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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters B


1. 2 ALS from BENJAMIN W. BACON. 3 and 9 March 1920. Both 1L. Can AS dine with Bacon in Manchester College?

2. Correspondence with GEMMA BAILEY. 29 Nov.-22 Dec. 1920. Patronage and committee members for the Women's Colleges Appeal. 5 ALS, 1 TS note, 1 AL copy with xerox copy.

3. ALS from HERBERT BAIRSTOW. 24 Oct. 1920. 1L. Encloses the photographs (now missing) that he took at the Summer Conference at Balliol.

4. 4 ALS from H.A. BAKER. 25 March-9 April 1919. All 1L. Can AS and Mr. Gibbon come and stay while they are inspecting college land?

5. ALS from CHARLES S. BALDWIN. 18 July 1920. 1L. Baldwin encloses an introduction, and hopes to visit AS in Oxford.

6. 7 ALS from S. BALL. 27 Oct. 1916-8 Nov. 1917. All 1 small leaf. Arrangements for a conference. Reading lists for overseas students in lectures.

7. Printed letter from O.H. and O.M. BALL. May 1918. 1L. Concerning the death of Sidney Ball.

8. 7 ALS from R. Luscombe of BANBURY MUNICIPAL SCHOOL. 18 June-15 Dec. 1916. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to give prizes at the school's Prize Day. With a TS Governors' Report (4pp), AMS summary of exam results (1L), printed prospectus for the school (4pp).

9. Correspondence concerning a lecture by AS at BANGOR UNIVERSITY. 22 Nov. 1916-16 April 1916. Correspondence from the Council for The Study of International Relations and Sir Harry Reichel, Principal of Bangor University, about AS's lecture on "Historical Fatalism." 2 ALS, 1 APS, 9 TLS, 3 telegrams, printed advert for AS's lecture, notes on train times.

10. ALS from G. BARCLAY. 6 June ?. 1L Thanks AS for his letter of introduction to Mr. Fisher.

11. 8 ALS from ERNEST BARKER. 23 Nov. 1917-22 July 1920. All 1L. Can AS come to a lecture by Prof. Charles Renold, and a Symposium with Prof. Cunliffe and Dr. G. MacLean? Thanks AS for letters. Dinner arrangements. Administrative matters.

12. 2 ALS, 1 TLS from HENRIETTA BARNETT. 16 Jan.-29 May 1919. All 1L. Canon Masterman is the best candidate for the Westminster Canonry. Mrs. Barnett has been asked to be an editor of a paper called Cloisterdom. Has AS also been asked?

13. 2 ALS from PRIVATE C.W. BARRATT. Dec. 1916. Both 1L. Barratt is applying for a Commission - will AS sign a certificate of suitability?

14. ALS, TLS from JAMES W. BARRETT. n.d. and 17 Feb. 1917. An article by AS has been published in Egypt. Problems of Commonwealth universities. Thoughts on the future of Australian politics. Cannot meet AS for dinner.

15. Correspondence with JOHN BARRINGTON-WARD. 26 March 1919-24 Nov. 1920. College Matters. Arrangements to meet. 2 of the letters are to Barrington-Ward from his children. 6 ALS, 1 TL copy.

16. ALS, TLS from FATHER BARRY. 19 Oct. 1917 and 28 Feb. 1921. Both 1L. Barry has returned to France and found AS's letter. Can AS attend a meeting at Barry's clerical college? With a TS programme for the meeting. 1L.

17. ALS from VERNON BARTLETT. 10 Jan. 1920. 1L. B.H. Sumner from All Souls will coach J.E. Hamilton. Can Balliol hall be used for a conference? With a printed notice of the conference, with Canon Masterman and Dr. A.W. Hamilton speaking.

18. ALS from G. BASKEYFIELD. 18 July 1918. 1L. Baskeyfield is going home to see friends and relations joining the army. He returns AS's books.

19. ALS from F. BATE. 17 Oct. 1919. 1L. Can AS chair the annual meeting of the Colonial and Continental Church Society?

20. ALS from LORD [?] BATH. 13 July 1919. 1L. Memories of the German town of Baden before the war.

21. ALS from CHARLES BATHURST. 10 March 1916. 1L. Bathurst will visit AS with his son. Oxford has been talked about by the Agricultural Policy Reconstruction Committee - can he talk with AS about this?

22. 2 ALS from ARTHUR A. BAUMANN. Both 13 Aug. 1917. Both 1L. Baumann is now editor of the Saturday Review. Will AS write an article on Fisher's Education Bill? He has seen that AS has already stated his views in The Daily News.

23. 7 ALS concerning a conference about education reform at BEACONSFIELD. 18 June-16 Dec. 1917. Letters from Rev. W.B. Trevelyan and E. Vincent about the conference. Letter of introduction of Trevelyan to AS by Lord Kilbracken. With a printed notice of previous Beaconsfield conferences.

24. TL copy of AS to, 2 ALS from R. BEAZLEY. 10-13 July 1920. Beazley is standing for the Headship of King's, London. Can he see AS? Arrangements to meet.

25. 2 ALS from JAMES BECK. 5 July and 6 Dec. 1916. Both 1L. Beck is coming to Oxford to see AS and Sir William Osler. He has published a new book. With TLS about Beck's travel arrangements from Claud Schuster. 6 July 1916. 1L.

26. ALS from H. BECKET. 7 Aug. 1918. 1L. Arrangements for AS's lecture as part of a Vacation Course at the Geography School.

27. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to H.C. BEECHING. "Weds," 13 and 16 Nov. 1917. All 1L. Beeching will send a copy of his lecture - his view on "the great poet" is opposed to Mackail's. Can AS help to get W.H. Hutton made Dean of Gloucester? AS is making inquiries.

28. 2 ALS from N.A. BEECHMAN of the Oxford University Liberal Club. 29 Oct. and 13 Nov. ?. Both 1L. Thanks AS for letting the club use the SCR for a dinner. Mr. Asquith will address the club. Arrangements for a meeting in the Town Hall. With printed letter about the Liberal Club.

29. TS copy of AS to PROFESSOR G.L. BEER. 14 June 1918. 2L. Can AS write a book on the USA for a series about the countries involved in the War.

30. 4 ALS, 1 TLS from, TL copy of AS to ETHEL BEHRENS. 7 July 1918-7 Oct. 1919. She enjoyed AS's address at the Synagogue. The activities of the Jewish Peace Society. The formation of the League of Religions for the Promotion of World Peace by the Society. Aims of the League. Hopes that it will be a counterpart to the League of Nations. With 5 printed letters and 7 TS sheets about the Society, the League and its members.

31. ALS from H. BEHRENS, chairman of the Governors of Bradford Grammar School. 13 May 1920. 1L. Can AS distribute prizes at the school's Prize Day?

32. 3 TLS from A.L. BELL of the War Office. 13 Jan.-20 Feb. 1919. All 1L. Thoughts on relations between the Army and Oxford. Agreeing with AS's views on the Army.

33. ALS from HILAIRE BELLOC. 27 Jan. 1921. 1L. Letter of introduction for Mr. Nickerson, an American studying mediaeval guilds.

34. ALS from FRANK BENSON. 20 Dec. 1917. 1L. Benson's brother is applying for the post of agent to Christ's Hospital. Can AS help?

35. Correspondence with R.H. BENSON. 19 May 1917-29 March 1920. Benson has read AS's article in The New Review. Is AS interested in economic theory? Thoughts on post-war economic policy - the question of "soft money." US financial policy. T.E. Hodgkin's views on an essay by Benson. Banking strategy. Arrangements to meet. A donation for the scheme to buy land at Cumnor. 9 ALS, 6 TLS, 1 telegram, TS copy of an article from The New York Chronicle 1 Nov. 1919 on US Federal Reserves, cutting from The Daily Telegraph 28 Nov. 1919 with a letter by Benson, cutting from The Times 23 March 1920 with a letter on banking by E. Cannan, 2 TS copies of an article from The Globe, n.d., "Eggs and Money," cutting from ?, n.d. on the bank of Australia. Correspondents include F.F. Urquhart, T.E. Hodgkin.

36. ALS from ERNESDT BERGHOLT. 15 Sept. 1918. 1L. Sending a brochure of Latin verse.

37. Correspondence with LT. GEN. SIR E. BETHUNE. 13 May-18 Sept. 1919. Bethune knows a young ex-soldier who might benefit from being at Balliol. Can AS help? 1 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 TL copy, 3 AMS notes (inc. advice from Cyril Bailey).

38. 2 ALS, 1 telegram from EDWYN BEVAN. 20 April-17 May 1917. Both 1L. Can AS come to the annual meeting of the London Society for the Study of Religion?

39. Printed notice by W.H. BEVERIDGE of publications about the National Insurance Act. n.d. 1L.

40. ALS from DONALD W. BEVES. 18 Dec. 1918. 1L. Can AS help Beves with employment? Can he visit AS?

41. 2 ALS from C.R.W. BIGGS. 26 Sept. and 2 Oct. (to Mrs. Smith) 1918. 1L. Problems of strikes, church attitudes to them. Glad Mrs. Smith can join the North Oxford National Kitchen Committee. Arrangements to meet.

42. 3 TLS from J.Hallam of West Riding council about the BINGLEY TEACHERS' VACATION COURSE. 1-19 March 1919. All 1L. Can AS give a lecture as part of the course? With a printed syllabus of the last course, held in 1916. 22p.

43. ALS from E.H. BINNEY. 24 Nov. 1918. 1L. Can AS give advice on work when Binney leaves the Royal Marines?

44. Correspondence from and about GUNNER E.T. BIRD. 7 Sept.-29 Dec. 1917. Bird is due to return to France, but is unfit for service. Can AS help secure a post teaching reserves at Brockton Camp? Bird's subsequent illness and hospitalization. 6 ALS, 1 TL copy, 1 TMS of Bird's nomination for the Education Scheme (2L), 1 envelope with AMS notes on Bird's service.


45. Postcard with photo of CAPT. BIRDLEE. Postmarked 25 Nov. 1917. From USA. No text. [Dbase code ALS02.002]

46. TLS from W.BIRKS. 26 march 1919. 1L. Can AS dine with Birks and graduates from McGill University?

47. Correspondence with the BIRMINGHAM CLERICAL SOCIETY and the BIRMINGHAM BROTHERHOOD FEDERATION. 5 Sept. 1916-4 April 1918. Can AS give lectures to the Clerical Society, and the Brotherhood? Bishop Hamilton-Baynes is in both. His work on the Diocesan Council of Social Services. Topics for AS's addresses. Travel arrangements. Sir William Ashley of the University may chair the Brotherhood meeting. 16 ALS, 2 TLS, 5 APS, 2 TL copies, printed notices of the Clerical Society and Brotherhood meetings/services.

48. ALS from the BIRMINGHAM RECONSTRUCTION LEAGUE. 3 June 1919. 1L. Can AS address their conference on adult education?

49. Correspondence about conferences held by BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY IMPERIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE. 28 July-20 Nov. 1916. The committee is holding 3 conferences on the political organisation of the Empire. Can AS attend? Letters from Prof. E.A. Sonnenschein organising the conferences. 9 ALS, 1 TLS, 3 APS, invitation card, printed letter from the Committee about the conferences, TMS of the resolutions of the Oct. 19th conference, cutting from The Gazette 20 Oct. 1916 on the views of the High Commissioner of Australia, Mr. Andrew Fisher, who spoke at the Oct. 19th conference, printed notice about forming a Russia Society for the Midlands.

50. Correspondence about BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY - INSTALLATION OF A NEW CHANCELLOR. 2-30 Nov. 1918. Lord Robert Cecil is the new Chancellor. Invitation from Sir O. Lodge, the Principal. Details of the ceremony. Printing of the speeches. 4 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 TL, 1 TL copy, invitation cards, luncheon menu, notice of the Presentation Speeches, programme for the ceremony.

51. ALS from HORACE BLACKLEY. 3 Jan. 1917. 1L. Criticism of a speech by AS on education.

52. 2 ALS and card from CAPTAIN LESLIE BLACKWELL. 12 and 14 Dec. 1918. Both 1L. Can AS show him Oxford? Thanks AS for his hospitality.

53. ALS from W.J. BLAKE. 20 Dec. 1919. 1L. Can AS give a lecture to the Norwich branch of the Historical Association?

54. TL copy of AS to H.E.D. BLAKISTON, the Vice-Chancellor. 4 May 1918. 2L. Declining an invitation to join a University Deputation.

55. 2 ALS from F. ARMAND BLAND. 3 Jan. 1916 and 23 Aug. 1917. Both 1L. Bland is visting from Australia as part of an Australian WEA scheme. With a letter of introduction and a photograph of Bland and AS. [Dbase code ALS02.003]

56. 2 ALS, 2 APS, 1 telegram from CANON S. BLOFELD. 29 Oct. 1919-2 Jan. 1920. All 1L. Can AS address a meeting of the Training College Association?

57. TL copy of AS to HAROLD BLOODWORTH. 5 Feb. 1920. 1L. Sorry he cannot address a meeting of The People's League. Suggests others to approach. With Bloodworth's card, printed pamphlet on The People's League.

58. Printed BOARD OF EDUCATION circular on the recruiting of teachers. 23 Feb. 1916.

59. ALS from HAROLD BOARDMAN. 4 Feb. 1919. 1L. Asks AS's advice on a career as an educationalist.

60. ALS from members of Balliol BOAT CLUB. 17 Feb. 1920. 1L. Thanking AS for being boat club treasurer.

61. TS notes for travel to a meeting in BOLTON. Oct., ?.

62. 2 ALS from EDWARD BOND of the North London Collegiate School. 5 and 14 Oct. 1918. Both 1L. Can AS give an address at the annual Prizegiving?

63. ALS from FLORENCE BOND. 8 Nov. 1916. 1L. Can AS attend a series of lectures?

64. TLS from FREDERICK BLIGH BOND. 2 Jan. 1920. 1L. He is not going to Glastonbury. Suggestions as to how to get in touch with Mr. Browne.

65. 2 ALS from ROBERT C. BOSANQUET. 11 and 14 Dec. 1918. Both 1L. Does AS know of anyone suitable for the post of Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool University [?].

66. ALS from S.BOSTICK. 5 April 1919. 1L. Asking for AS's views on a leaflet on village social councils (enclosed).

67. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to MRS. K.H. BOURNE. 14-17 July 1920. All 1L. Sorry they have not met in Oxford. Travel plans.

68. TLS from HENRY BOWLEY. 29 July 1918. 2L. The Department of Publicity has a scheme for giving addresses in schools about the War. Will AS take part? Can he suggest other speakers?

69. ALS from LT. F. BOWMAN, RN. 2 March 1919. 5L. Value of the study of geographical discovery. Lantern slides should be made widely available.

70. 6 ALS from W. BOYD CARPENTER. 29 March 1917-4 Oct. 1918. About meetings of the Dante Society and the London Diocesan Church Reading Union. With a printed pamphlet about the Reading Union (8pp).

71. TLS from Robert R. Hyde of the BOYS' WELFARE ASSOCIATION. 26 April 1918. 1L. About a Ministry of Munitions scheme of boys' welfare work.

72. 3 ALS from, TL copy of AS to the Headmaster of BRADFIELD COLLEGE. 13 Sept.-1 Nov. 1918. Arrangements for AS to preach to the pupils.

73. 2 ALS from BRASENOSE COLLEGE CHRISTIAN UNION. 9 June and 11 Oct. 1920. Both 1L. Can AS address a meeting of the CU?

74. 4 ALS from JAMES AND J.B. BREBNER. 8 Feb. 1919-7 Jan. 1921. Links between Toronto and Oxford. Brebner's son (JB) is at Oxford. His progress. M.D.C. Tait should do Greats before doing English. With a testimonial from AS to J.B. Brebner, TL copy of AS to James Brebner (3L).

75. ALS from M.L.R. BRESLAR. 4 Sept. 1918. 2L. Breslar is not coming to Balliol. Thoughts on various academics.

76. Printed declaration of reconciliation from Oxford to German and Austrian universities. With the name R. BRIDGES in pencil at the top (the author?). 28 June.

77. ALS from J. FRANCK BRIGHT. 21 July 1919. 1L. Thoughts on post-war reconstruction. Does Ruskin College need books? With a TL copy from AS offering the books to Ruskin College.

78. 3 ALS from EDITH BRINTON. 29 Sept.-20 Dec. 1919. All 1L. Personal and family news. Enquiries about the Smith family.

79. ALS from H. BRINTON. 17 Oct. 1920. 1L. Mr. Smillie's arguments about Trades Unions. Family news.

80. Correspondence with THE BRISTOL ASSOCIATION FOR INDUSTRIAL RECONSTRUCTION. 19 Aug. 1917-31 Jan. 1919. Arrangements for various lectures given by AS to the Association. 3 ALS, 9 TLS, 1 TL copy. With printed letter and notices about the Association and its lectures.

81. 2 TLS from Sir George Reid of the BRITISH EMPIRE CLUB. 1 Aug. 1916 and 13 Feb. 1917. Inviting AS to join. With TS list of members who joined at Reid's invitation.

82. 3 TLS from the BRITISH INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SERVICE. 13 Sept.-28 Nov. 1917. All 1L. Could AS talk and write an article on Reconstruction for Progress, the Institute's journal?

83. TLS from the secretary of the BRITISH-ITALIAN LEAGUE. 8 Oct. 1916. 1L. Would AS become a Vice-President of the League? With TS list of members, printed letter about the League, 3 printed notices and 2 invitation cards for various meetings and lectures.

84. ALS from F. Goodall of THE BRITISH TRADE REVIEW. 10 July 1917. 1L. Thanks AS for letting the journal interview him.

85. ALS from MAY BRODIE. 13 Nov. 1919. 1L. Sorry that AS could not come to a meeting at Lady Margaret Hall.

86. Correspondence to, and about RICHARD BROOK. 18 May 1918-31 March 1920. On various Oxford and government posts. Can AS address a Parade Service? General Davies has died - Brook sends a photo of him. Printing of a pamphlet. Capt. W.T. Carter's application to be editor of the Gibraltar Garrison Gazette and Garrison Librarian. Brook's applications for various posts inc. a living in London, Headmaster of Liverpool College. 8 ALS, 3 TLS, 2 TL copies, TS testimonial for Carter by AS, testimonials for Brook by AS, printed list of Liverpool College officials.

87. ALS from W.I. BROOKE. 21 March 1920. 2L. Can AS recommend a school or tutors for a boy in Brooke's parish?

88. ALS from J. ALGERNON BROWN. 10 Jan. 1918. 1L. Brown is coming to visit AS in Oxford.

89. ALS from REV. L. BRYAN BROWN. 25 July 1917. 1L Can AS chair a meeting in Abingdon?

90. Correspondence about MARGARET BROWN. 30 March-17 June 1920. Letters between AS, Lady Margaret Hall and Miss Brown's father about her possible entry to LMH. 4 ALS, 1 TL copy.

91. 2 ALS from, 2 ALS concerning VERA L. BROWN. 20 May-19 Dec. 1920. Miss Brown is researching colonial history. Can AS help her?

92. 1 ALS, 3 TLS from WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN. 24 July 1919-12 April 1920. All 1L. Thanks AS for his hospitality. The work of the Committee on the War and the Religious Outlook.

93. ALS from G.F. BROWNE. 5 Feb. 1919. 1L. He is glad he will be working on a committee with AS.

94. TLS from JAMES BRUBULL of Toronto University. 16 Oct. 1919. 2L. Asking after 2 Canadians who have gone to Oxford.

95. 2 ALS from HUBERT BRYANS. 29 Dec. 1917 and 9 May 1919. Both 1L. Thanks AS for his letter and a pamphlet on glass. Does AS know W. de Kilpeck, whom his son has met?

96. 2 TLS from V. SEYMOUR BRYANT. 4 and 12 Oct. 1918. Both 1L. Can AS suggest a Labour Member to sit on the Committee on the Neglect of Science?

97. ALS from N.A. BUCHANAN of the Oxford University Liberal Club. 17 Nov. ?. 1L. Thanks AS for his help with the club.

98. 4 ALS from THE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HERALD. 27 Feb.-9 April 1918. An MS of an article is being sent to AS.

99. ALS from P.B. BULL. 30 May 1919. 2L. Can AS help a boy dismissed from Lichfield College get a post in Oxford? Thanks AS for a report.

100. 3 ALS from A.E. BULLOCK. 17 Sept.-16 Oct. 1918. An educational conference run by the WEA, NUT and others is being held in Swindon - can AS give an address about adult education there?

101. Correspondence with, and concerning PROF. H.A. BUMSTEAD. 6 May-22 May 1918. Prof. Bumstead is Scientific Attaché at the US Embassy. Arrangements for his visit. 4 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 TL copy, TS programme for his visit.

102. ALS from EVELYN BURGE. 8 Aug. 1919. 1L Burge has used AS as a referee for his daughter.

103. ALS from, TL copy of AS to LT. R.G. BURKITT. 24 Feb. and 4 March 1919. Burkitt asks advice on entering university.

104. ALS from, TL copy of AS to JOHN BURNABY. 18 and 20 May 1920. Problems of representation of students under the Enabling Act.

105. 4 ALS from J.B. BURRELL. 31 July-3 Sept. 1919. All 1L. Thanks AS for his help. Can he use AS's name in an application for leave extension?

106. 1 ALS, 2 APS from CANON E.A. BURROUGHS. 5 Jan.-28 Dec. 1918. Can AS lecture to Instructor-Officers? AS's name is being used as part of an appeal. With pamphlet A Peace Offensive! by Burroughs. 8pp.

107. ALS from S.M. BURROWS. 15 Feb. 1921. 1L. Can a Scoutmasters' conference use Balliol hall?

108. ALS from H. ENTWISTLE BURY. 24 Dec. 1918. 1L. He remembers AS well. Sends details of a vocal therapy scheme. With a pamphlet for The "Vocal Therapy" Fund. 4pp.

109. 2 ALS from MISS H. BUSK of the Conference of Educational Associations. 5 Oct. and 4 Nov. 1919. Both 1L. AS is giving papers to the conferences. They will be printed afterwards.

110. TLS from HARCOURT BUTLER. 14 Dec. 1916. 5L. News on the situation in India.

111. ALS from HAROLD BUTLER. 29 July 1917. 1L. Butler is coming to Oxford to attend summer classes.

112. Correspondence from N.M. BUTLER of Colombia University, NY. 25 Oct. 1917-6 July 1920. News of the US war effort. Can AS attend a celebration at Colombia? The appointment of a Philosophy Professor for a year - suitable candidates (inc. J.A. Smith). Visits of US academics to Oxford. 3 ALS, 6 TLS, 1 TL copy, 1 telegram, 1 AMS copy of telegram.

113. TLS from WILLIAM F. BUTLER. 25 Feb. 1918. 1L. Can AS help find a translation of a poem of Pope Leo XIII by Andrew Lang? With TLS from AS to, ALS from F. Madan of the Bodeleian.

114. 2 ALS from F.S. BUTTON of the Committee on Production. 13 and 29 Nov. 1917. Both 1L. About a visit to Oxford. With 2 ALS from W.M. Lee about arranging the visit.

115. Correspondence from, and about WALLACE BUTTRICK of the US General Education Board. 5 July-17 Sept. 1917. About a visit to England and Oxford. Various letters of introduction for Buttrick. 2 ALS, 5 TLS.

116. Printed sheet with the inscription for a memorial tablet to C.S. BUXTON, Vice-Principal of Ruskin College. 1911.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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