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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

BOX 11

Jenkyns IVB[A]a

University of Durham Calendar 1833, printed booklet 8 x 12cm 20pp listing University Officers Faculty and Students with details of fees courses etc.


HJ’s evidence before the Durham University Commissioners 27 February 1862, printed.


Extract from Durham Chapter Minutes 20 February 1832.


Miscellaneous letters, most of them WvM’s papers :-

i. JJ Blunt from Chetwynd Newport, ALS to WvM declining a Professorship 1 July 1833.
ii. Lord Farnborough from Whitehall Gardens, ALS with wrapper to WvM 17 January 1832; the case of Mrs Say will be dealt with favourably when the Governors of Bromley College meet shortly to elect a widow, and commenting favourably on the Durham University proposals, which he has discussed with Lord Liverpool, who is also in favour.

iv.Thomas Gaisford from Christ Church, ALS to WvM 5 November 1831, commenting on potential Durham Professors and on the political climate. “Lord Grey’s speech has put the mob agst the mitred order.”

v.Thomas Gaisford from Christ Church, ALS to WvM 27 November 1831, similar to iv.

vi.Thomas Gaisford from Christ Church, ALS to WvM 26 December 1831,re Durham College which he has thought from the outset should not be styled a University .

vii.Thomas Gaisford from Christ Church, ALS to WvM 5 January 1832, commenting on more possible Professors, mentioning Charles Atmore Ogilvie of Balliol although doubting he would accept : “a sound scholar, an equally sound divine, of excellent general principles, and of a very good temper and abounding in discretion-he travelled last year with young Howley and perfectly succeeded in reclaiming him – and I believe it is acknowledged at Balliol that the College owes much of  its celebrity to his exertions.”

viii.Wrapper only, addressed The Revd Henry Douglas ; annotated in pencil by John Jenkyns “Copy Van Mildert 1831”.

ix. JB Jenkinson ALS with wrapper, to WvM 25 January 1832,re a proposal made by Mr Gilly.

x. Samuel Hinds ALS to WvM 22 October 1833 from Queens College  Oxford  applying for the Greek and Classical Professorship at Durham , with J Fox Provost ALS to WvM 22 October 1833 about Hinds and his application.The two letters give considerable information about the career of Hinds.

xi and xii. HJ original ALS(2) to WvM, 19 October 1833 from Oriel College re the Greek Professorship,  and 28 October 1833 from Durham accepting.

xiii. HJ draft letters 1835 to WvM and Charles Thorp on being offered the Theology Professorship.

xiv. Lord Lonsdale , ALS to WvM dated 1 January 1831 but annotated by John Jenkyns “1832 on envelope” ( envelope now missing) promising support for the “splendid Establishment which [is] in contemplation, under your Patronage at Durham”.

xv. Hugh James Rose, ALS with wrapper, to WvM  16July 1833.

xvi. Hugh James Rose, ALS to WvM 20 January 1834.

xvii.Hugh James Rose, ALS with wrapper to WvM 4 October 1834.Wrapper annotated by van Mildert  “Octr 5 1833 and Octr 8th “but no second letter found .

xviii. Earl of Shaftesbury,ALS with wrapper to WvM 2 July 1832 concerning the politics of the Durham university bill.

xix. Charles Thorp, two initialled notes to WvM 1835

xx. WvM  original ALS(2) to HJ 28 Sept 1835 from Auckland Castle offering the Theology Professorship, and 13 October 1835, and draft of  letter 15 October 1835 .

xxi. Christopher Wordworth ALS from Trinity College Cambridge 3 June 1833 to WvM re Mr Blunt who took his BA in 1816.

xxii. Unidentified initialled letter from WT to WvM dated October 29 (and 1831 in pencil by John Jenkyns) re politics re a Charter for Durham University.

Jenkns IVB[B]a

Miscellaneous letters:-

i. William Charles Chaytor (Durham Treasurer)  ALS(2) and receipts(2) to HJ 1851-1857.

ii. Henry Frederick Long (later Durham Librarian) from Sowerby Yorks, ALS to HJ with envelope 20 March 1857 re location of some books.
iii. John Mayne St Clere Raymond, ALS to HJ 18 May 1840.

iv. John R Mowbray ( MP for Durham 1853-1868) to HJ ,ALS(5),all 1861 , reporting on the progress and politics of the Durham Bill.

v. Henry Thring, ALS with envelope to HJ from the Office of the Home Office Counsel 21 March 1861, opening  “My Dear Uncle”.

Jenkyns IVB[C]

Miscellaneous letters:-

i. Edward  Copleston (ODNB)  from Oriel to HJ at Durham ALS 19 May 1834.

ii. Thomas Gaisford from Iford ALS 15 August 1833 to HJ at Botley Hill ; Bp of Durham has asked whether HJ likely to accept as “Professor of Ancient Languages” with prospects of  a Cathedral Stall attached later.

iii.T Goldesborough, ALS to HJ at Hadspen 26 December1833.

iv. Edward Hawkins from Oriel to HJ ALS(2) 9 December 1833 and 15 April 1834.

v. Henry Hobhouse to HJ  ALS(4) all 1834, three from Hadspen and one from London. One has its seal, a fine armorial oval ( axes about 2.5 x2.3cm) almost intact, tho fragile .The letters are personal, opening “My Dear Henry” but lengthy and full of comment on Durham matters.

vi. HJ draft letters 1833 to Charles Thorp(3) and WvM(2).

vii. John Keate ( ODNB)  from “Cloisters Windsor Jany 14 1834 14th day of residence” ,congratulating HJ on the Professorship.
viii. Hugh James Rose to HJ  ALS(6) all of 1834; one is dated 8 January 1833 by Rose, but has a clear Durham Post Office stamp for 8 January 1834.

ix. John F Christie, ALS nd to HJ,  re a testimonial for Rogers, with, on the same sheet, Fredc Rogers, ALS from Oriel 16 May 1834 to HJ, requesting a testimonial. Oxford Post Office stamp 16 May 1834 .

x. CharlesThorp  ALS(3) t HJ ,( December 1833 30 March 1834 and nd.

xi. W Turner ALS to HJ 6 September 1834.

xii. WvM, an unaddressed note in his hand  dated 28 September 1833 setting out  “Plan for annexing Prebendal Stalls in the Cathedral of Durham to certain Offices in the University of Durham”. Three of the first six vacancies by death were to be given to the Warden ,the Divinity Professor and the Professor of Greek and Classical Literature.

xiii. WvM, ALS with wrapper from Harrogate to HJ at Oriel 15 October 1833.

xiv. WvM, ALS with wrapper from Harrogate to HJ at Durham 22 October 1833.

xv. WvM, ALS with wrapper from Harrogate to HJ at Durham 29 October 1833.

xvi. WvM, ALS from Auckland Castle to HJ 6February 1835 on black edged paper.

xvii. WvM, dictated draft to Charles Thorp from Harrogate 18 February 1834.


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- John Jones, 2013

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