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Correspondence collection


This collection was created in 1993 as a result of the third revision of the summary catalogue. It was decided that the main Summary Catalogue should only give details of the manuscript collections, rather than individual items. The first versions of the Summary Catalogue contained entries for several individual letters or small packets of letters, most of which had been given individually to the College as gifts. Several other previously unlisted items were also identified. It was therefore decided to create a new collection to contain these miscellaneous items of correspondence and make them easily accessible. New individual gifts may be added to this collection if there is not an appropriate archival fonds for them to join.

With the exception of the first item, MS 421, the correspondence is listed alphabetically by author or main figure involved with the item. Where possible the person's full name, dates and details of any connections to Balliol are given. A brief description of the item is then given, followed by details of the provenance.

MS 421.

In his Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Balliol College, Sir Roger Mynors allocated the number MS 421 to a guard-book in which miscellaneous letters from famous Balliol figures had been mounted. Authors included Benjamin Jowett, Matthew Arnold, Robert Browning, Viscount Edward Grey etc. etc. Mynors noted that the guard-book was "intended to receive additions from time to time." Vincent Quinn, former Librarian, did place some items in MS 421, but since his time nothing had been added. This catalogue therefore assumes that MS 421 is now closed. For further details, see A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Balliol College (Sir R.A.B. Mynors, Oxford: OUP 1963) and MS 421.

Very Rev. HENRY CHARLES BEECHING , 1859-1919. Balliol Hilary 1879-1884.

ALS to Mr. Methuen. Oct. 1911. Purchased in 1967.


ALS to John Stuart MacArthur, April 1889. From the Estate of the Rev. J.S. MacArthur.

Sir JOHN BETJEMAN , 1906-1984.

TLS to Vincent Quinn, Balliol College Librarian, Nov. 1976.

JAMES BONAR , 1852-1941. Balliol 1873-1876.

Undated AMS note from T.H. Green; ALS from Prof. John MacCunn (Balliol 1872-76), March 1882, mentioning T.H. Green; first leaf of ALS from MacCunn, Nov. 1908, on the funeral of Edward Caird. Given by Mrs. Marjory Brown (daughter of James Bonar) in 1972. See also Francis de Paravicini below.

JOHN EDWARD COURTENAY BODLEY , 1853-1925. Balliol Trinity 1873-1876.

2 ALS to K.G. Plarr [?], April and Aug. 1898; ALS to C. Diamond, Oct. 1899; ALS to Mr. Melvill, Nov. 1924. Purchased in 1967. See also J.E.C. Bodley Papers.

ROBERT BURNS , 1759-1796.

Facsimile of ALS to Robert Ainslie, Aug. 1788. From the Estate of the Rev. J.S. MacArthur.

Viscount EDWARD CARDWELL , 1813-1886. Balliol 1835-1836, Fellow.

ALS to "Hoskyns," April 1866; ALS to Capt. E.H. Busk, Jan. 1875; ALS from Countess Somerset to Lady Cardwell, Dec. 1865. Purchased in 1967. ALS from Cardwell to Colonel Ponsonby, dated 14 Jan. [18]71. This letter was found in 1995, set in the back of a framed reproduction of a drawing of Cardwell by George Richmond (1867); the picture was formerly in the rooms of the Dean, John Jones, but was moved to the Library in March 1995.


ALS from C.H. Stanton of the Charity Commission to the Governors of Shrewsbury School, May 1890, about the Careswell Exhibitions, their use, funding etc. [Possibly sent to Benjamin Jowett?]

THOMAS CARTE , 1686-1754.

ALS [to Edward Winnington?], April 1753, discussing various issues connected with Carte's historical works. Found in Collection of State Papers...1571-1596 belonging to George Coningsby (710 c 21).

Lady ROSALIND CLAY (one of the daughters of A.L. Smith).

ALS to Vincent Quinn, Balliol College Librarian, Feb. 1970, enclosing a cartoon which may be connected with Balliol. For correspondence from Lady Clay re her gifts of her father's papers see A.L. Smith Papers.

Hon. FRANCIS NATHANIEL CURZON , 1865-1941. Balliol Hilary 1885-88.

8 ALS from Lord Curzon to Alfred Austin (Poet Laureate 1896-1913), Nov. 1891-March 1906; 2 ALS to Mrs. Austin, July 1913, on Alfred Austin's death and June 1914. Presented by Lord Mersey (Balliol 1924-27) in October 1973.

MARGARET DENEKE (biographer of Ernest Walker, Fellow and Hon. Fellow of Balliol).

ALS from her mother, Nov. 1927; ALS from Paul and Hermine Wittgenstein (in German), May 1933, with ALS to Wittgenstein (in German) from M. Raeger-Soldas [?]; TLS from Emil Telmanyi, Oct. 1950; TLS from Sir Yehudi Menuhin, June 1966. With a small number of flysheets for recitals and concerts. For Margaret Deneke, Paul Wittgenstein see also Walker Papers.

ROBERT CHARLES KIRKWOOD ENSOR , 1877-1958. Balliol 1896-1901.

ALS to Margaret Deneke, Sept. 1947.

Hon. and Very Rev. WILLIAM HENRY FREMANTLE , 1831-1916. Balliol 1849-1854, Fellow 1882-1894.

7 ALS to W.H. Fremantle, Nov. 1891, mainly concerning the unsuccessful application of Rev. W.H. Griffith Thomas to enter Balliol. Separated from the Jowett Papers by Dr. Robin Darwall-Smith in 1992.

MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI (Mahatma GandhiI), 1869-1948.

2 ALS to Erica Lindsay, Oct. 1932, written from prison, and Jan. 1935. With 6pp. TS "Mr. Gandhi in Oxford" by A.D. Lindsay, and print of the 1935 letter taken for a Gandhi International Exhibition in New Delhi, 1969-1970. Presented by Lady Scott in 1968.


Letters to T.R. Glover. 2 ALS from R.W. Livingstone, n.d. and Oct. 1935; 2 ALS from J.W. Mackail, May 1910 and Jan. 1935; ALS from S. Gaselee, April 1925; TLS from Basil Blackwell, April 1932; TLS from R.B. Merriman to Mr. Benians, Oct. 1932, referring to a visit by Glover; undated Latin prose exercise by A.G. Godley. Presented by Prof. Roger Lonsdale in 1970.

CHARLOTTE BYRON GREEN (Mrs. T.H. Green), 1842-1929.

ALS to A.D. Lindsay, July 1929, about the loan of a sermon. With printed copy of A.D. Lindsay's memorial address for Charlotte Green, 'In memoriam Mrs T H Green, Balliol Chapel 13 October 1929.' Presented by Lady Scott in 1968.

GRAHAM GREENE , 1904-91. Balliol 1922-25. Honorary Fellow 1963.

TLS to Mr. W.F. Toporowski, 24th October 1983.

Photocopy of TLS to Mr. Toporowski, March 12, 1990.

Presented by Mr. Toporowski in January 1995. For Greene, see also MSS, TSS and Albums.

Sir EDWARD GREY (Viscount Grey of Fallodon), 1862-1933. Balliol 1880-1884, Hon. Fellow, Visitor 1924.

17 ALS to F.W. Pember (Balliol, 1880-84, Hon. Fellow 1932), May 1900-Oct. 1931; TLS from Prof. Gilbert Murray to F.W. Pember about a memorial to Grey, Jan. 1936; ALS from Sir James Barrie to F.W. Pember, April 1932, about a luncheon to mark Grey's 70th birthday, with list of guests, newspaper cutting. Given by Lady Darwin in 1971.

EDWARD THOMAS NEWCOMEN GROVE , 1891-1965. Balliol 1910-1914.

ALS to Miss Beryl Griffith, June 1912, describing a "prehistoric" meeting of the Annandale Society and his subsequent rustication. Given by Mrs. Anne Piper (daughter of Beryl Griffith) in 1974. For another letter by Grove (to Harry Walker) on the same meeting see MS 421.

The Rt. Hon. DENNIS WINSTON HEALEY , born 1917. Balliol 1936-1940.

TLS sent to the Librarian with a copy of Healey's Eye, Sept. 1980.

Sir LAWRENCE EVELYN JONES , 1885-1969. Balliol 1904-1908.

ALS to Viscount H. Samuel (Balliol 1889-93, Hon. Fellow 1935, Visitor 1946-57), April 1955, sending a copy of one of his books. With TS of Viscount Samuel's reply. Presented by D.G. Neill (Senior Research Fellow 1968-75) in 1970.

JAMES JOYCE , 1882-1941.

3 ALS to Harold Nicolson, Aug. and Dec. 1931. From the Harold Nicolson diaries.

JOHN KYRLE , 1637-1724.

ALS from Kyrle ("The Man of Ross") to Madame Tooke, Feb. 1702, about money lent by him. With photocopy. Purchased in 1974?

Very Rev. WILLIAM CHARLES LAKE , 1817-1897. Balliol 1834, Fellow 1838-1859.

Photocopy of ALS to Lord John Russell, June ?, about educational matters. [Original in PRO - PRO.30/22/13C fo. 979-986.]

EDWARD LEAR , 1812-1888.

ALS to Sir Robert Burnet David Morier, Jan. 1871, with a cartoon by Lear of himself with a parrot. With photographic negative. From the Sir Robert Burnet David Morier Papers.

ERICA LINDSAY (wife of A.D. Lindsay, Master 1924-1949).

Correspondence between Erica Lindsay and Lady Mary Murray, wife of Gilbert Murray. Mainly Christmas cards and poems sent by Erica Lindsay to Mary Murray in the 1940s. Given by Anselm Kuhn (Balliol 1956-62) in 1966. TLS from the secretary of the Longton branch of the WEA, Nov. 1958, inviting Lady Lindsay to the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Longton WEA group. Given by Lady Scott in 1968.

Prof. F.W. NEWMAN (brother of Cardinal Newman).

ALS to W. Parker Hammond, Sept. 1850.

JOHN STUART PADMAN , 1913-1944. Balliol 1936-1937.

Copies of letters written home by JSP while in residence at Balliol. Copied by Dr. John Jones in 1981.

FRANCES DE PARAVICINI (wife of Francis de Paravicini).

5 ALS to Edward Hilliard (Tutor at Balliol 1904, Fellow 1906-26), Oct. and Dec. 1910, Oct. 1911, Oct. 1913 and March 1914.

FRANCIS DE PARAVICINI , 1843-1920. Balliol 1862-1866, Tutor at Balliol 1872-1908, Fellow 1878-1908.

Small group of ALS to F. de Paravicini from W.M. Lindsay, April ?; Lord Donoughmore, 1876; Prof. William Stubbs, 1879; Prof. H.J.S. Smith, 1881; H.H. Asquith, 1882; James Bonar, 1882; Henry Craik, 1882. With photocopy of letter from Matthew Arnold [original with Arnold Papers], prospectus for the Otto Safety Bicycle, c.1882. Passed to the Library by Sir Roger Mynors in 1939? See also MS 421 for letter to F. de Paravicini from Gerard Manley Hopkins.

JOHN PARSONS , ?-1819. Fellow 1785, Master 1798-1819.

Photocopy of ALS from Parsons to ?, May 1807, about alterations to an account of the life of Rev. Dr. Richards, the Vice-Chancellor. Given in 1971. See also MS 460.

LLOYD LOGAN PEARSALL-SMITH , 1865-1946. Balliol Trinity 1888-1892.

2 ALS from Lloyd Logan Pearsall-Smith to Dr. Sydney John Cole (Balliol Hil. 1891), 1941. Presented by Mrs. D.A. Cole in 1973. For S.J. Cole see also MSS, TSS and Albums.


Photocopy of ALS from Rossetti to Mr. Watts. [Original tipped into pamphlet A Record of Friendship by A.C. Swinburne, 1910, in Swinburne collection.]

P... S... .

ALS to ?, thanking the addressee for writing about him and mentioning the Vice-Chancellor of the University. Signed P.S., May 1726. Found in State Papers... coll. by Clarendon (715 d 5).


ALS (in French) to J.S. MacArthur, Feb. 1922. From the Estate of the Rev. J.S. MacArthur.


ALS from Short to A.L. Smith [?], Jan. 1919, about a book of proposed plans for the restoration of Balliol.

Capt. ARTHUR HUGH SIDGWICK , 1882-1917. Balliol 1901-1905.

Letters from Capt. Sidgwick to his family, mainly his sister, 1916-17. Letters written from France and contain detailed accounts of the fighting, life in the army etc. With newspaper cutting of his obituary. Given by Mrs. Elizabeth Belsey (niece of Capt. Sidwick) in 1970. Detailed listing. The letters have been scanned; images available on request.

ROBERT SOUTHEY , 1774-1843. Balliol 1792.

ALS from Southey to Richard Jenkyns, the Master, Oct. 1828. With photocopies. Purchased in 1974.

ARTHUR PENRHYN STANLEY , 1815-1881. Balliol 1837.

TS copy of a letter to Rev. Robert Scott, the Master, Nov. 1864. [Original in Pusey House, Scott Letters Packet 1.]

Prof. EDWARD LIONEL GREGORY STONES , 1914-1987. Balliol 1936-1939.

3 ALS to Stones from K.N. Bell, B.H. Sumner and J.C. Maxwell, July and Aug. 1939, at the time of Stones' Finals. Given by Prof. Stones in 1981.

The Rt. Revd. Prof. WILLIAM STUBBS , 1825-1901.

ALS to ?, Feb. 1882; ALS to Canon Irvine, Sept. 1893. Given by Prof. R.H. Lonsdale in 1970. For Stubbs see also Francis de Paravicini.

Prof. RICHARD HENRY TAWNEY , 1880-1962. Balliol 1899-1903, Fellow 1918-1921.

ALS to from R.H. Tawney to Melvin Richter, undated, about Richter's work on T.H. Green. With photocopies. Presented by M. Richter in 1975. For R.H. Tawney see also A.L. Smith Papers.

DONALD FRANCIS TOVEY , 1875-1940. Balliol 1894-1898, Hon. Fellow 1936.

MS copies of letters and postcards from Donald Tovey to Adolf Busch, 1912-13. Copied and sent by Margaret Deneke.

Prof. ARNOLD JOSEPH TOYNBEE , 1889-1975. Balliol 1907-1911, Fellow 1912-1915, Hon. Fellow.

ALS from A.J. Toynbee to Vincent Quinn, Librarian of Balliol, May 1974, about notebooks belonging to Evelyn Abbott given to the Library by Toynbee.

PAGET JACKSON TOYNBEE , 1855-1932. Balliol Hilary 1874-1878, Hon. Fellow 1922.

Letters to P.J. Toynbee found in books he gave to the Library. 3 ALS from D.M. Stuart, Sept. 1927, found in Horace Walpole by D.M. Stuart (48 g 13), with several newspaper cuttings of reviews of Stuart's book; TLS from E.E. Morris, Sept. 1899 and ALS from W.P. Ker, March 1903 found in Furnivall Miscellany (47 e 3); ALS from J.W. Mackail to Mr. Moore, May ?, found in The Mackail Lectures on Poetry (47 e 9); 2 ALS from W.P. Ker, Jan. 1889 with a few other letters, scraps etc [found in Chaucer's Minor Poems edited by W.W. Skeat?].

E.P. WARREN , 1856-1937.

ALS to John Addington Symonds, Feb. 1892. Taken from Essays Speculative and Suggestive Vol. 1 (75 b 33). Bequest of Mrs Walter Leaf.


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