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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters R


1. Picture APS with message in Greek from E.A.R. 18 June 1917.

2. 2 ALS from B. RADCLIFFE. 23 Jan. and 20 Feb. 1919. Both 1L. Introducing V. Leser, a South African who wishes to come to Oxford. Thanks AS for helping Broderick Pixley [see P32]. Family news.

3. ALS from, TL copy of AS to ELIZABETH RADCLIFFE. 29 Aug. 1917 and 3 March 1920. 1L and 2L. News of Hubert Smith's visit to the Radcliffe's. The meaning of some Greek, Latin and French phrases.

4. ALS from DENYS RADFORD [see G34]. 10 Nov. 1920. 1L. Dinner arrangements.

5. ALS from GEORGE RAINEY. 16 Aug. 1917. 1L. About a point in an education lecture by AS.

6. 3 ALS from W.A. RALEIGH. 5 Dec. 1917-23 May 1919. All 1L. Can AS meet Aftab Ahmed, a member of the Indian Council? Dinner arrangements.

7. 2 ALS from HELEN F. RATHBONE of St. Hilda's. 29 Nov. 1917 and 19 March 1918. Both 1L. Excuse for not writing an essay. Returning some of AS's notes.

8. TLS from N.W. RAWELL [?]. 17 Jan. 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for letting him visit Balliol. Thoughts on Canada and the War.

9. Correspondence with CANON H.D. RAWNSLEY. 22 Jan. 1917-3 June 1920. On the death of his wife. The placing of telegraph poles in Christ Church meadows. News of friends. His remarriage. Arrangements for visits. The publishing of a pamphlet on Bolshevism - the views of E.S. Cartwright, A.D. Lindsay. A tutor for Rawnsley's eldest son - suggestions by H. Waterfield of the Appointments Committee. Sending a National Trust report (now missing). A letter from one of his children about Rawnsley's funeral. 14 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 TL copy, 9 APS, cutting from The Times, 2 printed memorials for his wife.

10. TLS from M. RAWNSLEY. 16 Feb. 1921. 1L. Glad he met AS - he is interested in what AS suggested.

11. 5 ALS from JOHN RAYNER. 17 June 1917-4 Oct. 1920. All 1L. Sorry AS could not attend a meeting. Rayner is attending a WEA Summer School at Reading. Arrangements to meet. Reactions to the Reading School. With TLS from Mr. Milne Watson of the Gas Light and Coke Co. about Rayner attending the Summer School.

12. ALS from the READING CLASS TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 21 Dec. 1917. 1L. Sending a copy of the Reading Observer with a report of the Association's AGM. [See II C9xxiii.]

13. Correspondence about a meeting of the READING HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 28 Feb.-9 March 1920.
Arrangements for AS to give a paper on "Historical Fatalism." 5 ALS, 1 TLS, 2 TL copies. Correspondents include C.H.K. Marten, Headmaster of Eton.


14. 3 ALS about AS attending the READING RURIDECANAL CONFERENCE. 26-30 April 1917. All 1L. Arrangements with Canon R.P. Newhouse for AS to speak on the Archbishops' Committee report at the conference. [See II B18v.]

15. Printed notice about a meeting about READING UNIVERSITY COLLEGE and moves for it to become an independent university. May 1920. 1L.

16. ALS from Rev. J.M. Short of REDDITCH & DISTRICT EVANGELICAL COUNCIL. 20 Nov. 1917. 1L. Can AS speak to the Council about church self-government?

17. 2 ALS from the REGIONAL SURVEY MOVEMENT. 13 and 19 July 1916. Both 1L. AS is taking the chair at a paper on the movement. Details of is aims, work etc.

18. 2 ALS, 2 TLS from HARRY R. REICHEL of Bangor University College. 20 April 1917-1 Jan. 1921. All 1L. Sending a copy of an address on theology (now missing). [R.H.] Roe is upset that AS has not written. A new boardinghouse in Bangor. Thoughts on Lloyd-George.

19. 2 ALS, 1 APS, 1 printed notice, 1 AMS carbon copy timetable for "RELIGION AND LIFE" University meetings, 1920.

20. Correspondence with REPTON SCHOOL. 1 Feb. 1917-16 March 1920. Arrangements for various visits by AS to the school. A newspaper put together by the pupils.

21. ALS from H. REVELL REYNOLDS. n.d. 1L. Reynolds was taught by AS in 1880 - can they meet?

22. 2 ALS from R.H. RHODES. 7 and 8 April 1918. 2L and 1L. Can AS meet Capt. Seddon of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force?

23. 5 ALS, 1 APS from, TL copy of AS to BROTHER RICHARD of The Settlement [an educational institution in York]. 6 Sept. 1918-28 Jan. 1919. Arrangements for AS to lecture at an educational conference organised by The Settlement. With printed programme of The Settlement's activities (1L).

24. ALS from M. ERLE RICHARDS. 15 Nov. 1919. 1L. Arrangements for a meeting of the "Smuggins Club" [?]. [This was an informal dining society centered round AS.]

25. ALS from R. RICHARDS. n.d. 1L. Returning a report to AS.

26. ALS from S.J.S. RICHARDS. 8 March 1920. 1L. Can AS give an address at the Stockwell Road teacher training college?

27. 5 ALS from REV. C.H. RIDSDALE. 9 Jan.-25 May 1918. All 1L. About a sermon preached by AS in High Wycombe, and printing it as a pamphlet [see II B17vii].

28. 2 ALS from MARY B. RIX. 1 and 18 Sept. 1919. Both 1L. Entering her son for Christ's Hospital. The possible value of Prof. Hereward Price to the University - his wartime experiences.

29. 2 TLS from, TL copy of AS to GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Minster of Labour. 1-12 Dec. 1917. Will AS be the chairman of the new Oxford Labour Exchange Advisory Committee? With printed pamphlet about the new committees (8p), ALS from Cyril Bailey, also signed by Arthur Pickard-Cambridge - AS has not got the time to be the chairman.

30. 2 ALS, APS from, TL copy of AS to C. GRANT ROBERTSON. 22 Oct. 1919-7 Oct. 1920. All 1L. His application to the post of Principal of Birmingham University. With 2 TLS from, TL copy of AS to G. Barling, Vice-Chancellor of Birmingham, about Robertson's application. Birmingham needs funds - can "the Balliol touch" be used on Walter Morrison?

31. ALS, visitor's card from MARGARET E. ROBERTSON. 12 April 1918. 1L. Arrangements to meet.

32. 2 ALS from ELLIS ROBINSON. 24 July and 13 Oct. 1917. Both 1L. Can AS visit him and see a carving he has offered to Balliol?

33. ALS from RENNELL RODD. 12 Oct. ?. 1L. Arrangements to meet.

34. 3 ALS from REGINALD H. ROE. 14 Feb.-30 Dec. 1920. Thoughts on Balliol with AS as Master. His work and pastimes in Australia. Family news. His translation of Aeschylus' `Prometheus' into English verse. News of friends. Thoughts on the effects of the War. With ALS from Arthur Pickard-Cambridge, TL from, TL copy of AS to Gilbert Murray, TL copy from ? about Roe's translation of Aeschylus.

35. ALS from ANNIE M.A.H. ROGERS. 26 Nov. 1920. 1L. Sending a pamphlet about Home-Students. With pamphlet (5pp).

36. ALS from ELIZABETH F. ROGERS (daughter of R.W. Rogers - see below). 8 July 1917. 1L. A book sent by AS has not arrived. Her father misses Oxford.

37. 5 ALS from F.N. ROGERS. 12 Nov. 1916, 18 Jan. 1918, 9, 10 Jan., 11 Feb. ?. All 1L. Arrangements to meet. Thanks AS for his sympathy over the loss of his eldest daughter.

38. ALS from LOUISE ROGERS (wife of F.N. Rogers). 11 Jan. 1918. 1L. Their eldest daughter was drowned on a ship sunk by a submarine.

39. 4 ALS from PROF. R.W. ROGERS of New Jersey. 10 June 1917-12 Oct. 1920. All 1L. Thanks AS for helping his daughter with her thesis. Thoughts on America and the War. He misses Oxford. Arrangements to meet.

40. 2 ALS, APS from W.J. ROSE. 10 Dec. 1918-24 July 1919. All 1L. Thanks AS for his hospitality. Thoughts on the Peace Conference. The work of the Student Christian Movement in Poland. With pamphlet (4pp).

41. ALS, visitor's card from PROF. ROSTOVTZEW of St. Petersburg. 2 Nov. 1918. 1L. Dinner arrangements. With ALS from G. Boyce Allan sending the card.

42. 4 ALS, 2 APS, telegram from KATHERINE ROUTLEDGE. 23 Jan. 1917-18 April 1920. Lectures by her husband in Oxford. Arrangements to meet. Can AS lecture to the Conservative Women's Reform Association?

43. ALS from CHARLES ROWLEY. 7 Feb. 1919. 1L. Can AS lecture on the League of Nations? With a cartoon of a Lancashireman.

44. Correspondence about conferences organised by ARNOLD ROWNTREE. 28 March 1917-26 April 1918.
Correspondence with Rowntree's secretaries (only 1 TLS is from Rowntree himself) about a manufacturers' conference in the Potteries and a teachers' conference in Wensleydale. 1 ALS, 1 APS, 6 TLS, 3 TS circular letters, 2 printed reply cards.

45. Printed letter about a reception at the ROYAL COLONIAL INSTITUTE. 7 April 1917. 1L.

46. Telegram from Sir James Crichton Browne of the ROYAL INSTITUTION. 8 May 1916. 2L. Can AS give a historical lecture?

47. 2 ALS from J. Gibson of RUGBY ADULT SCHOOL. 6 and 10 June 1916. Both 1L. Thanking AS for copies of a pamphlet by Gilbert Murray and maps. With a picture postcard of the school.

48. ALS from WALTER RUNCIMAN. 1 Sept. 1919. 1L. A dinner invitation.

49. ALS from WYATT RUSHTON. "Saturday." 1L. Rushton is interested in the Reconstruction movement - can he meet AS?

50. ALS from JOHN RUSSELL to R.W. Macan, Master of University College. 21 Feb. 1917. 1L. Thanks Macan for sending a letter by AS.

51. ALS from M.H. RUSSELL. 3 Aug. 1918. 1L. About an overseas student scheme.

52. 3 ALS about the situation in RUSSIA. 23 Feb.-10 March 1919. All 1L. Letters from G.F. Feild [?], Dora Wylie, ALS from Feild to Wylie about the condition of Russia, people interested in it and the work of Lord Bryce.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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