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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters M


1. ALS from DONALD MACALISTER, Vice-Chancellor of Glasgow University. 6 May 1919. 1L.
AS is to be made an LL.D of St. Andrew's.

2. 6 ALS from, AMS copy of telegram of AS to R.W. MACAN, Master of University College. 14 June 1917- 17 June 1919. All 1L. Can AS chair an address by Albert Mansbridge? News of the meeting at Bedford, attended by H.A.L. Fisher and Lord Sandwich. University matters.

3. ALS from JOHN MacCUNN. 1 Jan. 1918. 1L. MacCunn was unable to officiate at a lecture given by AS in Glasgow.

4. ALS from, TL copy of AS to C.D. MACDONALD. 27 Jan. and 3 Feb. 1919. 1L and 3L. Can MacDonald, an Australian soldier, study English, Ethics and Economics at Balliol when discharged? Advice on the course, funds etc.

5. 3 ALS, 1 telegram from PROF. WILLIAM MACDONALD of Brown University. 3-17 May 1917. 1L. MacDonald is studying British government administration and education. Can he visit AS? With TLS of introduction from Arthur Steel-Maitland (30 April 1917, 1L).

6. 2 ALS, 2 TL from CHARLES MACINNES. 14 Oct.-20 Nov. 1919. MacInnes has graduated from Balliol and is now teaching in Bristol. Arrangements to meet AS in Bristol. Sorry that AS cannot give an address.

7. 2 ALS from ELLA MACKAIL. 16 July 1920 and 14 June ?. Both 1L. Thanks AS for a booklist. News of a holiday.

8. 3 ALS from, 2 TL copy of AS to SGT. A.L. GORDON MACKAY. 5 Jan.-13 Feb. 1919. Mackay, an Australian soldier, wishes to take an MA in Oxford after his discharge. Can AS help?

9. 2 TL, 1 ALS from M.H. MACKENZIE of St. Hugh's. 8-13 March 1918. All 1L. Can AS write a testimonial?

10. ALS from ELSIE [?] McLAREN. 16 March ?. 1L. Sends Sir George Paish's address. Thanks AS for a letter.

11. 2 ALS from R.A. MacLEAN. 28 April and 13 Sept. 1919. Both 1L. MacLean wishes to come to Oxford to do "special work." His appointment to McGill University.

12. ALS from J.S. McLENNAN. 22 May 1918. 1L. Can McLennan call on AS?

13. 2 ALS, 5 TLS from J.D. McLURE of Mill Hill School. 1 March 1917-18 Feb. 1918. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to attend the school's Foundation Day. Notes on H.A.L. Fisher's education work for The Morning Post. With AMS note of train times (1L).

14. 2 ALS from EDITH K.A. MACRAE. 2 and 8 Jan. 1920. 5L and 1L. She has enjoyed hearing AS speak. Reactions to Labour and the working class. Personal news. Thanks AS for a pamphlet.

15. 2 ALS from F. MADAN, Sub-Librarian of the Bodleian Library. 25 Jan. and 26 Sept. 1919. Both 1L. About a typist. Enquiries to him at the Bodleian.

16. ALS from GEOFFREY MADAN. 4 June ?. 1L. Finding a room for a guest of Madan's.

17. 5 ALS, 1 APS from HELEN MADELEY. 2 March 1919-22 Sept. 1922. All 1L. Can AS address a summer school about Reconstruction? Progress of her book The Civic Orientation of History Teaching. AS suggests a new title. With TS and AMS scripts of a short introduction to the book by AS, and full printers' proof of the book, History as a School of Citizenship.

18. ALS, printed Christmas greeting from M. MAHMOOD. 11 Feb. 1921 and n.d. Both 1L. Can he see AS? With AMS note to Cyril Bailey.

19. 2 ALS from Ethel Heckford of MAIDSTONE WEA. 2 and 20 March 1917. Both 1L. Arrangements for AS to address a meeting.

20. ALS from ELIZABETH W. MALLET. 11 Dec. 1916. 1L. Can AS visit when he is in Bristol?

21. 3 ALS from, 3 TL copies of AS to C.E. Storrs of MALVERN COLLEGE. 24 Jan.-17 March 1920. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to present a paper to the Master's Discussion Society at the school.

22. Receipt for lecture expenses from MANCHESTER COLLEGE. 19 Oct. 1917.

23. 2 ALS from the MANCHESTER PIONEERS' CLUB. 17 and 25 Jan. 1917. 3L and 1L. Can AS address the club (a society for working women).

24. Correspondence with MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY. 2 Nov. 1916-10 Feb. 1917. Arrangements for AS to give a lecture as part of a series of Public Lectures. 3 ALS, 1 APS, 3 TLS, 2 telegrams, printed programme for the lecture series.

25. 5 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 APS, 2 TPS from ALBERT MANSBRIDGE of the WEA. 3 Feb. 1917-9 Jan. 1921. Visiting arrangements. His resignation from the Tutorial Classes Committee. Thanks for visits and letters.

26. 2 printed notices of a church conference at MANSFIELD COLLEGE, 7-9 Jan. 1920.

27. ALS from C.S.W. MARCON [?]. 6 March 1921. 1L. News of his job. He has a temporary post at Loretto. With AMS note by AS to Cyril Bailey.

28. 3 ALS, 1 printed invitation from LADY LUCY MARKBY. 1-15 May 1918. All 1L. Arrangements for a charity event at her home.

29. Correspondence from VIOLET MARKHAM. 28 Oct. 1916-16 April 1920. She is to address a students' meeting on the new Toynbee Hall. On making a will. The progress of Toynbee Hall. Her work at the Women's Service Department. News of her husband. Suggestions for possible women magistrates. 7 ALS (inc. 2 from J. St.G. Heath, Warden of Toynbee Hall), 4 TLS, 3 TL copies, 1 AMS note, fragment of TS programme for the Toynbee Hall meeting, printed annual report for Toynbee Hall 1915-16 (4L).

30. Printed memorial and covering letter protesting against changes in the MARRIAGE LAWS. 10 Dec. 1917.

31. 2 ALS, 3 TLS from J.A.R. MARRIOTT of the University Extension Delegacy. 4 Nov. 1916-10 March 1917. [The ALS are from much earlier, when Marriott was at Worcester College.] All 1L. About a map of AS's which has been damaged and which Marriott's scout has hidden. Debates about the subject for the Delegacy's summer meeting. An extension meeting at Banbury.

32. 14 ALS, 1 TLS from, TL copy of AS to C.H.K. MARTEN of Eton College. 2 Nov. 1916-14 March 1920.
Thanks for letters. Questions over a geography teacher. Arrangements for a small conference on history teaching. Organisation of a summer course for history teachers. Lectures by AS. News of various students. With 1 ALS from his sister (Sept. 1917, 1L).

33. ALS from A.L. MARTIN. 13 June 1919. 1L. Sending a pamphlet [?, now missing] on the Enabling Bill.

34. ALS from MURIEL MASEFIELD. 12 Dec. 1918. 1L. About an article on peasant proprietors recommended by AS.

35. 3 ALS from CHARLOTTE M. MASON. 6 Jan.-19 May 1917. Research into children's learning abilities.

36. ALS from H.W. MASSINGHAM of The Nation. 26 April 1920. 1L. Sending a declaration by Russian intellectuals. With proof of the declaration (1L).

37. 2 ALS, 1 APS, 1 TLS from CANON J.H.B. MASTERMAN. 2 Jan. 1916-1 Dec. 1917. About a series of Christian tracts for the working class. With printed letter (1L).

38. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to LEONARD MATHESON. 10-13 Oct. 1920. All 1L. Can AS sign a letter on Ireland? With TS of the letter (1L).

39. ALS from P.E. MATHESON. 18 Oct. 1919. 1L. News of E.T. Cook and AS's sister-in-law.

40. TLS, APS from BASIL MATHEWS. 6 and 16 May 1918. About tickets to hear H.H. Asquith at the Sheldonian.

41. 2 ALS from J.H. MAUDE. Both 26 Oct. 1917. Both 1L. Arrangements to meet.

42. ALS from EMILY L. MAYGEL [?]. 8 Sept. 1918. 2L. Thoughts on various educational points, ie mixed education, apprenticeships etc.

43. TLS from PROF. D.J. MEDLEY of the YMCA in France. Dec. 1918. 1L. Can AS write an article on citizenship for the troops?

44. 4 ALS from, TL copy of AS to A. MEIKLEJOHN of Amherst College. 24 July-4 Oct. 1919. Meiklejohn wishes to learn about the Oxford exam system. Arrangements to meet. With ALS from S.M. Buchanan to AS about Meiklejohn's visit.

45. 2 ALS from, TS copy of a testimonial for WINIFRED MERCIER. 31 Jan.-5 Feb. 1918. Mercier is applying for a job at North London School.

46. TL copy of AS to, 2 ALS, TLS from R.B. MERRIMAN. 14 June 1918-24 July 1920. Can Merriman write a book on South America? Views on US politics. Personal news.

47. ALS from C. MERRY. 9 July 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for showing him Oxford.

48. ALS from MARJORY MERTON. "Weds." 1L. Thanks AS for a present.

49. ALS from THOMAS R. MERTON. 23 Feb. 1920. 1L. About a copy of Discovery.

50. TLS from A. METHUEN. 5 Sept. 1918. 1L. Can AS suggest someone to write a book on Reconstruction?

51. 4 picture APS from B. MILES. 3 March-Aug. 1920. His visits to America, India and Hong Kong.

52. 6 ALS from EDWARD MILLER. 11 Jan.-15 April 1917. All 1L. Arrangements for various lectures, meetings of the United Workers' Society.

53. TLS from C.T. MILLIS of the Borough Polytechnic Institute. 11 March 1919. 1L. Can AS recommend lecturers on industrial questions?

54. ALS from HELEN MILMAN. 12 Aug. 1917. 2L. Can AS help girls' education in Andover?

55. ALS from G.C. MILN. 13 Jan. 1917. 1L. About addresses by AS in London.

56. ALS from, TL copy of AS to LORD MILNER. 2 May and 17 Aug. 1918. Both 1L. The University wishes to keep Col. Stenning as liason officer with the colleges. Thanks AS for suggesting various people for a post - his reactions to AS's suggestions.

57. ALS from W.S. MILNER. 2 May 1918-21 Sept. 1919. 2L. The possible academic career of W.B. Kerr, an old pupil of Milner's, who has left the Army.

58. ALS from CAPT. H.C. MINCHIN to George Whitaker. 31 May 1917. 1L. Thanks for a list of rooms. With notes from Whitaker, F.F. Urquhart.

59. 2 TLS from, TL copy of AS to J. Masefield of the MINISTRY OF INFORMATION. 16-25 Oct. 1918. Can AS lecture to American servicemen?

60. 2 ALS, 3 TLS from, TL copy of AS to M.A. Fyfe of the MINISTRY OF LABOUR. 30 Oct. 1918-20 Jan. 1919. All 1L. The MoL is organising lectures for officers - arrangements for AS to lecture to injured officers in Somerville.

61. 5 TLS from W.H. Frere organising an education conference in MIRFIELD. 14 Oct. 1916-23 Jan. 1917. All 1L. With TS draft programme (4L).

62. ALS from, TL copy of AS to EDWARD MITCHELL-INNES. 26 and 27 Jan. 1920. About the formation of an Anti-Bolshevik League.

63. Printed letter from the Assistant Registrar telling AS he has been elected as an Examiner by the MODERN HISTORY BOARD. 27 June 1917. 1L.

64. Correspondence with C.J.G. MONTEFIORE. 10 Feb. 1916-30 June 1918. Arrangements for a lecture by AS on International Peace in the Liberal Synagogue [see also II D19iii]. Polish politics - some possibly anti-Semitic remarks made by a Mr. Holewinski. 13 ALS (inc. H.J. Paton to AS about Holewinski), 4 TL copy, 1 TLS (from L.B. Namier to AS about Holewinski).

65. ALS from FLORENCE G. MONTEFIORE (wife of C.J.G. Montefiore). 17 April ?. 1L. Thanks AS for a letter about her husband.

66. ALS from GEORGE R. MONTGOMERY. 9 March 1921. 1L. Thanks AS for showing him Oxford.

67. Printed letter re a memorial to MISS J.D. MONTGOMERY. 9 Dec. 1918. 1L.

68. 4 TLS from the Association for MORAL AND SOCIAL HYGIENE. 10 July-16 Aug. 1917. Can AS write an article on education and sexual instinct for the Association's journal The Shield? With ALS from Maude Royden urging AS to write the article.

69. Correspondence from, and about PROF. A.E. MORGAN. 17 Feb.-9 March 1920. The WEA want Morgan to be the new Principal of University College, Exeter. Can AS help? 2 ALS, 4 TLS, 4 TL copies. Correspondents include J.M. Mactavish of the WEA.

70. 2 ALS from GLADYS M. MORGAN of St. Hilda's. 15 and 21 Dec. 1916. Both 1L. Can AS write a testimonial?

71. TS invitation from SIR HERBERT MORGAN to meet Sir William Beveridge. July 1919. 1L.

72. AMS note that the Hon. S. MORRILL is at the Randolph Hotel. n.d. 1L.

73. ALS from BEATRICE MORTON. May 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for showing her and her husband round Oxford.

74. 3 ALS, 1 TLS from THE MOTHERS' UNION. 21 July-24 Oct. 1917. All 1L. Arrangements for a lecture by AS on "The New Educational Schemes." With 2 printed notices.

75. 3 ALS from R.B. MOWAT. 10 March-16 July 1920. All 1L. His application to Exeter University. Can AS come to a rural teachers' conference?

76. TLS from FRANCIS R. MUIR. 27 July 1920. Sending details of Thomas De La Rue Ltd.'s medical scheme. With printed memo, TS report.

77. 3 ALS from RAMSAY MUIR. 6 Feb. 1917-21 May 1919. All 1L. Sorry he will miss a lecture by AS. A report on Calcutta University. His thoughts on his university teaching posts.

78. 6 ALS from J.F. MUIRHEAD. 12 Nov. 1916-9 May 1919. All 1L. Poor arrangements of a lecture at Bedford College. The work of the English-Speaking Union.

79. ALS from CAPT. WILLIAM J. MULHOLLAND. 3 June 1919. 1L. Sorry he did not meet AS.

80. 2 ALS from W.G. MAX MÜLLER. 18 and 27 Nov. 1918. 1L. Can AS help a colleague find an ex-officer to be a tutor for his sons?

81. TLS from MISS B.C. MULLINER. 10 Feb. 1921. 1L. About a letter of hers that AS has passed to the Board of Education. With 2 TLS from E.H. Pelham of the Board thanking AS for Mulliner's letter.

82. Correspondence from, and about ANNE D. MUNCASTER. 12 Feb. 1919-5 Jan. 1921. Her application for a scholarship from Somerville. Her research into diet in hospitals etc. Inviting AS to a dinner to celebrate the granting of degrees to women. 3 ALS, 1 APS, 3 TLS, printed notice of the Somerville scholarship, TS CV, TS notes on her work, TS invitation. Includes TLS and ALS from Charlotte B. Green.

83. Visitor's card from J.A.R. MUNRO. May 1919.

84. Correspondence from GILBERT MURRAY. 5 Oct. 1918-7 May 1920. Can AS sign a petition for the release of conscientious objectors? Can AS think of suitable men for Professorships at the Punjab University? He may write a book on Homer. 1 TP, 3 TL, 1 TL copy, TS petition and lists of signatories (4L), printed petition about a League of Nations.

85. 8 TLS, 3 telegrams from, TL copy of AS to W. STANLEY MURRELL of the University of London Press. 8 Nov. 1916-19 May 1917. About various books published by the Press.

86. 2 TLS from JAMES MYLLES. 10 and 20 March 1917. Both 1L. About a reference to the ILP in an article by AS.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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