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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters A


1. ALS from M.C. ABBOTT. 5 Mar. 1919. 1L. Abbott has sent a book to AS but has had no reply. He also asks advice on sending an American graduate to Balliol.

2. 2 vistors' cards with a message from ABOULKASSEM KHAN. With envelope postmarked 23 Dec. 1916.

3. 3 ALS from M. ABRAHAMS. 18-23 March 1918. All 1L. Concerning a testimonial written by AS for Abrahams.

4. ALS from L.[?] ADAMS. 25 May 1920. 1L. Sorry to hear that AS's son [?] is ill. Would AS like to bring him to visit?

5. 1 TLS, 3 ALS from W.G.S. ADAMS. 13 June 1918-Nov. 1920. All 1L. Concerning a letter sent about "Jameson" to the War Office, Adams' future work and a visit to AS in Oxford.

6. ALS from W.D.R. ADKINS. 29 Aug. 1917. 1L. Adkins asks AS's advice re a letter from Snell.

7. 3 ALS from CECILIA M. ADY. 2 Dec. 1916-19 Jan. 1917. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to teach female students from St. Hugh's and Lady Margaret Hall.

8. 9 ALS from, 1 TLS re TSUNEJI AIDZU. 2 Jan. 1917-21 Jan. 1918. AS has helped Aidzu during his time in Oxford. Aidzu is visiting various places and universities - can AS write letters of introduction? Aidzu sends a copy of Prof. Sugimori's book The Principles of Moral Empire. With a printed advert for Sugimori's book.

9. TLS from PERCY ALDEN. 2 May 1919. 1L. Who should Alden right to for information on memoranda on education in the army?

10. Correspondence about lectures at ALDERSHOT SENIOR OFFICERS' SCHOOL. 26 April 1917-28 May 1918. Can AS give various lectures? Travel arrangements.

13 ALS, 3 TLS, 3 TL copies, 6 Telegrams, printed circular - "Notes for Officers Coming to Lectures." Correspondents include R. Coupland of The Round Table.

11. 2 ALS from G.B. ALLEN. 26 Feb. 1918, 24 Feb. 1921. Both 1L. Can AS give a lecture to the RFC Gunnery School? Can Allen meet AS for dinner?

12. 3 ALS from G. BOYCE ALLEN. 30 July 1917, 9 July 1920, 21 Feb. ?. All 1L. Various dinner, meeting arrangements.

13. 4 ALS from P.S. ALLEN. 28 May 1919-9 May 1920. All 1L. Various dinner and social arrangements.

14. Correspondence concerning W.E.D. ALLEN. 23 Dec. 1919-14 Feb. 1920. Allen is of poor character. Should he enter Balliol? Opinions on Allen's book The Turks in Europe. 5 ALS, 3 TL copies, 2 AMS notes. Correspondents include: F.F. Urquhart, Arthur Pickard-Cambridge, D.G. Hogarth, W.E.D. Allen.

15. AS to ALLSOPP. 30 June 1920. TLS copy. 1L. AS will lecture to Allsopp's group of teachers on "Education and Industry."

16. 2 ALS from THE AMERICAN CLUB. 11 Nov. 1919, 24 Feb. ?. Both 1L. AS is asked to a Thanksgiving dinner and to give a lecture to the Club.

17. 2 TLS, 2 ALS concerning AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY. 1,2 July 1918. Ideas for marking Independence Day. Includes a letter from A.V. Dicey.

18. ALS from RICHARD ANDREWS. 7 April 1917. 1L with envelope. Andrews has had to leave his job in Birmingham. Does AS know of other suitable employment? With testimonial to Andrews from J. Campbell, Senior Chaplain of the 4th Div., France, pencil note of Andrews' address in Birmingham, envelope addressed to Andrews postmarked 13 Jan. 1917.


20. ALS from A. ANNING. 24 Jan. 1917. 1L. Can Anning buy a copy of AS's speech from the Education Conference?

21. 2 ALS from C. ANSON of the Students' Suffrage Society. May 1918. Both 1L. Can AS chair a meeting of the society?

22. ALS from ELIZABETH G. ANSON. 23 Oct. 1916. 1L. Thanks AS for a copy of The Cornhill which he has sent.

23. ALS from MARTIN ANSTEY. 13 Aug. 1917. 1L. Anstey's brother would like to see the college and will call on AS.

24. 2 TLS from THE ANTI-SLAVERY AND ABORIGINES PROTECTION SOCIETY. Oct. 1917. Can AS attend a conference, and visit the society, to give his views on international control of tropical areas? With typed MS "Tropical Colonies. International Administration or International Control?" n.d. or author. 8p.

25. ALS from G. ARCHER. 7 Aug. 1918. 1L. Archer is returning Gen. Russell's letter and a list of books. He hopes to see Gen. Richardson. Should a visit be made at the same time as a visit by the PM?

26. ALS from P.H. ARCHER-HOULTON [?]. 20 May 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for his letter. He is recovering.

27. 2 ALS from L. Stampa of the OXFORD ARCHITECTURAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 8 Aug. 1918 and n.d. Both 1L. About visits to Balliol to see the hall, the chapel and the library.

28. TS of a memorandum on reforms in ARMENIA. n.d. or author. 2p.

29. ALS from E. ARMSTRONG. 29 Sept. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for his letter and kindness - Armstrong's wife has died recently.

30. Printed letter from THE ART-WORKERS' GUILD. 20 Oct. 1917. 1L. Can AS give a talk to the Guild on "Craft Universities"?

31. Correspondence concerning SIR WILLIAM ASHLEY. 6 May 1917-26 July 1919. Ashley may become Principal of Birmingham University. Can AS seek out opinions about his academic works on economics. Various letters to AS giving views on Ashley's work. 2 letters from A.E. Briscoe and Sir O. Lodge, the outgoing Principal, about Ashley's candidature. 15 ALS, 1 TLS, 2 TL copies.

32. ALS from ARTHUR ASHTON. 30 May 1920. 1L. Ashton has heard AS is ill and asks how he is.

33. Correspondence concerning PROF. S. ASKENAZY. 8 Nov. 1919-26 March 1920. Askenazy of Warsaw University wants his book Dantzic and Poland published in English by the Clarendon/OU Press. The book is sent to AS by W.J. Rose, an English academic in Warsaw, and the Consul, Frank Savery. The Delegates of the Press reject the book. 5 ALS, 11 TLS, 1 TL copy.

34. ALS from W.W. ASQUITH. 2 Jan. 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for his letter.

35. TLS, TL copy and printed pamphlet from R.W. Ferguson of the ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF EDUCATION IN INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE. 9 March 1920. Can AS attend a conference run by the Association? Sends their constitution.

36. 3 ALS from, 1 TL copy of AS to SIR GEORGE ASTON. 11 Feb. 1919-4 Jan. 1920. Aston has visited Balliol. He is lecturing to WEA and University Extension audiences - can AS advise him? AS will see him to discuss it.

37. ALS from J. ATKINS. 26 May 1919. 1L. Can AS read his article on the French Revolution. With TMS of "The Beginning of the French Revolution (The First Orleanist Plot)." n.d. 25pp.

38. ALS from HENRY A. ATKINSON. 14 March 1921. 1L. His plans have changed so he cannot meet AS.

39. ALS from F.S. ATKINSON. 29 March 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for his invitation to lunch. He will be glad to come.

40. 2 letters from THE ATLANTIC UNION. Oct. 1918. Invitation to a meeting of the Union. Sorry that AS did not attend the meeting. The meeting passed the enclosed resolution. Will AS be part of a delegation to the Minister of Education? With a TS copy of the passed resolution. n.d. 1L.

41. Correspondence concerning BISHOP J.W. ATWOOD OF ARIZONA. 12 April-18 Sept. 1920. B. Miles has been staying with Atwood. Atwood will visit England and see AS in Oxford. 1 AL copy, 3 TLS.

42. 3 ALS from W.G.E. AUSTEN. 22 Sept.-7 Nov. 1920. All 1L. Can AS write a short preface to his new book? With AMS (1L) and TS (2L) copies of AS's preface to Austen's book.

43. Correspondence from THE AUSTRALIA CLUB. Feb. 1920. ALS, printed circular, draft constitutions for the formation of an Australia Club. Is AS interested?

44. ALS from FRANK AYDELOTTE. 5 May. 1L. Has a previous engagement, so cannot come to dinner with AS.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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