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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters L


1. APS with Christmas greeting from ROBERT LAACHE. 22 Dec. 1916.

2. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to CANON T. LACEY. 17 Feb.-14 April 1920. All 1L. Can AS lecture on behalf on the Worcester Hospital Fund?

3. ALS from ALFRED LAMBERT. 16 Aug. 1917. 1L. Can Lambert get a transcript of a speech by AS at Caxton Hall?

4. 2 APS from REV. PHILIP LANCASHIRE. 2 and 22 Sept. 1920. Can AS advise him on a book about economics?

5. 6 TLS from Francis Stopford, editor of LAND AND WATER. 14 Dec. 1916-3 Feb. 1917. All 1L. Publishing of articles by AS on education, and the working man and the Empire.

6. TLS and printed list of members from THE LAND UNION, with copies of signatures of Lord Desborough and other members. 28 Aug. 1918. 2L. Objects of the Land Union. Details of recent cases.

7. 2 ALS from SIR RAY LANKESTER. 2 July and 20 Nov. 1917. 1 and 2L. Views on Natural Science teaching. Linguistic points in an essay on Natural Science in Education by AS. With AMS note from Arthur Pickard-Cambridge to AS (n.d., 1L) on Lankester's points.

8. 2 ALS from GEORGE LANSBURY. 13 May and 1 June 1919. Both 1L. Friends of Lansbury's have formed the "Arts League of Service." Is AS interested? With printed brochure (7pp). News of friends of Lansbury's at Oxford.

9. ALS from V.R. LANSUIGH [?]. 22 March 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for a visit to Oxford.

10. 8 ALS, TL copy of AS to MISS L. LARDELLI. 8 Sept. 1917-22 Feb. 1920. News of acquaintances. Can he use AS as a referee for headship and tutorship applications? News of her applications. The issue of degrees for women. With ALS from Miss A. Rogers (26 Feb. 1920) about the problem.

11. Correspondence with, and about COL. G.N.W. LASCELLES. 21 July 1919-10 Oct. 1920. Thoughts on Oxbridge Commissions, the League of Nations. Lascelles' appointment to the C-in-C's staff in India. Thought and news about India. The choice of prep school for his son - inc. advice from Cyril Bailey. Thoughts from India sent for the Commonwealth club. 7 ALS, 1 TLS, 2 TL copies, 1 TS note, 2 telegrams, printed pamphlet about Winchester College.

12. 2 ALS from HAROLD LASKI. 13 June and 10 Sept. 1918. 1L and 2L. Suggestions for forging closer links between Oxford and American universities.

13. 2 ALS, 1 telegram from J. LAWRENCE LAUGHLIN. 20-c.27 March 1919. All 1L. Arrangements and thanks for a visit to Oxford.

14. ALS from R. LAURENCE [?]. 20 Feb. 1918. 1L. Sending proofs to AS.

15. TLS from A. Ramage of the LEAGUE OF FAITH AND LABOUR. May 1919. 1L. The League is organising a conference on Christianity and Industry. Can AS attend?

16. TS programme for a conference of the LEAGUE OF RELIGIONS. 5 Nov. 1919. 3L.

17. TLS from F.M. Green of THE LEAGUE OF THE CHURCH MILITANT. 7 June 1920. 1L. Can AS write a letter for the League's journal supporting the admission of women to lay duties?

18. 3 ALS, 2 APS from J. Massie, 2 ALS from Lord Leigh, 2 ALS from R. Luscombe, 1 ALS from M. Hare about LEAMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL prize-giving. 15 Aug.-28 Nov. 1917.

19. 2 TLS from W. Ewart Owen of LEAMINGTON LITERARY SOCIETY. 12 May and 2 June 1919. Both 1L. Can AS be President of the Society for a year?

20. 2 ALS from SIR STANLEY LEATHES. 25 June and July 3 1917. Both 1L. Can Leathes meet AS to talk about Modern Languages?

21. 2 TLS from W. Farr, 1 ALS from A.E. Lewis about the LEEDS LUNCHEON CLUB. 5-18 Sept. 1918. All 1L. With Annual Report 1917-1918. 16pp.

22. Annotated TLS from A. Dobson of the LEEDS PARISH CHURCH PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL. 12 Nov. 1920. 2L. The council is preparing a book of messages by prominent men to help missionary work. Will AS contribute a message.

23. ALS from A.W.A. LEEPER. 29 Jan. 1920. 1L. Can AS meet 2 members of the Rumanian Peace Delegation? Leeper will visit Oxford soon - he has been busy at the Paris Peace Conference. With ALS (2 March 1920, 1L) from N. Forbes about a Rumanian-speaker.

24. ALS from L.G. WICKHAM LEGG. 15 Nov. 1920. 1L. Arrangements for a complimentary dinner for Ernest Barker.

25. 2 ALS from, 1 TL copy of AS to W. Bedingfield of LEICESTER ROTARY CLUB. 24-29 Sept. 1920. Can AS address the Club on the plans for the new Leicester University? With cutting from the Leicester Post 21 Sept. 1920 on the plans and aims of the new university.

26. ALS from, TL copy of AS to MRS. A.M. LEIGH. 17 and 19 Nov. 1918. Both 1L. On openings for her daughter to become a WEA tutor.

27. ALS from R. LENNARD. July 27 ?. 1L. Thanks AS for writing to The English Review on his behalf.

28. 4 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 APS from GEORGE H. LEONARD. 24 March 1916-22 Oct. 1919. Can AS suggest anyone for the Principalship of the Central Hindu College? Appointments at Bristol University. Other matters concerning Bristol University. Can AS visit the University?

29. ALS from MARY LEONARD (wife of George). 4 April 1917. 1L. Will AS stay with the Leonards when he visits Bristol?

30. 5 ALS from A. ELIZABETH LEVETT of St. Hilda's. 9 Nov. 1917-30 May 1920. All 1L. A proposed Research Fellowship. A case of measles in St. Hilda's. Can AS write a reference for application to the Principalship of Newnham College? With 2 ALS from Margaret Deanesly of Newnham (27 Feb. and 6 March 1920), TL copy of AS to Deanesly (2 March 1920), TS reference for Levett by AS, 2L of TS notes by Hilda Ashmore on a Research Fellowship.

31. 3 ALS, 1 TLS from A.E. LEWIS. 25 Nov. 1916-15 Jan. 1920. Thanks AS for an address. News of his son. Arrangements for visits.

32. 3 ALS from M. GAYNOR LEWIS of Somerville College. 22 Feb.-21 March 1917. All 1L. Can AS write a testimonial for her?

33. 3 ALS from, TL copy of testimonial for MARY LEYS ex of Somerville College. 20 April-2 May 1919. Can AS write her a testimonial?

34. 4 ALS about LIANG CHI-CHAO. 3-17 June 1919. Letters of introduction from Ronald Macleay of the British Peace Delegation. Liang is in Paris with the Chinese party. he wishes to study English politics - can AS see him. Letters from Liang's secretary arranging his visit. With printed pamphlet about Liang (5pp).

35. 7 ALS, 6 TLS from, TL copy of AS to the Oxford branch of the LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION. 23 Nov. 1916-6 Nov. 1918. Arrangements for meetings. Will AS be patron of a fund-raising play? With invitation cards, printed circular letter, printed pamphlet (8p), 2 AMS notes, TS agenda (3L).

36. ALS from J. LIGHT. 20 July 1920. 1L. Can AS address a conference of Jewish students?

37. 8 ALS, 4 telegrams concerning education lectures in LINCOLN. 25 Nov. 1916-7 March 1917. All 1L. Lectures organised by J.O. Johnston. Also ALS from T.C. Fry, M. Little. With notes on trains (3L).

38. ALS from A.D. LINDSAY. 28 Dec. 1917. 1L. Thanks AS for a gift. Family news.

39. ALS from E. LINDSAY (wife of A.D. Lindsay). 24 Dec. ?. 1L. Thanks AS for Christmas presents. Family news.

40. 2 ALS from A.G. LITTLE. 6 and 19 June 1920. Both 1L. Returns a book. News of his work on Mediaeval French scholasticism. Sends a copy of his Ford Lectures for the library.

41. ALS from ZAIÏA LIUDE of St. Hugh's College. 18 June 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for a testimonial.

42. 3 ALS from, TL copy of George Whitaker to Richard Brook, Principal of LIVERPOOL COLLEGE. 4-15 March 1920. Arrangements for AS to speak on and discuss "The Education of our Masters" with the pupils. With envelope with train times, AMS note on arrangements.

43. Correspondence with the LIVERPOOL DIOCESAN BOARD OF DIVINITY. 7 April 1918-16 April 1919. Letters from Canon J.T. Mitchell and the Bishop of Liverpool [F.J. Chavasse] inviting AS to give "The Liverpool Lecture" for 1919. 5 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 TL copy, printed brochure, 2 printed notices about lectures by the Board.

44. 1 TLS from, TL copy of AS to A.F. Shepherd of LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY. 5 and 14 May 1920. About increasing the scope of education. An appeal to help Liverpool's funds. With proof of article "Enlarge the Modern Universities" by Shepherd, memo and manifesto (8pp) from Liverpool University on their appeal and expansion.

45. Correspondence about LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY - APPOINTMENT OF A NEW VICE-CHANCELLOR. 12 Jan.-30 April 1919. Mainly correspondence between AS and Prof. Hugh R. Rathbone of Liverpool University, and AS and H.W.C. Davies. Davies and Gen. H. Hartley are being considered for the post. 10 ALS, 1 TL, 2 TL copies, 1 telegram, 1 TS transcript of a telegram.

46. 2 ALS from, 2 TL copy of George Whitaker to C.W. Bailey of THE LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY CLUB. 13 Jan.-15 March 1920. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to dine with the Club and lecture on "Adult Education."

47. ALS from C. LIVINGSTONE. 2 July 1918. 1L. Can AS preside over a local meeting of the Life and Liberty Movement?

48. ALS from F.J. Ind of the LOCAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL. 13 April 1920. 1L. Can AS address a public meeting organised by the Council?

49. ALS, APS, TLS from W. LOCK, Warden of Keble College. 4 May-12 Oct. 1917. All 1L. AS has promised to read a paper on the Archbishop's Committee to the Tutors' Association.

50. 9 ALS from E.C. LODGE of Lady Margaret Hall. 28 Nov. 1916-25 Feb. 1919. All 1L. Organising a committee to discuss national education reform. Tuition arrangements. AS is to give a speech to a headmistresses conference.

51. 2 ALS from JOHN LODGE. 9 and ? June 1917. Both 1L. Views on religion, politics etc. Enclosing several cuttings, mainly on the death of Sir Joseph Lyons.

52. ALS from M.M. LODGE. 22 Dec. 1916. 1L. Can AS coach him for his B.A. Honours exam at London?

53. TLS from OLIVER LODGE. 24 Oct. 1916. 1L. Will send AS a copy of his book on investigations into "physical happenings."

54. 4 ALS from RICHARD LODGE. 19 Feb. 1917-2 July 1920. All 1L. Memories of AS at Christ's Hospital. Arrangements to meet. Family news.

55. 3 ALS, 1 APS from A.H. Blake of the LONDON AND COUNTRY RAMBLING SOCIETY. 5-19 April 1919. All 1L. Arrangements for a visit of the Society to Oxford.

56. TLS from, TL copy of AS to THE BISHOP OF LONDON [A.F. Winnington-Ingram]. 1 and 5 Feb. 1919. 1L and 2L. Can AS be part of a committee to consider the uses of city churches?

57. Correspondence with LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL, mainly with Sir Robert Blair, Education Officer. 15 May 1917-19 May 1919. Arrangements for lectures to teachers. Can AS suggest an American lecturer? Can AS lecture on adult education and reconstruction? 8 ALS, 1 AL copy, 3 TLS, 3 TL copy, 1 telelgram, 2 printed sheets on proposed lectures for teachers, copy of the LCC "Handbook of Classes and Lectures for Teachers" 1919 (24pp).

58. TLS from Rev. N.E. Egerton Swann of the LONDON DIOCESAN COUNCIL. 12 March 1919. 1L. Can AS address a London churchpeoples' meeting about the Archbishop's Committee Report?

59. 4 TLS, 1 APS from A. Ramage of LONDON UNIVERSITY. 17 Feb.-8 June 1917. All 1L. Can AS address an Extension summer school about Reconstruction? Advice on other suitable lecturers. With printed notice about the summer school (1L), printed pamphlet on London University's tutorial classes for working people (4p).

60. TL copy of AS to JOHN LONG. 27 June 1918. 1L. About a letter by Long saying that AS extolls German education. With a cutting from The Staffordshire Advertiser 22 June 1918 of a letter from Long about the Scout Movement.

61. 2 ALS from EMILY LONG-BURNS [?]. 14 and 18 Jan. 1921. 1L and 2L. Arrangements to meet. News of friends.

62. 7 ALS, 1 TLS from LONGTON UNIVERSITY EXTENSION GUILD. 8 July-2 Oct. 1917. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to give an address on "Educational Reconstruction."

63. 3 ALS from RALPH G. LOUNSBURY. 7-13 May 1919. All 1L. Arrangements to meet. With ALS of introduction from Prof. M.C. Abbott of Yale.

64. Correspondence about a visit to Oxford by PROF. ARTHUR LOVEJOY of John Hopkins University, Baltimore. 6 April-11 May 1918. Arrangements with the Ministry of Information for a meeting on 14 May organised by AS and S. Ball of St. John's. Cancellation of the meeting. 2 ALS, 6 TLS, 2 TL copies, 16 small cards/letters from various Oxford academics saying if they can attend the meeting.

65. 2 ALS, TLS from N.[?] LOVETT. 9 Oct. 1918-16 Feb. 1919. All 1L. Can AS give a lecture in Southampton?

66. 4 ALS from SIR SIDNEY LOW. 22 July 1917-1 Oct. 1920. About essays by Low. Thoughts on Empire. Low's application for a Chair. With ALS from R. Coupland (6 Oct. 1920, 1L) about Low's application.

67. TLS from A. LAWRENCE LOWELL of Harvard University. 26 April 1920. 1L. He will help the Oxford University British-American Club. He is coming to England.

68. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to C. LOWRY. 4-28 Dec. 1918. N. Hammerling is too ill to sit Responsions. Advice on a history text book for Tonbridge School Sixth Form.

69. 3 ALS, 2 TLS from, TL copy of AS to SIR CHARLES LUCAS. 19 Aug. 1918-29 June 1920. An address to the Royal Colonial Institute. Lucas should take his MA. Thanks AS for being invited to address a group of undergraduates. A committee concerned with the study of the Empire. With ALS from Sir Harry Wilson of the Royal Colonial Institute (4 Oct. 1918, 1L), printed pamphlet on "School Examinations and Imperial History" (7p). 70. APS from J.F. LUCKRAFT. 24 April 1918. Did AS leave his coat in a railway carriage?

71. ALS from RICHARD R. LUDLOW. 6 March 1920. 1L. Arrangements to meet.

72. ALS, 5 TLS from THEODORE R.W. LUNT. 7 Dec. 1916-12 July 1920. His sick leave from the army. The work of the United Council for Missionary Education. Arrangements to meet. With TS schemes of books to be published by the Council (9L).

73. ALS from SUSAN LUSHINGTON. 21 Jan. 1918 [?]. 3L. About a memoir of her father that AS was writing.

74. ALS from D.C. LUSK. 29 May 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for a dinner invitation.

75. ALS, 2 APS from A.E. LYNAM. 2-28 Nov. 1918. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to give an address at Oxford Preparatory School.

76. 2 ALS from C.C. LYNAM [son/brother of A.E. Lynam?]. 3 Nov. 1920 and n.d. Both 1L. Can AS attend the unveiling of the school's War Memorial Cross? Returning a paper to AS.

77. 7 ALS from M.G. LYNE of Somerville College. 18 May 1917-10 March 1918. All 1L. Coaching arrangements. Can AS write a testimonial for her?

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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