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Papers of David Urquhart : 1A - Correspondence

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Contains some information about D.U.'s involvement in Greek war of independence. 1791- 1833 (bulk 1810-1831).

The order of the collection and the sections recorded in the original catalogue have been preserved for section IA. Because of this sections I A1-4 all contain similar material and it even appears that some of the letters in I A1 have had parts cut from them which can now be found in I A2-3.


27 items: 17 ALS, 9 ALU, 1 MS copy of bill. Dates: 1811- 1823. 9 n.d. Mainly letters written to Margaret Urquhart (M.U.), D.U.'s mother and Henrietta Urquhart, (Hen.U.) D.U.'s sister. 3 ALS and 3 ALU to D.U. Correspondents include: Duncan Grant to Hen.U; G.Hunter, M.U.'s brother to M.U.; M.U.'s sister, name not indicated, to M.U.; Madame Jean Louis Chappius to M.U. Other correspondents have not yet been identified. Includes letters with some parts cut out: the other parts of these letters may be the "fragments of letters" in I A 2 and IA 3.


19 items: 4 ALS, 3 ALU, 10 cut fragments of letters. Dates: 1812- [1821]. 12 n.d. Mostly incomplete cut out parts of letters in poor condition which may come from I A1. Some of them have quotations from the letter attached to the original. Mostly letters by M.U. describing D.U.'s childhood from 1811-21. Also letters from D.U. including 2 ALS to [Hen.U.] Nov. 1812 and n.d.


29 items: 7 ALS, 22 cut fragments or single pages from letters. Dates: 1810- 1819. 21 n.d. Includes: letters written during D.U.'s journey on the continent from 1817-20; Letters to M.U.from R.B. Emeas Macleod and Duncan Grant; Letter fragments similar to those in I A1 and I A2 some in the handwriting of M.U. and some which may be those "from D.U. himself to his mother and sister" mentioned in the writing on the envelope containing IA 3; letter to Hen.U. from F.McDonald


A handwritten list (compiler unknown) accompanies these papers. Item number 8 on this list is not in the file. It may be possible that it has not been identified in either section I A1 or I B2 12 where some of the other items on the list were found out of sequence. There are 6 items in the file which do not occur on the list. To incorporate these items the numbering of the list has been retained but subdivided by letters of the alphabet. Some of these letters which were written in the late eighteenth century appear to have no connection with D.U. For further information re D.U. and Greece consult I B. Correspondence with Mergan is also contained in I A5.

  • 1. 1 ALU from [C.L.Mergan?] to M.U.. 27 Jan. 1822. 1l.
  • 2. 1 ALU from [C.L.Mergan?] to M.U.. 4 July 1822. 1l.
  • 3. 1 ALU from [C.L.Mergan?] to M.U.. 29 July 1822. 1l.
  • 4. 1 ALU from [C.L. Mergan?] to D.U. 19 Sept. 1823. 1l.
  • 5. 1 ALU from ? to D.U. 11 Nov. 1824. 2l.
  • 6. 1 ALS from C.L. M[ergan] to D.U. 24 Nov. 1825. 1l.
  • 7. 1 ALS from Henry Hamsworth to the Greek Committee, London applying for employment in the war. 28 Oct. 1825. 1l.
  • 8. Missing. "Application of a Captain Curran for a command under Lord Cochrane." [July 1826?].
  • 9. 1 ALS from L.T.C. to Mrs Stuart Hall re D.U. 12 May 1826. 1l.
  • 10. 1 ALS from Jeremy Bentham to Drummond re D.U. 26 July 1826. 1l.
  • 11. 1 ML copy from Francopaulo to D.U. 20 Nov. 1826. 1l.
  • 12. 1 ALS from Jane Porter to D.U. on reverse of 1 ALS from Morier to Jane Porter. 22 Dec. 1826. 1l.
  • 13. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to M.U. . 2 Jan. 1827. 1l.
  • 14. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to M.U.. 20 Feb. 1827. 1l.
  • 14a. 1 ALS from J.W. [Tadioor?] to M.U. 17 Oct. 1821. 1l.
  • 14b. 1 MS signed by Madame Jean Louis Chapppius renting apartment to M.U. In French. 5 Oct. and 5 Nov. 1819. 1l.
  • 14c. 1 ALS from Esther Capadore and Joseph Capadore to Henry [Capadore]. 19 May 1795. 1l.
  • 14d. 1 ALS from James Clark to Dr H.Gillan. 23 Aug. 1791. In English and Italian. 2l.
  • 14e. 1 ALS from J.Ramsay to M.U. 2 Nov. 1818. 1l.
  • 15. 1 ALS from Richard Doane to D.U. 6 Mar. 1827. 1l.
  • 16. 1 ALS from [D.U.] to M.U. Lyons. 9 Jan. [1827-8?]. 1l.
  • 17. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to Gerard Smith (G.S). Lyra. 11 May 1828. 2l.
  • 18. 1 ALS from M[ergan] relating how his ship was boarded by a Greek schooner. May 24 1828. 1l.
  • 19. 1 ALS from Frank Abney Hastings (naval commander in Greek war) to D.U. 23 Mar. 1828. 1l.
  • 19a. 1 AMS signed by F.A.Hastings re "prize money distributed for captives at Salonica" received from Capt. Thomas. Frank Abney Hastings. 5 Mar. 1828. 1l.
  • 20. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to G.S. 23 July 1828. 1l.
  • 21. 1 MS copy of certificate granted by Capodistrias to D.U. on his leaving Greek marine. 18 and 30 November 1828. In French. 1l.
  • 21a. 1 AMS signed by G.[Gabriez?] re D.U. 7 Sept. [182?].   In French. 1l.
  • 22. 1 MS signed by [Robasson] re agreement with D.U. 26 Dec. 1828 and 7 Jan. 1829. In French. 1l.
  • 23. 1 ALU [unfinished] from D.U. to Mrs Stuart Hall. n.d. 1l.



39 items: 25 ALS, 11 ALU, 3 AMS some with sketches.

Dates: 1823- 33, 9 n.d.; others have only been dated to the year by the postmark.D.U. entered St Johns in 1821 but these letters relate only to his later period at Oxford. There are also letters addressed to D.U. at St. Johns in I A4.

  • 15 ALU and 4 ALS from G.S. to D.U.
  • 3 ALU from D.U. to G.S.
  • 4 ALS from James Palmer to D.U.
  • 1 ALS from R.Doane to D.U.
  • 1 ALS from R.Doane and Jeremy Bentham to D.U. 16 Sept. 1829. 1l.
  • 1 ALS from W. Donall to D.U.
  • 1 ALS from C.L.M[ergan.] to D.U.

For Gerard Smith (G.S.) see also: I A4 17; I B2; I B4 file 1 xiv; I B4 file 3 ; I C1 60 and I C3.

For R. Doane see also: I A4; I A5 and I B4 file 3.

For Dr Mergan see also: I A1 and I A4.



For J.B. see also: I A4 10 and I A5.

  • 1. 1 ALS from J.B. to D.U. 7 Aug. 1823. 1l.
  • 2. 1 ALS from Richard Doane to D.U. (refers to J.B.). 18 May 1824. 1l.
  • 3. 1 ML copy from J.B. to Dr ? 12 July 1825. 1l.
  • 4. 1 ALS from J.B. to D.U. 21 Aug. 1825. 1l.
  • 5. 1 ALS from Eliza Harbury to M.U. 19 Sept. 1825. 1l.
  • 6. 1 ALS from J.B. to M.U. 17 May 1826. 1l.
  • 7. 1 ALS from Arthur Moore to M.U. 24 May 1830. 1l.
  • 8. 1 ALS from J.B. to M.U. 26 June 1830. 1l.
  • 9. 1 ALS from J.B. to M.U. 1 July 1830. 1l.
  • 10. 1 ALU from J.B. to M.U. 12 July 1830. 1l.
  • 11. 1 ALS from J.B. to M.U. 5 Sept. 1830. 1l.
  • 12. 1 ALS from J.B. to M.U. 21 Oct. 1830. 1l.
  • 13. 1 ALS from J.B. to D.U. 2 Nov. 183?. 1l.
  •  14. 1 from J.B. to M.U. ALS 7 Dec. 1830. 1l.
  • 15. 1 from J.B. to M.U. ALS 19 Apr. 1831. 1l.
  • 16. 1 ALS from J.B. to D.U. 30 Apr. 1831. 1l.
  • 17. 1 ALS from J.B. to D.U. 10 May 1831. 1l.
  • 18. 1 ALS from J.B. to M.U. 30 June 1831. 1l.
  • 19. 1 ALS from J.B. to D.U. 20 July 1831. 1l. Envelope.
  • 20. 1 ALS from J.B. to M.U. 12 Aug. 1831. 1l.
  • 21. 1 ALS from J.B. to D.U. 19 Aug. 1831. 1l.
  • 22. 1 ALS from J.B. to D.U.25 Aug. 1831. 1l.
  • 23. 1 ALU from J.B. to D.U. 28 Sept. 1831. 1l.

Envelopes: which were found separated from their letters at the end of the folder.

  • 24. 1 envelope sent from D.U. to J.B. n.d.
  • 25. 1 envelope sent from K. Wheaton to J.B. and from J.B. to D.U. [1831]
  • 26. 1 envelope sent from J.B. to M.U. 1831.
  • 27. 1 lock of J.B.'s hair sent from J.B. to D.U. May 18 1829 (outside of envelope marked 1831 in pencil)

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