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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters G


1. ALS from R.M. HAIG-BROWN. 7 Dec. 1917. 1L. Thanks AS for a visit [to the Oxford High School?].

2. ALS from G. HALFORD. 25 Nov. 1916. 1L. Halford is attending a meeting in Oxford but first wishes to submit a question to AS.

3. 6 ALS, 1 APS, 1 telegram from A.D. HALL. 25 Oct. 1915-25 May 1917. About various meetings in Oxford. Personal news. A letter to The Times about drink in army training camps. With printed invitation to a meeting with Hall in St. John's on landlords.

4. 3 ALS, 1 APS from JOHN R. CLARK HALL. 7 March-2 Dec. 1919. All 1L. Hall is planning a weekly Christian Labour journal. Can he discuss it with AS? With TLS letter of introduction to Hall from the Bishop of Southwark [H.M. Burge].

5. ALS from S. HALLING [?]. "Monday afternoon." 1L. Halling is the head teacher of Prince Olav of Norway. Can he meet AS?

6. TLS from J.W. HAMILTON. 17 March 1917. 1L. With envelope. Sends copies of letters by him about gifts to Commonwealth parliaments, an Imperial Soldiers' and Sailors' organisation, circulating economics leaflets. Also sending leaflets on celebrating the Treaty of Ghent and a plan to distribute "Self Help Leaflets."

7. Correspondence with the HAMPSTEAD GARDEN SUBURB INSTITUTE. 20 May 1917-15 March 1919. Concerning lectures given by AS, summer meetings in 1917 and 1919. Personal news from friends on the Committee including Henrietta Barnett, Canon Masterman, and an ALS from Prof. Vinogradoff about lecturing at the 1919 meeting. 6 ALS, 1 APS, 8 TLS, 1 TL copy, 5 printed pamphlets about the 1917 meeting, report of the Institute for 1918.

8. TLS, APS, visitor's card from, TL copy of AS to WILLIAM L. HARE. 15-23 Oct. 1917. All 1L. Hare is editor of The Ploughshare, a Quaker journal. Can AS write something? AS is wary of the "pacifist" tone of the journal. With ALS letter of introduction to Hare from W. Tudor Jones.

9. ALS from C. HARRIS. 12 Oct. 1917. 1L. About posts in the ASC and the Pay [?] Dept.

10. 3 ALS from EDITH M. HARRISON. 25 Jan.-28 Sept. 1918. All 1L. Can AS act as a referee for a scholarship?

11. ALS, 2 APS from J. HARRISON (father of Edith above). 29 Sept.-14 Oct. 1917. All 1L. Thanks AS for a visit and for sending various letters.

12. 2 ALS from LEO HART. 24 Oct. and 9 Nov. 1916. Both 1L. Hart enjoyed AS's lecture at Newcastle. Can he borrow the MS?

13. Printed Christmas greetings card from MR. AND MRS. HARTLEY. 25 Dec. 1916.

14. ALS from SIR HAROLD HARTLEY. [c.Jan. 1919?]. 1L. Sending a letter from Alfred Bovill, Chief Forest Officer for Cyprus, seeking a post in England.

15. ALS from K.[?] HARTLEY [brother of Sir Harold?]. 21 May 1918. 1L. Can AS answer some points on Russian history for a friend?

16. ALS from, TL copy of AS to LT.-COL. H.H. HARVEST. 24 and 29 June 1920. Both 1L. About the meaning of a Latin quotation.

17. 2 ALS from J.H. HARVEY. 31 May and 7 July 1917. Both 1L. About Harvey's military service. Can AS help a friend who wants to join the OTC?

18. 2 ALS from LEO HARVEY. 11 June 1916 and 14 July 1919. 1L and 2L. Harvey 's military service. Can AS help his application for a Commission? Can AS help him get a teaching post now the war is over?

19. 2 ALS from C.E. HASELFOOT. 19 Dec. 1916 and 18 June 1920. Both 1L. Balliol cadets are avoiding entrance fees to go skating. Can AS give a nomination for a friend's son for Christ's Hospital School?

20. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to C.P. HASTINGS of Rugby School. 16 June 1918 and 3 April ?. Boys at Rugby are helping with farm work - how will this affect scholarships. With cutting from The Advertiser and 2 TS cost sheets for the scheme. An article in The Comet [ Rugby's paper?]

21. ALS from C.R.M. HAWKESWORTH. 22 Sept. 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for asking Pickard-Cambridge for help.

22. ALS from E.S.P. HAYNES. 6 Feb. 1917. 1L. Does AS know any ex-Balliol lawyers who might be available for War Office work?

23. 2 ALS from, TS copy of testimonial for ELSIE B. HAYWARD. 7 and 9 May 1919. Both 1L. AS coached her in Political Science - can he write a testimonial? With TS note on Hayward by 'MT.'

24. ALS from F.H. HAYWARD, a Schools Inspector. 27 Sept. 1918. 1L. Sends articles by him from Education on religion in schools. With 2 pages from Education.

25. ALS and TLS from ARTHUR C. HEADLAM. 27 Aug. 1918 and 25 Jan. 1919. 1L and 2L. Sends a memo for the Church Finance Board. Turkey's retention of Constantinople and St. Sophia's.

26. Printed memo to the HEBDOMADAL COUNCIL on post-war courses. 23 Jan. 1917.

27. 2 ALS from C.B. HEBERDEN. 13 and 18 Feb 1920. Both 1L. Can AS sign a petition on the Responsions Statute for Convocation?

28. Telegram from Mr. Dewar announcing the death of SIR JOHN HECKLESS. 15 July 1920.

29. TLS from F.J.R. HENDY of the Teacher Training Dept. of the university. 24 Feb. 1921. 1L. Can AS address students on a teacher training vacation course?

30. ALS from H. HENSON, bishop of Hereford. 4 Feb. 1918. 1L. Problems of his appointment as bishop of Hereford.

31. Telegram from, TL copy of AS to and telegram to THE HERALD. 12 Nov. 1917. Can AS give views on the Labour movement forming a government?

32. TLS from J.H. HEWITT of the Ministry of Munitions. 25 Nov. 1916. 1L. Sorry he cannot visit AS.

33. 2 TLS and ALS from SPURLEY HEY. 4 Nov. 1916-16 Feb. 1917. Both 1L. Sorry he cannot visit AS - he has bronchitis. Arrangements to meet.

34. ALS and TLS from BERNARD O.F. HEYWOOD. 29 Aug. and 19 Sept. 1917. Both 1L. Can AS attend a Church meeting in Leeds?

35. ALS from B. HICKINBOTHAM. n.d. 1L. Returning a paper (to G.B. Whitaker).

36. ALS from S.B. HIGGINS. 8 April 1917. 1L. Thanks AS for a badge. News of Balliol's rowing successes.

37. 5 ALS from the HILLIARD children (Arden, Barbara, Heather, Margaret). 4 of 26 Dec. 1926, 1 of 9 Jan. 1921. Thanking AS for a present. News of Christmas activities.

38. AMS bill from HILLS & SAUNDERS photographers. 11 June 1919. 1L. 39. ALS and TMS essay (13L) from LT. A.B. HINTON. 23 Jan. 1919. 1L. Sending an essay on "The need for Increased Diffusion of Culture."

40. 3 ALS, 3 APS from THE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 24 Oct. 1916-18 Jan. 1919. All 1L. Can AS give the Annual Address for 1916? Can he come to a meeting in 1919?

41. 2 ALS, 1 APS from E. Jeffries Davis, secretary to the editors of HISTORY. 12 Dec. 1916-6 May 1919. Re AS's subscription to History. The publishing of his 1919 address to the Historical Association.

42. Carbon copy of AL announcing a meeting of the MODERN HISTORY FACULTY. 22 Feb. 1917. 1L.

43. Printed card announcing a meeting of the MODERN HISTORY TUTORS' ASSOCIATION. June ?

44. ALS and AMS note from E.S. Cartwright re visit by DR. F. HJELMGRIST, Chief Library Commissioner of Sweden. 6 Nov. 1920. Both 1L.

45. ALS from A.J. HOARE. 24 Feb. 1917. 1L. Hoare cannot visit AS.

46. TLS from, TL copy and AMS note of AS to L.T. HOBHOUSE. 13-15 Feb. 1921. All 1L. Can AS sign a memorial by General Cockerell on the Irish situation? With TS copy of the memorial (2L) and TLS from Hobhouse's son on the discontinuation of the memorial.

47. ALS and visitor's card from PROF. WILLIAM HOCKING of Harvard. 5 Sept. 1917. 1L. Hocking is in England studying war issues. With ALS letter of introduction by Cecil Spring-Rice.

48. 4 TLS from HAROLD HODGE of the Ministry of Reconstruction. 16 Dec. 1918-3 March 1919. All 1L. Can AS address the Liverpool Reconstruction Council about adult education?

49. ALS from CATHARINE HODGKIN. 4 Feb. 1917. 1L. Sorry AS cannot visit. Personal news.

50. 2 ALS from DOROTHY HODGKIN (daughter of AS). 17 July 1918 and ? Both 1L. Family news.

51. ALS from LUCY A. HODGKIN (mother of Robin Hodgkin, AS's son-in-law). 19 July 1918. 1L. Family news.

52. ALS from ROBIN HODGKIN (AS's son-in-law). 13 Oct. 1917. 1L. Thanks AS for books. Family news.

53. 2 ALS from FRANCIS H.B. HODGSON. 9 and 13 June 1920. Both 1L. Can AS help with how to spell "St. James'(s)"? With ALS and TS note from W.A. Craigie of the Oxford English Dictionary on the question.

54. 4 ALS from VIOLET L. HODGSON of Somerville College. 5 March-10 May 1917. All 1L. Can AS write a testimonial?

55. ALS, APS from D.G. HOGARTH. 22 and 27 May 1919. Both 1L. Can AS help find accomodation for a Syrian visitor?

56. 8 ALS from H.S. HOLLAND. 1916-1919 (most undated). All 1L. University matters. Arrangements to meet. Problems of Pacifists.

57. 2 ALS from MARJORIE HOLLINGS. 6 and 8 March 1917. Both 1L. She is applying to the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence - can AS write to Sir Julian Corbett for her?

58. 4 ALS, 1 TLS from, 3 ALS, 1 TLS about CAPT. E.R. HOLME of Sydney University. 12 Nov. 1918-14 Oct. 1919. Holme is involved in the education of Australian forces. Details of his visit to Oxford. Problems of Australian students whose courses have been disrupted by the war.

59. ALS from REV. A.C. HOLTHOUSE. 4 Feb. 1917. 1L. Can AS address a Lent service at South Benfleet?

60. ALS from H.G. HOLTON of the committee of "the Childrens' Party." 30 Dec. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS and Mrs. Smith for attending.

61. ALS from C.R. HONE. 22 Dec. 1918. 1L. Can AS address a Brighouse town meeting on the League of Nations?

62. 2 ALS from H.E. HOOPER. 13 and 20 March 1919. Both 1L. Hooper is visiting from America and wishes to discuss an educational scheme with AS. With ALS of introduction for Hooper from W.L. Courtney.

63. ALS from G.L.N. HOPE. 25 Feb. 1920. 1L. Hope has used AS as a reference for the Civil Service Commissioners.

64. ALS from S.G. HOPKINSON. 16 April 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for information about a professorship.

65. Correspondence from, on behalf of CAPT. A. BERESFORD HORSLEY. 20 Feb. 1917-27 June 1920. Can AS advise Horsley on a lecture to soldiers? Military news. Arrangements to meet. Views on skating. Can AS read papers and a letter by Horsley? News of Horsley's sons. 13 ALS, 5 TLS, 1 telegram.

66. 2 ALS, TLS from M.N. HORSLEY. 31 May-27 June 1920. All 1L. Arrangements to meet. News of Horsley's son.

67. ALS from, TL copy of AS to ROBERT F. HORTON. 7 and 12 Feb. 1918. 1L and 3L. Accusations made against Keatinge [a teacher?]. AS's reaction to Horton's marriage.

68. TLS, ALS from CARLTON HOWELL. 31 May and 9 Oct. 1919. Both 1L. Howell, an ex-teacher, is in the army in Siberia. Can he obtain articles by AS on education?

69. 2 ALS from U.S.F.V. HÜGEL. 1 July and 31 Aug. 1917. Both 1L. Arrangements for visiting AS.

70. 2 ALS from E.S. HUGHES. 20 Oct. and 22 Dec. 1916. Both 1L. Can AS send comments on Hughes' book?

71. ALS from HELEN C. HUGHES of St. Hilda's (to G.B. Whitaker). 2 May 1917. 1L. Concerning which students AS is coaching in Political Science.

72. ALS from KATHARINE HUGHES. 6 June 1917. 2L. Thoughts on the need for proper teacher training.

73. ALS, APS, cutting from A.J. Smallwood about HULL RELIGIOUS MEETINGS. 29 Sept. and 11 Oct. 1917. Both 1L. Can AS attend one of the Hull meetings, which are a continuation of the National Mission.

74. 3 ALS from W.H. HULTON. 22 Nov. 1917-17 Nov. 1919. All 1L. Thanks AS for his kindness. Arrangements to meet.

75. ALS from J[?]. G. HUMPHREYS. 13 Jan. 1917. 1L. Can Humphreys obtain AS's Historical Association address?

76. Correspondence about R.N.C. HUNT. 22 Jan.-5 May 1919. Hunt, a Cambridge man, may make a good history tutor. Can AS help? 3 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 TL copy, 6 AMS notes. Correspondents include F.F. Urquhart, A.E. Shipley (Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge).

77. 2 ALS from W.A. HUNT. 17 and 22 Jan. 1919. Both 1L. Can Hunt meet AS to discuss improvements in geography teaching?

78. 1 TLS, 4 ALS from C. HUNTINGTON. 30 Jan. 1918-11 Jan. 1919. 1L. Huntington sends greetings from G.H. Putnam. Is President Wilson going to speak in Oxford? Arrangements to meet.

79. TLS from W.H. HUSTLER. 14 May 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for helping his son enter University College.

80. Cutting of obituary to ALBERT HUTCHINSON from The Hull Times 28 Oct. 1918.

81. ALS from LLOYD C. HUTCHINSON about rowing crews. Friday ?. 1L.

82. ALS from WILLIAM D. HUTCHINSON. 13 Dec. 1919. 1L. Points in Bergson's philosophy. Post-war attitudes of Germans and Swiss.

83. Correspondence from LORD HYTHE. c.1917-1918 (most give no year). News of his military career, overseas postings. Arrangements to meet. Political news. Views on trade, food production. Copies of letters from Hythe to Mr. Long and Lord Milner on the Irish problem. 11 ALS, 2 TLS, 2 TL copies, 1 TS note, 2 telegrams.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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