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Papers of Papers of Walker Turner Monckton, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, 1896-1957

Index to Dep. Monckton K-R

Index A-E F-J K-R S-Z

KABERRY (Sir Donald) b.1907.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955-6, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 83, 86; Dep. Monckton 28, fol. 93.

KEIGHTLEY (Sir Charles Frederick) 1901-74.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 287.

KEIR (Sir David Lindsay) 1895-1973.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955-63, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 156-7, 159, 161, 164; Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 260-1.
Copies of letters to Whitney Shephardson, 1963, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 220-1, 235-6.

KEMSLEY, Viscount, see Berry.

KENNET, Baron, see Young.

KERR (Charles Iain) 1st Baron Teviot, 1874-1968.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 88-9.

KERR (Sir Hamilton William) 1903-74.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 59-60.

KILLEARN, Baron, see Lampson.

KILMAINE, Baron, see Browne.

KINDERSLEY (Hugh Kenyon Molesworth) 2nd Baron Kindersley, 1899-1976.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 248.

KING (Cecil Harmsworth) 1901-87.
Copies of joint letter to Winston Churchill, 1952, Dep. Monckton 26, fols. 108, 111.

KING-HALL (William Stephen Richard) Baron King-Hall, 1893-1966.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 143-54.

KITCHEN (Sir Geoffrey) 1906-78.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 249.

KITTO (Sir Frank Walters) 1903-94.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 200-1.

KRISHNA MENON (Vengali Khrishman) 1896-1974.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 29-40, 43, 45; Dep. Monckton 26, fols. 186-202, 204.
Letters from Phyllis Bottome, 1953, Dep. Monckton 26, fols. 186-202.

Correspondence and papers relating to, 1951-9, Dep. Monckton 2-6R, 11R passim.

LAITHWAITE (Sir Gilbert), see Laithwaite (Sir John Gilbert).

LAITHWAITE (Sir John Gilbert) 1894-1986.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17 fol. 67.
Letters to and from Lord Bridges, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 41-3, 73.
Copy of telegram from Lord Carrington, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 74.

LAMBTON (Antony Claud Frederick) Viscount Lambton, 1922-2006.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 233-9.
Copy of letter from Iain Macleod, 1961, Dep. Monckton 53R, fol. 208.

LAMPSON (Miles Wedderburn 1st Baron Killearn, 1889-1964.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 405.

LANG (Cosmo Gordon), see Lang (William Cosmo Gordon).

LANG (William Cosmo Gordon) Baron Lang of Lambeth, 1864-1945.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1934, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 161.

LARNACH-NEVILL (Guy Temple Montacute) 4th Marquess of Abergavenny, 1883-1954.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1946, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 209.

LASCELLES (Sir Alan Frederick) 1887-1981.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952-61, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 244, 249; Dep. Monckton 27, fols. 226-7, 262, 287-9.

LASKI (Neville Jonas) 1890-1969.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1930-2, Dep. Monckton 16, fols. 21, 255.

LAVERY (Cecil) 1894-1967.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fol. 188-90.

LAWRENCE (Sir Frederick Geoffrey) 1902-1967.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1932, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 144-7.

LAWRENCE (Geoffrey) 3rd Baron Trevethin and 1st Baron Oaksey, 1880-1971.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 12R, fols. 178, 181.

LAWRENCE (Sir Geoffrey), see Lawrence (Sir Frederick Geoffrey).

LAWSON JOHNSTON (Ian St. John) 2nd Baron Luke of Pavenham, 1905-96.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 248-50.

LEATHER (Sir Edwin Hartley Cameron) 1919-2005.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 222-5.

LEAVEY (Anthony), see Leavy (John Anthony).

LEAVEY (John Anthony) 1915-99.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 24-5.

LECONFIELD, Baron, see Wyndham.

LEE (Sir Kenneth) 1879–1967.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 75-6.

LENNOX-BOYD (Alan Tindal) 1st Viscount Boyd of Merton, 1904-83.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-61, Dep. Monckton 6R, fol. 226; Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 368; Dep. Monckton 31R, fols. 132-4.

LE QUESNE (Charles Thomas) 1885-1954.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 227.

LEWIS (Arthur William John) 1917-98.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 46-7.

LINDEMANN (Frederick Alexander) Viscount Cherwell, 1886-1957.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-7, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 399; Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 5-6, 22-8.

LINLITHGOW, Marquess of, see Hope.

LOGAN (Sir Donald Arthur) 1917-2009.
Letter to J.K.T. Frost, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 476-8.

LONG (Walter Hume) Viscount Long of Wraxall, 1854-1924.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1913-19 n.d., Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 22-4, 45.

LONGFORD, see Pakenham.

LOTHIAN (Sir Arthur Cunningham) 1887-1962.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953-7, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 27, 41-2, 140; Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 1-2.
Letters to and from Henrietta Gatehouse, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 217, 321.

LOUSADA (Sir Anthony Baruh) 1907-94.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 28, fols. 74-5.

LUKE, Baron, see Lawson Johnston.

LUMLEY (Lawrence Roger) 11th Earl of Scarbrough, 1896-1969.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 365, 373.

LYNE (Lewis Owen) 1899-1970.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953, Dep. Monckton 28, fols. 12-14.

LYTTLETON (Oliver) 1st Viscount Chandos, 1893-1972.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1962, Dep. Monckton 31R, fol. 164.

MABANE (William) 1st Baron Mabane, 1895-1969.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 154-5.

MABY (Sir Charles George) 1888-1967.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 146-7, 283-4.

McADDEN (Sir Stephen James) 1907-79.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 219.

McCALLUM (Ronald Buchanan) 1898-1973.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 79-80.

McGOWAN (Harry Duncan) 1st Baron McGowan, 1874-1961.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 156-7.

MACINNES (Charles Malcolm) 1891-1971.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-9,

  • Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 20-32, 310-11;
  • Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 193, 218, 231-2;
  • Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 148-9;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 301, 303-4, 315-16, 344;
  • Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 1, 137;
  • Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 20-3, 33-4, 158-9;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fol. 3.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton's Personal Private Secretary, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 217, 220.

MACK (Sir Henry), see Mack (Sir William Henry Bradshaw).

MACK (Sir William Henry Brashaw) 1894-1974.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 92-3.

MACKENNA (Sir Bernard Joseph Maxwell) b.1911.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953-62,

  • Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 248-9;
  • Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 49;
  • Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 465;
  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 45 178;
  • Dep. Monckton 10R, fol. 9;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fol. 229;
  • Dep. Monckton 14R, fol. 60;
  • Dep. Monckton 18, fol. 182.

MACKENNA (Sir Brian), see Mackenna (Sir Bernard Joseph Maxwell).

MACLAY (John Scott) 1st Viscount Muirshiel, 1905-92.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 332-3.

MACLEAN (Sir Fitzroy Hew Royle) 1911-96.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 329, 343-4; Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 62-5.
Copies of letters to and from William Hicks Beach, 1955, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 128-32.
Copies of letters to and from J.C.T. Mills, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 133-7; Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 64.

MACLEOD (Iain Norman) 1913-70.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1954-61,

  • Dep. Monckton 4, fol. 182;
  • Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 45-6, 208-10, 213, 291;
  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 7-8, 141, 150, 157;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 160-1;
  • Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 392-3;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 166, 229;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 74-8, 82;
  • Dep. Monckton 29R, fols. 21, 25-77, 79, 95-6, 100;
  • Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 11, 88, 142;
  • Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 52, 207-14.

Note of Walter Monckton's interview with, 1958, Dep. Monckton 29R, fols. 87-8.
Telephone message to Walter Monckton, 1959, Dep. Monckton 11R, fol. 165.
Copy of letter to Lord Lambton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 53R, fol. 208.

McCLURE (George Buchanan) 1887-1955.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 129.

MACMILLAN (Maurice Harold) Earl of Stockton, 1894-1986.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952-64,

  • Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 230-1;
  • Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 5, 7-8, 14;
  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fol. 328;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 76-9;
  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 61-2, 78-81, 183-5, 187, 189;
  • Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 49, 166, 171-2, 193;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 46-59, 62-5;
  • Dep. Monckton 12R, fols. 89, 143-4, 206-7, 273-4;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 162, 255;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 81, 284;
  • Dep. Monckton 22R, fols. 24, 65;
  • Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 1-4, 6-9.

Copy of letter to Ronald Aird, 1957, Dep. Monckton 22R, fol. 62.
Walter Monckton's note of conversation with, 1959, Dep. Monckton 11R, fol. 35.
Copies of letters to and from Archbishop of Canterbury, 1962, Dep. Monckton 32R, fols. 83-5.
Transcript of Panorama profile of, 1963, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 46-53.

MACMILLAN (Maurice Victor) Viscount Ovenden, 1921-84.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1962, Dep. Monckton 22R, fol. 67.

McNAUGHT (John Graeme) b.1941.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 117-18.

MAKINS (Roger Mellor) Baron Sherfield, 1904-96.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1963, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 249-52, 256, 258, 276-7, 279.

MALIK (Sardar Hardit Singh) 1894-1985.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-60, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 85-7, 113-14, 147, 155, 243, 303, 309; Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 19, 37, 41, 75, 82, 114-15, 143-8, 154, 158-9, 162; Dep. Monckton 12R, fols. 64-70, 75.
Copy of letter to T.E. Peppercorn, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 147-8.

MALLET (Sir Victor Alexander Louis) 1893-1969.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fols. 8-11.

MALLON (James Joseph) 1875-1961.
Printed copy of article by, n.d., Dep. Monckton 29R, fols. 228-9.

MALONE (Herbert) d.1962.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 10-11.

Papers concerning, 1952-6 Dep. Monckton 27, fols. 4-129.

MANCROFT (Stormont Mancroft Samuel Mancroft) 2nd Baron Mancroft, 1914-87.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 12R, fols. 17-18.

MANNINGHAM-BULLER (Reginald Wdward) 1st Viscount Dilhorne, 1905-80.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 71-2.

MARPLES (Alfred Ernest) Baron Marples, 1907-78.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1959, Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 203-4, 210, 217.

MARQUIS (Frederick James) 1st Earl of Woolton, 1883-1964.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 278.

Correspondence concerning, 1957-64, Dep. Monckton 19R-22R.

MASON (Glyn Keith Murray) 2nd Baron Blackford, 1887-1972.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 234.

MASON (Philip) 1906-99.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 189-9, 321.

MASSIGLI (René) 1888-1988.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 61-2.

MASTERMAN (Sir John Cecil) 1891-1977.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-62,

  • Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 57, 68, 71, 121, 123-4;
  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 234-5, 368-71;
  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 325-6;
  • Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 243;
  • Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 77;
  • Dep. Monckton 31R, fol. 137.

Letter to Walter Monckton's Personal Private Secretary, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 58.

MATHEW (Sir Theobald) 1898-1964.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 258-60.

MAUD (John Primatt Redcliffe) Baron Redcliffe-Maud, 1906-82.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 175-8.

MAUDLING (Reginald) 1917-79.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 319.

MAUGHAM (Frederick Herbert) 1st Viscount Maugham, 1866-1958.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 250.

MELLISH (Robert Joseph) 1913-98.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1959, Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 103-5, 114-15, 122, 128-9, 143, 145, 156, 190.

MENDERES (Adhan) Prime Minister of Turkey.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fol. 208.

MENON (Vapal Pangunni) 1894-1966.
Telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 116-17.

MENZIES (Sir Robert Gordon) 1894-1978.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 65, 67.

MERRIMAN (Frank Boyd) Baron Merriman 1880-1962.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1928-33, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 66, 158.

METCALFE (Sir Ralph Ismay) 1896-1977.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 109-10.

METHVEN (Sir Harry Finlayson) 1886-1968.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 406.

MILLARD (Sir Guy Elwin) b.1917.
Letter from John Moreton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 246-50.
Copy of letter from N.S. Forward, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 430-1.

MILLER (Desmond Campbell) 1914-86.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1959-61, Dep. Monckton 19R, fols. 196, 229-30; Dep. Monckton 22R, fols. 33-5, 155-6.
Walter Monckton's note of conversation with, 1959, Dep. Monckton 22R, fols.163.
Copies of letters to Ronald Aird, 1960, Dep. Monckton 22R, fols. 189-90, 193.

MOLSON (Arthur Hugh Elsdale) Baron Molson, 1903-91.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1959-63, Dep. Monckton 15R, fol. 97; Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 114-15, 137, 165, 167.
Copy of letter to William Proctor, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 156-7.
Copy of letter to Lord Bridges, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 120.

MONCKTON (Bridget Helen) Lady Ruthven of Freeland, Dowager Viscountess Monckton of Brenchley, 1896-1982.
Letter from Lord Reith, 1948, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 237-9.
Letter from Dame Leslie Whateley, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 91-94.
Letter from John Garrett, 1953 Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 63-4.
Letter from Lady Eden, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fol. 36.
Copies of telegram and letter to and from Lord Beaverbrook, 1963, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 90, 92-3, 101-2, 104.
Letter from D.N. Pritt 1963, Dep. Monckton 15R, fol. 103.
Letters to and from, 1952-64,

  • Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 250-1;
  • Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 265;
  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 174-5, 256, 258, 292, 337, 355, 363, 365;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 68, 97, 130;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 198, 201;
  • Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 205;
  • Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 27-8;
  • Dep. Monckton 20R, fol. 128;
  • Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 203;
  • Dep. Monckton 31R, fol. 87;
  • Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 218-332 passim.
  • Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 19-20, 23, 26-7.

MONCKTON COMMISSION see Central African Federation.

MONROE (Elizabeth) 1905-86,
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-7, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 100-5, 404-15; Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 35, 51-8.

MONTGOMERY (Bernard Law) 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, 1887-1976.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955-7,

  • Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 52, 55, 107-8;
  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 30-1, 46-7, 238-40, 311, 335;
  • Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 288-9, 296, 469-71;
  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 33, 46, 341-4.

Copy of letter from Mervyn Stockwood, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fol. 342.

MOORE (John Cecil) 1907-67.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 261-2, 278.

MOORE (William Harvey) 1891-1961.
Letters to Walter Monckton 1932-51, Dep. Monckton 16, fols. 272-3; Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 246.

MORETON (Sir John Oscar) b.1917.
Letter from Guy Millard, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 246-50.

MORGAN (Sir Frank William) 1887-1974.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 251-2.

MORLAND (Michael) b.1929.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 55-6.

MORLEY (Sir Godfrey William Rowland) b.1909-87.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 7-8.

MORRIS (John William) Baron Morris of Borth-y-Gest 1896-1979.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 294-6.

MORSE (Sir Christopher Jeremy) b.1928.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 141-4, 171-5.
Copy of letter to G.A.B. Docker, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 172-4.

MORSE (David A.) 1907-90.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 102-4, 126, 128-31.

MORSE (Sir Jeremy), see Morse (Sir Christopher Jeremy).

MORSHEAD (Sir Owen Frederick) 1893-1977.
Letter to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 28-30.

MORTON (Fergus Dunlop) Baron Morton of Henryton, 1887-1973.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fols. 4-5.

MOSLEY (Henry) 1868-1948.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 103.

MOTTERSHEAD (Frank William) 1911-2006.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 110-35.

MOUNTBATTEN (Alexander Albert) Marquess of Carisbrooke, 1886-1960.
Note by, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fol. 399.

MOUNTBATTEN (Edwina Cynthia Annette) Countess Mountbatten of Burma, 1901-60.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 185-6.

MOUNTBATTEN (Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1900-79.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-63

  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 59-66, 102-3, 293, 310, 364, 366;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 59, 132, 134, 136, 153, 317;
  • Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 253;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 42-3;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 229, 239.

Copy of speech by, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 72-3.

MUIR (Sir Edward Francis) 1905-79.
Copy of letter from Lord Bridges, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 45.

MUIRSHIEL, Viscount, see Maclay.

MUSKER (Sir John) 1906-92.
Copy of letter from David Robarts, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 289.

MYRDDIN-EVANS (Sir Guildlaume) 1894-1964.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 148-9.
Minute from N. Singleton, 1954, Dep. Monckton 4, fol. 37.
Letter to Sir Godfrey Ince, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 101.
Minutes to and from, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 263.

NASSER (Gamel Abdel) 1918-70.
R.B. Williams-Thompson's interview with, 1954, Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 90-4.

NATHAN (Harry Louis) 1st Baron Nathan, 1889-1963.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1930, 1957-63.

  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 250, 260-1, 274-89, 160-1;
  • Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 12-13;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fol. 12;
  • Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 58;
  • Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 105-6.

NEAME (Elizabeth) née Monroe see Monroe (Elisabeth).

NEEDHAM (Sir Raymond Walter) d.1965.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 47-8.

NEHRU (Jawaharlal) 1889-1964.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-62, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 115-17, 359-61; Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 319-20.

NEHRU (Shri Jawaharlal) 1889-1964.
Copy of introduction to Envoy Magazine, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 198-9.

NEILSON (Nigel Fraser) 1919-2000.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 12R, fols. 76-7.

NOEL-BAKER (Francis Edward) 1920-2009.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fol. 237.
Copy of letters to and from Anthony Eden, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 248-50.

NOEL-BAKER (Philip John) Baron Noel-Baker, 1889-1982.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1959-63, Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 67-9, 101-2; Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 106, 118, 173, 182; Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 202-6, 209, 218.
Walter Monckton's note of conversation with, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fol. 138.

NORTHCHURCH, Baroness, see Davidson.

NORWOOD (Sir Cyril) 1875-1956.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 123-4.

NUGENT (George Richard Hodges) Baron Nugent of Guildford, 1907-94.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 45-7.

NUTTING (Sir Harold Anthony) 1920-99.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1955-6, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 26-7; Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 92-3.

OAKSEY, Baron see Trevethin, Baron

OAKESHOTT (Sir Walter Fraser) 1903-87.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1959-63,

  • Dep. Monckton 12R, fols. 195, 198;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 253-4;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 115-16;
  • Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 312-3;
  • Dep. Monckton 25R, fols. 95-6.

Letters from Walter Monckton's Private Secretary, 1963, Dep. Monckton 15R, fol. 117; Dep. Monckton 25R, fol. 96.

O'CONNOR (Sir Terence James) 1891-1940.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1929-36, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 76, 167.

OLIVER (Sir Roland Giffard) 1882-1967.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1932, Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 246.

OLIVIER (Laurence Kerr) Baron Olivier, 1907-89.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 22R, fols. 69-70.

ONASSIS (Aristotle Socrates) 1906-75.
Telegram from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 107.

ORMEROD (Sir Berkeley), see Ormerod (Sir Cyril Berkeley).

ORMEROD (Sir Cyril Berkeley) 1897-1983.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 22.

ORR (James Bernard Vivian) 1917-2008.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1960-2, Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 185; Dep. Monckton 14R, fol. 195.
Letter from E.R. Walker, 1960, Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 186.

ORR-EWING (Charles Ian) Baron Orr-Ewing, 1912-99.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955-63,

  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 204-6;
  • Dep. Monckton 14R, fol. 194;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 144-5, 165;
  • Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 290.

Walter Monckton's note of conversation with, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fol. 193.

O'SULLIVAN (Richard) 1888-1963.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 88; Dep. Monckton 16, fols. 208-9.

OVENDEN, Viscount, see Macmillan.

OWEN (Sir Alfred George Beech) 1908-75.
Note to Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 288.

Correspondence and papers relating to Historic Buildings Appeal, 1957-9, 1961-4 Dep. Monckton 24R-25R.
Letter relating to proposed road through Christ Church Meadow, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 159-61.
Correspondence relating to roads enquiry, 1961, Dep. Monckton 23R, fols. 104-200.

Correspondence and papers relating to the roads enquiry, 1961, Dep. Monckton 23R, fols. 107-200.

Correspondence with Walter Monckton, 1957-63,

  • Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 50-8, 78;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 79-81, 121;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 74-5;
  • Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 136, 140, 145-9, 181, 183, 188-91, 215, 231-3.

Letters concerning, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 172-4.

R. Pring-Mill's correspondence with Walter Monckton relating to Suez Crisis, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 96-7.
Correspondence relating to Law Library, 1956-8, Dep. Monckton 23R, fols. 1-103.
Historic Buildings Fund, Correspondence and papers concerning, 1957-64, Dep. Monckton 24R-25R.

PAKENHAM (Francis Aungier) Earl of Longford, 1905-2001.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 28, fols. 36-7.

PALMER (John Roundell) 4th Earl of Selborne, b.1940.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960,
Dep. Monckton 12R, fols. 87-8.

PANDIT (Vijaya Lakshmi) née Nehru, 1900-90.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-64,

  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 165-6;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 116, 207-9;
  • Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 401-3, 466-7;
  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fol. 139;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 309-10;
  • Dep. Monckton 19R, fols. 160-1.

PARKER (Hubert Lister) Baron Parker of Waddington, 1900-72.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 181-2.

PARKER (Hubert Stanley Wyborn) 1883-1966.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953-4, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 96-9, 128-9; Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 164-5.

PARRY (Cecil Ramsden Langworthy) 1901-77.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1962-3, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 297-302; Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 106-12, 182-91.

PARSONS (Laurence Michael Harvey) 6th Earl of Rosse, 1906-79.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 120.

PATIALA, Maharajadhiraj of, 1913-74.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1959, Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 109, 131.

PEACOCK (Sir Edward Robert) 1871-1962.
Telegram from and letter to Walter Monckton, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 191-2.

PEACOCK (Sir Geoffrey Arden) 1920-91.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 28, fols. 291-370, 377.

PEMBER (Francis William) 1862-1954.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 104.

PEPPIATT (Sir Leslie Ernest) 1891-1968.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 77-8.

PETRIE (Sir Charles Alexander) 1895-1977.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-61, Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 196; Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 266-9.

PEYTON (John Wynne William) 1919-2006.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 50-3.

PHILIP, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, Consort to Queen Elizabeth II, b.1921.
Copies of letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 31R, fols. 57-8.
Copy of letter from M.S. Nutt, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fol. 242.

PHILLIMORE (John Gore) 1908-2001.
Copy of letter to Lord Brand, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 284.

PICKARD (Sir Cyril Stanley) 1917-92.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 192, 223.

PILKINGTON (Harry William Henry) Baron Pilkington, 1905-83.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 175-6, 225-7.

Letters relating to, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 175-6, 225-7.

PITBLADLO (Sir David Bruce) b.1912.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fol. 9.
Letter to Antony Sutherland 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fol. 237.

PITMAN (Charles Murray) 1872-1948.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 172.

PITMAN (Sir Isaac James) 1901-85.
Letters from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 372; Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 194.

PITMAN (Sir James), see Pitman (Sir Isaac James).

PLAYFAIR (Sir Edward Wilder) 1909-99.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 28, fol. 126.

PLOWDEN (Edwin Noel) Baron Plowden, 1907-2001.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953-4, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 225-6; Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 10-11.

POLLOCK (Betram) 1863-1943.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1932, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 140, 142, 148-9.

POOLE (Oliver Brian Sanderson) 1st Baron Poole, 1911-93.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 28, fols. 79, 91-2.

Air Ministry photographs of, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8*.

PORTMAN (Guy Maurice Berkeley) 1890-61.
Copy of letter from David Robarts, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 288.

POWELL (Sir Richard Royle) 1909-2006.
Mins. to and from, 1956 Dep. Monckton 6, fols. 176, 348

PRAIN (Sir Ronald Lindsay) 1907-91.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1961-4,

  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 19, 27, 63-4, 229-30, 264-5;
  • Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 85, 265-96;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 14-35, 222, 274-5;
  • Dep. Monckton 52R, fol. 258.

Walter Monckton's note of conversation with, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 104-5.
Copy of speech by, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 265-96.

PRICE (Henry Alfred) 1911-82.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1954, Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 120, 123.

PRITCHARD (Sir Harry Goring) 1868-1962.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 79-80; Dep. Monckton 28, fols. 133-5, 166-70.

PRITT (Denis Nowell) 1887-1972.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1930-64,

  • Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 106;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 238-9;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 98-9, 314;
  • Dep. Monckton 16, fols. 22-3;
  • Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 98-9.

Letter to Lady Monckton, 1963, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 103, 140.

PROCTOR (William Thomas) 1896-1967.
Copy of letter from Hugh Molson, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 156-7.

RAHIMTOOLA (Habib Ibrahim) 1912-91.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 210.

RAISMAN (Sir Abraham Jeremy) 1892-1978.
Copy of letter from Walter Monckton, 1954, Dep. Monckton 28, fol. 48.

RAMSAY (Simon) 16th Earl of Dalhousie, 1914-99.
Telegrams and letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 40-2, 44.

RAMSEY (Arthur Michael) Baron Ramsey of Canterbury, 1904-88.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1962-3, Dep. Monckton 32R, fols. 71, 73, 87-90, 225, 241-2.
Copies of letters to and from Harold Macmillan, 1962, Dep. Monckton 32R, fols. 83-5.

RAISMAN (Sir Jeremy), see Raisman (Sir Abraham Jeremy).

RANDOLPH (Joseph Randolph) 1867-1936.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 122; Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 231.

RAWDON SMITH (Edward Rawdon) 1890-1957.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-7, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 416; Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 208, 292; Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 99-100.

READING, Marquess of, see Isaacs.

REEVE (James Ernest) 1926-2006.
Letter to Walter Monckton's Assistant Private Secretary, 1953, Dep. Monckton 27, fol. 71.

REID (Sir Edward James) 1901-72.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 191-2.

REID (James Scott Cumberland) Baron Reid, 1890-1975.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 254.

REITH (John Charles Walsham) 1st Baron Reith, 1889-1971.
Letter to Lady Monckton, 1948, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 237-9.

RENNIE (Sir Gilbert McCall) 1895-1981.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 182, 198.

Memoranda and printed material relating to, 1962-3, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 22-35, 223-7.

ROBARTS (David John) 1906-89.
Letters to and from Walter Moncktor 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 286-93.
Copy of letter to Sir Eric Gore Browne, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 287.
Copy of letter to Guy Portman, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 288.
Copy of letter to Sir John Musker, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 289.
Copy of letter to Sir Richard Jessel, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 290.
Copies of letter from, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 291-2.

ROBERTS (Sir Ernest Handforth Goodman) 1890-1969.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 205.

ROBERTSON (Brian Hubert) Baron Robertson of Oakridge, 1896-1974.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 43-4.

ROBERTS-WRAY (Sir Kenneth Owen) 1899-1983.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 52R, fol. 173.

ROBINSON (Sir Albert Edward Phineas) 1915-2009.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960-1, Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 164, 176-206.

ROBSON (Catherine) Lady Robson, née Burge.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 111.

ROBSON (Sir Thomas Buston) 1896-1991.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 32, 35.

ROCHE (Alexander Adair) Baron Roche, 1871-1956.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1934, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 159.

RODGERS (Sir John Charles) 1906-93.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957-62, Dep. Monckton 19R, fols. 87-9, 95-102; Dep. Monckton 22R, fols. 36, 38-9.
Letters from J. Hamilton Russell, 1957, Dep. Monckton 19R, fols. 87-8, 96.

ROOTES (William Edward) 1st Baron Rootes, 1894-1964.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-7, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 165-6; Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 101-2.

ROPNER (Sir Leonard) 1895-1977.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 214-15a 216.

ROSEVEARE (Robert William) b.1924.
Letters to and from E.B. Fox, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 100, 126-7.

ROSSE, Earl of, see Parsons.

ROUS (Sir Stanley Ford) 1895-1986.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 196-7, 211, 380.

RUSSELL (Charles Ritchie) Baron Russell of Killowen, 1908-86.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953-6, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 74, 76; Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 302, 394, 421-5; Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 2.

Index A-E F-J K-R S-Z

- Anna Sander.

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