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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Index B


B--, R.: I A6/5v,vi
Bacon, Benjamin W.: B1
Bailey, Cyril: III A1/1ix, A1/5xiii, A1/6x, xvi, xxi, xxii; B37, G31, L11, M18, M27, P11, R29
Bailey, C.W.: L46
Bailey, Gemma: B2
Baird, Anne Marie: IV C1
Bairstow, Herbert: B3
Baker, H.A.: B4
Baldwin, Charles S.: B5
Balfour, Lord Arthur: II A4v, A7i; IV B2i
Ball, Sidney: II C10xvii, xviii; B6, B7, E13, L64, S26, W17
Banbury Municipal School: B8
Banerji, H.K.: S39
Bangor University: B9
Barclay, G.: B10
Barker, Ernest: I A5/5xii, A14/5, C21x; B11, L24, T33
Barlow, J.E.: WEA18
Barnett, Henrietta: B12, H7, WEA46
Barratt, Pte. C.W.: B13
Barrett, James W.: B14
Barrington-Ward, Frederick: S24
Barrington-Ward, John: B15, G35, S24
Barry, Father: II D1/12ix; B16
Bartlett, Vernon: B17
Baskeyfield, G.: B18, WEA48
Bate, F.: B19
Bath, Lord --: III A2/2i,ii; B20
Bathurst, Charles: B21
Baumann, Arthur A.: B22
Beaton, Winifred: T8
Beazley, Raymond: B24, C12
Beck, James: B25
Becket, H.: B26, D7
Bedingfield, W.: L25
Beeching, H.C.: B27
Beechman, N.A.: B28
Beer, Prof. G.L.: II D3/6iii; B29
Behrens, Ethel: B30
Behrens, H: B31
Bell, A.L.: B32
Bell, Sir Hugh: J16
Bell, K.N.: III A1/9i
Bell, William: III A1/6iv
Belloc, Hilaire: B33
Bennet, W.: S35 [?], WEA38 [?], WEA59
Benson, Frank: B34
Benson, R.H.: B35
Benson, Godfrey R.: II A3viii
Bergholt, Ernesdt: B36
Berriman, A.E.: E16
Berry, W.H.: WEA70
Bethune, Gen. Sir E.: B37
Bevan, Edwyn: B38
Beveridge, Sir William: M71
Beveridge: W.H.: B39
Beves, Donald W.: B40
Bevin, Ernest: WEA36
Biddle, Alfred: III A1/5xvii-xx
Bidden, H.: F8
Bigge, L.A.: II C4iii
Biggs, C.R.W.: B41
Binney, E.H.: B43
Bird, Gunner E.T.: B44
Birdlee, Capt. --: B45
Birks, W.: B46
Birmingham Brotherhood Federation: B47
Birmingham Clerical Society: B47
Birmingham Reconstruction League: B48
Birmingham University: B49, B50
Blackley, Horace: B51
Blackwell, Capt. Leslie: B52
Blackwood, Lord Basil: III A2/2iii, iv, A2/3xv-xvii
Blair, Sir Robert: L57
Blake, A.H.: L55
Blake, W.J.: B53
Blakiston, H.E.D.: B54, C25, S85, WEA23
Bland, F. Armand: B55
Bliss, W.: I A2/2i
Blofeld, Canon S.: B56
Bloodworth, Harold: B57
Blyth, A.: III A1/9x
Board of Education, The: II A2iv, C4iii, iv, C5i; B58, T9
Boardman, Harold: B59
Boas, H. O'B.: III A1/9xi
Boat Club, Balliol College: B60, H36, P3
Bodleian Library, The: I A14/7ii; III B2; M15
Bond, Edward: B62
Bond, Florence: B63
Bond, Frederick Bligh: B64
Bond, Nigel: III B1xiv, xv
Bosanquet, Robert C.: B65
Bostick, S.: B66
Bourne, Gilbert: II C10xix
Bourne, Mrs. K.H.: B67
Bovill, Alfred: H15
Bowerman, C.W.: II D3/5ii; WEA1
Bowley, Henry: B68
Bowman, Lt. F.: B69
Bowen, Baron C.S.C.: W10
Boyd Carpenter, W.: B70
Boys' Welfare Association, The: B71
Bradford Chamber of Commerce: WEA21
Bradley, A.C.: P17
Brasenose College Christian Union: B73
Brassey, T.A.: III A1/1xii, A2/3i,ii, B1i-iv, B2vi
Brebner, James: B74
Brebner, J.B.: B74
Breslar, M.L.R.: B75
Bridges, R.: B76
Bright, J. Franck: I A16/1i, ii; B77
Brinton, Edith: B78
Brinton, H.: B79
Brinton, P.H.: C28
Briscoe, A.E.: A31
Bristol Association for Industrial Reconstruction, The: B80
Bristol University: L28
British-American Club, The: L67, P10
British Association for the Advancement of Science, The: II C8
British Empire Club, The: B81
British Institute of Social Service, The: B82
British-Italian League, The: B83
British Trade Review, The: B84, G33
Brodie, May: B85
Brodil, Frank: III A1/6vii
Brook, Richard: B86, L42
Brooke, W.L.: B87
Brookes, W.: IV A2vi
Brown, J. Algernon: B88
Brown, L. Bryan: B89
Brown, Margaret: B90
Brown, Vera L.: B91
Brown, William Adams: B92
Browne, Mr. --: B64
Browne, Bishop G.F.: II B8, B14; B93
Brubull, James: B94
Bruce, W.N.: II B4iv
Bryans, Hubert: B95
Bryant, V. Seymour: II C10xix; B96
Bryce, Lord --: R52
Buchanan, N.A.: B97
Buchanan, S.: M44
Buckinghamshire Herald, The: B98
Buckler, Capt. --: I16
Bulkeley-Johnson, Vivian: III A1/5xxii; K2
Bull, P.B.: B99
Bullard, Sir Giles: IV B4
Bullock, A.E.: B100
Bumstead, Prof. H.A.: B101, S40
Burge, Evelyn: B102
Burge, H.M., Bishop of Southwark, later Bishop of Oxford: H4, O22, S71
Burkitt, Lt. R.G.: B103
Burnaby, John: B104
Burrell, J.B.: B105
Burroughs, Canon E.A.: B106, D38
Burrows, J.H.: I A14/1i, B3/2i, B4/7iii
Burrows, S.M.: B107, S20
Bury, H. Entwistle: B108
Bury, J.B.: I A2/2ii
Busk, Miss H.: B109
Butler, Harcourt: B110
Butler, Harold: B111
Butler, Nicholas Murray: I B2/4iii; II D3/6vii, xi, xii, D3/7xi; III A1/1viii; B112
Butler, William F.: B113
Button, F.S.: B114
Buttrick, Prof. Wallace: B115, P47, WEA34
Buxton, C.S.: B116

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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