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Papers of the Morier Family - Class E: Correspondence of David Richard Morier 1784-1877 [boxes 11-15]

Class E, Box 11

  • 1. 1831-32 35 official letters to and from DRM, mostly concerning Switzerland.
  • 2. 12.03.31. Extract from report on the Langenthal Club.
  • 3. 09.04.31. Extract from report on the anti-federal concordat.
  • 4. 04.05.31. Letter to DRM from H Russell on British politics.
  • 5. 13.05.31. Letter to John Backhouse from DRM on the state of France.
  • 8. 06.10.31. Memoranda on Questions Federal and Cantonal.
  • 9. 09.01.32. Letter to Planta from DRM, asking for help in finding a new post.
  • 10. 16.01.32. Letter to W Spring Rice from Planta on DRM's behalf.
  • 11. 22.01.32. Testimonial for DRM, from Planta.
  • 12. 02.02.32. Letter to Palmerston from DRM; Metternich is keeping out of Swiss affairs; risk from Swiss Radicals.
  • 13. 06.04.32. Letter to Planta from DRM on the public hygiene measures being taken against cholera in Paris.
  • 14. 11.04.32. Concordat of the Seven Cantons.
  • 15. 07.05.32. Extract from a letter on the state of the cantons.
  • 16. 16.05.32. Copy of Count Sebastiani's letter to the Comte de Rumigny on permanent Swiss neutrality.
  • 17. 25.06.32. Letter to DRM from Palmerston, with his instructions on the Revision of the Federal Compact.
  • 18. 07.08.32. Letter to DRM from Lord Granville, as above and on interference from Austria.
  • 19. 17.08.32. Letter to Palmerston from Lord Granville, on Anglo/French advice to the Swiss to arm against Austria.
  • 20. 02.09.32. Letter to DRM from Sir Frederick Lamb on Switzerland and Austria.
  • 21. 05.09.32. Follows on from 19.
  • 22. 13.09.32. As 20.
  • 23. 17.09.32. Letter to Lord Granville from DRM on Switzerland and Austria.
  • 24. 17.09.32. Letter to Palmerston from DRM, as above.
  • 25. 04.10.32. Letter to Sir Frederick Lamb from DRM, as above.
  • 26. 13.10.32. Letter to DRM from Lamb, as above.
  • 27. 22.10.32. Draft of letter by DRM on the Revision of the Federal Compact.
  • 28. 22.11.32. Letter to Avoyer Pfyffer from DRM on the Austrian Ambassador.
  • 29. 03.11.32. Letter to Lamb from DRM, as above.
  • 30. 15.11.32. Newspaper article from L'Helvétie, with a circular from the Federal Directory to the cantons on protecting the frontier.
  • 33. 01.12.32. Letter to Lamb from DRM; above article false.
  • 34. 10.12.32. Letter to Palmerston from DRM on the reason for the above article; Swiss fears of war in Europe.

2. 1832 27 official letters to and from DRM from Switzerland.

  • 1. 11.07.32. Letter to DRM from the Chancellor of the Confederation.
  • 4. 16.08.32. Letter to DRM from de Severine (Russian Legation), on recognition for the new king of Greece.
  • 7. 31.08.32. Letter to DRM from de Tavel ( Berne), on the military state of Switzerland, and on Bâle and Schwytz.
  • 8. 31.08.32. DRM's answer to above.
  • 10. 05.09.32. Letter to DRM from R Tanner (Argovie),on Swiss affairs.
  • 12. 13.09.32. Letter to DRM from Tschann, as above.
  • 13. 15.09.32. Letter to DRM from Comte de Rumigny, as above.
  • 14. 24.09.32. As above.
  • 15. 26.09.32. As above, from de Severine.
  • 16. 05.10.32. Letter to R Tanner from DRM, in answer to 10.
  • 18. 15.10.32. Letter to DRM from Tschann, on Swiss affairs.
  • 19. 22.10.32. Letter to the Swiss Chargé d'Affaires from the Austrian Chancery on an accusation against their ambassador, de Bombelles.
  • 20. 22.10.32. Copy of report on above.
  • 21. 31.10.32. Letter to DRM from Avoyer Pfyffer on the Swiss accusation against Bombelles.
  • 22. 04.11.32. Letter to DRM from de Tavel on the Committee of Revision.
  • 23. [ 11.32] Letter to DRM from de Tavel on the military state of Berne.
  • 24. 23.11.32. DRM's reply to 22.
  • 25. Record of taxes levied on British shipping in the Loire 1832.

3. 1832 25 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland and Paris, with a packet of 33 letters from him to AM.

  • 1. 02.01.32. DRM leaving post.
  • 9. [ 05.32] Appointment to Berne (2nd packet).
  • 10. [ 05.32] As above. (2nd packet).

4. 1832 44 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland and London.

5. 1833 19 official letters to and from DRM from Switzerland.

  • 3. 11.03.33. Letter to DRM from Ulric de Planta, on Swiss politics.
  • 6. 04.05.33. As above.
  • 8. 28.05.33. Letter to DRM from M J Glutz on Swiss politics.
  • 9. 07.06.33. As above.
  • 10. 28.06.33. Letter to DRM from Ulric de Planta on negotiations with Austria.
  • 17. 17.12.33. Letter to DRM from Sir Frederick Lamb on Polish refugees.
  • 18. 3 speeches by DRM on the Reform Bill, the Swiss Republic and Education.

Class E, Box 12

1. 1833 40 draft despatches from DRM to Palmerston from Switzerland.

2. 1833 20 draft letters ("to be copied in Private Book") to and from DRM, Palmerston, Lord Granville and Sir Frederick Lamb.

3. 1833 64 pp of official letters to and from DRM from Switzerland.

4. 1833 53 letters to family from DRM from Switzerland.

5. 1833 40 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland.

Class E, Box 13

1. 1834 49 official letters to and from DRM from Switzerland.

  • 2. 19.01.34. Letter to DRM from Le Nignes on Swiss/ German politics.
  • 3. 26.01.34. Letter to Sir Augustus Foster (British ambassador to Turin?), on Polish revolutionaries.
  • 4. 18.03.34. Extract from a letter to Palmerston on British intervention in Switzerland over Polish refugees.
  • 8. 20.06.34. Letter to DRM from Le Nignes on Polish refugees.
  • 9. 26.06.34. Letter to Johann Gaspar Zellweger (Swiss philanthropist) on Swiss affairs.
  • 10. 26.06.34. Letter to Baron de Vignet, as above.
  • 11. 02.07.34. Letter to DRM from Sir Augustus Foster, as above.
  • 12. 06-07.34. 5 letters between DRM and Foster on Swiss Radicals.
  • 14. [ 07.34] Memorandum on Berne.
  • 17. 27.08.34. Letter to the Austrian ambassador (de Bombelles) from the Bernese Government, on German/Austrian workmen.
  • 18. 14.09.34. Letter to Palmerston on Austro/Swiss relations.
  • 23. 26.10.34. Letter to Lord Granville on Swiss affairs.
  • 24. 27.10.34. Letter to Sir Frederick Lamb on German workmen.
  • 25. 30.10.34. Letter to DRM from d'Olfers on the German attitude to Switzerland.
  • 29. 14.11.34. Letter to Lord Granville.
  • 30. 14.11.34. Letter to the Swiss Federal Directory from the Wurtemberg Minister for Foreign Affairs on the German workmen.
  • 32. 19.11.34. Letter to DRM from President Tanner on Swiss affairs.
  • 36. 25.11.34 Letter to Baron de Tschudy concerning a Bernese crackdown on troublemakers.
  • 38. 27.11.34. Letter to Bernese Government from the Federal Directory.
  • 40. 27.11.34. Letter to the Swiss Chargés d'Affaires from the Federal Directory on Swiss/ German relations.
  • 42. 29.11.34. Letter to Bernese Government from the Federal Directory on the German workmen.
  • 45. 06.12.34. Letter to DRM from W Fox Strangways ( Vienna) on Austro/Swiss relations.
  • 46. 21.12.34. Letter to DRM from Le Nignes, as above.
  • 47. 29.12.34. Letter to Lord Mahon on Austro/Bernese relations.

2. 1834 7 sets of official letters to and from DRM from Switzerland.

  • 1. Overview of Swiss affairs (6 pp).
  • 2. As above (5 pp).
  • 3. As above (11 pp).
  • 4. Polish refugees in Switzerland (7 pp).
  • 5. 19 letters to and from Sir Frederick Lamb.
  • 6. 5 letters to and from Lord Granville.
  • 7. 49 letters on a Mediation between Sardinia and Switzerland, 1834.

3. 1834 47 official letters in 5 sets to and from DRM from Switzerland.

  • 2. 20 letters to and from Palmerston.
  • 5. Draft document on the Swiss Mint 1797-1836.

Class E, Box 14

1. 1834 81 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland.

  • 5. 07.02.34. Failed uprising in Savoy.
  • 42. 23.07.34. Account of the opening of the Swiss Diet.

2. 1835 150 pp of official letters and papers on Swiss affairs.

3. 1835 47 official letters to and from DRM on Swiss affairs (January to April).

4. 1835-36 61 official letters to and from DRM on Swiss affairs (1835, May to December).

5. 1835 29 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland.

  • 11. 06.03.35. Letter to Planta, referring to Planta's becoming an MP; Swiss Radicalism.

Class E, Box 15

1. 1836 53 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 2 letters written to him.

2. 1836-37 40 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland,

  • 40. [ 05.37] DRM praises the democracy of the House of Lords; a contrast to the lack of political freedom in Berne.

3. 1837 28 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland.

4. 1838 22 official letters to and from DRM from Switzerland.

  • 1. 05.02.38. Letter to DRM from Lord Granville, on French attempts to have Louis Napoleon expelled from Switzerland.
  • 3. 13.06.38. 5 letters to DRM from J G Zellweger on interference by Rome and France in Switzerland.
  • 8. 27.08.38. Letter to Lord Granville on Louis Napoleon.
  • 9. 29.08.38. Letter to DRM from Lord Granville, as above.
  • 10. 31.08.38. Letter to Lord Granville, as above.
  • 11. 02.09.38. Letter to DRM from Lord Granville, as above.
  • 12. 04.09.38. Letter to DRM from Palmerston, as above.
  • 13. 17.09.38. Letter to DRM from the Vicomte de Berigny, as above.
  • 14. 24.09.38. Letter to DRM from Lord Granville, as above.
  • 14a 29.09.38. Letter to DRM from unknown writer: attitude of the European powers to Louis Napoleon's departure from Switzerland.
  • 15. 12.10.38. Letter to DRM from Lord Granville, as above.
  • 18. 20.12.38. Letter to DRM from Charles Vaughan on British politics.
  • 19. 01.38. Yearly report on French/Swiss church school system.

5. 1838 45 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland.

  • 6. 15.05.38. Swiss factions: the "Horns" and "Claws".
  • 21. 23.08.38. Activities of Louis Napoleon.
  • 23. 25.08.38. As above.
  • 44. 09.38. Unsatisfactory end to Swiss Civil War.

6. 1839 77 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 6 official letters.

  • 4. 19.09.39. Extract from a speech by Burgomaster Hess.
  • 5. 27.09.39. Heads of Despatch from Metternich to the Comte de Bombelles.

7. 1840 33 letters mostly to DRM, with 7 official letters.

  • 14. 10.03.40. Letter from the Chevalier de Bunsen, on the political state of Switzerland.
  • 19. 14.11.40. Letter from Bunsen on Swiss neutrality.
  • 20. 21.12.40. Letter from Bunsen on German defence policy.
  • 29. 16.11.40. Letter from Bourgmestre de Muralt on Swiss neutrality.
  • 31. 30.12.40. Letter from de Muralt on Swiss neutrality.
  • 32. 31.10.40. Letter from J G Zellweger on Swiss neutrality.
  • 33. 16.09.40. Letter from Zellweger on European affairs and the political parties of Zurich.

8. 1840 32 letters to and from DRM, family and friends.

[back to index] [boxes 1-5] [boxes 6-10] [boxes 16-20]

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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