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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters O


1. 3 ALS from ETHEL M. ODELL. 19 May 1917-28 June 1919. All 1L. Can AS attend various meetings of school mistresses?

2. TLS from, TL copy of AS to J.H. OLDHAM. 5 and 7 Nov. 1920. Both 2L. Can AS sign an appeal to Lord Milner about labour in Africa for the Missionary Societies' Conference? With printed copy of the appeal.

3. 5 ALS, 1 printed form from F.M. O'LOUGHLIN of Somerville College. 11 Oct. 1916-1 June 1917. Coaching arrangements for various female students, mainly in Political Science.

4. ALS from C. OMAN. 1 April 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for a note. He is going to Cologne.

5. ALS and AMS note from MISS E. ORD. 7 Feb. 1918 and 7 March 1919. Both 1L. Thanks AS for becoming patron of a PoW fund. Sending a report.

6. Correspondence from J. O'REGAN. 10 Oct. 1916-5 Nov. 1920. The application of Frank Reynold's daughter to Christ's Hospital. News of various students, friends, including F.F. Urquhart. Arrangements to meet. Thoughts on Socialism, etc. History scholarships. Family news.

6 ALS, 10 APS, 2 TL copies, 1 TS note.

7. ALS from L. ORR. 6 Jan. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for a postcard. He is going to Austria.

8. 2 ALS from WILLIAM ORR, head of the American YMCA. 15 and 19 Dec. 1920. 2L and 1L. He is visiting Oxford. With ALS of introduction from Basil A. Yeaxlee.

9. ALS from P.S. ORWIN. 10 Oct. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for sending some documents.

10. ALS from GRACE R. OSLER. 17 Jan. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for an appreciation of her husband, Sir William Osler. With printed card and notice about a memorial to Sir William.

11. 2 ALS, 1 APS from SIR WILLIAM OSLER. 9 March-27 Sept. 1917. All 1L. Does AS know a suitable tutor for a 15-year old? Can AS help E.T. Withington get a post at Balliol? A recent death.

12. 2 ALS from R.L. OTTLEY. 19 Feb. and 5 Nov. Both 1L. A scholarship exam. Coaching arrangements for Mr. Turner.

13. 6 TLS from THE OVERSEAS CLUB. 20 Dec. 1916-6 Sept. 1917. All 1L. About an article by AS for the club's journal, Overseas.

14. 5 ALS, 3 TLS from, TL copy of AS to J. OWEN. 22 Dec. 1917-27 Oct. 1919. Various education pamphlets. Publishing of a book. Thoughts on the War, the WEA and the War, Reconstruction, Socialism. Progress of his book Meccania.

15. TLS, telegram from R.H. OWEN. 10 Sept. 1918 and 29 Dec. 1919. 1L. About a booklist and his visit to Swiss Internment Centres. Arrangements to meet.

16. TLS from, TL copy of AS to THE OXFORD & BERMONDSEY CLUB. 19 and 21 Jan. 1921. Both 1L. Sir Herbert Morgan will help with the club's financial problems - can AS attend a dinner with him?

17. 4 ALS, 4 APS from the OXFORD C.E. MEN'S SOCIETY. 9 Oct.-12 Dec. 1916. Can AS give a lecture?

18. 4 ALS from THE OXFORD CHRONICLE. 17 Oct. 1918-16 Dec. 1919. All 1L. About printing an address by AS as a pamphlet. An article by AS on Oxford housing.

19. Printed letter about a memo about OXFORD CITY COUNCIL's housing plans. 29 Aug. 1917. 1L.

20. APS about a meeting of the OXFORD CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 8 Jan. 1917.

21. ALS from J. Garrett of the OXFORD CO-OPERATIVE AND INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. 10 Feb. 1919. Can AS give an address on Labour and Adult Education?

22. TLS from the Bishop of Oxford [H.M. Burge] arranging the OXFORD DIOCESAN CONFERENCE. 9 June 1920.

23. ALS and AMS note about (OXFORD) HEADINGTON SCHOOL's Foundation Day. 26 June 1917.

24. 5 ALS from R.M. Haig Brown of OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL. 6 Nov.-2 Dec. 1917. All 1L. Can AS distribute certificates at the School's Prize Day? With 2 printed programmes.


26. Printed letter from THE OXFORD MAGAZINE. 24 Nov. 1917. 1L. Can AS review Nationality by Sir R. Tagore.

27. Carbon copy of invititation by AS to a meeting of the OXFORD PHI BETA KAPPPA SOCIETY. 12 May 1917. 1L. With 5 AMS replies, AMS list of students attending.

28. TLS, printed card and set of resolutions for a conference of the OXFORD TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. 19 Feb. 1918. All 1L.

29. Printed and carbon copied material re OXFORD UNIVERSITY ELECTION CANDIDATES 1918 and 1919. 13L. Manifestoes, notices of candidates, voting instructions etc.

30. TL from the OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS about printed timetables. 19 Feb. 1917. 1L.

31. ALS from K.B. Locock of the OXFORD WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE. 18 Feb. 1918. 1L. Can the Fund save enough money to build a destroyer?

32. ALS from H.A. Liddell of OXFORD WESLEYAN HIGHER GRADE SCHOOL. 8 Dec. 1917. 1L. Can AS distribute prizes at the school's Prize Day?

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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