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Papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889, Balliol TT 1863)


Biographical note

Revd Fr Gerard Manley HOPKINS, S.J. (in some records under MANLEY HOPKINS): Born 11 June 1844; eldest son of Kate Smith Hopkins and Manley Hopkins, a marine insurance expert and Consul-general for the Hawaiian Islands. Education: Highgate (Scholar); Balliol, Trinity Term 1863 to Trinity Term 1867. Exhibitioner. (See Balliol College Register 1862.) Balliol tutors: Revd Prof Benjamin Jowett, T. H. Green, William Newman, Revd James Riddell. Joined Roman Catholic Church in 1866 (see W. E. Addis, Balliol 1861); 1st Litterae Humaniores, 1867; BA, 1868. Assistant teaching master, St Philip Neri Oratory, Birmingham, 1867‒8. Hopkins entered the Jesuit Novitiate, Sept. 1868; studied at Stonyhurst 1870; Classical Tutor at Roehampton, 1873; studied theology at St Beuno's College, northern Wales, 18747. Ordained priest, Sept. 1877. Served in parishes in London; Chesterfield; St Aloysius, Oxford, 1878-9; Bedford Leigh, 1879-80, Liverpool, 1880-81. Classical master at Stonyhurst, 1882 and 1883; from Feb. 1884 to June 1889, Fellow in Classics for the Royal University of Ireland (RUI) and Professor of Greek and Latin at University College, Dublin (UCD). Died 8 June 1889. A font was placed in St Aloysius in his memory by Frances and Francis de Paravicini (a Fellow of Balliol). His poems were collected and published by Robert Bridges (Poet Laureate) in 1918; see Norman MacKenzie, The Poetical Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins (1990). Biographies by Robert Martin, Norman White, and Paul Mariani. Nephew:  Gerard Walter Hopkins (Balliol, 1910).

Provenance and arrangement

Notebook of undergraduate essays, gift to Balliol from Campion Hall, Oxford, 1963.

Letter from GMH to Henry Wall, College Archives.

All other material bequest of Beatrice Handley-Derry, the daughter of Arthur Hopkins (brother of GMH).

Copyright: 'Oxford University Press acts on behalf of the principal copyright owners, who are the British Province of the Society of Jesus. Most of Hopkins' published work is subject to the British law of posthumous publication (copyright lasts 70 years from date of first publication). Thus, for example, poems first published in the first edition of 'Poems' (1918) are long out of copyright in the UK, and the additional poems in the second edition (1930) came out of copyright on 1 January 2001. Notebooks and letters first published at later dates are still copyright-protected, and unpublished writings remain in copyright in the UK until 1 January 2040. In the USA all Hopkins manuscripts are in the public domain, but certain posthumously published works may still be in copyright. From 2011, Gerard Manley Hopkins appears on the Estates page of the Peters Fraser & Dunlop website.'

- information from Hopkins' WATCH entry provided by the University of Reading and the Harry Ransom Center. accessed 30 September 2015.


Sketch Book A (1862-1863)

Sketch Book B (1863-1866)

Sketch Book C (1866-1868)

All three sketch books contain sketches by GMH and his siblings Arthur, Kate and Everard.

Scrap book, containing some original sketches and some printed and cut out material.

Notebook of undergraduate essays by GMH (22pp):

'Credit and the causes of commercial crises.'

'Authenticity: why do we believe some things in ancient writers and not others?'

'Poetic Diction.'

'The Sophists.'

'The position of Plato to the Greek world.'

'The Life of Socrates.'

ALS from GMH to Arthur Hopkins (brother). 26 November 1888.

ALS from GMH to Henry Wall, bursar of Balliol. 5 June 1868.

ALS from GMH to Francis de Paravicini, Fellow of Balliol. [check MS 421]

Medal of Sir Roger Cholmeley's School, Highgate.

Photograph: Balliol College group, 1863.


New citations:

Colley, Ann C. Wild Animal Skins in Victorian Britain: Zoos, Collections, Portraits, and Maps. Routledge, 2016.

Hatch, Laurie Camp. "Gerard Manley Hopkins and Victorian approaches to the problems of perception: Affirming the metaphysical in the physical."Christianity & Literature 65.2 (2016): 170-194.


- Anna Sander, September 2015, corrections by Prof LJ Higgins, March 2016..

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