L. Has had a meeting of the Resident Trustees.
xvi.AMS copy of AS to the Vice-Chancellor. 28 Nov. 1909. 1L. Has drawn up a report.
xvii.AMS draft of the above-mentioned report. 28 Nov. 1909. 1L.
xviii.TS draft minutes of a meeting of the Trustees. 21 Dec. 1909. 5L.
xix.Printed list of supporters of the Endowment Scheme. n.d.

2. Improvements to the Bodleian Library - its application to the Endowment Fund.

i.TS copy of notes on the needs of the Bodleian. n.d. 3L.
ii.AMS draft of a statement by the Curators and Librarian on printing the catalogue. With University Press stamp dated 29 April 1907. 4L.
iii.ALS from F. Madan, Bodleian Sub-Librarian. 13 June 1907. 1L. Problems with the plans for the new reading room.
iv.ALS from H.A. Wilson, a Bodleian Curator. 7 July [1907?]. 1L. Plans for printing the catalogue. With draft memo on the Bodleian's funding problems.
v.ALS from H.A. Wilson. 11 July [1907?]. 1L. Funding and reports for a scheme to build an underground storage chamber.
vi.AMS extract from a letter from T.A. Brassey to Sir W. Anson. 19 June 1908. 1L. Meeting the needs of the Bodleian is paramount. Plans for book storage, catalogue revision etc.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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