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Papers of John Hope Simpson (1868 - 1961)


Biographical note

b . 23 July 1868; 3rd s. of John Hope Simpson, Gen. Man., Bank of Liverpool. Educ. Liverpool Coll.; Bonn Gymn.; Balliol 1887-9, probationer. Rugby XV; Assocn.XI. I.C.S. 1889, NW. Provs. and Oudh; Jt. Magte. 1895; Dist. Magte. 1901; Jt. Sec. Bd. of Revenue 1902-4; Registrar of Co-op. Credit Socs. 1904-7. Returned to Balliol 1907-8; B.A. 1908; M.A. 1937. Central Provs., India, 1908-13; Pres., Cttee. on Municipal Taxation, 1908; Dist. Magte., Gorakhpur, 1909-13; C.I.E. 1913; Chief Commr., Andaman Islands, 1914 and 1916; retired from I.C.S. 1916; Priv. Sec. to Parlty. Sec., Min.of Labour, 1917; M.P.(L.) Taunton, 1922-24; Chm. India Colonies Cttee., 1924; Kt. 1925; Vice-Pres. Refugee Settlement Commn., Athens, 1926-30; Commr. to report on Land Settlement in Palestine 1930; Grand Cross, Greek Order of the Phoenix, 1931; Dir.-Gen., Chinese Flood Relief Commn., 1931; Newfoundland Government Commn. 1934-6; K.B.E. 1937; Dir., Refugee Survey, R. Inst. of Internat. Affairs, 1936-8. Died 10 April 1961. Publ.: The Refugee Problem, 1939. m. (1) 1900 Quita, d. of Robert Barclay, of Sedgley, New Hall, Prestwich (d. 1939): two sons, three daughters; (2) 1941 Evelyn Brookes, d. of J. Forster Hamilton, and widow of W.H.Brookes, of the Andaman Commn. Brothers, E. and F.H. Hope Simpson (Balliol 1891 and 1896).

Provenance and Arrangement

The Hope Simpson Papers were given to Balliol College in January 1989 by Ian Hope Simpson, son of Sir John Hope Simpson.


Balliol College does not own the copyright in any of the material in the Hope Simpson Papers.

The copyright of Sir John Hope Simpson belongs to the executors of Ian Hope Simpson.

Readers may consult Jack of All Trades, but no quotation or other use of material from it may be made without permission from the executors of Ian Hope Simpson.

List of the papers

1. Indian Civil Service, 1897-1916

Diary extracts; printed reports; correspondence relating to JHS's work in I.C.S.; Record of Service.

2. 1917-1925

Material relating to JHS' work as Private Secretary to Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour, 1917.

Correspondence relating to Taunton Election, 15 November 1922, at which JHS was elected Liberal M.P.

Correspondence, typescripts and printed material on India Colonies Committee, of which JHS was Chairman.

3. Greece, 1925-1930

Correspondence and printed reports on JHS' work as Vice-President of Refugee Settlement Commission.

4. Palestine, 1930

i. Papers concerning JHS's commission to report on Land Settlement in Palestine (2 files) FILES CLOSED.

ii. Typescript copy of report to Secretary of State for the Colonies (Lord Passfield) on Arab-Jewish relations since 1915, 17 January 1930. FILES CLOSED.

iii. Palestine : Report on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development, by Sir John Hope Simpson, CIE. London: HMSO, 1930.

Appendix , containing maps.

iv. Printed letter from JHS to Lord Passfield on the report, 18 August 1930.

v. The New Judea VII, 12. October 1930: issue on the Hope Simpson Report.

vi. Typescript of interview with JHS [1932] on Palestine Report, with covering TLS from P.W.Wilson, 27 July 1932.

vii. Letters from JHS to QHS, 1930.

5. Palestine, 1944

i. Printed material, typescript copies of articles, correspondence relating to articles by JHS in The Fortnightly, July 1944, and International Affairs, January 1945, on the Jews and Palestine.

ii. Letters to JHS concerning correspondence in The Times about Jews and Arabs in Palestine.

iii. UN Special Committee on Palestine. Report to General Assembly. Vol.II. Annexe, maps etc. 1947.

6. China, 1931-1933

i. Official correspondence; photographs; galley proofs of article on Chinese National Flood Relief Commission, of which JHS was Director General, including material on Japanese bombing of Flood Refugee camp, Feb. 1932.

ii. Family letters, 1931-2, 1932-3 (2 files)

iii. Letters to Betty HS, 1931-2.

iv. Letter to Betty HS describing Japanese attack on Refugee camp, 1932.

7. Newfoundland, 1934-1936

i. Printed material, including Annual Reports of Commission of Government, 1934 and 1936; ALS from Sidney Webb, 11 July 1934; TLD from Baden Powell, 8 June 1935; TLS from Ramsey Macdonald, 7 Oct. 1934.

ii. Letters to Edgar and Eleanor HS, 1934.

iii. Family letters, June 1934-April 1935.

iv. Family letters, May - Sept. 1935.

v. Family letters, Sept. 1935-Oct. 1936.

vi. Letters to Betty HS, 1934-6.

8. Chatham House, 1937-1961

Correspondence, mainly official, on Jewish/Palestinian question, and refugee problems. JHS was Director, Refugee Survey, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1936-8. (2 files)

9. Family correspondence, 1941-1961

Letters to Betty HS (2 files)

10. Printed material, documents

i. Press cutings and typescripts, 1932-3, 1937, 1938, 1945.

ii. Passports etc.

11. Biography

Jack of All Trades: An Indian Civil Servant in Retirement: Sir John Hope Simpson, by Ian Hope Simpson. Typescript.

- Penelope Bulloch, Fellow Librarian

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