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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Index C


Cade, J.F.: I C4iv
Caird, Mrs. C.F.: II A5i
Caird, Edward: III A1/3vi, A1/9v
Cairns, D.S.: C3
Cairns, Prof. W.B.: C4
Calcutta University: M77
Caldwell, Rev. C.: C5
Cambridge University Extension Scheme: E23
Cambridge University Press: I B1
Campbell, J.: A18
Canby, Henry S.: C6
Cannan, C.: I A2/3iii
Cannan, Edwin: S25
Cannon, E.: C7,
Cannon, James: C8
Capper, Alfred: C9
Cardiff Education Committee: C10
Cardiff University: C11, C12
Carlisle, Lady --: C13
Carlton Club, The: C14
Carlyle, Rev. --: C15
Carlyle, A.J.: II C10xviii; C16, E4
Carlyle, E.I.: I A2/6iv
Carlyle, Margaret: C17
Carobbi, Madre C.: C18
Carpenter, J.E.: I B4/8i; C19
Carr, H. Wildon: P28
Carr, William: C20
Carter, A.C.: N5
Carter, C.R.: C21
Carter, E.H.: C22
Carter, H.: N11
Carter, Rev. J.: C23
Carter, J.L.: C24
Carter, Capt. W.T.: B86
Cartwright, E.S.: II D1/2xi, D3/5vii, E1/13iii; C25, H44, R9, S19, S74, WEA17, WEA32, WEA59
Cartwright, Ethel S.: C26
Cassel, Sir Ernest: F20
Cecil, Florence: C27
Cecil, Lord Hugh: W56
Cecil, Lord Robert: II B4xii; B50
Cecil, R.E.W.G., Bishop of Exeter: E24
Cecil, William: C28
Central News Ltd.: C29
Chalke, Leonard W.: C30
Chambers, Miss E.C.W.: C31
Chance, Sir William: I C17xvi, xvii
Chapin, Adele: C32
Chapin, Prof. Robert W.: C33
Chapman, C.: C34
Chapman, W.B.: C35
Charity Organisation Society, The: C36
Charnwood, Lord --: II E1/13iii; C37
Chase, F.H., Bishop of Ely: E14
Chase, Lloyd: C38
Chavasse, F.J., Bishop of Liverpool: L43
Chesterfield and District Federation of Adult Schools: C39
Childs, W.: C40
Chilton, Rev. Arthur: C41
Chintamani, Mr. --: C42
Christ Church, Plans for: D19
Christian Social Union, The: II D1/7; C43
Christ's Hospital: IV A3i,ii; B34, H19, L54, R28
Church Central Board of Finance: C35
Church of England Homes for Waifs and Strays: C44
Church of England Men's Society: K5
Church of England Peace League: C45
Church of England Recruiting Campaign: C46
Church Family Newspaper, The: C47
Church Reform League: C48
Church Self-Government Association, The: P50
Churchill, Winston: C49
Churchmen's Union, The: C50
Civil Service Commission, The: C51
Clark, F. Stanley: C53
Clark, Miss N.V.: S65
Clarke, F.: C54
Clay, Henry: C55
Clay, Lady Rosalind: I A2/4; IV C2, C7
Clerk, Dugald: C56
Clynes, J.R.: C58, G25
Coates, George: C59
Cochran, C: C60
Cockerell, Gen. --: H46
Coffin, R.P.: C61
Cohen, H.M.: III A2/3iv
Colclough, G.E.: II D1/2x, D3/5vi; C63
Coldstream, W.: C64
Cole, G.D.H.: II D1/20iii, D2/8vi
Cole-Baker, Miss E.R.: C65
Collier, Lily: III A1/9ii
Collins, W.E.: I A2/2iii
Columbia University: C66
Colonial and Continental Church Society, The: B19
Committee for the Furtherance of University Education in the South-West, The: II C12i
Committee of Natural Science, The: II C4i
Committee on Production, The: B114
Committee on the Neglect of Science, The: B96
Committee on the War and the Religious Outlook, The: B92
Commonwealth, The (journal): C67
Commonwealth Club, The: C68, L11
Commonwealth Welfare and Education Trust: C69
Conas [?], Marjarie H.F.: C70
Condliffe, J.B.: C71
Conference of Educational Associations, The: B109
Conroy, Sir John: III A2/3v
Conservative Women's Reform Association, The: C72, R42
Conway, R.S.: C74
Cook, Mr. --: S73
Cook, E.T.: II D1/2iii; III A1/1x; C75, M39
Co-Operative Union, The: II D1/12ii; C76, WEA19
Coquelin, W.: C77
Corbett, Sir Julian: H57
Corbett, P.E.: C78, G18
Corey, M.H.J.: I B4/7xiv
Cornwall, Maj. --: D12
Costley-White, H.: C79
Coulton, G.G.: C80
Council for the Study of International Relations: B9, C81
Coupland, R.: A10, C53, C82, L66, W35, W41
Courtney, W.L.: H62
Craig, J.A.: G38
Craig, E.S.: C83, S102
Craigie, W.A.: H53
Craik, Sir Henry: W13
Crammond, Edgar: C84
Cranage, Rev. D.H.S.: E23
Crawley, Charles: W31
Crewe, Lord --: C85
Crosswell, L.: C86
Crum [?], R.: C87
Cunliffe, Prof. J.W.: B11, C89, U15
Cunliffe, Sir Foster H.E.: II B4i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, ix, xvii, xviii, B5iii, B6v-vii, D1/1
Curnow, Leslie: C90
Curran, B.: C91
Curtis, L.: II D3/6vi; C92
Cushing, Dr. Harvey: C93
Cuthbertson, F.W.: C94

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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