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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters G


1. ALS from W.H.T. GAIRDNER. 1 May 1919. 1L. Sorry he cannot visit Oxford.

2. 4 ALS from, TL copy of AS to PROFESSOR GALANTE. 18 Jan. 1917-7 July 1919. Thanks AS for showing his party Oxford (with ALS from V. Scialoja). Can AS send a paper? What are the conditions for for foreign students who apply to Oxford?

3. 2 ALS, 1 APS from J.W. GAMLEN. 14 May 1919-10 July 1920. All 1L. Death of Gamlen's father. His application for a post. He has visited Tummel Bridge.

4. TLS from EDMUND G. GARDNER. 12 Jan. 1917. 1L. Can AS sign a petition protesting about air attacks on Venice?

5. ALS from J.S. GARDNER. n.d. 1L. Can AS advise Gardner on the research he is doing?

6. ALS from P. GARDNER. 20 Aug. 1916. 1L. Sends a programme for a church conference that is taking place at Lady Margaret Hall.

7. TLS with Christmas greeting from M.B. GAVRILOVIC. Christmas 1919. 1L.

8. Carbon-copied letter, ALS from PROF. W. GELDART. 9 Feb. and 29 Oct. 1917. 1L. Will AS sign a letter to The Times and The Manchester Guardian on Women's Suffrage and electoral reform? With a copy of the letter. Geldart will come to see AS.

9. ALS, 2 APS from R. GEORGE. 2 and 9 Feb. 1917, and 17 Nov. 1918. All 1L. Can AS visit and give an address? Thanks AS for speaking to a WEA meeting

10. ALS from AUBREY W. GIBBON. 22 Nov. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for the chocolates. News of his father's holiday in Switzerland.

11. 2 telegrams to COLONEL C.F. GIBBON. 19 Sept. 1917 and ? 1917. Concerning a visit to France by academics. AS is ill and cannot come.

12. ALS from CAPTAIN ENID GIBBON. 19 Dec. 1916. 1L. Thanks AS for coming to Redlands High School's prize-giving.

13. 4 ALS from HELEN GIBBON. 16 and 29 January, 9 May, n.d. [1921?] All 1L. Thanks AS for various books etc. News of her husband Henry. (See 14 below.)

14. 12 ALS, 1 TLS from HENRY H. GIBBON. 11 June 1918-3 May 1919. A Scottish holiday. Gibbon's return to military service. His progress in the cavalry corps. His views on the obsolesence of the cavalry. News of various actions inc. Cambrai. His return to England.

15. ALS from PHOEBE GIBBON. [Sister of Aubrey, daughter of Helen and Henry?]. 27 Dec. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for the chocolates. The Swiss holiday is good for their father.

16. 2 ALS, 1 APS from T.W. GILBERT. 4 Dec. 1916-29 March 1918. All 1L. Can AS attend various meetings. About an article on missing soldiers.

17. ALS from F.W. GILBERTSON. 18 Aug. 1919. 1L. Can AS lecture at Swansea Technical College?

18. TLS from, 2 TL copy of AS to DR. HENRY T. GILLETT. 14-18 Oct. 1920. About a lecture on the economic state of Germany by a German Professor. With ALS from P.E. Corbett with a list of those interested.

19. TLS from A.L. GLAZEBROOK. 7 July 1919. 1L. Apologies he could not come to Oxford.

20. 5 ALS from M.G. GLAZEBROOK. 1 Feb.-20 Nov. 1918. All 1L. Can AS give Douglas Eyre's address? He is most suited for the post at Ely college. Can he send references on the German church? Arrangements to meet.

21. ALS from W.M. GLOAG. 22 Feb. ? 1L. About Gloag's latest book.

22. Printed resolution on food control by GLOSSOP, HADFIELD AND HOLLINGWORTH TRADES COUNCIL. 21 Jan. 1917. 1L.

23. ALS from ELLEN M. GLOSSOP. 10 July 1919. 1L. Can AS speak at a meeting in Guildford?

24. ALS from AMY GODLEY (wife of A.D. Godley). 31 July 1919. 1L. Her husband is abroad. She will try to find copies of the Encænia address for AS.

25. 5 ALS from A.D. GODLEY. 20 Oct.-10 Aug. 1919. All 1L. About the use of the hall for an entertainment evening. About Mr Clynes. With a printed memorial to Godley in Latin, by Herbert Warren (1L).

26. TLS and telegram from, TL copy of AS to GENERAL ALIX L. GODLEY. 8-16 Jan. 1919. Can AS visit XXII Corps in France and give a lecture? With a form from the Military Permit Office, telegram from Dabell who is going to XXII Corps.

27. 2 ALS from P.S. Allen and A.B. Poynton about an archaeological dig at GODSTOW. May 1920.

28. Invitation card to a dinner of THE GOLDSMITHS' COMPANY. 16 March 1921.

29. 2 TLS from, TL copy of AS to MAUD M. GOOCH. 22 Nov. 1916, and 3 and 18 Dec. 1918. All 1L. Lunch arrangements. Can AS give out prizes at The Borough Polytechnic?

30. ALS from H.H. GORDONBLACK [?]. 2 June 1919. 1L. He is visiting Bamburgh.

31. ALS from COL. GORELL. 4 March 1920. 1L. He will write to Cyril Bailey about overseas students. He has written to "The Oxford Correspondence College" - he dislikes the idea of it. With TL copy of the letter.

32. ALS from A.W. GOUGH. 14 Dec. 1920. 1L. About points in a pamphlet by Gough.

33. 4 ALS, 4 TLS from G.W. GOUGH. 28 Dec. 1916-31 Dec. 1920. Sending an article by him on Oxford dons in the Daily Mail (with cutting). About poems by Gough. Can Gough interview AS for the British Trade Review? Sending a book and a cutting from The Daily Telegraph with an article by Lord Birkenhead.

34. ALS from LEWIS GOULBURN. 16 June 1920. 1L. His son Denys Radford [see R4] is going to New College. With ALS from Radford to AS.

35. 2 ALS, 1 circular letter, TL copy of AS to John Barrington-Ward of Christ Church about restarting the GRADUATE HOCKEY CLUB. 30 May-3 June 1920. All 1L.

36. 2 ALS from REV. CECIL GRANT of St. George's School, Harpenden. 21-24 Oct. 1918. Both 1L. Can AS come and lecture about WEA work?

37. ALS from MICHAEL GRAVES. 1 April 1917. 1L. Can AS open a meeting discussing the Archbishop's Committee's Church and State report?

38. 2 TLS, TL copy of G.B. Whitaker to J.A. Craig, editor of GREAT THOUGHTS. 21 Feb.-6 March 1918. Concerning an article by AS on the reconstruction of education. With TMS of the article (7L), AMS corrections (1L) and a receipt.

39. 2 ALS, 1 TLS from A.S. GREEN. 14 Nov. 1916, 3 Jan. 1917, 9 Jan. 1919. All 1L. Sorry he missed AS's lecture at Bedford college. Dinner arrangements.

40. ALS from FLORA GREENING of Temple Cowley Boys' School. 9 Oct. 1919. 1L. Can AS help set up a gymnasium for the school?

41. AL copy by ? to GREENWOOD, saying he can stay in college. 13 Feb. ?

42. ALS and telegram from ARTHUR GREENWOOD of the Ministry of Reconstruction. 23 Nov. 1916 and 7 Sept. 1918. Both 1L. About a meeting in Leeds, and articles for the New Zealand Division educational journal.

43. Correspondence with, and about CAPT. J.Y.T. GREIG. 11 July 1919-19 Feb. 1920. Greig is applying for posts, but his strong political views are a problem. 5 ALS, 1 APS, 2 TL copies, TS CV of Greig, letter of introduction, cutting from The Nation.

44. ALS from EARL GREY OF FALLODEN. 9 Sept. 1917. 1L. Can AS visit him at Falloden?

45. ALS from FANSHAW GRIFFITHS. 27 October 1916. 1L. Introducing Francis Krull, a US Commissioner.

46. 8 ALS from JOHN S. GRIFFITHS. 24 Dec. 1916-24 Dec. 1919. Views on papers by AS, politics etc. A visit by AS to Bristol. Griffiths visits AS in Oxford.

47. 3 ALS from MAUD A. GRIFFITHS. 7 May-26 June 1918. Can AS lecture to King's Norton WEA? With a printed programme.

48. 3 ALS from OLIVE M. GRIFFITHS [daughter of John Griffiths?] 18 June 1917, 28 Dec. ?, March 1918. "Delightful" letters - a visit to the zoo, books sent by AS etc.

49. Printed letter about the anniversary dinner of the GROUPE INTER-UNIVERSITAIRE FRANCO- BRITANNIQUE. 1 July 1919. 1L.

50. 6 ALS, 1 APS from W.E.U. GROVE. 24 Sept 1917-29 Jan. 1919. Grove's demobilisation, application for various posts. With his application to be Chief Constable of Essex (6L).

51. 3 TLS from L. Hunt, editor of THE GUARDIAN. 21 Dec. 1917-18 Jan. 1918. All 1L. Can AS write an article for The Guardian's new educational supplement?

52. TLS from C.H. GUNLING. 14 May 1920. 1L. Can AS advise on educational and social books to buy for Woolich Library? With TS booklist (2L).

53. 6 ALS from, TL copy of AS to MISS GUNTER. 8 March 1917-7 Nov. 1920. The question of degrees for women who studied at Oxford when no degrees were given to women. Should they get Honorary MAs? The case of Maud Royden. With ALS from Miss A. Rogers about Royden. About a teacher instruction course (with printed syllabus, AMS list of English courses, AMS list of History examiners.)

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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