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Jenkyns Collection: Papers of Canon Henry Jenkyns (1795-1878)

 BOX 12

Jenkyns IVB.Additional 1.
This is a substantial bundle of material concerning Acts of Parliament etc re the University of Durham ca 1860-1864. No attempt to arrange and list it all at item level was deemed worthwhile in 2012.

Jenkyns IVB.Additional 2.
The following were with IVB.Additional 1:-

a. University of Durham Calendar 1833, printed booklet 8 x 12cm 20pp listing University Officers Faculty and Students with details of fees courses etc.

b. Printed papers re The Durham University Act (27 & 28b Victoria – session 1864), The Durham University Bill of 1861, and The Ordinances of the Durham University Commissioners 1862.

c. Unidentified Secretary to the Durham University Commission,  ALS to HJ asking him to attend 7 Lancaster Place and give evidence, with his printed evidence and an autograph note by him on paragraph 859 re fees.

d. Copy letter Henry Philpotts Bp of Exeter from Bishopstone Torquay to the Dean 26 Sept 1863 re his Protest, with a copy of the Protest in another hand, and a note made by HJ “at Botley 21 July 1863 on my return from Durham” about the Protest (the note is headed July 20 1863, presumably the date of the Protest ).

e. J Barmby to HJ from Hatfield Hall, ALS(3) one dated 28 May 1863,the others nd but probably also 1863.

f. Edward Prest to HJ from Gateshead, ALS, 12 May 1863.

g. George Bland to HJ from Bamburgh Castle 8 May 1863, and from The College Durham 9 Sept 1863,both ALS.

h. Temple  Chevallier to HJ, ALS 22 February 1862 from Harrow Weald.


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- John Jones, 2013

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