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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters P


1. TLS, telegram from WALTER HINES PAGE. 9 Nov. 1916 and 14 Aug. 1917. Both 1L. Hines will preside at a meeting. Thanks AS for comments on a speech.

2. ALS, TLS from SIR GEORGE PAISH. 19 March 1917 and 8 Nov. 1918. 1L and 3L. Thoughts on the War, starting a new newspaper etc. With TS memo (43L) on the War, post-war prospects etc.

3. ALS from S.H. PARADISE about a rowing outing. n.d. 1L.

4. ALS from FRANCES DE PARAVICINI. 20 June 1918. 2L. Thanks AS for a visit.

5. Correspondence from the PARENTS' NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL UNION. Oct. 1916-6 Feb. 1920. Sending pamphlets (now missing) on education schemes. Can AS attend various meetings? 3 ALS, 7 TLS, 1 TL, 1 TL copy, 1 telegram, printed notice.

6. ALS from J.L. PARKER. 23 Dec. 1917. 1L. Concerning payment for lectures by AS in Bristol.

7. ALS from L. DE L.[?] PARKER. 22 Oct. 1920. 1L. Can she attend AS's "Social and Political Questions" lectures?

8. ALS from MAY S. PARKER. 17 June 1919. 1L. Can AS send her some tickets for the Encaenia?

9. 2 APS from G.R. PARKIN. 7 Dec. 1916 and 7 March 1921. Arrangements to meet.

10. 2 ALS from RALEIGH PARKIN. 18 and 26 Nov. 1919. Both 1L. Arranging a meeting of the Oxford University British-American Club. With printed ticket.

11. ALS and TLS from LORD PARMOOR. 29 Dec. 1918 and 23 Feb. 1921. Both 1L. Will AS sign a letter to President Wilson and a memo on national and international co-operation? With TS copies of the letter (1L) and memo (2L), AMS notes by AS and Cyril Bailey about the memo (1L).

12. TLS from Mary A. Ward about the PASSMORE EDWARDS SETTLEMENT. 12 Feb. 1917. 2L. The Settlement is now a Women's Settlement. Can AS help with fund-raising? With printed pamphlet about the appeal, printed list of the General Committee.

13. ALS from HERBERT J. PATON. 26 April 1920. 1L. Will AS allow himself to be nominated as a member of the Delegacy of Privileges?

14. APS, 2 ALS from VERA PATTISON of St. Hugh's College. 29 July 1918-30 April 1919. All 1L. She did not borrow the `Church and State' Report from AS. Can he write a testimonial for her? With TS copy of the testimonial (1L).

15. 4 ALS, 3 TLS from F.I. PAVADISE. 28 Aug. 1818-20 Jan. 1919. Personal news. Thoughts on the War. Should he apply to the Board of Education for work?

16. ALS, TLS from G.S. PAYNE. 6 May and 3 Sept. 1917. Both 1L. About his son W.E. Payne's military service.

17. Correspondence from NORMAN PEARSON. 10 Nov. 1916-21 Oct. 1920. Personal news. News of his work and family. Reactions to a letter about Germans at Balliol by W. Allison. Arrangements to meet. Thoughts on Balliol and Oxford. A visit by AS to Llandrindod. Thoughts on politics. News of old students. 38 ALS, 3 APS, 1 TL copy, 1 newspaper cutting. With 5 ALS, 1 telegram (from S. Pearson, H. Pearson, A.C. Bradley, P. Kidd) about Pearson's death, printed programme for his funeral.

18. 4 ALS, telegram from, TL copy of AS to HOWARD PEASE. 30 Sept.-28 Dec. 1920. News of his book The Tragedy of Holyrood.

19. ALS, TLS from, TL copy of AS to H. FOSTER PEGG. 14-18 Jan. 1919. All 1L. Can AS lecture in Battersea on "Christianity and Industrial Problems"?

20. 2 ALS, APS, visiting card from E.H. PELHAM. 6 and 15 Oct 1919, "Nov. 12." All 1L. Arrangements to meet. Thanks AS for sympathy over the death of Pelham's mother.

21. 2 ALS from H.S. PELHAM. 10 May and 18 June 1918. 2L and 1L. Can AS take part in a course of sermons by laymen? Albert Mansbridge is taking part.

22. 3 ALS from FRANCIS PEMBER. 15 May 1917-13 Jan. 1919. All 1L. Dinner arrangements. news of an education scheme.

23. 3 ALS from E. PENROSE. 14 Feb. 1917-3 Feb. 1919. All 1L. Adminstrative matters in Somerville College. The appointment of a history tutor.

24. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to J.H. PENSON. 9-15 May 1920. Can AS sign a memorandum about studying Economics and Politics?

25. Correspondence about various meetings in PETERBOROUGH. 18 July 1917-7 Oct. 1920. Correspondence, mainly with the Bishop of Peterborough [F.T. Woods] and his chaplains. Can AS speak at meetings of employers and employees? An invitation to the Bishop to preach in Oxford. 5 ALS, 22 TLS, 2 APS, 2 TL copies, 1 telegram.

26. 4 ALS, 2 APS, 1 printed letter from, TL copy of AS to L.R. PHELPS, Provost of Oriel. 8 Jan. 1917-20 May 1920. About portraits. Dinner arrangements. The possibility of Asquith standing in a University election. A meeting to discuss scholarships after the War.

27. ALS from E. PHILLIPS. 29 Feb. 1917. 1L. About a pamphlet by AS.

28. Material re the CONGRESS OF PHILOSOPHY, 24-27 Sept. 1920. Printed programme, printed letter from the Aristotelian Society, printed notice from the Société Française de Philosophie, ALS from H. Wildon Carr about the arrangements for the Congress, ALS from T.R. Milford, APS from Grace E. Hadow about attending.

29. ALS from ARTHUR PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE. 2 Feb. 1920. 1L. About his brother-in-law's archaeological work.

30. ALS from H. ELLIS PIKE. 21 June 1918. 1L. Can AS lecture on "The Church and Social Problems" to a Church of England Society?

31. ALS from L.G. PINNELL. 29 Nov. ?. 1L. Sending Christmas greetings.

32. ALS from OLIVE C.B. PIXLEY. 24 Feb. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for speaking to the Rector of Lincoln College about her brother.

33. ALS, TLS from GEORGE A. PLIMPTON. 14 Nov. 1917 and 17 Feb. 1919. 1L and 2L. About his marriage and his family. Thoughts on the post-war situation. With printed wedding notice.

34. 2 ALS from CHARLES PLUMMER. 23 and 25 Oct. 1916. Both 1L. Can AS give the prizes at Cowley Poor Law School?

35. ALS, TLS from HORACE PLUNKETT. 28 Nov. 1916 and 23 May 1917. Both 1L. News of his health. Thoughts on Anglo-American relations.

36. TLS from A.M. POLE [?]. 27 July 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for a letter about a lecture by Pole at Uppingham School.

37. Material re a meeting of the POLITICAL ECONOMY CLUB. 30 June-27 Oct. 1917. 2 TLS from, TL copy of AS to L.L. Price of the Club about AS's lecture, "How can we pay for the War?" With 2 printed cards, 2 TS outlines (4L) of AS's lecture.

38. ALS from A.F. POLLARD. 20 Jan. 1917. 1L. About an article by AS for the journal History.

39. ALS from J. BARR POLLOCK. 24 Aug. 1916. 1L. News of his studies.

40. 2 ALS from J.D. POLLOCK. 18 Oct. 1919 and "Wednesday." Both 1L. Thanks AS for a visit. Arrangements for AS to visit Edinburgh.

41. ALS from GEORGE POPE. 23 April 1920. 1L. Enclosing a copy of the Bulletin of the New York Chamber of Commerce (now missing).

42. Telegram, ALS, TLS from HAMAN PORTER. 17 Aug.-29 Oct. 1917. All 1L. Thanks AS for allowing him to attend Summer School Lectures. Can AS help him with his nomination to represent agricultural labour on the Central Wages Board? With TLS from R.E. Prothero of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.

43. 3 ALS from C.F. Garlett, vicar of PORTSEA. 28 Aug.-21 Sept. 1917. All 1L. Can AS give a lecture on Education in Portsea? With ALS from G.A. Hunt.

44. ALS from the EARL OF PORTSMOUTH. 8 Dec. 1918. 2L. About his nephew coming to Oxford.

45. Page cut from a journal with an advertisement for the POSITIVIST REVIEW. 1 Dec. 1916.

46. 3 ALS from E.B. POULTON. 10 Oct. 1918-26 Dec. 1919. All 1L. Can AS lend him a copy of a lecture? Can he use some of AS's work in his own lecture? The death of his child in a bicycle accident.

47. Telegram, ALS from LYMAN P. POWELL. 10 and 12 Sept. 1917. Both 1L. The American Ambassador is interested in AS's educational work with America. The Ambassador advises AS to get the assent of Mr. Buttrick.

48. ALS from F.M. POWICKE. 12 Oct. 1920. 1L. Can AS attend a meeting of the Federation of Manchester University Societies?

49. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to A.B. POYNTON, Bursar of University College. 20 Jan.-2 March 1919. Problems of the pay and prospects of the younger teachers in the University.

50. TLS, APS, 2 ALS from REV. G.L. PRESTIGE. 4 April-June 1917. All 1L. The formation of the Oxford branch of the Church Self-Government Association. Can AS attend various church conferences?

51. ALS, TLS, 2 APS from T.W. PRICE. 16 May 1918-1 Dec. 1920. All 1L. His son's plans to study industrial chemistry. Arrangements for him to meet D.H. Nagel. Greetings on AS's 70th birthday.

52. 3 ALS from TL copy of AS to J.S. PRITCHETT of Birmingham City Council. 21 May-6 July 1920. Arrangements for the Council's Parks Committee to visit Oxford to see various college gardens. With TS programme of the visit (1L).

53. 3 ALS from DOROTHY M. PROCTER of Somerville. 25 Feb.-10 March 1917. All 1L. She intends to enter WEA teaching - can AS write a testimonial for her?

54. TLS from J. Fisher Williams of the PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION SOCIETY. 22 July 1919. 2L. The Society wishes to hire someone for their office - can the University Appointments Committee help? With TLS from H. Waterfield of the Appointments Committee.

55. ALS from BARBARA PROTHERO. 11 July ?. 1L. Thanks AS for a speech.

56. 2 APS from G.W. PROTHERO. 15 May 1918 and 1 Nov. 1920. About articles on the War. The Rajah of Jhalawar [see J13] enjoyed his visit to Oxford.

57. ALS from R.E. PROTHERO. 2 May 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for a letter. Can he send a copy of the Oxford Chronicle?

58. ALS from A.R. PRYCE of Christ Church College. 9 Feb. 1920. 1L. Can AS give references for an edition of Hobbes?

59. TL from the PUBLIC SCHOOL SCIENCE MASTERS' ASSOCIATION. 21 Jan. 1918. 1L. They have lost touch with Harold Hartley - can AS help?

60. Correspondence with, and about G.H. PUTNAM. 9 April 1918-4 June 1920. Arrangements for Putnam's visits to Oxford, 1918-1920. 1 ALS, 13 TLS, 1 TL copy, 1 telegram. Correspondents include H.T. Gerrans of Worcester College.

61. Correspondence with MISS H.J. PYBUS. 17 July 1917-23 Feb. 1920. Her applications to posts at Linclon High School and a History Tutorship at Somerville College. Can AS help with testimonials, references etc? Arrangements to meet. 13 ALS, 2 TL copies, 2 TS testimonials, 1 AMS note, printed notice about the Somerville post, set of printed testimonials (7L).

62. TLS, 2 ALS from P.J. PYBUS. 23 Oct. 1917-July 1920. All 1L. Arrangements to meet. Sending a copy of a lecture (now missing).

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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