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Papers of the Morier Family - Class E: Correspondence of David Richard Morier 1784-1877 [boxes 16-20]

Class E, Box 16

1. 1841 12 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 11 official letters, mostly to DRM.

  • 1. 15.01.41. Letter from the Archbishop of Thèbes to the Austrian ambassador de Bombelles, asking for support against the suppression of the Argovie convents.
  • 2. 21.01.41 Letter to Bombelles from the Archbishop, on the Argovie convents.
  • 4. 06.01.41. Letter to DRM from Bombelles, on the troubles in Argovie.
  • 9. 22.04.41. Précis of Metternich's letter to Bombelles on Argovie and the Extraordinary Diet at Berne.
  • 11. [ 41] Notes on the reformation of the Swiss Constitution.

2. 1841 37 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 5 letters to him, from family and friends.

  • 4. 09.02.41. Austrian interference in Switzerland.

3. 1842 71 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 1 official letter, and 8 letters to him.

  • 1. 17.09.42. Letter to Baron Werther, requesting a presentation to the King of Prussia at Neuchâtel.

4. 1843 30 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 1 official letter to him.

5. 1844 44 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 7 official letters to him.

  • 7. [ 44] Memorandum on the dispute between the Genevan Government and its Diocesan Bishop.

Class E, Box 17

  • 1. 1845 20 official letters to and from DRM from Switzerland.
  • 1. 11.02.45. Letter to DRM from Lord Aberdeen, expressing British reluctance to interfere in Switzerland.
  • 4. 03.03.45. Letter to the Comte de Pontois from Guizot, on the necessity of preserving peace in Switzerland.
  • 5. 03.08.45. Letter to DRM from Richard Wingfield, on the awkwardness of the Austrian legation in granting passports to British subjects.
  • 6. 08.08.45. Letter to DRM from Wingfield, on the passport problem.
  • 7. 12.08.45. Letter to DRM from Wingfield, on the passport problem.
  • 8. [ 45] Letter to DRM from Wingfield, on the passport problem.
  • 9. 16.08.45. Letter to DRM from Arthur Magenis, on the passport problem.
  • 10. 18.09.45. Letter to DRM from Magenis, on the passport problem.
  • 11. 16.09.45. Letter to Magenis from Baron Ottenfels, on the passport problem.
  • 12. 28.08.45. Letter to DRM from Newton S Scott, on the passport problem.
  • 14. [ 45] 10 pp of notes on tensions between Catholic and Protestant Cantons; the attitude of France; the federal pact etc.
  • 15. [ 45] Partial copy of above.
  • 17. [ 45] 8 pp of notes on the attitude of the Germans, Prussians and Austrians.
  • 18. [ 45] 7 pp of notes on the attitude of the Germans, Prussians and Austrians over their workmen in Switzerland.

2. 1846 52 official letters to and from DRM from Switzerland.

  • 8. 12.02.46. Draft of letter to the Chancelier Fédéral on the Canton of Vaud.
  • 12. 05.04.46. Letter to DRM from R Gordon on the Austrian attitude to Switzerland.
  • 18. 13.05.46. Letter to DRM from J G Zellweger on Swiss politics.
  • 29. 30.07.46 Letter to Palmerston on the state of the Cantons.
  • 33a 03.09.46. DRM's doubts about the new President of the Diet.
  • 35a[12.10.46] Letter to DRM from D S Moster, assuring himself of the safety of Switzerland for the visit of the Grand Duchess Anna and Princess of Leiningen.
  • 35b[18.10.46] Letter to DRM from de Heldritt, as above.
  • 41. 30.10.46. Letter to Palmerston on Cantonal grievances.
  • 46. 14.12.46. Letter to DRM from Avoyer Fischer on the state of Switzerland.

3. 1845-46 38 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 6 letters to him.

4. 1846 36 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland.

  • 3. 26.02.46. Swiss politics.
  • 36. 12.11.46. Newsletter of L'Église Nationale de Vaud.

5. 1847 13 official papers, 6 being drafts by DRM for letters to Lord Aberdeen and others about his dismissal from his post.

  • 8. 02.47. Printed papers presented to Parliament relating to the suppression of Cracow by Austria, Prussia and Russia (69 pp).
  • 9. 47. Printed papers presented to Parliament relating to the marriages of the Spanish Queen and Infanta (156 pp).
  • 10. 19.01.47. Printed copy of the Queen's speech to Parliament.
  • 11.[12.06.47] MS extracts from the Revue de Genève and L'Helvétie on the political outlook for Geneva and the intentions of France.

6. 1847 60 letters from DRM to family from Switzerland, with 4 letters to him.

Class E, Box 18

1. 1848-49 57 letters to and from DRM, including 4 official letters, (and 19-24 on the death of JJM).

  • 1. 20.05.48. DRM trying to get compensation for having to leave his post.
  • 2. 21.08.48. DRM trying to get compensation.
  • 3. 29.09.48. Palmerston's refusal.

2. 1850-56 52 letters to and from DRM, 27 being undated letters, (24-27 on the death of AM).

  • 15.[25.08.50] Letter to DRM from Lord Lansdowne re getting RBDM a clerkship in the Privy Council Office.
  • 16.[08.02.51] DRM's thanks to Lansdowne after RBDM got the job.

3. 1869-98 34 letters to and from DRM.

  • 4. 62 undated letters to and from DRM.

5. c1830-70 Miscellaneous papers (service sheets, envelopes, bills, begging letters etc, plus an inventory of DRM's library.

6. 1837-77 Miscellaneous papers (moral reflections, poems, newspaper cuttings etc).

Class E, Box 19

1. Exercises by DRM in Persian, Turkish and Greek, with a hand drawn map of the Albanian coast (loose in box).

2. Exercises by DRM in Persian, Turkish and Greek.

3. 25 Persian papers, ca 100pp.

  • 1. 14.11.02. Note in Persian from the Porte on the British privilege of sailing in Persian waters. Pencil brief summary in French on verso. 1p.
  • 2. ?Arabic date 1225 - Gregorian date 1810. Latin transliteration of Persian or Arabic original (not present) with English translation. Note praising Stratford Canning. 1p.
  • 3. 05.05.04. Letter (with translation) from Ali Pasha to Sir Harford Jones(?), complaining about the withdrawal of a British vessel during an attack on Bussora. 3pp.
  • 4. ND (15 April) 'Note on Persian Diplomacy'. Re Sir Harford Jones, discussions with Meerza Bozurg (Mirza Bozorg).1p.

Class E, Box 20

1. 22 Persian letters given to DRM, with a Persian almanack.

2. 1806-21 37 Greek papers and letters to and from DRM.

  • 1. Brief note in Greek. 1p.
  • 2. Brief note addressed to David Morier. In Greek. 1p. Ink corrosion damage.
  • 3. Note 'To sabbato'. In Greek. 2 sides.
  • 4. 26 February 1807, Constantinople. Bilingual letter in 2 columns from George Schinas. In Greek and French. 4pp.
  • 5. List of measurements ('Misure') of the Tenple of Olympian Zeus at Agrigento (Sicily), Temple of Concordia in Agrigento, Temple of Juno Lucina. In Italian. 1p.
  • 6. 1816. Letter to David Morier from George Schinas. In Greek. 4pp.
  • 7. (pencil note 30 April). Letter to David Morier from George (Georgios) Schinas. In Greek. 2pp.
  • 8. 1811. Letter from Demetrios Schinas. In Greek. note on verso in English 'a good specimen of modern Greek epistolary style.' 3pp.
  • 9. 24 January 1816, Constantinople. Letter to David Morier from Giovanni Dendrine. In Italian. 3pp.
  • 10. 1811, Constantinople. Letter to David Morier from Georgios Schinas. Mentions Canning. In Greek. 3pp.
  • 11.[09.02.07] Letter wrapper with partial seal, addressed in English 'Ali Pasha to _ M 9 Feb'y'. In pencil 'Mr Morier.'Main address in Greek, also in ?Persian. [formerly described as Letter to Ali Pasha from DRM.]
  • 12. single sheet, incomplete? Notes unsigned beginning 'If Mr Morier wishes to divest the study of the hebrew language from unnecessary formalities and rabbinical flimflam, let me recommend to him two books.' NB written in four sections facing in different directions on the page. 2 sides.
  • 13. Notes 'On Greek Masonry.' In English. 3pp.
  • 14. Letter to David Morier from Georgios Schinas. In Greek. 2pp.
  • 15. 10 numbered 4-line verses in pencil on rough brown paper. 1p. On verso a pencil sketch of side view of man with European style side whiskers and cravat, and a small tree.
  • 16. Letter to David Morier from Georgios Schinas. In Greek. 2pp.
  • 17. Letter to David orier from Georgios Schinas. In Greek. Addressed in French to 'Monsieur Mr. D. Morier au Palais'. 1 side.
  • 18. Letter to David Morier from Georgios Schinas. In Greek. 2pp.
  • 19. In Italian.
  • 20. In Greek.
  • 21. In Greek.
  • 22. In Greek.
  • 23. In Greek.
  • 24. In Greek.
  • 25. In Greek.
  • 26. In Greek.
  • 27. In Greek.
  • 28. In Greek.
  • 29. In French.
  • 30. In Greek.
  • 31. In Greek.
  • 32. In Greek.
  • 33. In Greek.
  • 34. In English.
  • 35. In Greek.
  • 36. In Greek.
  • 37. In Greek.

3. 7 miscellaneous papers.

  • 1. 30.07.53. Account by "Allen" of his early life at sea, including an encounter with slave traders off Africa (26 pp).
  • 2. Journal of a voyage in the Eastern Mediterranean, probably by DRM's nephew, A C Cumberbatch (6 pp).
  • 3. Proposal for an Institution of Deaconesses in Lausanne.

4. Papers concerning The Chenevix Legacy, (handled by DRM), and 21 letters on the Chenevix Succession 1834-37.

5. [1856-57] 6 papers by DRM, from, or similar to, Photo the Suliote.

  • 1. MS notes for Vol II of Photo (5 pp).
  • 2. 2 copies of a printed sheet "Liberté-Égalité", reprinted in Vol III of Photo.
  • 3. Partial MS draft of Photo (119 pp).
  • 4. MS in similar style to Photo (3 pp).
  • 5. MS in similar style to Photo (1 p).
  • 6. MS "No 4, a Tale of a Pasha": possibly part of Photo (26 pp).

6. 1877 98 letters to Dora Morier upon the death of DRM, in original order.

[boxes 1-5] [boxes 6-10] [boxes 11-15]

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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