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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue IV

Group IV. Miscellanous


One box of unsorted material formed Group IV of the E.L. Morgan list. When this catalogue was compiled, this material was carefully re-examined, and, where appropriate, it was placed with similar material in the other parts of the collection. The bulk of the material consisted of TS scripts for various lectures, mainly historical, and these have been placed with the relevant material in Group I. There was also some material from wartime lectures, which was moved to Group II. The E.L. Morgan list specifically mentioned the following items, which have been relocated: Cuttings of reviews of Church And State (now at I A3/3); 2 letters from A.V. Dicey about Church And State (now at I A3/4i); a letter from H.A.L. Fisher (now at II C2ii). However a few small loose items could not be satisfactorily placed in other parts of the collection, so a small "miscellaneous" group has been retained, and its contents are listed below.

IV.A.1. Papers, scripts.

i.AMS notes on various wage cases. c.1909. 3L.
ii.TS paper on the history of land ownership in the district of Spalding. 10L.

IV.A.2. Correspondence.

i.ALS from C.H. Firth to [Robin] Hodgkin. 14 Nov. 1904. 2L. Arrangements to meet. About Firth's criticism of the Oxford History School.
ii.ALS from R.L. Poole. 4 Aug. 1908. 1L. About publishing an article by AS in the English Historical Review. A contribution to a memorial for Louis Dyer.
iii.ALS from Sir Horace Plunkett. 23 Feb. 1910. 1L. Sending a book to AS. About various articles by Plunkett.
iv.ALS from AS to Sir Horace Plunkett. 4 March 1910. (Not sent.) 1L. Reactions to Plunkett's book.
v.ALS from W.G.S. Adams. 6 Feb. 1920. 1L. Sending an address about President Wilson.
vi.ALS from W. Brookes to Lionel Smith. 10 Oct. 1923. 1L. Wishing him all the best in Iraq.
vii.ALS from J.C.B. Gamlen, solicitor, to Lionel Smith. 12 April 1924. 1L. Sympathy for AS's death. His financial arrangements.
viii.ALS from E.H. Pelham to "Sandie" [A.D. Lindsay?]. 3 Nov. 1925. 1L. Financial matters including the "chapel scheme."

IV.A.3. Other material.

i.Printed agenda for a meeting of the Council of Almoners of Christ's Hospital. 1 Dec. 1909. 1L.
ii.Printed account of the General Fund of Christ's Hospital for 1910. 1L. With envelope.
iii.AS's membership certificate for the Roycroft Fraternity [a joke society?]. n.d. 1L.


This material was given to the Library in 1987 by Sir Giles Bullard, nephew of Lionel Smith. The material came into Sir Giles' posession from Lionel.

IV.B.1. "The English Church in the 15th Century." TS lecture given by AS. Dated 27 May 1921. 18L.

IV.B.2. Correspondence.

i.ALS from Thomas Hodgkin to Arthur Balfour. 6 June 1907. 1L. AS's suitability for the vacant Regius Professorship of Modern History.
ii.ALS from F.W. Maitland to AS. 31 Oct. 1905. 3L. About ecclesiastical court records - their content, survival etc.
iii.TLS from Sir William Osler [to AS?]. 20 March 1907. 1L. The amount of alcohol that undergraduates should drink.

IV.B.3. 3 AMS leaves from Mary Smith's housekeeping book, with notes on meals for undergraduates.

IV.B.4. 2 TLS from Sir Giles Bullard to the Library about the gift.


These were not included on the "E.L. Morgan" list, but were found among the large collection of academic notebooks which were added to Group I when this catalogue was compiled.

IV.C.1. Quarto hardcover exercise book with sewing patterns and sketches. Inscribed "Anne Marie Baird." [A relative of Mrs. Smith?]

IV.C.2. School exercise books of Rosalind Smith (later Lady Clay).

i.English exercise book.
ii.History essay book.

IV.C.3. Exercise book with sketches, poems, diary notes etc by one of AS's daughters. 1906-1907.

IV.C.4. Exercise book with notes and sketches by one of AS's daughters from a family holiday. March-April 1907.

IV.C.5. Exercise book of cuttings of reviews of Miriam Smith's Poems. Given to Miriam by Hubert Smith, Christmas 1908.

IV.C.6. 2 exercise books containing parts of a story [by one of AS's daughters?]. 1911.

IV.C.7. 4 ALS from Rosalind Clay to EVQ about the donation of various of AS's papers. 14 Aug.-20 Dec. 1965.


It is intended that any more material relating to AS which comes to light should be added to this part of the catalogue.

IV.D. 1. Xerox copies of AMS valedictory note from Benjamin Jowett to AS. Oct. 1891.

[Written by Jowett when he believed he was about to die.] With xerox copy of ALS from William Markby to AS passing Jowett's note on to AS. 7 Oct. 1893. 1L.

IV.D. 2. Xerox copy of printed college circular by AS about chapel attendance. Hilary Term 1922. 1L.

IV.D. 3a & b. 2 albums of printed obituaries of AS.

From newspapers across the UK. Collected and annotated by two different hands - 3a by MFS? Deposited by E Nussbaum, March 2016.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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