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Papers of Ian Naughton Grimble


Biographical information :

Born 7 August 1921, second son of Eric Grimble.

Educated Shrewsbury; Balliol Hilary term 1940-41 (tutor: K.N. Bell) and Hilary and Trinity term 1946 (tutor: T.H. Tylor); Williams Exhibition, History; special exams History 3, 4, Politics 1; PPE (short); B.A. 1946, M.A. 1987.


  • Army 1941; Intelligence Corps (India) 1942-6.
  • Bar Exams Part 1 1947.
  • House of Commons Library 1947-55.
  • BBC producer 1955-9.
  • PhD Aberdeen 1963.
  • Radio and TV broadcaster.
  • Fellow of the Royal Historical Society 1966.
  • President, Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club 1976.
  • Visiting Professor, College of Translation, Tehran 1978-9.

Publications include :

  • The Harington Family (1957).
  • The Trial of Patrick Sellar: the tragedy of Highland evictions (1962).
  • Chief of Mackay (1965).
  • Denmark (1966).
  • Regency People (1972).
  • Scottish Clans and Tartans (1973).
  • The Sea Wolf: the life of Admiral Cochrane (1978).
  • The World of Rob Donn (1979).
  • Clans and Chiefs (1980).
  • Highland Man (1980).
  • Scottish Islands (1985).
  • Robert Burns (1986).
  • Castles of Scotland (1987).

For further information :

On Ian Grimble, see the Balliol College Register (entry under 1939-40).

The papers Mr Grimble presented to Balliol comprise material on three writers. For further information on them:

ERIC LINKLATER , novelist and man of letters (1899-1974):see the Dictionary of National Biography, and Who Was Who.

WILFRID NOYCE , mountaineer and writer (1917-62):see the Dictionary of National Biography.

NEIL M. GUNN , writer (1891-1973): see Who Was Who.


Mr. Grimble donated these papers to Balliol College in 1984 and 1985. This listing preserves Mr. Grimble's division of his papers into three categories:

1. Material on Eric Linklater.

2. Material on Wilfred Noyce.

3. Material on Neil M. Gunn.

Within these categories items were re-ordered chronologically where considered necessary (except for those relating to Wilfred Noyce for reasons given later). Each item has been numbered in pencil in the top right-hand corner; EL1 etc. for the material on Eric Linklater, WN1 etc. for the material on Wilfred Noyce and NG1 etc. for material on Neil M. Gunn.


1. Eric Linklater (1899-1974). Scottish Novelist and playwright.

TLS from Ian Grimble to Dr. Penny Bulloch, 23 September 1984. Concerning the donation of his papers and rights of ownership. 1 l.

Short typed list by Ian Grimble of the papers relating to Eric Linklater, 21 April 1985.

i. Letters from Eric Linklater to Ian Grimble:

1. ALS, 17 April 1961. 1 l.

2. TLS, 25 September 1961. 1 l.

3. ALS, 16 January 1962.1 l.

4. ALS, 23 March 1962. 1 l.

5. TLS, 5 April [1963?]. 3 ls.

6. TLS, 11 April 1963. 2 ls.

7. TLS, 26 March 1963. 1 l.

8. TLS, 15 May "33" [sic? 1963]. 1 l.

9. TLS, 11 December 1966. 1 l.

10. TLS, 5 February 1968. 1 l.

ii. Letters from Marjorie Linklater [Mrs. Eric Linklater] to Ian Grimble:

11. ALS, 11 June [1959?]. 1 l.

12. ALS, 5 August [1959]. 1 l.

13. ALS, 25 November [1959]. 1 l.

14. ALS, 10 January [1959/1960?]. 1 l.

15. ALS, 1 July [1961]. 1 l.

16. ALS, undated [1961/1962?]. 1 l.

17. ALS, 21 October 1962. 1 l.

18. ALS, 26 January 1973. 3 ls.

19. ALS, 6 November 1973. 1 l.

20. ALS, 31 August 1974. 1 l.

21. ALS, 15 November 1974. 1 l. Enclosure - address written by Ernest Marwick and read at Eric Linklater's funeral. 2 pgs.

22. ALS, 12 February 1976. 2 ls.

23. TLS, 24 August 1982. 1 l.

24. TLS, 17 September 1982. 1 l.

25. AL, unsigned and undated [December 1982?]. 1 l.

26. ALS, 10 September 1983. 2 ls. [to "Iain"].

27. TLS, 29 June 1984. 1 l.

28. Xmas card, undated. Signed by Marjorie Linklater on behalf of herself and her husband.

29. Xmas card, undated. Signed by Marjorie Linklater.

iii. Letters from 'Sally' [Alison] Linklater [daughter of Eric and Marjorie Linklater] to Ian Grimble:

30. ALS, 21 December [1962?]. 1 l.

31. ALS, 3 January 1965. 1 l.

32. ALS, 19 September. 1 l.

iv. 33. Letter from Marjorie Linklater to "John" [More?]. 21 November 1968. 1 l.

34. Publicity sheet for a showing of The Stone in the Heather Tribute to Eric Linklater. 25 January 1976. 3 line note in pen at the bottom signed by Marjorie Linklater.

35. Unsigned review of Ian Grimble's The Trial of Patrick Sellar. Almost certainly by Eric Linklater. c. 1962. 3 typed pgs.


36. 'Marjorie Linklater,' by Ann Tweedy, The Leopard Magazine. No date but after 1974 [Eric Linklater now deceased]. 2 pgs.

37. ' Islands of the Vikings,' by Eric Linklater, The Listener, 30 April 1959. 2 pgs.

38. 'Eric Linklater, Man of Letters,' unsigned obituary, The Scotsman, 8 November 1974. 1 pg. 1 line note in pen at the top signed "J."

2. Wilfred Noyce (1917-1962). Mountaineer and author.

Letter from Ian Grimble to Dr. Penny Bulloch, 21 April 1985. Contains brief note on this material. 1 l.

Short list by Ian Grimble of papers relating to Wilfred Noyce, 21 April 1985.

Many of these letters appear (from marks left by rusted bulldog clips and pins) to have been ordered by Ian Grimble several years before they were received by Balliol College. Since most of the letters are not dated by year I have decided not to re-order them chronologically. In addition, many of the letters were posted long distance; Ian Grimble may have kept them in the order in which they were received rather than written.

Letters from Wilfred Noyce to Ian Grimble:

1. ALS, undated. 1 l.

2. ALS, 29 February. 1 l.

3. ALS, 13 March. 1 l.

4. ALS, undated. 1 l.

5. ALS, 23 March. 1 l.

6. ALS, 12 September. 2 ls.

7. ALS, 23 August. 4 ls.

8. ALS, 13 September. 2 ls.

9. ALS, 23 September. 2 ls.

10. ALS, 22 September 1957. 1 l.

11. ALS, 29 November 1957. 2 ls. [addressed to "John" (Grimble?)].

12. ALS, 30 October 1952. 1 l.

13. ALS, 15 August 1957. 2 ls.

14. AL, 3 October. 1 l. [incomplete].

15. ALS, 17 October. 1 l.

16. ALS, 13 October. 3 ls.

17. ALS, 24 October. 1 l.

18. ALS, 21 October. 2 ls.

19. ALS, 31 October. 2 ls.

20. ALS, 8 November. 1 l.

21. ALS, 19 November. 2 ls.

22. ALS, 22 November. 1 l.

23. ALS, 26 November. 2 ls.

24. ALS, 30 November. 1 l.

25. ALS, 7 December. 1 l.

26. ALS, 23 December. 2 ls.

27. ALS, 30 December. 1 l.

28. ALS, 3 January. 1 l.

29. ALS, 17 December. 1 l.

30. ALS, 12 December. 1 l.

31. ALS, 8 January. 1 l.

32. ALS, 9 February. 1 l.

33. ALS, 9 February. 2 ls.

34. ALS, 21 February. 2 ls.

35. ALS, 12 February. 2 ls.

36. ALS, 16 February. 1 l.

37. ALS, 26 February. 3 ls.

38. ALS, 7 March. 3 ls.

39. ALS, 10 March. 1 l.

40. ALS, 15 March. 2 ls.

41. ALS, 21 March, 3 ls.

42. ALS, 27 March 1945. 1 l. [from "Inam"? possibly the son of Wilfred Noyce].

43. ALS, 28 March. 2 ls.

44. ALS, 28 March. 1 l.

45. ALS, 3 April. 1 l.

46. ALS, 4 April. 2 ls.

47. ALS, 9 April. 2 ls.

48. ALS, 13 April. 2 ls.

49. ALS, 20 April. 1 l.

50. ALS, 2 July. 2 ls.

51. ALS, 4 July. 2 ls.

52. ALS, 5 July. 1 l.

53. ALS, 7 July. 1 l.

54. ALS, 8 July. 1 l.

55. ALS, 11 July. 1 l.

56. ALS, 11 September. 4 ls.

57. ALS, "Friday." 1 l.

58. ALS, 16 January 1946. 1 l.

59. ALS, 25 January 1946. 1 l.

60. ALS, 6 February [1946]. 2 ls.

61. ALS, 10 February [1946]. 2 ls.

62. ALS, 17 February [1946]. 2 ls.

63. ALS, 26 February [1946]. 1 l.

64. ALS, 22 February [1946]. 2 ls.

65. ALS, 10 March [1946]. 2 ls.

66. ALS, 10 April [1946]. 2 ls.

67. ALS, 24 April [1946]. 2 ls.

68. ALS, 25 April [1946]. 1 l.

69. ALS, 30 April [1946]. 2 ls.

70. ALS, 18 May [1946]. 2 ls.

71. ALS, 25 May [1946]. 2 ls.

72. ALS, 7 June [1946]. 2 ls.

73. ALS, 16 July [1946]. 1 l.

74. ALS, 18 July [1946]. 3 ls.

75. ALS, 24 July [1946]. 2 ls.

76. ALS, 12 August [1946]. 2 ls.

77. ALS, 19 August [1946]. 2 ls.

78. ALS, 26 August [1946]. 3 ls.

79. ALS, 5 September [1946]. 1 l.

80. ALS, 4 October [1946]. 1 l.

81. ALS, 16 October [1946]. 2 ls.

82. ALS, 25 January 1959. 3 ls. [addressed to "Ian and John"].

83. ALS, 27 April 1955. 2 ls.

84. TLS, 1 January 1958. 1 l.

85. ALS, 17 March 1956. 1 l.

86. ALS, 4 October 1955. 1 l.

87. ALS, "Monday." 2 ls.

88. ALS, 6 June 1953. 1 l [airmail].

89. ALS, 15 June 1957. 1 l [airmail].


90. 'Slices of the Life Force,' by John Gale, 1962.

91. ' Mont Blanc Revisited,' by Wilfred Noyce, 20 October 1955, The Listener.


92. They Survived. A Study of the Will to Live by Wilfred Noyce, 1962, Heinemann, London.


3. Neil M. Gunn (1891-1973). Scottish Novelist.

TL [copy] from Ms. K. Armstrong to Ian Grimble, 25 April 1990. Concerning copies of Gunn's letters. 1 l.

TLS from Ian Grimble to Dr. P. Bulloch, 18 April 1990. Request for copies of Gunn's letters. 1 l.

TLS [copy] from Ian Grimble to "John" [Pick?], 25 June 1986. Concerning a proposed publication of Gunn's letters. 1 l.

TLS from John B. Pick to Balliol College Library, 29 October 1986. Request to consult the Gunn letters. 1 l.

Short typed list by Ian Grimble of the papers relating to Neil Gunn, 1 September 1984.


i. Letters from Neil Gunn to Ian Grimble:

1. APS, 22 April 1959.

2. ALS, 24 December [1959]. 1 l.

3. ALS, [1960]. 1 l.

4. ALS, [February 1960]. 1 l.

5. ALS, 2 June 1960. 1 l.

6. ALS, 18 August [1960]. 1 l.

7. ALS, 21 September 1960. 1 l.

8. ALS, 14 November 1960. 2 ls.

9. ALS, 30 November 1960. 1 l.

10. ALS, 7 March 1961. 1 l.

11. ALS, 31 March 1961. 1 l.

12. ALS, [April 1961]. 1 l.

13. ALS, 2 May [1961]. 2 ls.

14. APS, postmarked 12 May 1961.

15. APS, 17 July 1961.

16. ALS, [September 1961]}. 2 ls.

17. TLS, 2 November 1961. 1 l.

18. ALS, 14 November 1961. 1 l.

19. ALS, "Mon. 6" [1961]. 1 l.

20. ALS, "Thurs. morn." [September 1962]. 1 l.

21. ALS, [September 1962]. 2 ls.

22. ALS, "Wed. Morn." [September 1962]. 1 l.

23. TLS, [18 August 1962]. 1 l.

24. ALS, [12 September 1962]. 1 l.

25. ALS, [17 September 1962]. 1 l.

26. ALS, 6 December 1962. 1 l.

27. ALS, 2 March 1963. 1 l.

28. ALS, [27 May 1963]. 1 l.

29. ALS, 7 November 1963. 1 l.

30. ALS, "Thursday Evening" [1964]. 1 l.

31. ALS, "Mon. Evening" [10 February 1964]. 1 l.

32. APS, postmarked 3 March 1964.

33. ALS, 26 March 1964. 1 l.

34. ALS, 5 April 1964. 1 l.

35. ALS, 11 April 1964. 1 l.

36. ALS, 30 April 1964. 2 ls.

37. ALS, 31 May 1964. 2 ls.

38. ALS, 5 October [1964]. 2 ls.

39. ALS, [30 October 1964]. 1 l.

40. ALS, "Thurs." [November 1964]. 1 l.

41. Signed Xmas card, [1964].

42. ALS, "Mon. Morn" [January 1965]. 1 l.

43. ALS, 18 January 1965. 1 l.

44. ALS, 31 January 1965. 2 ls.

45. ALS, 7 April 1965. 1 l.

46. ALS, 2 May 1965. 1 l.

47. ALS, "Wed. Morn" [14 July 1965]. 1 l.

48. APS, 7 June 1965.

49. ALS, "Thurs. Morn" [22 July 1965]. 1 l.

50. ALS, "Sun" [5 September 1965]. 1 l.

51. ALS, marked "rec. 24 September 1965." 1 l.

52. ALS, "Tuesday" [26 October 1965]. 1 l.

53. ALS, 2 November 1965. 1 l.

54. ALS, 24 November 1965. 1 l.

55. ALS, 30 November [1965]. 1 l.

56. ALS, 25 January [1966]. 2 ls.

57. ALS, 31 January 1966. 1 l.

58. ALS, [29 March 1966]. 1 l. Enclosed - TLS [copy] to Professor Nakamura, 28 March 1966.

59. ALS, 24 April 1966. 1 l.

60. ALS, [7 May 1966]. 1 l.

61. ALS, 12 May 1966. 2 ls.

62. ALS, 23 June 1966. 1 l.

63. ALS, 27 June 1966. 1 l.

64. ALS, "Wed" [6 July 1966]. 2 ls.

65. ALS, 30 August 1966. 1 l.

66. ALS, 29 September 1966. 1 l.

67. TLS, 1 December 1966. 1 l.

68. ALS, 22 February 1966. 1 l.

69. ALS, 11 April 1967. 1 l.

70. ALS, 14 May 1967. 2 ls.

71. ALS, 14 August 1967. 1 l.

72. TLS, 25 October 1967. 2 ls.

73. TLS [copy], 31 October 1967 to Mr. Giles Gordon, Victor Gollancz Ltd. Probably enclosed with no. 72 [?].

74. ALS, [October 1967]. 1 l [incomplete].

75. TL, 2 November 1967. 2 ls [incomplete].

76. ALS, 5 December 1967. 1 l.

77. ALS, April 1968. 1 l.

78. ALS, 20 April 1968. 1 l.

79. ALS, 19 August 1968. 1 l.

80. ALS, 5 January 1970. 1 l.

81. ALS, 6 March 1970. 1 l.

82. ALS, 29 May 1970. 1 l.

83. TLS, 4 September 1970. 1 l.

84. ALS, 30 November 1970. 1 l.

85. ALS, 17 January 1971. 1 l.

86. ALS, 23 July 1971. 2 ls.

87. ALS, 29 December 1971. 1 l.

88. ALS, 13 June 1972. 1 l.

89. ALS, "Mon, Morn." [1961]. 1 l.

90. ALS, "Tuesday." 1 l.

91. ALS, undated. 2 ls.

92. APS, undated.

93. ALS, 12 September. 1 l.

94. ALS, undated. 2 ls.

95. ALS, 28 November. 1 l.

96. ALS, 22 March. 1 l.

97. ALS, "Sabbath." 2 ls.

98. ALS, "Fri. Morn." 1 l.

99. ALS, "Sabbath." 1 l.

100. ALS, "Wed. Morn." 1 l.

101. ALS, 15 June. 1 l.

102. APS, postmarked 20 January.

103. ALS, undated. 1 l.

104. Xmas card, undated. From "Neil and Neoinean [Gunn?]"

105. ALS, 15 July. 1 l.

106. ALS, 23 December. 1 l.

107. ALS, "Mon." 1 l.

108. ALS, 3 February. 1 l.

109. ALS, undated. 1 l.

ii. Letters from Daisy Gunn [Mrs. Neil Gunn] to Ian Grimble:

110. ALS, 14 May 1960. 1 l.

111. ALS, 22 August 1960. 1 l.

112. ALS, 6 November [1962]. 1 l.

113. ALS, 22 January. 2 ls.

114. ALS, 4 February. 2 ls.

115. ALS, 18 February. 1 l.[stiff card].

116. ALS, 21 February. 1 l.[stiff card].

iii. Letters from Neoinean [Gunn?] to Ian Grimble:

117. ALS, 25 July 1961. 1 l.

118. APS, postmarked 9 August 1961.

iv. 119. Xmas card, undated. From Alec and Gretta Gunn to Ian Grimble [?].

v. 120. TLS from "Rus" [?] to Ian Grimble, undated. 1 l.

vi. 121. ALS from Willa Muir to Neil Gunn, 9 December 1948. 2 ls. Enclosed - ALS, undated. From Edwin Muir. 1 l.

vii. 122. TL from Neil Gunn to Mr. Hook, 17 August 1962. 1 l.

viii. 123. ALS from Neil Gunn to John More, 24 April 1961. 1 l.

ix. 124. ALS, from Neil Gunn to Mrs. Gallop, 17 April 1961. 1 l.

125. 8.8 x 8.8 cm. colour photograph of Neil Gunn, undated.


126. 'Neil M. Gunn,' by Ian Grimble, 15pp typescript (undated). Marked, "Publ. in The Leopard Magazine, Aberdeen."

127. 'Neil M. Gunn, A Study,' by Tokusaburo Nakamura. 1962 Vol. X, No. 1, The Proceedings of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, College of General Education, University of Tokyo. University of Tokyo Press.

84 letters from Professor T. Nakamura to Ian Grimble, 1961-1973.

- James Armstrong, Modern MSS Asst, 12 December 1990.

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