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Manuscripts, Typescripts and Albums collection


This collection was created in 1993 as a result of the third revision of the Library's summary catalogue. It was decided that the main Summary Catalogue should only give details of the Library's manuscript collections, rather than individual items. The first versions of the Summary Catalogue contained entries for several individual volumes, typescripts, poems etc, most of which had been given individually to the Library as gifts. Several other completely unlisted items were also found amongst the Library's holdings. It was therefore decided to create a new collection to contain these miscellaneous items of correspondence and make them easily accessible. It is also intended that new individual gifts should be added to this collection whenever they are received. The collection also contains broadcasts about the college which have been passed to the Library, and copies of exhibition catalogues connected with the Library.

Entries in the Catalogue.

The items are listed alphabetically by author or main figure involved with the item. Where possible the person's full name, dates and details of any connections to Balliol are given. A brief description of the item is then given, followed by details of the provenance.


Certificate from Trinity College Dublin certifying that Allen spent the 1848-49 academic year there.


 CYRIL BAILEY , 1871-1957. Balliol 1890-1894, Fellow 1902-1939, Hon. Fellow 1939.

TS - "Reminiscences of Balliol in the 1930s." 2 copies [1 bound].

ROBERT McGOWAN BARRINGTON-WARD , 1891-1948. Balliol 1909-1913.

Poem "The House of Belial", 1913. Typescript (several copies) and related material. Copies given by W.H. Shepardson (Balliol 1910-13) in 1963, and Mrs. Wedderburn in 1969.

JOSEPH HILAIRE PIERRE BELLOC , 1870-1953. Balliol Hil. 1893-1896.

Autograph manuscript poem "To the Balliol men still in Africa." Written on a compliments slip from The Speaker [The Liberal Review]. Untitled, framed. With autograph corrections, revisions. [There are a number of textual differences between this poem and the version which appeared in Verses by Belloc (1910).] Given by Douglas Woodruff in 1953. Album of cuttings of newspaper articles, reviews etc by Belloc c.1909-1914, and cuttings of poems by Andrew Lang c.1909-1912.

LEOPOLD EDWARD BERMAN , 1877-1946. Balliol 1895-1899.

Photograph album containing pictures of undergraduates, OUDS members, college rooms in the 1890s. [Listed on dBase.]

The Revd. PERCY JAMES BOYER , 1859-1936. Balliol 1879-1884.

"Dogs in Churches." Scrapbook of correspondence in The Times, Aug. 1932; letters to PJB; PJB's copy of Dog doors in churches and dog tongs, by the Revd. W.E.T. Morgan, 22 Dec. 1931.

Rev. EDWARD BRADLEY [Cuthbert Bede], 1827-1889.

Original illustration from The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford Freshman (which first appeared in Punch in 1853) by "Cuthbert Bede" entitled `Mr. Verdant Green appears before the Junior Proctor.' Given by Kyril Bonfiglioni in 1978.


A. "Portrait of a College: a reminiscence of Balliol College Oxford today and yesterday"; TS of broadcast on 16 October 1955. Contributors were The Viscount Samuel, Cyril Bailey, C.H. Roberts, Lady Violet Bonham Carter, Sir Harold Nicolson, Edward Nelson, Sir David Lindsay Keir, Peter Brooke, Matthew Farrer, H.E. The Rt.Hon. Vincent Massey; narrator A.P. Ryan. With associated printed material.

B. "University Notebook"; TS of broadcast 28 January 1965, of conversation with various Balliol fellows about connexion with Scottish universities.

C. "Greek Students at Oxford in the Seventeenth Century;" text by Prof. Robert Browning (Balliol 1935-39), broadcast by the BBC World Service in Greek. (Given by Prof. Browning in 1967.)

For tape copies see "Sound and Audio-Visual Recordings."

JOSHUA HAROLD BURN FRS , 1892-1981. Fellow 1937-1959.

"A defence of John Balliol." Bound typescript. Presented by Joshua Burn in 1973.


Butler family memorial designs. Formerly Archives E.11.11

AMIT PRAKASH CHAUDHURI , born 1962. Balliol 1987-

Printer's copy of A Strange and Sublime Address (1991). Typescript, 132 pp. Presented by Amit Chaudhuri in July 1991.

SYDNEY JOHN COLE , 1870-1954. Balliol Hilary 1891-1894.

Family history, relevant to MS 444; various documents, certificates etc relating to S.J. Cole's academic career; photograph of various undergraduates [including Cole]. Given by Mrs. D.A. Cole in 1973. See also Correspondence Collection.


CORNELIUS CRAWFURD , 1703-?, Balliol 1717-1728.

TS - "A Balliol Rival to Dr. Johnson's Tutor: Cornelius Crawfurd," by James Gray of Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, about Crawfurd's academic career. Given by James Gray in 1972.

ARTHUR DUCKINFIELD DARBISHIRE FR , 1879-1915. Balliol 1897-1901.

Notebook recording experimental study of mice, from Darbishire's work as Demonstrator in Anatomy at The Owens College, Manchester, 1904. Given by Miss Helen Darbishire in 1955.

WILLIAM ROBERTSON DAVIES, 1913-1995. Balliol 1935-1938. Hon. Fellow.

Look at the Clock! - TS for a film scenario written for Hermanthena, the Trinity College Dublin Review. Given by Robertson Davies in 1993.

HENRY WILLIAM CARLESS DAVIS, CBE, FBA (1874 – 1928). Balliol 1891, Fellow of Balliol 1902.

Notebook containing a few pages of HWC Davies' research notes on Balliol history. With accession letter from JRH Weaver to Cyril Bailey, dated Trinity Coll Oxford 17.10.1928. Former Library shelfmark 515 b.22, transferred to Archives & MSS 2014.

HARRY DREW (New College, matric. 1872).

"Magnificat by Harry Drew, Balliol College Oxon." Music, bound.


Illuminated poem "To the Mother of Christ the Son of Man," said to be inspired by a window in the College Chapel. Given by Catherine Durand in 1970.


Biography of George Eastman, by Lawrence P. Bachmann. Photocopy of TS, 566 pp. Given by Lawrence P. Bachmann. Eastman lectures by Clyde A. Hutchinson Jr., Hilary Term 1982. Photocopies of TS of 5 lectures. Given by Professor Hutchinson

NICHOLAS ELLIOT , Balliol 1779-1781.

Elliot's bills for laundry, barber and horse feed for 1780-1. Given by Mrs. Norah Richardson in 1963.


Catalogues for: undated exhibition on William Shakespeare; John Snell exhibition, Glasgow, 1979; Matthew Arnold Exhibition at Dove Cottage, 1988-89; Modern Manuscripts Exhibition at the Balliol Gaudy for 1916-1939, 1991; Modern Manuscripts Exhibition at the Balliol Library Open Day, 1993, 1994; Jowett exhibition 1993; Modern Manuscripts Exhibition for Family Open Day, 1995.


Printed poems by A.L. Cotton (Balliol 1892-5), G.H. Godwin (Balliol 1892-6) and Mr. Rofe (Merton). 2nd edition, printed in 1893. Given by Percy Hide (Balliol 1893-7) in 1936.

Sir STUART MITFORD FRASER , 1864-1963, Balliol 1883-1884.

Sir Stuart Fraser's documents of Royal Commission to negotiate with the Chinese in 1905. With the seal of Edward VII attached. Letter from Sir Stuart Fraser to the Master, 1963. Given by Miss Violet Fraser (daughter of Sir Stuart Fraser) in 1965.

PETER THOMAS GEACH , born 1912, Balliol 1934-38, Hon. Fellow 1979.

Unbound pages of Reference and Generality An examination of some Medieval and Modern Theories by P.T. Geach, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1980 (third edition). With minor corrections and revisions. Presented in 1991 by Peter Geach?


GEORGE WOOLLEY GOUGH , 1869-1948. Balliol 1902-6

TS "The writing of English Prose." Given by George Gough in 1948.

LORD GORELL (RONALD GORELL BARNES, 3rd Baron Gorell), 1884-1963. Balliol 1903-1907.

AMS poems, signed and dated 1950-1954. Given by Lord Gorell.

ARCHIBALD JOHN GRAHAME, 1857-1885. Balliol 1877-81.

Notebook of AJ Grahame's lecture notes on Plato etc. Mostly full. Presented 1929 by AWPC. Former shelfmark 515 b.20, transferred to Archives & MSS 2014.

GRAHAM GREENE , 1904-1991. Balliol 1922-1925, Hon. Fellow 1963.

26 pp. typescript [copy] of The Great Jowett, a radio play by Graham Greene first broadcast on 6 May 1939. Given by Graham Greene in 1980. Medallion cut in the French mint with portrait of Greene and a quotation from Robert Browning. Given by Prof. Cecil Y. Lang in 1993.


Photographs taken at the 1980 History Schools Dinner by Hugh Kernohan. Given by Hugh Kernohan (Balliol 1977-80) in 1980.

THOMAS LIONEL HODGKIN , 1910-1982. Balliol 1928-1932, Fellow 1945-52 and 1966.

"Don Tomás": autobiographical epic in 12 cantos. TS. Presented to the Master by Thomas Hodgkin in 1981.

Sir COURTENAY PEREGRINE ILBERT , 1841-1924. Balliol 1860-66, Fellow 1864-74, Hon. Fellow.

Photocopy of Sir Courtenay Ilbert's diary, August 1860-July 1861 [the original diary belongs to Mrs. Mary Bennett, a descendant of Sir Courtenay Ilbert]. Copied by Dr. John Jones, with the permission of Mrs. Mary Bennett in February 1991.

ANDREW LANG , 1844-1912. Balliol Hil. 1865-1868.

Newspaper cuttings of poems by Lang c.1909-1912, mounted in album with cuttings by Hilaire Belloc.

Rev. Canon JOHN FRERE LANGFORD , 1841-1922. Balliol 1860-1865.

Photograph album containing pictures of undergraduates and Fellows in the 1860s. Some pages blank. With correspondence, loose photograph of J.L. Strachan-Davidson. [Listed on dBase.] Given by John F. Langford in 1919.

ALEXANDER DUNLOP LINDSAY , 1879-1952. Fellow 1906-1922, Master 1924-1949.

Notebook of lecture notes on Roman constitutional history. Given by Prof. Arnold J. Toynbee in 1956.

DAVID JOHN McCRACKEN , born 1911. Balliol 1931-1933.

"Faith and Reason: the Great Debate." 2 springback folders containing TS paper with autograph corrections, revisions.

GEORGE MACRAE , Pipe Major, late of the Royal Scots.

"The Heritage of Piobaireachid." TS about the language of the bagpipes.


MSS, TSS and photocopies of various versions; MS copy in notebook presented by A.C.R.G. Montefiore.

ERNEST JAMES MYERS , 1844-1921. Balliol 1863-1867, Lecturer 1868.

Notebook containing prose translation of Pindar's Odes, 1874. Given by Rollo H. Myers (son of Ernest Myers) in 1961. Possibly previously referred to as MS 452.

GUNNAR MYRDAL , 1897-1987, Supernumerary Fellow of Balliol Trinity 1959, Swedish economist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics 1974.

Bound TS: drafts of chapter 6 dated January and February 1961, and initialled K.A. A note on the front reads: "Drafts prepared by KAMAL AZFAR for ASIAN DRAMA". Kamal Azfar (1938-. Balliol 1958-60) worked as Research Assistant to Gunnar Myrdal on Myrdal's book Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations (1968), and is credited in the preface to that work.

Correspondence (29 letters), 1961-87, mainly between Gunnar Myrdal (1898-1987, Supernumerary Fellow of Balliol Trin. 1959, Swedish economist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics 1974) and Kamal Azfar. One letter (28 February 1969) is to Myrdal from Shu-Chin [?], probably Shu-Chin Yang, another of Myrdal's Research Assistants on Asian Drama.

TSS:"Relief instead of Development Aid" (translation of an article in Economisk Debatt, 1980, no. 8) by Gunnar Myrdal.

"Need for Reforms in Under-Developed Countries" by Gunnar Myrdal (Paper presented to the symposium "The Past Prospects of the Economic World Order", Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden, August 25-28 1978).

"Final draft. Chapter 6. Education." This seems to match the text of ch. 6 of Myrdal's The Challenge of World Poverty (1970).

Given by Mr Azfar.

E.H. NEW .

Drawings of Balliol College: bound pencil sketches. Presented by R.H. New in 1931.

TERENCE HENRY O'BRIEN , 1904-1989. Lecturer 1936.

Notes on tutorials given 1935-6; 2 letters from Lord Samuel, 1933. Given by T.H. O'Brien in 1980.

ALEXANDER GEORGE OGSTON FRS , born 1911. Balliol 1929-33, Fellow 1937-60, Hon. Fellow 1969.

Reminiscences 1911-88 of A.G. Ogston. Bound typescript [unpublished]. Presented by A.G. Ogston in March 1991. See also Sound and Audio-Visual Recordings.

JOHN ROWAN HAMILTON O'REGAN , 1870-1922. Balliol 1889-1893.

John O'Regan and his family background - unpublished bound volume by his sons John (Balliol 1932-35) and Michael O'Regan. 408pp. Given by John and Michael O'Regan in 1992.


i. Typescript of "Let's Start a Democracy or Mankind at the Crossroads." Author partly inspired by attending Balliol summer schools. Presented by Sidney Poppitt in 1980.

ii. Typescript of "Let's Start a Democracy or Mankind at the Crossroads." Inscription on inside front cover reads "To Balliol College, Oxford, with the best wishes of the author. Signed Sidney Poppitt. Presented 7 May 1991.

iii. Typescript of "Whither Humanity ?" Inscription on inside front cover reads "To Balliol College, Oxford, with the best wishes of the author. Signed Sidney Poppitt. Presented 7 May 1991.

iv. Typescript of "Homosexualism ?" Inscription on inside front cover reads "To Balliol College, Oxford, with the best wishes of the author. Signed Sidney Poppitt. Presented 7 May 1991.

ANTHONY DYMOKE POWELL , born 1904. Balliol 1923-26, Hon. Fellow 1974.

i. Caledonia, undated [1934]. Privately printed booklet. With autograph corrections by the author.

ii. 15 pp. typescript introduction to "Cuthbert Bede's" The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green (OUP, 1982). With numerous autograph corrections and revisions by Anthony Powell. Presented by Anthony Powell in May 1991.

iii. Caledonia, undated [1934]. With autograph corrections by the author and presentation inscription to Kenneth Bell (Balliol 1903), 1936. See also Maxwell Papers.


THE ACCOUNT BOOK OF DAVID ROBERTS, CASHIER FOR JOHN CALCRAFT, ARMY AGENT, 1759-1763. This is a completely filled volume about 4to in size and around 2cm thick with unlabelled parchment covers, in excellent condition, containing accounts of payments received by David Roberts between 20 Oct 1759 and 2 July 1763 . The payments were in many cases large, and were mostly made by named Army Officers ranging in Rank from Cornet to General (Cornwallis is mentioned several times); sometimes the payment was entered simply as received from a named Regiment; drafts of up to £20000 drawn on Hoare’s Bank were received frequently. Pamela Hunter, Archivist of Hoare’s Bank, has most helpfully identified David Roberts as an associate of John Calcraft, Politician and Army Agent (see the ODNB ); in giving evidence at the Old Bailey on 16 September 1761, David Roberts stated that he was John Calcraft’s Cashier. Provenance unknown. Perhaps a stray from another Collection (Morier ?, Conroy?). Description by JHJ, 20 September 2012.


"Oxford remembered, 1920-1940." Bound TS. Given by Katherine Ridley in 1983.


Photograph album labelled "Newcastle 1876," containing photographs that appear to relate to Uppingham School.

ALBERT ROWE . Schoolmaster Student, Michaelmas 1971.

Clerihews. TS. Given to the Fellows by Albert Rowe in 1971.

WILLIAM YOUNG SELLAR (?-1890, Balliol 1842-1843) and ALEXANDER CRAIG SELLAR (1835-1890, Balliol 1854-1858).

In memoriam Gulielmi Young Sellar et Alexandri Craig Sellar. Bound volume with signatures of subscribers to memorial. Given by J.A.F. Thomson in 1975.

ISHAK MOHAMMED SHERIF of Khartoum, born 1924. Balliol 1945-1957.

TS poems in English, with MS corrections; TS essays; printed material on Islam, Khartoum, the Sudan. Given by T. Sherif.

JOHN LOUIS HARRY SIBBONS , born 1928. Balliol 1947-1952.

Photocopies of 2 MSS: "The Mozartian Missa Sollemnis" and "Mozart's masses...1773-1780." Given by John Sibbons in 1981.

HENRY PERCIVAL SMITH , 1894-1967. Balliol 1913-1916.

Typescript "A note on the contribution of Balliol to the making of the tradition of Extra-mural Education." Given by Henry Smith in 1967?


2 10" records, magnetic tape recording of "Portrait of a College," BBC, 1955; magnetic tape copy of "University Notebook," BBC 1965. For scripts etc relating to these broadcasts see Broadcasts.

Audio cassette of "The Southern African political crisis in perspective," a speech by Sir Seretse Khama at the Union, June 1976.

Audio cassette marked "W.W. Rostow and Gordon Craig - Songs."

Magnetic tape of reminiscences of A.G. OGSTON (q.v.) including anecdotes about Sir Harold Hartley, A.B. Rodger, K.N. Bell etc, recorded in the mid-1960s.

VHS video cassette of "Bare Heaven," documentary on the life and fiction of L.P. HARTLEY, made by Seventh House Films in 1992.

Rev. JOHN STEEL , 1836-1901. Balliol 1855-1859.

Photograph album containing pictures of undergraduates and Fellows in the 1850s. [Catalogued on dBase.]


Cuttings, photographs of the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of its founding, 1973.

JOHN AUSTIN SYKES , 1909-1962. Balliol 1928-1932.

4 paper-covered volumes of photocopied MS music: 1 copy each of Sykes’ Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by William Blake, both set to music for voice and piano (11 and 12 on the Sykes project page list) only. The copies are of MS scores, in a standard performance fair-copy hand, not necessarily Sykes’. No publication information. 'Innocence' 76pp in 2 vols, 'Experience' 89pp in 2 vols. Given by Mr. and Mrs L. Bennett in 1977. For more information about Sykes, his music and his archives, see the John Sykes Project.

Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. FREDERICK TEMPLE , 1821-1902. Balliol 1838-1842.

Notebook, signed, containing several essays (including "The Science of Logic"), undated. With annotations, some by Benjamin Jowett. Separated from "Additional Jowett Papers" by Dr. John Jones in 1979.

RICHARD GRANVILLE WADDY , 1885-1974. Balliol Hilary 1909-1912.

Photograph album containing pictures of college members and members of King Edward's Horse (Overseas Dominions Regiment) from c. 1910. [Catalogued on dBase.]

JOHN CECIL WRENCH , 1895-1976. Balliol 1918-1920.

TS poem "The College Chapel," 1918. Given by Mrs. Claire Wrench in 1976.

- Tim Procter, Modern MSS Asst, 1993

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