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Papers of Oswald Toynbee Falk (1879-1972: Balliol 1898-1902)

Series 1 Material relating to the 1919 Peace Conference

"Various papers relating to the Peace Conference of 1919 and matters arising out of it subsequently." 11 items.

Falk 1/1    Typescript [copy?] diary entries from the Paris Peace conference dated from 16 May 1919 to 4 June 1919. With diary entry from Bexhill, 8 June 1919. 11 pp. of typescript. The entries include several references to JMK and to a meal with Sir Francis Oppenheimer (Balliol 1890).

Falk 1/2    Typescript copies of 4 letters from OTF to the Hon. R.H. Brand [with a typescript copy of a letter which OTF sent to the Manchester Guardian and which was published on 21 June 1938] and of 4 letters from the Hon. R.H. Brand to OTF, 1938. The letters are concerned with the leadership of Neville Chamberlain and the policy of appeasement.

Falk 1/3    Post 29th Apr, 1919. "Council of Three. 29th Apr, 1919. (What actually happened)." 3 pp. of typescript. Irreverent account of a Peace conference meeting which included President Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and David Lloyd George. Unsigned. [Carbon copy]. Photocopy; original returned to depositor 1991.

Falk 1/4    1919? Draft report by the "Committee appointed by the Four Heads of States to consider the question of the rehabilitation of credit in Europe." 8 pp. of typescript. [Copy made by press-copying process]. With numerous corrections made in ink pen and by typewriter.

Falk 1/5    1919?  Rapport du Comite Special Charge de Reviser le Rapport de la Commission Financiere de la Conference de la Paix," undated. 13 pp. of typescript. In  French but with two pages of English translation.

Falk 1/6    1916, 1918  2 articles.'Currency and gold now and after the War,' by OTF, reprinted from the Economic Journal No. 109, Vol. XXVIII, Mar 1918. 9 pp. 'Will London be a free market for gold after the war?' by OTF, from The Nineteenth Century, No. 473, Vol. LXXX, July 1916. 9 pp.

Falk 1/7    1919  'Report (with annexes) presented to the Supreme Council of the Allies by the Financial Commission of the Peace Conference.' 8 pp. [marked "Secret"].

Falk 1/8    1919 Report on Lord Robert Cecil's memorandum of the 2nd Mar (W.C.P. 187) by OTF, 8.3.19. 6 pp.

Falk 1/9    1933 The Means to Prosperity, by JMK, London: Macmillan and Co., 1933. Pamphlet. "From the author" written on a sheet of writing paper (address: 46, Gordon Sq., Bloomsbury) which is loose in the pamphlet. Note in the margin of page 35 by OTF.

Falk 1/10   1919-1938    6 Newspaper cuttings, 1919-38 [most concerning OTF or JMK]. Miscellaneous typed sheets relating to Peace conference meetings of 1919 (including lists of those present at meetings) have been returned to depositor, 1991, except 1 list of participants. replaced by photocopies.

Falk 1/11   1 Jan 1920 Grant of OBE to OTF. Photocopy; original returned to depositor.

2 Papers relating to Montagu Norman and US Reserve
3 Correspondence between OTF and John Maynard Keynes
4  Papers relating to Robert Boothby, MP
5  Papers relating to Montagu Norman
6 Papers relating to the Hon RH Brand
7 Publications by Carl Snyder on economic issues
8 Correspondence on foreign policy issues

- First listed by James Armstrong, Modern MSS Assistant, 10/05/1991, revised by Anna Sander, Archivist & Curator of MSS, May 2005.

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