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Papers of Professor John Parr Curgenven

The six divisions of this short catalogue reflect the original arrangement of the material apparently made by J.P. Curgenven (1907-1982), who was not a member of Balliol College. Material that includes letters written to J.P. Curgenven by relatives of Matthew Arnold's contemporaries has been listed in greater detail than that in the first two sections of this catalogue. The papers were given to Balliol College by Mrs Barbara Curgenven (nee Halsey) in 1983 [Record 1983], in connection with the College's holdings of papers of Matthew Arnold and other members of the Arnold family.


1. Arnold research material

Material relating to J.P. Curgenven's work on Matthew Arnold: notes, reviews, newspaper cuttings etc. (mostly from the 1950s and 1960s). [J.P. Curgenven usually made his notes on pieces of scrap paper - e.g., old examination scripts, share dividend notices].

2. Personal papers

  • Personal papers, including: notes on a B. Litt. course on bibliography taken by J.P. Curgenven (Hertford College) in 1939.
  • Letters to and from Sir Arthur J. Curgenven (father of J.P. Curgenven). Most notably:
    • ALS to Sir Arthur J. Curgenven from Sir John Betjeman, 18 April 1947. 1 l.
    • APS to Sir Arthur J. Curgenven from Sir John Betjeman, postmarked 1947 [?].

3. Rossetti

In an envelope marked "Rossetti," letters from Maria Francesca Rossetti [abbr. MFR] and Christina G. Rossetti [abbr. CGR] to Josephine Curgenven (nee Sadler, married Dr. John Curgenven in 1860) and to Margaret Sadler [sister of Josephine Curgenven].

  • Undated note on the friendship between Josephine Curgenven and MFR by Sir Arthur J. Curgenven.
  • Booklet: The Rivulets; A Dream not all a Dream, by Maria Francesca Rossetti, 1846 [privately printed by Alfred Dod, London].
  • 2 loose photographs of MFR (one taken at Harrogate, undated and the other in London, April 1876).
  • 1 photograph of MFR in an oval brass frame [referred to in CGR's letter to Josephine Curgenven, 1 November 1877].
  • Letters from MFR to Josephine Curgenven. Note: all letters from MFR have been numbered in blue "biro" ink from 1 to 32. Dates in square brackets have been pencilled on by Sir Arthur J. Curgenven or appear in his typed copies.
    • 1. ALS, 20 September 1849. 1 l.
    • 2. ALS, dated "Thursday afternoon." 1 l.
    • 3. ALS, 21 October 1852. 1 l.
    • 4. ALS, 27 October [1852]. 1 l.
    • 5. ALS, 9 September 1853. 2 ls.
    • 6. ALS, dated "Saturday morning" [November 1854]. 1 l.
    • 7. ALS, 12 January 1855. 1 l.
    • 8. ALS, 12 September 1855. 2 ls.
    • 9. ALS, 31 October [1855]. 1 l.
    • 10. ALS, dated "Thursday morning" [August 1858]. 2 ls.
    • 11. ALS, dated "Tuesday" [August 1860]. 1 l.
    • 12. ALS, dated "Friday morning" [August 1860]. 1 l.
    • 13. ALS, dated "Wednesday evening" [February 1862]. 1 l.
    • 14. ALS, dated "Thursday morning" [August or September 1862]. 1 l.
    • 15. ALS, dated "Wednesday evening" [March 1863]. 1 l.
    • 16. ALS, dated "Tuesday evening" [May 1863]. 1 l.
    • 17. ALS, dated "Tuesday evening" [1868 or earlier]. 1 l.
    • 18. ALS, dated "Wednesday evening." 1 l.
    • 19. ALS, dated "16 August." 1 l.
    • 20. ALS, dated "Tuesday evening." 1 l.
    • 21. ALS, dated "Tuesday evening." 1 l.
    • 22. ALS, dated "Sunday evening" [1870?]. 1 l.
    • 23. ALS, 8 September [1871]. 1 l.
    • 24. ALS, dated "Tuesday" [July 1872]. 1 l.
    • 25. ALS, 24 December [1872]. 1 l.
    • 26. ALS, undated [December 1872]. 1 l.
    • 27. ALS, 14 December [1872]. 1 l.
    • 28. ALS, 9 September [1873]. 1 l.
    • 29. ALS, 5 January [1872 or 1874]. 1 l.
    • 30. ALS, 13 January 1874. 1 l.
    • 31. ALS, 18 January [1876]. 1 l.
    • 32. ALS, 30 August [1876]. 1 l.
  • Letters from CGR:
    • i. ALS to Josephine Curgenven, dated "Friday evening" [1 November 1877]. 1 l.
    • ALS to Josephine Curgenven, 1 December [1877]. 1 l.
    • ii. ALS to Margaret Sadler, dated "Tuesday" [May 1892]. 1 l.
  • Typed copies of the Rossetti letters and a prefatory note by Sir Arthur J. Curgenven (September 1963), 49 pages, bound in a black folder.
  • Typed autobiography of Sir Arthur J. Curgenven [c. 1963?], 40 pages, bound in a black folder. Includes material on his father, Dr. John Curgenven and on the friendship between Josephine Curgenven and MFR.

4. Walrond

Material collected by J.P. Curgenven in the preparation of an article, 'Theodore Walrond, Friend of Arnold and Clough,' Durham University Journal, Vol. XIII, No. 2, March 1952. Including:

Letters to J.P. Curgenven:

  • a) From Georgina G. Buckler [nee Walrond, daughter of Theodore Walrond]. ALS, 9 July 1953 [?]. 2 ls; ALS, 2 May 1951. 6 ls.
  • b) From Mrs. Lucy Seymer [nee Buckler, daughter of Georgina G. Buckler]. ALS, 7 December 1851. 3 ls; ALS, 25 March 1952, 1 l. Envelope; ALS, 28 July 1953. 1 l. Enclosure - photograph of Theodore Walrond (undated, printed on card with advertisments for an Italian photographic company on the reverse). Envelope.
  • c) From Theodora C. Richards. ALS, 1 August 1952. 1 l. Envelope.
  • d) From C.J. Hayes [Commissioner and Director of Examinations, Civil Service Commission]. TLS, 24 July 1951. 1 l. Envelope.

5. Arnold's Oxford

Material collected by J.P. Curgenven on landscape and topography in Matthew Arnold's 'Oxford' poems. Letters to J.P. Curgenven:

  • a) From J.E. Lloyd. ALS, 25 April 1951. 1 l. Enclosure - newspaper cutting [of an article by J.E. Lloyd].
  • b) From Rev. A.V. Billern [vicar of Fyfield]. ALS, 29 August 1950. 1 l. Envelope.
  • c) From John L. Myers. ALS, 21 April 1951. 1 l. Envelope.
  • d) From E.A. Greening Lamborn [author of Poetic Values, 1928 and acquaintance of Robert Bridges]. ALS, 26 July 1950. 1 l; ALS, 28 July 1950. 1 l; Envelope [may belong with either or both letters].
  • e) From G.E. Walker [secretary of Thames Conservancy]. TLS, 8 August 1950. 1 l. Enclosure - 2 pages from The Thames Highway, by "Thacker."
  • f) From "Dorothy." ALS, 25 April 1956. 2 ls. Enclosure - 4 newspaper cuttings. Envelope.
  • g) From "D." ALS, 9 January 1958. 2 ls. Enclosure - 3 newspaper cuttings. Envelope.
  • h) From Royds, Rawstorne and Co. [Matthew Arnold's former agents]. TLU, 13 September 1949. 1 l. Envelope.
  • i) From Dean E.G. Selwyn [knew Matthew Arnold's sister Susan]. TLS, 1 September 1955. 1 l. Envelope.
  • j) From Rev. Walker B. Lander [vicar of New Hinksey]. ALS, 21 April 1951. 1 l. Envelope.
  • k) From "K" [Kathleen Tillotson]. ALS, 26 April 1967. 1 l.
  • l) From Macmillan and Co. Ltd. TLU, 22 August 1949. 1 l. Envelope.

6. Rugby: Dr Arnold

In envelope marked "O.R. [Old Rugbeian] Correspondence 1780 - 1880."

  • 1 page of notes written by J.P. Curgenven.
  • 120 typed pages of letters from former pupils of Rugby School, includes references to Dr. Arnold.




- James Armstrong, Modern MSS Assistant, 31 October 1990. Revised Anna Sander July 2014.

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