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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters S


1. APS, 3 ALS from DR. M.E. SADLER, Vice-Chancellor of Leeds University. 16 Sept. 1916-27 Sept. 1917. All 1L. About a talk for The Round Table [?]. Thanks AS for helping Eliot. He has written to AS's Japanese vistor [Tsuneji Aidzu - see A8]. About an address by AS to the Secondary Schools Association.

2. Correspondence about AS's Honorary LL.D. by ST. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY. 28 April-9 Dec. 1919. Including the letter from the University Secretary telling AS that he is being awarded an LL.D., travel arrangements etc.
3 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 APS, 1 TL, 1 TL copy, 1 telegram, TS lunch invitation, printed notice about the ceremony, cutting from The Times.

3. ALS from Lucy Galloway of the ST. ANDREWS WOMEN CITIZENS ASSOCIATION. 30 April 1918. 2L. Can AS address a meeting of the Association?

4. Correspondence about AS preaching a sermon in ST. EDWARD THE KING'S CHURCH, Cambridge. 28 Dec. 1917-19 March 1918. The chaplain, K. Jameson, is trying to get good lay and clerical preachers. Can AS give a sermon? 3 ALS, 5 TLS, 2 TL copies, 3 printed notices about preachers. Correspondents include Jameson, A.E. Shipley, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge.

5. Printed invitation to an "American Day" at ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL, HARPENDEN. 5 July 1918. 1L.

6. 2 ALS from J.H. ST. JOHN of Merton College. Nov. 12 ? and n.d. Both 1L. Rowing arrangements.

7. Printed pamphlet on an appeal for ST. STEPHEN'S HOUSE theological college. n.d. 1L.

8. Correspondence about AS preaching in SALISBURY CATHEDRAL. 9 Jan.-8 April 1918. The Dean, W. Page Roberts, is arranging sermons by laymen. Can AS give a sermon? 11 ALS, 2 APS, 3 TL copies.

9. ALS from FRANK SALTER. ? Jan. 1917. 1L. The work of Leicestershire Adult School.

10. 5 ALS from HERBERT SAMUEL. 27 Oct. 1917-17 March 1919. All 1L. Arrangements to meet. Sending an article of his to AS. Thoughts on politics.

11. ALS from ERNEST SAMUELSON. 26 Dec. 1916. 1L. Thanks AS for an address. Sends a letter by Col. Stockton.

12. ALS from V.S. SASTRI. 15 Nov. 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for introducing him to Col. Lascelles.

13. 2 ALS from E.A. SAVAGE of Coventry Central Library. 22 March and 1 April 1919. Both 1L. Can AS give a lecture on George Eliot to celebrate the centenary of her birth?

14. ALS from JOHN L. SCHNALAAFER [?]. 2 Jan. 1919. 1L. News of his leave. Sorry he did not meet AS.

15. TLS from A.A. Sharland of the SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. 8 Jan. 1919. 1L. Arrangements for AS to lecture to the School.

16. ALS from Herbert Cornish of the SCHOOL GOVERNMENT CHRONICLE. 3 Jan. 1916. 1L. Can he get a copy of an address by AS at London University to publish?

17. ALS from C. SCHUSTER. 23 Dec. 1916. 1L. Thanks AS for doing some work.

18. ALS, TLS from GENERAL H.L. SCOTT. 10 Dec. 1917 and 3 Jan. 1918. Both 1L. Thanks AS for his hospitality when he and other American officers visited Oxford.

19. Correspondence about the publishing of lectures by SIR COLIN SCOTT-MONCRIEFF. 17 Nov. 1916-19 Aug. 1918. Sir Colin has recently died. His niece, Miss Mary A. Hollings, wishes to get his Lowell Lectures on India and Egypt published. Can AS help? Could they be published under WEA auspices? 10 ALS, 3 APS, 1 TL, 3 TL copies, 3 vistor's cards. Correspondents include Lady Scott-Moncrieff, Gilbert Murray, E.S. Cartwright of the WEA, Sir Harry Miers, Vice-Chancellor of Manchester University.

20. Correspondence about a meeting of the Oxford SCOUT MOVEMENT. 10 Oct. 1920-9 Feb. 1921. Can AS chair a meeting of the Scouts at the Town Hall? H.A.L. Fisher will speak on scouting and education. 9 ALS, 3 APS, 2 TLS, 1 TS note, 3 TL copies Correspondents include S.M. Burrows, H.A.L. Fisher.

21. APS from J.B. SEATON. 5 Oct. 1917. Thanks AS for visiting him.

22. ALS from T. SECCOMBE. 28 Jan. 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for his help. His lecturing activities.

23. Correspondence from the SECONDARY SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION. 25 May-18 July 1917. The Association is holding a conference at Caxton Hall. Can AS speak about "Science and the Humanities" and on History teaching? [See II C10vii.] 3 ALS, 2 APS, 2 TLS, printed notice of the conference. Correspondents include Canon H.D. Rawnsley.

24. ALS from HUBERT SECRETAN. 13 Nov. 1919. 1L. He is teaching boy clerks working for the GWR. Could Barrington-Ward help him see their work in the company? With ALS from Frederick Barrington-Ward (17 Nov. 1919, 1L).

25. 2 ALS, 3 TLS from, TL copy of AS to LORD SELBOURNE. 30 Nov. 1916-23 June 1919. Thanks AS for his help. Arrangements to meet. He wants an economist to advise landowners about the Royal Agriculture Commission - will Edwin Cannan be suitable? Other names suggested by AS.

26. 2 ALS, printed programme from the SERBIAN LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY. 10 May and 11 June 1918. All 1L. About their meetings, and a Memorial Service for Dr. Sidney Ball.

27. 2 ALS from R.W. SETON-WATSON. 19 March and 2 April 1919. Both 1L. The formation of an Anglo-Czech Society.

28. TLS from Joseph Thorp, editor of THE SEVEN SEAS, An "Imperial Annual." 14 Feb. 1917. 1L. Can AS write an article about education? With pamphlet (6pp).

29. AMS list of volumes of SHAKESPEARE's works [lent by AS to others?]. n.d. 1L.

30. 3 ALS from DR. ISAAC SHARPLESS of Haverford College, Pennsylvania. 22 Nov. 1916-27 Jan. 1917. Can AS suggest candidates for a History professorship? With TLS of introduction from A. Lawrence Lowell, TL draft of letter advertising the post.

31. ALS, TLS from MAURICE E. SHAW. 17 and 20 Feb. 1919. Both 1L. About a meeting of the Oxford and Bermondsey Mission.

32. Correspondence from REV. W. HUDSON SHAW. 24 Jan. 1917-8 Oct. 1918. The death of his son, Lt. B.H. Shaw - copies of letters from his Batman and his commanding officer. Arrangements for a Summer School. Arrangements to meet. Can AS give lectures on "Religon and the National Life"? News of various lectures. 11 ALS, 2 TL copies, printed programme for a Memorial Service for the Honourable Artillery Company including a sermon by Shaw.

33. 5 TLS, 4 ALS from MISS E. SHEKLETON. 13 Nov. 1916-15 Oct. 1920. All 1L. Can AS attend Redlands Girls' School's Prize Day? Arrangements to meet. Can AS meet a Roumanian government official? Sending a memo on alleged religious persecution in Transylvania. With TS memo (9L).

34. 8 TLS from REV. R. SHEPPARD. 21 Nov. 1916-17 Sept. 1920. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to give various lectures at the church of St. Martin-in-the-fields. With printed programme of lectures (1L).

35. 4 ALS from, TL copy of AS to C.S. SHERRINGTON. 20 Dec. 1916-5 July 1920. All 1L. Can AS help Sherrington's son (C.E. Sherrington) leave the infantry and join the army's Railway Branch? With ALSs from Col. A. Stockton, R. Luscombe, C.E. Sherrington about the case. AS suggests Mr. Bennet for the Industrial Fatigue Res. Board. Notes on books on physical exercise.

36. 4 ALS from W.E. SHERWOOD. 19 Oct.-Nov. 1916. All 1L. Arrangements to meet.

37. TLS from A.E. SHIPLEY, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge. 6 April 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for a copy of his article on Jowett. Thoughts on the War.

38. TLS from J.F. SHONE of the League of World Friendship. 18 June 1919. 1L. Can AS sign an address to the German people? With printed copy of the address (4pp), printed notice about the League (1L).

39. 2 ALS from T.E.T. SHORE. 12 May 1917 and 26 April 1920. Both 1L. Sorry he cannot meet AS. Thanks AS for helping H.K. Banerji.

40. 2 ALS from PHILIP S. SHUFELDT. 14 and 16 May 1918. Both 1L. Can AS dine with Prof. Bumstead [see B101]?

41. ALS from N.V. SIDGWICK. 27 Nov. 1919. 1L. Can AS attend a club's dinner?

42. 2 ALS, 1 AMS note from MISS I.M. SIMMS of St. Hugh's. 12-18 March 1919. All 1L. Can AS write a testimonial for her?

43. ALS from ? SINCLAIR with a cutting from the Daily Chronicle about a new "patriotic" newspaper. 5 March 1917. 1L.

44. TLS from DOROTHY WALEY SINGER. 16 Feb. 1920. 1L. Can AS chair a meeting of the Oxford branch of the Historical Association?

45. TL about a dinner for LORD SINHA on his elevation to the peerage. March 1919. 1L.

46. Correspondence about lectures at SION COLLEGE. 25 July-25 Nov. 1916. The Society for Sacred Study and the National Mission are organising lectures at the College. Can AS lecture on Dante? [See I B4/5vii.] 5 ALS, 3 TLS, printed notice of the lectures.

47. ALS from ELIZABETH D. SKIPTON. 31 Jan. 1916. 1L. About the teaching of English History in her school in Hong Kong.

48. ALS from MISS ANNIE LORRAIN SMITH. 29 May 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for sending a misdirected letter.

49. 1 ALS, 3 ALS drafts, 1 AMS note by ARTHUR LIONEL SMITH. 15 May-29 Sept. 1918. All 1L. Various adminstrative matters, instructions to George Whitaker.

50. ALS from BARBARA SMITH (one of the daughters of AS). 24 June ?. 1L. News of her exam results. Her work at a stable.

51. 5 ALS from J.A. SMITH. 3 Dec. 1916-28 April 1920. All 1L. News of various students. On the origins of the Roumanian language. Arrangements to meet. News of a meeting of the Political Philosophy and Science Club.

52. 2 ALS from L.CECIL SMITH. 21 and 31 Dec. 1917. Both 1L. Points on the history of the church.

53. 6 APS, 1 ALS from MARY SMITH (wife of AS). 2 July-23 Sept. 1917. All 1L. Personal, family news etc sent to AS while he was in Staffordshire.

54. 2 ALS from MARIAN A. SMITH. 24 and 31 March 1918. Both 1L. Can AS supply a copy of Stubbs' Select Charters?

55. 4 ALS, 1 TLS from SAM SMITH of Ruskin College. 9 July 1917-19 Feb. 1919. All 1L. He has been asked to join the Ministry of Munitions. Arrangements to meet. His work at the Ministry of Labour. A suitable lecturer for tutorial classes at Exeter University.

56. 2 ALS from REV. W.H. SMITH. 23 April and 7 May 1918. Both 1L. His views on the new Education Bill. Sending cuttings from the Birmingham St. Paul's Monthly Letter. With ALS from the Bishop of Birmingham [H.R. Wakefield] about Smith's views.

57. 4 ALS from W.O. LESTER SMITH. 2 Jan. 1920-2 May 1919. All 1L. His application for the Directorship of Education at Bradford. With TS copy of his application (10L), printed copy of a reference from A.A. David of Rugby School (1L).

58. ALS from REV. W.H. SMITH-DORRIEN. 12 June 1919. 1L. Sending a copy of an address he gave on Empire Day. With printed copy of the address (1L).

59. ALS from MARY E. SNOW. 21 Jan. 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for his hospitality.

60. 3 ALS from RAYMOND W. SNOW, 2 ALS from his sister DOROTHY M. SNOW. 19 Sept.-4 Oct. 1920. All 1L. Snow is in the Royal Artillery. He wants to take the shortened Honours Course.

61. TLS about SOCIAL STUDENTS' AND WORKERS' LECTURES at Blenheim. 3 Dec. 1919. 2L.62. 2 printed letters about an appeal by the SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Aug. 1918. Both 1L.

63. 2 ALS from K.H. McCutcheon about a conference held by the SOCIETY OF OXFORD WOMEN TUTORS. With printed programme and invitation. 7 and 10 Feb. 1917. Both 1L.

64. ALS from W.J. SOLLAS. 18 Feb. 1918. 1L. He has sent AS a letter which should have been sent to F.F. Urquhart.

65. Correspondence about the appointment of a History Tutor at SOMERVILLE COLLEGE. 26 Feb.-15 March 1919. Can AS sit on the Selection Committee? The choice between Miss N.V. Clark and Miss H.J. Pybus [see P61]. 6 ALS, 1 TL copy, 2 AMS lists of candidates. Correspondent include Miss E. Penrose of Somerville [see also P23], C.B. Heberden of Brasenose.

66. TS note from PROF. SOMERVILLE sending a ticket for a lecture. April 1918. 1L.

67. ALS from W. SOMERVILLE. 29 Dec. 1919. 1L. Returning some books to AS.

68. 2 ALS, TLS from, TL copy of AS to W.E. SOOTHILL. 13 Oct. 1919-6 Nov. 1919. About a vacant Chinese professorship at Oxford. With ALS from A.A. Macdonnell about the post.

69. 2 ALS from W.G. SOPER. 11 Aug. and 12 Oct. 1918. 17L and 1L. Thanks AS for commenting on a paper by him. His career and various works, interests, studies etc. With a cutting from The Daily Chronicle of a letter by him.

70. TLS from THE SOUTHERN WORKER. Jan. 1921. 1L. Can AS write a New Year's message for the paper?

71. 4 TLS, 3 ALS, 2 APS from the BISHOP OF SOUTHWARK [H.M. Burge]. 27 Sept. 1916-2 Feb. 1917. The bishop is organising a conference on the church in his diocese. Can AS open a discissuion on "The Church and Education"? Arrangements for the conference. Education problems in South London.

72. ALS from the BISHOP OF SOUTHWELL [E. Hoskyns]. April 1920. 1L. Can AS come to Nottingham?

73. ALS from J.A. SPENDER. 1 Oct. 1919. 1L. On the death of Mr. Cook.

74. TLS, ALS from W.H. SPIKES. 31 May and 14 July. 2L and 1L. About a series of teaching books in which the WEA might be interested. With printed pamphlet about the series (1L), AMS note from E.S. Cartwright.

75. AMS draft reference for LT. F.V. SPILLER by AS. 22 Oct. 1919. 1L.

76. 2 ALS from H. MAXWELL SPOONER. Both 21 June 1921. Both 1L. Arrangements for dinner.

77. 4 ALS from, TL copy of AS to W.A. SPOONER, Warden of New College. 24 Feb. 1918-27 Jan. 1921. Can AS return a book? Returning a report to AS. Can AS recommend anyone to write some economics articles?

78. 7 ALS from ALICE M. SPOOR. 17 Nov. 1916-20 Jan. 1919. All 1L. Can AS advise on the education of her son? Arrangements for AS to meet him. Can AS visit them? Her son's progress. With TL copy from her son's headmaster (19 Oct. 1916, 1L).

79. Correspondence about a lecture given by AS in STAFFORD. 16 Oct. 1917-28 Feb. 1918. There will be a Reconstruction campaign in Stafford - can AS give a lecture as part of it? Arrangements for the lecture. Correspondence with the County Council Education Committee and the Guild of Social Welfare.
5 ALS, 2 TLS,1 TL copy, 2 AMS notes on train times, 2 printed programme cards.

80. 3 ALS from W.B. STANFORD. 9-15 March 1919. Points in the report on "Christianity and Industrial Problems."

81. ALS from H.G. STANGER [?]. 19 Feb. 1917. 1L. Can AS meet him in Bristol?

82. 2 ALS, APS from JOHN STANSFIELD. 26 April-2 May 1919. All 1L. Can AS speak in St. Ebbe's church on education? [See II E1/2.]

83. 3 ALS from THE STAR newspaper. 21 May-16 April 1917. All 1L. Payment for articles by AS. A review by AS.

84. 2 ALS from MAY C. STAVELEY. 28 Jan. and 5 Feb. 1919. Both 1L. Can AS give a lecture to the Bristol Civic League?

85. 18 TLS, 8 ALS, 4 telegrams from ARTHUR STEEL-MAITLAND. 12 Oct. 1916-20 July 1919. Finances for tutorial classes. Arrangements to meet. Can a temporary WEA post be found for Mr. Blakiston? Thoughts on gaining labour movement support for the War. The founding of the Ministry of Labour. Is W.G.S. Adams suitable for a government post? Can various Unionists with an interest in labour matters meet with AS? Does AS want him to lecture to the WEA again? With cutting from the Staffordshire Weekly Sentinel about land use in the Potteries district.

86. Note of the address of PROF. STEILS from Ghent. n.d. 1L.

87. 2 TS circulars and subscription forms for memorials to HENRY MORSE STEPHENS. 20 May 1919. With enclosing TLS from R.B. Merriman of Harvard (2 June 1919, 1L), APS from C.H. Firth, ALS from P.E. Matheson about the memorials, envelope with list of people to whom to send the forms.

88. ALS from T.A. STEPHENS. 6 July 1920. 1L. Sorry that AS cannot give an address.

89. ALS from F.E.STEVENSON. 9 Sept. 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for a letter.

90. 2 TLS, ALS from WILFRID STOKES. 11 Dec. 1916-25 Jan. 1917. Can he see AS to discuss various labour and economic matters?

91. 4 ALS from, 3 TL copies of AS to C.E. STORRS of Malvern College. 18 May 1920-12 Jan. 1921. Can he get involved with WEA lecturing? Advice from AS. Arrangements for him to help at a Summer School in Oxford. The funeral of Mr. Thomas, head of Malvern College.

92. ALS from ADA STRACHAN-DAVIDSON. 27 Jan. 1917. 1L. Thanks AS for a letter. Can he visit her?

93. TLS from J. ST. LOE STRACHEY. 16 Oct. 1918. 1L. Sending a cutting from The Spectator with an article by him on a book by Prof. Aydelotte. Thoughts on the Oxford English course.

94. TLS from A. STRATTON. 3 May 1918. 1L. Can AS give him details of articles about the League of Nations?

95. TLS, ALS from E. [?] STRONG. 21 April and June 14 1920. Both 1L. Strong is organising a Mediaeval section of the library of the British School in Rome. Thanks AS for a copy of Church and State in the Middle Ages.

96. 3 ALS, 3 TLS from, TL copy of AS to THOMAS B. STRONG, Dean of Christ Church. 9 June 1918-16 June 1920. The suitability of S. Furniss as a candidate for University MP. Could the University get Asquith as their MP? Points on the revision of the Prayer-Book - the claim of Charles I to sainthood. He is leaving Oxford.

97. TLS from MARGUERITE STUART. 27 Sept. 1917. 1L. Sorry that she could not attend a lecture by AS.

98. 4 TLS from, TL copy of AS to the STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. 30 Nov. 1916-25 June 1919. Can AS sign a memo about the danger of the Movement having to disband its staff? Can AS help with a financial appeal? With 2 printed memos, TS list of signatories to the financial appeal, pamphlet about a student missionary conference in Glasgow, Jan. 1921.

99. Correspondence about meetings of the Oxford STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT. 22 March 1917-21 Oct. 1920. All 1L. About meetings in the Town Hall, Balliol Hall etc. 5 ALS, 2 APS, 1 AMS note, 2 posters.

100. ALS, TLS from Edith E. Overton of THE STUDENT MOVEMENT (Journal of the Student Christian Movement). 4 and 23 Sept. 1920. Both 1L. Can AS lecture on education at a meeting of students and the League of Faith and Labour? With APS from B.H. Geary (17 Oct. 1920).

101. ALS from the London School of Economics STUDENTS' UNION. 29 Aug. 1916. 1L. Can AS lecture to the Union?

102. TLS from James Douglas of THE SUNDAY EXPRESS. 16 March 1920. 1L. Sending a cutting of an article about his editorial policy. Can AS give his views on it?

103. ALS, APS from REV. E. PRIESTLEY SWAIN. 9 and 20 Nov. 1918. Both 1L. Can AS attend a Life and Liberty Meeting?

104. ALS from C. Leuderdorf, TLS from E.S. Craig about correspondence with SWARTHMORE COLLEGE, Pennsylvania, USA. Both 13 June 1919. Both 1L.

105. ALS from SYLVIA (Granddaughter of AS). n.d. 1L. Holiday news.

106. Correspondence about a relief fund for SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 20 April-22 May 1917. Can the fund use Balliol Hall for a meeting? Can AS take the chair? 6 ALS, 1 APS, 2 TLS, printed invitation card, 2 pamphlets on the Holy Land and the relief fund.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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