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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters U


1. ALS from JOHN UDALL. 28 July 1919. 1L. Can AS lecture to Tonbridge Social Service Circle on education?

2. TLS from the BISHOP OF UGANDA [?]. 15 Jan. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for allowing Balliol to be used for a conference.

3. 2 ALS from DOUGLAS M. ULLMANN. 4 and 15 Dec. 1916. Both 1L. A concert is being given in Balliol by officer cadets - can AS attend?

4. ALS from G.E. UNDERHILL. 13 Feb. 1917. 1L. Arrangements for a meeting of the Skating Club.

5. Correspondence from the UNITED KINGDOM ALLIANCE. 5 March-3 April 1918. The question of cereals shortages. Arrangements for a prohibition conference be held in Balliol. 3 ALS, AMS notes on the conference programme, printed pamphlet on American and Canadian prohibition (4pp), printed letter, printed postcard.

6. TLS from Lucy Gardner of the UNITED SUMMER SCHOOL. 20 April 1917. 1L. Can AS give a lecture at the Summer School? With TS programme (1L), printed programme for the 1915 United Summer School, pamphlet on Christian Social Reconstruction (8pp).

7. Correspondence with the UNITED WORKERS ORGANISATION. 6 June 1916-11 April 1917. Arrangements for AS to give an address on "University Education" as part of a series of educational addresses. H.A.L. Fisher will be the chairman. Is there a written version of AS's speech? Can AS give an address about the Commonwealth as part of a "Constitutional Reconstruction" series? Arangements for John Matthai, an Indian student at Balliol, to take part. 6 ALS, 1 APS, 15 TLS, 1 TL copy, 7 TS draft programmes, TS list of members of the UW Council, 6 printed notices of lectures, TS notes for AS's Commonwealth address (1L). Correspondents include Philip Kerr, John Matthai.

8. 7 ALS, 1 TLS from members of the UNIVERSITY EIGHT rowing crew. 11-18 Feb. 1920. All 1L. Arrangements to dine with AS.

9. 2 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 APS from A.W. UPCOTT, Headmaster of Christ's Hospital. 24 Oct. 1916-17 Oct. 1918. All 1L. About history teaching at the school. Should Upcott vote for H.S. Furniss as a University candidate?

10. 2 ALS from ERNEST A. UPCOTT. 5 and 26 Dec. 1918. 2L and 1L. An officer friend of Upcott's wishes to come to Oxford - can AS advise him? Thoughts on the University candidates in the election. News of Godfrey Elton - his desire to return to Oxford.

11. Correspondence about lectures at UPPINGHAM SCHOOL. 1 Aug. 1917-4 July 1918. Correspondence mainly with the Headmaster, R.H. Owen. Arrangements for AS to lecture on Reconstruction. Details of other lectures at the school. A list of possible lecturers sent by AS. Can AS contact various academics including Sir William Osler? 2 ALS, 1 APS, 14 TLS, 1 telegram, printed railway timetable, TS list of lecturers (9L).

12. ALS, AMS testimonial by F.F. URQUHART. n.d. and 7 July 1919. Both 1L. About who should use the Fellows' Garden. A testimonial for Capt. T.A. Jessop.

13. ALS from H. URQUHART. 27 June ?. 1L. About his father's papers [possibly those of E.W. Urquhart?].

14. ALS from W.E. URWICK [?]. 8 Oct. 1917. 1L. Arrangements for printing an article based on AS's "Religion and National Life" lecture.

15. 1 TL copy, 3 TLS about PROF. R.G. USHER of Washington University. 11-31 Dec. 1918. All 1L. Usher needs residence in England to finish his work. Correspondence from J.W. Cunliffe and George E. MacLean about Usher.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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