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Papers of David Urquhart : 1B - Correspondence

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I B: GREECE 1826- 36

Also contains papers re Turkey, development of D.U.'s career and diplomatic missions undertaken by D.U. for Stratford Canning (S.C.) (one item 1925).

Includes correspondence written during D.U.'s involvement from 1827-8 in the Greek war of independence and referring to Greece after the war on issues such as the offer of the Greek crown to Prince Leopold of Belgium in 1830. D.U.'s elder half brother Colonel Charles Gordon Urquhart (C.G.U.) also fought in the Greek war: his correspondence with Lord Cochrane (L.T.C.) is amongst these papers. It is possible that some of the other papers in I B also derived from C.G.U.

In addition I B includes information about other aspects of D.U.'s life 1829-1833. In this period D.U. paid his first visit to Turkey (1829), returned to England (1831-2) and began to attract the attention of Stratford Canning (S.C.), Sir Herbert Taylor (H.T.) and William IV. S.C. dispatched D.U. on diplomatic missions in the Balkans and Turkey (1831 and 1833).

For material on Greek war see also: I A4.

For Greece see also: II B which contains some letters as well as manuscripts and III 13.

Some information relating to letters in Greek has been obtained from comments written on the reverse of the letters; this is indicated by the use of square brackets.


The numbering of the original catalogue has been retained but subdivided by letters of the alphabet in order to include items not mentioned in the previous catalogue.

  • 1a. 1 ALS from Prince Czeroryski, ex Polish President, to D.U. re choice of D.U. as intermediary to return the key of the gate of Adrianople to the Ottomans. 17 June 1836. In French. 1l.
  • 1b. 1 ALS from J.A.Barozzi to the Ambassador of the King of Greece, Constantinople, mentioning D.U. 21 June 1834. In French. 1l.
  • 2. 1 ML copy from Horace Sebastian for Louis Phillipe, Duc d'Orleans to [Greek leaders?]. 17 Apr. 1826.
  • 1 MS copy of "Six des questiones contenues dans une lettre adressee a S.A.R. Mgr.le Duc d'Orleans" and "Reponse." 19 Apr. 1826. In French. 2l.
  • 3. 1 ALS from ? to ? re [affair of the Burbachi at Athens. ? Feb. 1827]. In Greek. 1l.
  • 4a. 1 [ML copy from Kiutahi to the Grand Visir re siege of Athens. 1827]. In Greek. 1l.
  • 4b. 1 [ML copy from KIutahi to Ali- Aga re Athens. 1827]. In Greek. 1l.
  • 5. 1 ALU from [Zografo? to Photila of Benzely. 7 Jan. 1827. In Greek. 1l.
  • 6. 1 ML copy from French Philhellines to [National Assembly of Greeks?] 26 Nov. 1826. In French. Annotated: "Le villeveque's letter respecting Rumelia." 1l.
  • 7. "Prince Leopold Correspondence" re the plan to make the Prince king of Greece.
  • 7a. 1 ALU [draft] from D.U. to [Souggo]. [1830?] 1l.
  • 7b. 1 MS draft of same letter as viia. from D.U. to [Souggo]. [1830?]. In French. 1l.
  • 7c. 1 ALU from D.U. to "Editor". [1830?]. 1l.
  • 7d. 1 AMS by D.U. "Points for such interview." [1827- Mar. 1830?]. 1l.
  • 7e. 1 ALS from [D.U.] to General ? sent as covering letter with letters 7a-e. n.d. 1l.
  • 7f. 1 ALU [draft] from [D.U.] to ? [1830?]. Not attached to 7a-e. 1l.
  • 8. 1 ALS from Capodistrias to C.G.U. ? July 1827. In French. 1l.
  • 9. 5 ALS from [Ypsilanti to Lambro Nakos. Nov. and Dec.] 1822. In Greek. 6l.
  • 10. 1 ALS from [D.U.] to ? 1 June 1831. 1l.
  • 11. 1 MLS from [Commission of Greek government] to ? [re General Church's accusations. 17 Sept.] 1827. In Greek. 2l.


Contains only 2 items written from and to L.T.C. (I B2 12a and c) Mainly letters from D.U. to G.S., M.U. and other members of his family. In these letters D.U. writes about his experiences in Greece providing information on his meeting with Count Capodistrias (the President), a geological trip in 1829, and his friendship with Dr. Howe, an American in Greece. He also comments on the final Russian advance to Constantinople (1829) The letters include one written in 1925 re "Sale of letters of Greek committee" which suggests that the D.U. papers formerly contained more material on the Greek War.

Several items are torn and damaged.

For L.T.C. see also: I A4 and I B3 2-3.

For C.B. see also: I B4 files 1- 4 and I C12.

  • 1. 1 ALS from D.U. to Agnes Eastmont (A.E.), his cousin. Pera of Constantinople. 24 Dec. 1829. 1l.
  • 2. 1 ALS from John Stuart Hall to M.U. 10 Nov. 1829. 1l.
  • 3. 1 ALU from D.U. to A.E. Constantinople. 7 Nov. [1829]. 1l.
  • 4. 1 ALU from D.U. to G.S.. [1829]. 1l.
  • 5. 1 ALU from D.U. to G.S.. Brigantine Maitland and Constantinople. 28 Oct. and 9 Nov. [1829]. 1l.
  • 6. 1 ALS from ? (signature not yet identified) to Fauvel, French Consul at Athens re visit of D.U. to Smyrne. 10 Oct. 1829. 1l.
  • 7. 1 ALS from James Howe to D.U. 13 Oct. 1829. 1l.
  • 8. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. Egina. 8 Sept. 1829. 1l.
  • 9. 1 ALU from D.U. to G.S. Isthmus of Corinth. 26 Aug. 1829. 1l
  • 10. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. ? Aug. 1829. 1l.
  • 11. 1 ALS from D.U. to Miss Hunter (D.U.'s cousin). Argos. 8 Aug. 1829. 1l.
  • 12. bundle of letters labelled "D.U.'s appointment to Brig."Sauveur."
    • 12a.1 LS from L.T.C. to D.U. In Greek. 1l.
    • 12b.1 ALS from A.H. Graham to Ladd re sale of "Letters of "Greek Committee." [Balliol]. Oct.1925. 1l.
    • 12c.1 ALS from George Thomas (for L.T.C.) to D.U. 9 Dec. 1827. 1l.
    • 12d. 1 ALS from D.U. to M.U. Lazaretto Lante. 2 May 1829. 1l.
    • 12e.1 ALS to G.S. Lazaretto Lante. 2 May 1829. 1l.
    • 12f. 1 ALS from D.U. from L.A. Gorse to M.U. re D.U. 24 May 1829. 1l.
    • 12g. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U.. Egina. 2 Aug. 1829. 1l.
    • 12h. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U.. Napoli de Romania. 22 and 24 March 1829. 1l. ---------------------
    • 12i. 1 ALS from F.Frangopoulo to D.U. 8 Apr. 1829. In French. 1l.
    • 12j. 1 ALU from D.U. to G.S. Lazaretto Lante. 2 May 1829. 1l.
    • 12k. 1 ALS from A.E. to D.U. 24 June 1829. 1l.
    • 12l. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. Egina. 23 Jan 1829. 1l.
    • 12m. 1 ALU from D.U. to G.S. Epidarsus Napoli. 17 and 29 Mar.1829. 1l
    • 12n. 1 ALU from D.U. to ? Isthmus of Corinth. 26 June 1829. 1l.
    • 12o. 1 ALS from G.S. to D.U. 3 July 1829. 1l.
  • 13. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. Pera of Constantinople. 24 Dec. 1829. 1l.
  • 14. 2 ALS from G.S. to D.U.. 16 Nov. 1829. 1l.
  • 15. 1 ALU from G.S. to D.U.. 27 Feb. [182?]. 1l.
  • 16. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. Pera of Constantinople. 20 Dec. 1829. 2l.
  • 17.1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. [23 Nov. 1829]. 3l.
  • 18.1 ALS from D.U. to George Hunter (uncle). 31 Oct. 1832.1l.

I B3: GREECE LETTERS AND JOURNALS: 1826- 36 (bulk 1827)

1. Greek Letters: 1823-7.

Items nos. i- ix were found together in a bundle.

  • i. 1 ML copy from [clergy, the authorities and principal inhabitants in each district to ? requesting English protection. 1825.] In Greek. 1l.
  • ii. 3 ALS from ? to ? [1827]. In Greek. 3l.
  • iii. 1 ML [translation?] from Capodistrias to Council of Candie, 24 Jan. 1828. In French. 1l.
  • iv. 1 ML [translation] from Capodistrias to Charles Gordon Urquhart (C.G.U.) 24 Jan. 1828. In French. 2l.
  • v. 1 MS "List of individuals resident in the fortress and on the island of Grabusa, who having been concerned in piratical transactions are demanded to be given up to Commodore Sir Thomas Staines... by his letter of this date to Col. Urquhart." Signed by Staines. 24 Feb. 1828. 1l.
  • vi. 1 MLS from [Capodistrias? to C.G.U.] 24 [Jan.] 1828. In Greek. No. v appears to be a translation of this letter. 1l.
  • vii. 1 MS signed. [Choida's Journal from Sept. to Feb. 1827- 8.] In Greek. 2l.
  • viii. 1 MLS from Church to ? In Greek. 1827. 1l.
  • ix. 1 ALS from ? to ? [1828]. In Greek. 1l.
  • x. 1 MLS from ? to ? 1828. Has an official stamp. In Greek. 1l.
  • xi. 1 MS [containing copies of letters?] 1827. In Greek. 6l sewn together.
  • xii. 1 MS. 1827 In Greek. 3l.
  • xiii. 1 MS [signed?]. 28 ? 1827. 2l.
  • xiv. 1 MS. 1827. 2l.
  • xv. 3 MS. The dates have not yet been ascertained. 4l.
  • xvi. 1 ALS from ? to ? 1828. In Greek. 1l. Enclosure: 1MS in the same hand. 1l.

1a. 1 MS. Annotated: "Statistics of Roumalia." Appears to have an official stamp. In Greek. n.d. 6l.

2. Letters from Lord Cochrane to Colonel Charles Gordon Urquhart: 1826-7.

Also contains a small amount of L.T.C's and C.G.U.'s correspondence with others. For C.G.U. see also: I B1 8; I B3 1; II B1, 2 and 5. It is possible that other papers in I B and II B derived from C.G.U.

  • i. 1 ALS from L.T.C. to G.C.U. 3 Sept. 1827. 1l.
  • ii. 1 ML copy from Greek government to L.D.C. 12 May 1827. In French. 1l.
  • iii. 1 MLS from L.T.C. to ? In Greek. 1l.
  • iv. 1 ALS from the "Hydra" to C.G.U. 17 Mar. 1827. In French. 1l.
  • v. 5 ALS from L.T.C. to C.G.U. 27 Mar. 1827- 9 Nov. 1827. 6l.
  • vi. 1 ALS from Gabriez to C.G.U. ? July 1827. In French. 1l.
  • vii. 7 ALS from L.T.C. to C.G.U. 30 Oct. 1826- 30 Oct. 1827. 7l.
  • viii. 1 MLS from L.T.C. to [the "Candiates"]. 1827. In Greek. 1l.
  • ix. 2 ALS from L.T.C. to G.C.U. 24 and 26 Apr. [1827]. 1l.

3. Other correspondence of L.D.C. with the other commanders and admirals: 1827-8.

  • i. 1 newspaper cutting from "The Times" reproducing:
    • a. 1 letter from L.T.C. to Capt. Le Blanc. 13 Dec. 1827.
    • b. 1 letter from L.T.C. to Capt. of the Russian frigate "Constantine". 5 Jan [1828].
    • c. 1 letter from L.T.C. to Commodore Hamilton. 8 Jan [1828]. 1l.
  • ii. 1 ML copy titled "from the American Commandant, and the British, French and Russian Admirals" with copied signatures of E.Codrington, de Riguy and Comti. 24 Aug. 1827. 1l.

4. 1 ALS from Jean Vacares (for prince of Moldavia) to the prince of Samos : envelope. 9 July 1836. In French. 1l.

For the Prince of Samos see also: I C10.

5. Letters and poems to D.U.

  • i. 1 ALS from ? to ? 1837. In Greek. 1l.
  • ii. 1 MLS from Church to ? 1827. In Greek. 1l.
  • iii. 1 MS. Date has not yet been ascertained. In Greek. 1l.
  • iv. 1 MS [poem?]. In Greek. 1l.
  • v. 2 MS [poem]. Annotated Chapter 9 with pages numbered 25- 30, 33- 4. In Greek. 6l.


Found contained in 3 files.


Letters from and to D.U. D.U.'s letters describe his impressions of Greece and Turkey and his first meeting with the Sultan (then Mahmud II). Also letters to M.U. from Charles Bryce (C.B.), Thomas MacGill, J.Dawkins and George Lee in Greece and Constantinople with D.U.; these letters mention D.U.

  • i. 1 MS bill charged to D.U. 14 and 16 Apr. 1832. In German. 1l.
  • ii. 1 MS [for an itinerary?] on similar quality and sized paper as I B4 FIle 1 1i. n.d. 1l.
  • iii. 1 ALS from George Lee to M.U. [1830?]. 1l.
  • iv. Passport Certificate for D.U., issued at Constantinople. Annotated on reverse at places visited. 28 May 1832. In Italian. 1l.
  • v. Passport Certificate for D.U., issued at Vienna. Signed by Sir Frederick Lamb. Stamped and annotated on reverse at places visited. 14 May 1832. 1l.
  • vi. 1 MS bill from ? to ? n.d. 1l.
  • vii. Passport Certificate for D.U., issued at Constantinople. Signed by Robert Gordon. 19 Feb. 1830. In French.1l.
  • viii. Passport Certificate for D.U., issued at Constantinople. Signed by S.C. 20 Mar. 1832. 1l.
  • ix. Passport Certificate for D.U., issued at London. Signed by Palmerston (Pam.) 4 Nov. 1831. Attached extension dated 3 and 13 Dec. 1831. Stamps on reverse at places visited. 1l.
  • x. 1 ALU from D.U. to [M.U]. Pera of Constantinople. 4 and 10 Jan. 1830. 3l. Damaged.
  • xi. 1 ALU from D.U. to A.E. Village of Baba. Vale of Terrife. 11 Aug. 1830. 1l.
  • xii. 2 MS copies of letter I B4 1xi from D.U. to A.E. Village of Baba, Vale of Terrife. 11 Aug. 1830. 3l.
  • xiii. 1 ALU from D.U. to G.S [draft]. Salonica. 8 Oct. 1830. 1l.
  • xiv. 2 MS copies of extracts from I B4 1xiii from D.U. to G.S. Salonique. 8 Oct. 1830. 2l.
  • xv. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. Napoli. 25 Nov. and 3 Dec. 1830. 1l.
  • xvi. 1 MS copy of extract of letter from D.U. to ? n.d. 1l.
  • xvii. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. Argos. 6 May 1830. 1l.
  • xviii. 1 ALS from J.Dawkins to M.U.. 30 Mar. 1830. 1l.
  • xix. 2 ALS from C.B. to M.U. 10 and 27 Sept. 1830. 2l.
  • xx. 1 ALS from T. MacGill to M.U.. 10 Aug. [1830]. 1l.
  • xxi. 1 ALS from G. Lee to M.U.. 30 Aug. 1830. 1l.


Some of these papers relate to D.U.'s period in England in 1831. They also describe his movement across Europe to the Balkans and Constantinople while on a mission for S.C. in the period 1831-2.

For information on missions undertaken for S.C. see also: I B4 file 4; I C2 and IC3.

  • i. 3 ALS to D.U. from C.B. 2 May- 19 Sept. 1831. 3l.
  • ii. 1 ALS to D.U. from Touleuyan to D.U. 24 Aug. 1831. In French. 1l.
  • iii. 1 ALS to D.U. from Jacques Frangopoulo. 28 Feb. 1831. In French. 1l.
  • iv. 1 ALS to D.U. from Thomas MacGill with signed note written on letter by James Cocks. 18 May 1831. 1l.
  • v. 1 ALS to D.U. from T. MacGill. 13 Feb. 1831. 1l.
  • vi. 1 ALS to D.U. from Howe to D.U. 31 Oct. [1831]. 2l.
  • vii. Passport for D.U. Issued at London. Signed by Polignac. 21 July 1826. In French. 1l.
  • viii. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to [Mrs Hunter]. Paris. n.d. [1831-2]. 1l.
  • ix. Passport for D.U. Issued at Valetta, Malta. Signed by John Sim. Stamps and annotated on reverse at places visited. 10 Mar. 1831. 1l.
  • x. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U.. Paris. 15 Aug. 1831. 1l. items x- xxii are sewn together.
  • xi. 2 ALU from D.U. to M.U.. Calais. 6 and 9 Nov. 1831. 2l.
  • xii. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U.. 21 Nov. 1831. 1l.
  • xiii. 1 ALS from D.U. to M.U.. 21 Nov. 1831. 1l.
  • xiv. 1 ALS from D.U. to A.E. Rome. 30 Mar. 1831. 2l.
  • xv. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U.. Corfu. 12 Dec. [1831]. 1l.
  • xvi. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U.. [Dec.] 1831. 1l.
  • xvii. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U.. Constantinople. 25 Jan. 1832.
  • xviii. 1 ALS from D.U. to M.U.. Galeta. 13 Feb. 1832. 1l.
  • xix. 1 ALS from D.U. to Mrs Stuart Hall (aunt). Galeta. 13 Feb.1832. 1l.
  • xx. 1 ALU D.U. to M.U. . 10 Feb. 1832. 1l.
  • xxi. 1 ALS D.U. to M.U. Constantinople. 24 Feb. 1832. 1l.
  • xxii. 1 ALS from D.U. to A.E. Constantinople. 24 Feb. 1832. 1l.
  • xxiii. 1 ALS from J.Lane to D.U.. 26 July 1831. 1l.
  • xxiv. 1 ALS from Todivy to D.U.. 28 Sept. 1831. 1l.
  • xxv. 1 AMS. "Memorandum for my mother respecting my temporal affairs." D.U. 27 Jan. 1831.
  • xxvi. 1 ALS from S.C. to D.U. 8 Nov. 1831. 1l.
  • xxvii. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to M.U. Lazaretto, Malta. 10 Feb. 1831. 2l.
  • xxviii. 1 ALS from John S. Coulon (editor of the "Courier"). [1831]. 1l.
  • xxix. 1 AML copy from D.U. to Thomas [MacGill?]. Lazaretto, Malta. 14 Feb. 1831. 2l.
  • xxx. 1 ALS from James Hudson (J.H.) to [M.U.?]. 11 Oct. 1831. 1l.
  • xxxi. 2 ALS. from C.B. to D.U. 10 July and ? Aug. 1831. 2l.
  • xxxii. 1 AML copy from D.U. to ? [female]. Constantinople. [1830- 2]. 2l.


Letters to and from D.U. C.B.'s correspondence with D.U. discusses Greece and D.U.'s articles. D.U.'s letters mention dispatches he is to send for S.C. For information on other missions undertaken for S.C. see also: I B4 files 1 and 4; I C2 and I C3.

  • i. 1 ALS from G.S. to D.U. 22 Aug. 1832. 1l.
  • ii. 1 ALS from C.B. to D.U. 12 June 1832. 1l.
  • iii. 1 ALS from E. Hammond for S.C. to D.U. 29 Mar. 1832. 1l.
  • iv. 2 ALS from Howe to D.U.. 10 Aug. 1832 and [Jan 1833]. 2l.
  • v. 1 ALS from L.A. [Gaperth?] to D.U.. 29 Oct. 1832. In French. 1l.
  • vi. 1 ALS from C.B. to D.U. 14 Sept. 1832. 1l.
  • vii. 1 ALS from Fraser (H.M. embassy, Vienna) for S.C. to D.U. 7 Apr. 1832. 1l.
  • viii. 1 ALS from E.Hammond for S.C. to D.U. 30 Apr. 1832. 1l.
  • ix. 1 ALS from Nabure to M.Boghos [T/Foussuy] at Alexandria. In French. 26 July 1832. 1l.
  • x. 1 ALS from ? to D.U. 1832. Sealed and stamped. In Greek. 1l.
  • xi. 1 ALS from D.U. to M.U. Constantinople. 28 Mar. 1832. 1l. Damaged.
  • xii. 1 ALU from [Dr. Mergan] to D.U. 27 July 1832. 1l.
  • xiii. 1 ALS from D.U. to George Hunter. Constantinople. 9 Mar. 1832. 1l.
  • xiv 1 ALU from Foreign Office for Palmerston to D.U. 28 Aug. 1832. 1l.
  • xv. 1 ALU from M.U.. n.d. [1832]. 2l.
  • xvi. 1 ALS from M.U.. [1832]. 21.
  • xvii. 1 ALU to ? [1832]. 1l. xvii-xix are attached.
  • xviii. 1 ALU to M.U. Semlina. 25 Apr. 1832. 1l.
  • xix. 1 ALS from Francis Moore to D.U. 18 Mar. 1833. 1l


Letters xviii-xxv from D.U. describe the developing contact of D.U. with Sir Herbert Taylor (H.T.) and William IV which lead to D.U. being permitted to undertake a commercial expedition to Turkey re trade. Letter D.U. xviii discusses the publication of D.U.'s"Turkey and its Resources" (1833). For information on missions undertaken for S.C. see also: I B 4 files 1 and 3 and I C2 and 3.

  • i. 1 ALS from L.T.C. to D.U. 16 Sept. 1833. 2l.
  • ii. 1 ALS from A.Johnston to ? 22 Aug. 1833. 1l.
  • iii. 1 ALS from George Finlay to D.U.. 8 Jan 1833. 1l.
  • iv. 1 ALS from H.B. Llewellyn to D.U.. 11 Oct. 1833. 1l.
  • v. 1 ALS from [J/G.Hunter? signature does not closely resemble that of George Hunter] to D.U.. 28 Sept. 1833. 1l.
  • vi. 1 ALU from C.L.M[ergan] to D.U.. 1 Feb 1833. 1l.
  • vii. 1 ALS from C.B. to D.U.13 Jan. [1833]. 1l.
  • viii. 1 ALS from G.Lee. to D.U. 5 Jan 1833. 1l.
  • ix. 1 ALS from G.Hunter. to D.U.5 July 1833. 2l.
  • x. 1 ALS from H.J.[N.Rase?] to M.U. 2 Sept. 1833. 1l.
  • xi. 3 ALS from C.B. to D.U. Monday 13, 12 Jan. and 24 July [1833].
  • xii. 1 ALS from N. [Tifsiu?] to D.U. 25 Apr. 1831. In French. 1l.
  • xiii. 1 ALS from Board of Trade to M.U.. 7 Sept. 1833. 1l.
  • xiv. 1 ALS from D.U. to M.U Brighton.. 9 Jan. 1833. 1l.
  • xv. 1 ALS from D.U. to M.U. Lupsin. 10 Oct. 1833. 1l.
  • xvi. 1 ALU from D.U. [draft] to Uncle [Eastmont, Hunter or Stuart Hall?]. 7 Aug. 1833. 1l.
  • xvii. 1 ALU (incomplete) from D.U. to Uncle [Eastmont, Hunter or Stuart Hall?]. 31 Aug. 1833. 1l.
  • xviii. 1 ALS from D.U. to H.T. [Dec.1833]. 2l.
  • xix. 1 ALU [incomplete draft] from D.U. to [Uncle Eastmont?]. London. 2 Mar. 1833. 1l.
  • xx. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. ? Apr. 1833. 1l.
  • xxi. 1 ALU from D.U. to M.U. [June or July 1833]. 1l.
  • xii. 1 ALU from D.U. to ? 18 Jan 1833. 1l.
  • xxiii. 1 ALU [incomplete] from D.U. to Hudson. ? Aug.1833. 1l.


Annotated sketches of local costumes, landscapes, architecture and ancient inscriptions. Presumably by D.U. n.d. Ink and pencil on paper. 11 loose leaves. 40 cm. folded to 20cm. or smaller. 20 leaves (many blank) tied to form a notebook. 19 x 22 cm. folded to 19 x 11 cm.

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