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Papers of the Morier Family - Class E: Correspondence of David Richard Morier 1784-1877 [boxes 6-10]

Class E, Box 6

1. 1822 13 official letters to and from DRM from Paris.

  • 3. 08.04.22. Letter to DRM concerning Général Berton.
  • 4. 11.04.22. Letter to Planta, on DRM's ideas about Russia and Turkey.
  • 12. 30.05.22. Letter to the Consul for L'Orient from Lord Castlereagh, on East Indies Trade.
  • 13. Comparative tables for French trade 1816- 22.

2. 1822 57 letters from DRM to family from Paris.

  • 37. 12.08.22. Suicide of Lord Castlereagh.
  • 39. 20.08.22. Funeral of Lord Castlereagh.

3. 1823 16 official letters from DRM from Paris.

  • 1. 30.01.23. Letter to Planta on the Deposit Fund.
  • 2. 13.02.23. Letter to Planta on the French attitude to Spain.
  • 7. 03.12.23. Letter to DRM from Planta concerning the export of corpses from France for the College of Surgeons to dissect.
  • 8. 03.12.23. As above.
  • 9. 11.12.23. Letter to Planta, with DRM's reply to above.
  • 10. 11.12.23. As above.
  • 11. [ 23] Letter to Planta, on the liberation of King Ferdinand of Spain.
  • 12. FO circulars on consular business, 1823-48.
  • 13. General Statement of cotton manufactured in France 1820-23.
  • 14. As above.
  • 16. Table of imports and exports from the French colonies 1820-23.

4. 1823 72 letters from DRM to family from Paris.

  • 8. 09.02.23. Situation of Spanish liberals.
  • 13. 30.03.23. Situation of French Protestants.
  • 19. 30.04.23. Disbanding of the French National Guard.
  • 64. 14.12.23. Guildhall fête for the Duc d'Angoulême.

Class E, Box 7

1. 1824 11 official letters from DRM from Paris.

  • 5. 09.08.24. Letter to Planta on peace with Algiers.
  • 6. [ 24] Set of FO circulars:
  • 01.01.24. Set form for dispatches.
  • 01.06.24. Document on numbers of British workmen in France.
  • [ 24] Account of French imports and exports of cotton 1821-22.

2. 1824 60 letters from DRM to family from Paris.

  • 11. 15.02.24. Non-Catholics "des fous" in Lyons.
  • 25. 17.05.24. Meeting with Lafayette.
  • 35. 15.06.24. JJM at work on Hajji Baba.
  • 41. 18.07.24. Detailed account of a visit to the Sèvres porcelain works.

3. 1825 50 letters from DRM, including 12 official, from Paris, with 17 undated letters.

  • 11a. Table of imports of cereals 1824-25.

4. 1826 28 official letters from DRM, from Paris.

  • 11. 26.07.26. Letter to DRM from FO on the reestablishment of the Order of Malta.
  • 12. 27.07.26. As above.
  • 13. 20.07.26. Letter to DRM from Cochrane Johnston, as above.
  • 14. 04.08.26. Letter to Planta from DRM, as above.
  • 16. 11.08.26. Letter to Planta from DRM on religious feeling in France.
  • 17. 14.08.26. Letter to DRM from Planta on Cochrane Johnston.
  • 19. 10.11.26. Letter to Planta from DRM, defending his work.
  • 20. 17.11.26. Planta's response to above.
  • 22. 25.11.26. Letter to DRM from J M de la Grange, on the functions of the Commission.
  • 24. 16.12.26. Letter to DRM from FO on Lord Aberdeen's response to queries about the Consular Service from Baron de Séguier.
  • 25. 18.12.26. Letter to Planta from DRM on the effect in France of Canning's speech about the invasion of Portugal.

Class E, Box 8

1. 1826 88 letters from DRM to family from Paris.

  • 27. 27.04.26. Lifting of anti-press laws.
  • 29. 05.05.26. Unpopularity of Charles X.

2. 1827 75 letters from DRM, including 6 official, and one to DRM, from Paris. Images of items 1-20 online here.

  • 6. 05.11.27. Letter to DRM from John Hobart Caradoc (later 2nd Baron Howden), on the battle of Navarino.
  • 25. 14.05.27. The Commission must retrench.
  • 46. 08.07.27. Account of a visit to the Jardin du Roi.
  • 63. 15.11.27. News of trouble in the Levant.

Class E, Box 9

1. 1828 80 letters from DRM, including 6 official, mostly from Paris.

  • 23a 15.05.28. Report on Consular Service to be made.
  • 34. 28.07.28. DRM's view of Daniel O'Connell.

2. 1829 14 official letters to and from DRM, from Paris.

  • 2. 20.03.29. 3 copies of DRM's Letter to the Earl of Winchelsea on the Catholic Question.
  • 6. 22.04.29. Letter to DRM from Henry Newman on shipping regulations in Mauritius.
  • 7. 18.05.29. FO circular on Consular accounts.
  • 7a 05.06.29. Letter to DRM from de la Fenonnays relating to the quartering of troops at St Domingo.
  • 13. Table of wine produced on 2 estates 1825-29.

3. 1829 99 letters from DRM to family, mostly from Paris.

  • 18. 03.04.29. The Catholic Question.
  • 99. 05.10.29. "A lesson of Geography" : journal of a voyage round Sicily (4 pp).

Class E, Box 10

1. 1830 21 official letters to and from DRM, from Paris.

  • 1. 22.11.29. Letter to DRM from Sir Robert Gordon (Constantinople), on Russia and Turkey.
  • 5. 06.08.30. Letter to DRM from S Fatio ( Geneva), on an uprising in Switzerland.
  • 7. 15.10.30. Letter to Lord Aberdeen from DRM, on the trial of Charles X's ministers, and its political consequences.
  • 8. 05.11.30. Letter to John Backhouse from DRM, on the spirit of the new French ministry.
  • 9. 12.11.30. As above.
  • 11. 29.11.30. Letter to John Backhouse from DRM, asking whether he should keep supplying information.
  • 12. 29.11.30. Memorandum to John Backhouse from DRM, on French public feeling towards war.
  • 13. 02.12.30. Letter to Sir Harford Jones Brydges from DRM, asking for a testimonial in case of having to justify his career.
  • 16. 20.12.30. Letter to John Backhouse from DRM on the approaching trial of Charles X's ministers.
  • 19. Bound collection of 59 of DRM's draft letters to the FO, 1829-31.

2. 1830 65 letters from DRM to family, mostly from Paris.

  • 22. 02.08.30. Revolution against Charles X.
  • 28. 27.08.30. New Government in place.
  • 37. 10.10.30. Situation in Paris after revolution.
  • 39. 25.10.30. As above.
  • 44. 22.11.30. DRM's ideas on future government in Britain.
  • 46. 28.11.30. Actions of the French clergy.

3. 1831 82 letters from DRM to family from Paris, including 4 to him.

  • 10. 25.02.31. DRM's views on the situation in Europe.
  • 13. 11.03.31. Anarchist riot in Paris.
  • 16. 25.03.31. Support for DRM from Lord Aberdeen.
  • 41. 05.08.31. French troops sent into Belgium.
  • 64. 04.11.31. Abolition of DRM's Consulate.

4. 1831 77 pp of printed information and regulations concerning cholera in Britain.

5. 1831 31 official letters to and from DRM from Paris, including 15 from DRM to Lord Granville, and 6 to Hamilton Hamilton.

  • 31. Comparative table of exports and imports for Britain and France.

6. 1831 9 letters to DRM from the FO (John Bidwell and John Backhouse).

[back to index] [boxes 1-5] [boxes 11-15]

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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