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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Index A


This index gives references for both the Papers of and the Letters to A.L. Smith. References to the four Groups of the Papers are given first, with the Roman numerals giving the number of the relevant Group, followed by the class and specific number within that Group, eg I A1/8 The references to the Letters to A.L. Smith consist of the relevant letter and number identifiers for the letter or set of correspondence where the person in question is mentioned, eg F12.
Names in the introduction, names that are mentioned in passing in newspaper cuttings and articles, and names of historians from whose books AS and undergraduates took notes are not included in the index. Towns where AS lectured to a branch of a particular organisation are not indexed. Oxford lecturers from whose lectures notes survive are included.
Bishops and archbishops are indexed here under their surnames. However in the Letters they are placed in the alphabetical sequence according to their diocese, because that it where they were found when the Letters were examined. So E. Hoskyns, Bishop of Southwell, is indexed here under `Hoskyns,' which will give the reference S72, where he will be found in the Letters as the Bishop of Southwell. The only exception is J.A. Kempthorne, Bishop of Lichfield, who was found in place in the Letters as `Kempthorne,' and so remains there.

A Voice from India (journal): I2
Abbott, Evelyn: I A1/8; III A2/3i
Abbott, M.C.: A1, L63
Aboulkassem Kahn: A2
Abrahams, M.: A3
Abrams, R.A.: I A2/1iii
Adams, L.[?]: A4
Adams, Prof. W.G.S.: II D1/12vi, vii, D3/5i, vii; IV A2v; A5, N4, S85, WEA32
Adkins, W.D.R.: II B6i; A6
Adlam, G.H.: II E1/6iii
Adult Education Committee, The: II E2/3
Ady, Cecilia M.: A7
Agricultural Policy Reconstruction Committee, The: B21
Ahmed, Aftab: R6
Aidzu, Tsuneji: A8, S1
Alden, Percy: II C10xx; A9
Aldershot Senior Officers' School: A10
Allen, G.B.: A11
Allen, G. Boyce: A12, R41
Allen, P.S.: A13, G27
Allen, Sir Thomas: II C10xii
Allen, W.E.D.: A14
Allison, W.: P17
Allsop, Mr. --: A15
American Club, The: A16
American Independence Day: A17
American Students, Applications etc from: III A1/6vi-x, xii-xiv; A1
Andrews, Richard: A18
Anglo-American University Library for Central Europe: A19
Anning, A.: A20
Anson, C.: A21
Anson, Elizabeth G.: A22
Anson, Sir William: III B2vi
Anstey, Martin: A23
Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society: A24
Archer, G.: A25
Archer-Houlton, P.H.: A26
Aristotelian Society, The: P28
Armenia, Reforms in: A28
Armstrong, E.: A29
Art-Workers' Guild, The: A30
Ashby, Arthur: II E1/9ii
Ashley, Sir William: A31, B47, C12
Ashmore, Hilda: L30
Ashton, Arthur: A32
Askenazy, Prof. S: A33
Asquith, H.H.: B28, M40, P26, S96
Asquith, W.W.: A34
Association for the Advancement of Education in Industry and Commerce, The: A35
Association of University Women Teachers, The: II C2i
Aston, Sir George: A36
Atkins, J.: A37
Atkinson, Henry A.: A38
Atkinson, F.S.: A39
Atlantic Union, The: A40
Atwood, Bishop J.W.: A41
Austen, W.G.E.: A42
Australia Club, The: A43
Aydelotte, Prof. Frank: A44, S93

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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