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Papers of David Urquhart : index of persons

A'ALI I L2 7; I L6 8.

ADDINGTON I C10 14 and 18; III 12.


ANSTEY, Thomas Chisholm I J6a; I L0 19, III 4; III 12 20; VII 2, 4.

AZARIAN I C11, I K3 24 and 28; I L6 4; I M1 13.


BELL, F.A. I E1- 3.

BELL, George I C1, I C4; I C6.

BENTHAM, Jeremy I A4; I A6.

BENTINCK, George I J6a.

BLUNT, Charles I C1 31 and 41; I C2 8a and 32; II 3.4; XI 3.

BODENHAM, Charles de la Barre I K1 8; I L3; I L7 8; I L8.

BRYCE, Charles I B4 File 1; I C12.

CADOGAN, William I E1 4, I E2; III 6a 4; I J6a.

CAMBRIDGE, Duke of I J1 1d.

CANNING, Stratford I B4; IC2 ; I C10; I G24 3 and I J3 13

CAPODISTRIAS I A4 21; I B1 9; I B3 1; II B1 1-3 and 5- 6.

CARDO, William I E2 16 and 37; I G20; I L0 17 and V D4

CHURCH, Sir Richard I B 1 11, I B3 5; II B1 1 and 4; II B2 2 and 5.

COCHRANE, Lord Thomas I A4; I B2 12a&c; I B3 2-3

COLLET,Charles Dobson I G; I J4 3; I J7 3; I J8 4; I L3 40 and 43; I M1 23b; II Misc. 3.8; III 6 5; III 12 7; IV 1 5; III 6 5; III 12 7; IV 1 5; IV 2; V C3; VIII; IX and X 8 and 21.


DAVIDSON I C5a and I E2.

DEFOURNY, Abbe I K1; I K5; I L6 15, 31 and 35; I L7-8; I M1- 2; I N2; III 11 4 and III 15 15- 17

DENBIGH I C11- 12; I K1 10 and 20; I K2; I L2 14; I L3 3; IL7 30; I L8; I N2 and III 15.

DISRAELI I J1 1a and XI 4.

DUFFY, Edward I J6a and III 16 1- 2.

DUPANLOUP, Felix Antoine I K1 2.

D'YVOIRE I K1 4-5.

EASTMONT, Agnes I B2; IB4 files 1- 2; I C1.

EFFENDI, Nourir I C5; I C9 and IX 3.

FINCHAM, Fred. I C6 11 and 14.

FISCHEL, Dr I E3 9; I J3; I J4 4 and III 20 9- 10

FOX STRANGWAYS, I C1 54; I C4; I C6; II B2 4c; William Thomas Horner and XI 3.

FRANCHI, Bishop I K3; I L5 4; I L6; I L7 16; I L8 and I M2

FYLER, George I E1 4 and III 12 25.

GLADSTONE, W.E. I C10; I G24 3; III 12 26; III 15 8 and III 17 6.

GRANT, Duncan I A1 and I A3.

HASSOUN I K3 17; I K4 9; III 15 10; and IV 2 F4.6.

HASTINGS, Frank Abney I A4 19.

HOWE, James I B2; I B4 File 2 and I B4 File 3.

HUNTER, George I A1; I B2 18; I B4 Files 3-4; I C1?; I C2 16? and I D1 10.

PHILLIPE, Louis, Duc d'Orleans I B1 2

ION GHICA, Prince I B3 4 and I C10.

JOHNSON, John I G1; I G3 4 ; I G6; I G8; I G11; I G12; I G14; I G19 and I G24 1- 2.

JULLION, Father I K1 23 and I M2.

KOSSUTH I J3 and III 18.


LE PLAY, Frederic I K3 20; I K5; I K6 2;

I L6 20; I L8; I M1; I N1; III 24 and VII 2.

LLEWELLYN,H.B. I B4 FILE 4 iv and I C1.

MAC GEE, Thomas D'arcy I J6a.

MAC NEILL, John I C5; I C6; I C7 and III 20 13.

MARX, Karl I D2; I J1 1c; I J8 3 and VII 2 24.

MERGAN, Dr C.L. I A4- 5 and I B4 file 3 xii.

MERMILLOD I K1; I K3; I L2-3 and I L5 5.

MILL,J.S. I G 24 1 and 2a.

MONTEITH, R. I D2; I E2 2b; I F1; I G15; I G23 2; I J4 2- 4; I J6a; I K2- 3; I L2- 3; I L6; I L8; I N2; III 15 and VII 2 27.

MORRIS, Miss I L0.

PALMERSTON I B4 file 3 xiv; I C1 3; I C2; I C4 4 and 8; I C5- 6; I C7- 8; I D1 2; I J2 2aii, 2b, 2ci and 2cii; I L0 5b and XI 3 42.

PARKINSON, Father I K5 and I L7 26- 9.

PEPLOW, William I E3.

PONSONBY, Viscount John I C5; I C5A; I C6 49; I C6A 9 and 26; I C7; I C8; I G23 1; II C2 8 and 10; III 12 4 and 18;III 20 17 and XI 3.

POORE, Major I J9 11f; I K1 7- 12; I K2 12; I L0 21 and I L3.

POTTER, William I G 1a; I G 12; 1 G 24 2; I J1 4 and IV 4

ROBINSON, A.E. I G3; I G6; I G10; I G12; I G24 1- 3 and V C3.

RODEZ, Bishop of I L4; I L 7 16 and IV 2 F4.6.

ROLLAND, S.E. I F1; I G 1a; I G10; I G14- 15; I G24 2, 2a, 3 and 4; I J4 3; I J8 4; I J9 11a; I L3 12, 32 and 45.

ROSS, David Ross of I C1 18; I C3; I F1; I L0 17; Bladensburg II 5 and XI 1 2.

RUSTEM Pacha I C11 14; I C12; I L2 and I L6 25 b.

SCHLESWIG HOLSTEIN, Prince Frederick of, I J8 1-2 and 5.


SHEPPARD, William I E2 and I L0 17.

SIMMONS, George I C1 62 and I C6.

SINCLAIR, Sir George I J6a; I J8 2 and III 23 9.

SINGLETON, William I G14; I G17; I G24 2 a; I L3 51 and I N1.

SMITH, Gerard I A1; I A4-5; I B2; I B3 1; I B 4 file 3; I C1 60 and IC3.

STAINES, Sir Thomas I B3 v and II B1 5.

STANLEY, Edward Henry I C11 15; I G24 3; I K1; I L3 3 and II 23 5.

SUFFIELD,Father Rudolph I K2; I L3 32; III 14 24 and III 22.

SULTAN MAHMUD, 1808- 39. I B4 file 1; I C2 14a and I C5.

SULTAN Abdulmecid I 1839- 61. I C10.

SULTAN Abdulaziz 1861-76. I C14; I H 7; I K3 2 and 11; I L5 and III 10 1.

TAYLOR, Adelaide I D2 and III 19 4.

TAYLOR, Sir Herbert I B4 file 4; I C1; I C2 14a; I C4- 6; I C6A; I D1 and XI 3 10.

TAYLOR, Lieutenant Col. Pringle I D2; I E1 1 and 4; I E2; I J1; I J6b; I L0 17; III 24 and V A3.

URQUHART, Charles Gordon I B1 8; I B3 1 and 2; II B1 2 and II B1 5.

URQUHART, Margaret I A1-4; I A6; I B2; I B4 files 1- 4; I C1- 3; I C5- 7; I C9; I D1 and I E2 15.

WELLS, Charles I C 12; I J11 and V D4.

WESTMACOTT I J5 1; I J7 3; I J8 1 ii; VIII 2 2a and XI 3 32.

WHITE, James I E1 4; I E2 and I G24 2a.

ZAMOYSKI, Count and Countess I G12; I G24; III 11 7 and XI 3 11.

- Balliol College Library, 1992

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