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Papers of Charles Graham Stone (1886-1976: Balliol 1905-1910, Fellow 1912-1924)


Creator: Charles Graham Stone (1886-1976: Balliol 1905-1910, Fellow 1912-1924)

Provenance: given to Balliol College by a number of depositors, some indirectly - see acquisition correspondence throughout, esp 5 & 6. Further accession (box 14) in 2015.

Extent: 14 archive boxes.

Scope and contents:

  • Philosophical papers & notebooks, mainly on metaphysics; many are on small booklets of writing paper;
  • comment on 'Losing religion to find it' by E Lindsay.
  • Letters: from CGS to recipients including Prof WJ Mackenzie, Prof HJ Paton, AD Lindsay, Miss Lindsay, Nial Charlton, AS Hoey, 1922-1943.
  • Correspondence & other material on the Oxford Refugee Committee, c 1939.
  • Diary of JG Stone (father of CGS), 1905-1906.


This list describes the order of the material as surveyed in January 2016.

Stone 1

1.1 Notebook VIII: General Account etc On Philosophical Thought. ' This is about the one Form that eternally remains, and the one Function that never dies, as the proper subject of true elementary philosophical thought.' A4, MS, 46pp filled, numbered 1-46.

1.2 Notebook IV: General Account of the Argument based on, and including, what is here said to be the true account of self-contradiction as necessarily erroneous and the law called the law of contradiction. Second course.' A4, MS, full, foliated ii+ 354-469 (versos numbered XXa).

1.3 Notebook 2: General Preface to the Notes on Philosophy which I shall leave here to be sent to Balliol after my death.' 7 May 1962. A4, MS, 92pp filed, numbered 1-92.

1.4 Notebook VIII [sic]: General Account etc restatement of the Argument in Notebooks I-VII. A4, MS, 11 pp filled, numbered 1-11.

1.5 3 A5 notepads with cover sheet. MS draft of Dialectic of Incompleteness.

1.5.1 Dialectic of Incompleteness Book I, introduction & Chapter 1. MS, 20pp.

1.5.2 Dialectic of Incompleteness Book II, Chapter II & Chapter III first part. MS, 20pp.

1.5.3 Dialectic of Incompleteness Book II, Chapter III second part. MS, 16pp. February 1970.

1.6 6 A5 notepads with cover sheet. MS draft of Reflection on Metaphysics. May 1970

1.6.1 Reflection on Metaphysics I. MS, 20pp.

1.6.2 Reflection on Metaphysics II. MS, 20pp.

1.6.3 Reflection on Metaphysics II. MS, 20pp.

1.6.4 Reflection on Metaphysics IV.1. MS, 20pp.

1.6.5 Reflection on Metaphysics IV.2. MS, 20pp.

1.6.6 Reflection on Metaphysics I.V.3. MS, 20pp.

1.7 6 A5 notepads with cover sheet. MS draft of Another Statement of A Metaphysical Argument. June - August 1970.

1.7.1 Another Statement of A Metaphysical Argument Book I. MS, 20pp.

1.7.2 Another Statement of A Metaphysical Argument Book II. MS, 20pp.

1.7.3 Another Statement of A Metaphysical Argument Book III. MS, 20pp.

1.7.4 Another Statement of A Metaphysical Argument Book IV. MS, 20pp.

1.7.5 Another Statement of A Metaphysical Argument Book V. MS, 20pp.

1.7.6 Another Statement of A Metaphysical Argument Book VI. MS, 20pp.

Stone 2

2.1 5 A5 envelopes of MS notes, closely written. Draft of A Metaphysical Argument. May-November 1969.

2.1.1 A Metaphysical Argument IV. First Envelope, Chapter I Parts 1, 2, 3. Pages 1-88. September 1969. Caution: all sheets loose.

2.1.2 A Metaphysical Argument IV. Second Envelope, Chapter I Part 4. Pages 89-164. October 1969. Caution: all sheets loose.

2.1.3 A Metaphysical Argument III. Second Envelope, Chapters III and IV. Pages 78-133. May-June 1969. Caution: all sheets loose.

2.1.4 A Metaphysical Argument IV. Third Envelope, Chapter II Parts 1-5. Pages 166-248. October-November 1969. Caution: all sheets loose.

2.1.5 A Metaphysical Argument IV. Fourth Envelope, Chapter II Part 6. Pages 249-318. November 1969. Caution: all sheets loose.

2.2 Brown A5 envelope containing loose sheets of MS notes. A letter on Philosophy. May-August 1959.

2.3 Brown A5 envelope containing loose sheets of MS notes. Notes on the argument of the Critique of Pure Reason. 1) Summary of a criticism of the argument of the Critique of Pure Reason, March 1959, with prefatory note November 1959; 2) 'The Provisions of Bodmin', mainly on the Critique of Pure Reason, August-October 1959.

2.4 Brown A5 envelope containing loose sheets of MS notes. Final Statement (Envelope III): 'On self-contradiction and what is implied in true and false accounts of it (Chapter V, second draft).' October 1960-January 1961.

2.5 Brown A5 envelope containing loose sheets of MS notes. A note on Waismann's contribution (iHow I see Philosphy') to Contemporary British Philosophy, III. August - November 1956.

Stone 3

37 A5 pads of notepaper, filled and closely covered with MS notes and drafts, a few loose sheets and 1 small red notebook. Front covers of most notebooks include copious notes on the contents.

3.1 A5 notepad, 40 sheets, partly filled.'Rough notes September 23rd 1975. September 26th 1975 rough draft of a new beginning, pp.8 foll.'

3.2 A5 notepad, 40 sheets,filled. 'Book VI. November 30th - December 19th 1972.'

3.3 A5 notepad, 40 sheets, filled. 'On Nothing At All V March 23rd 1974.'

3.4 A5 notepad, 40 sheets, filled. November 29th 1973, January 8th 1974.

3.5 A5 notepad, 40 sheets, filled. October 7th 1973 - November 8th 1973.

3.6 A5 notepad, 40 sheets, partly filled.'A Metaphysical Argument I. March-May 1974.

3.7 A5 notepad, nearly empty. 3 MS notes, folded. caution: loose sheets.

3.8 A5 notepad, 40 sheets, filled. 'About a Metaphysical Argument II October 8th-31st 1974. On the Impossible.'

3.9 A5 notepad, 40 sheets, filled. A Metaphysical Argument I November 15th 1973

3.10 A5 notepad, 40 sheets, filled. On a metaphysical Argument II. December 1st - 15th 1973. Also 'Back-Biting' on back pages, 21 December 1974.

3.10-3.39 similar dates and contents, not yet listed individually.

Stone 4

31 A5 pads of notepaper, filled and closely covered with MS notes and drafts, 3 envelopes of A5 loose sheets of MS notes. Front covers of most notebooks include copious notes on the contents.

Stone 5

5.1 Acquisition correspondence

5.1.1-2 2 ALS, from Prof HJ Paton to EV Quinn and a reply, re Paton's deposit of letters to him from CG Stone, to be added to papers at Balliol previously received from the President of Corpus. 6 and 9 July 1965.

5.2 Letters from CG Stone to HJ Paton. 8 ALS 1945-1954; 10 ALS 1956; 3 ALS 1957; TLS from David Lindsay Keir to Paton with details of Stone's current accommodation (St Lawrence's Hospital, Bodmin) and condition of health, May 1957; 7 ALS 1958; 15 ALS 1959; 12 ALS 1960 (in envelope); several letters of 1958-9 and MS 'Last Words to HJP on Kant' (in envelope);

5.3 MS fair copy of 'Kant's Copernican Revolution.' 18pp. ND.

5.4 Envelope 'CG Stone on Kant' (in Paton's handwriting): letters and MSS in Stone's handwriting, some dated 1920s.

5.5 4 ALS from Stone to Paton; 1 TS each of 'Thought and Reality' and 'Logic and Reality.'

Stone 6

6.1 1 copy of Animals for show and pleasure in Ancient Rome by George Jennison. Manchester UP, 1937. With acquisition correspondence.

6.2 Letters from CG Stone 1931-1976 (his death). Deposited by WM Mackenzie, WS Watt (Aberdeen), JL Austin (Corpus Xti Oxford), Nial Charlton, Lady Scott (dau. of AD Lindsay), executors of HJ Paton. With list in EVQ's hand of papers of CG Stone received from the President of Corpus Christi College 23 May 1960, and acquisition correspondence.

6.3 'A note on how the eternal is in time' in CG Stone's hand. MS, 2pp.

6.4 ALS from CG Stone to HJ Paton. 'This is the last argumentative letter that I shall ever send you.' 27 September - 8 December 1953. MS, 41 foolscap pp.

6.5 MS and TS foolscap draft of 'Logic and Reality' by CG Stone. 83 TS pp, with a number of MS sections pasted in and MS annotations/corrections/additions.

Stone 7

7.1 Letters to Prof WM Mackenzie and Nial Charlton, mostly 1950s-70s, re CG Stone ('Topes'). Some in connection with Mackenzie's projected 'Life of Lord Lindsay' (ADL).

7.2 Letters from CG Stone to WM Mackenzie, 1931-1950.

7.3 Letters from CG Stone to WM Mackenzie, 1956-8, 1960.

7.4 Letters from CG Stone to WM Mackenzie, 1967-8.

7.5 Correspondence with the Oxford Refugee Committee and others including a large number of letters from CG Stone, re possibility of bringing to England Kurt Schick (b.1924, son of Johann and Leopoldine Schick of Vienna). Mostly 1939.

7.6 Correspondence with CG Stone and others re visa and financial support for Hugo Engelmann and his wife. Mostly 1938-9.

Stone 8

8.1 Envelope of A5 MS notes. 'Final Statement (Envelope V) "On Self-Contradiction and what is implied in true and false Accounts of it." Chapter VI (continued).' September 1961.

8.2 Envelope of MS notes 'Notes for a Preface to "Final Statement"'. October 1961.

8.3 A4 notebook. Notebook III: General Account of the Argument based on, and including, what is said here to be the true account of self-contradiction as necessarily erroneous and the law called the law of contradiction. November-December 1962, March-April 1963.

8.4 A4 notebook. Notebook VI: On Metaphysical Thinking. September 1963.

8.5 A4 notebook. Notebook VII: General Account etc [On Metaphysical Thinking II, Note on Two Articles in Mind LXXIII.' November 1963.

8.6 A5 envelope of MS notes: 'A note on Ryle's Contribution ("The Theory of Meaning") to British PHilosophy in the Mid-Century. April-May 1957.

8.7 Large brown envelope with MS notes by CG Stone re disposition of his manuscripts. 30 April 1972. Much worn and difficult to read.

Stone 9

9.1 A4 notebook. Notebook I, General preface to the Notes on Philosophy. January - May 1962.

9.2 A4 notebook. Notebook VIII, General Account, restatement of the argument, pp.1-12. p. 12-, 'Notes on the imperfections of the real's self-consistency and knowability'.

9.3 A4 notebook. Notebook I, General Account Part I. July 4th - September 15th, 1962.

9.4 A4 notebook. Notebook II, General Account Part II. On Undermining in philosophical debate. September 16th - October 31st 1962.

9.5 A4 notebook. Notebook V, The Argument considered again. June-September 1963.

Stone 10

10.1 A5 envelope of MS notes in CG Stone's hand. 'Final Statement (Envelope II); 'On Self-contradiction and what is implied... Chapters IV & V, 1st draft'. March - October 1960.

10.2 A5 envelope of MS notes in CG Stone's hand. Notes on metaphysical method. August 1960.

10.3 A5 envelope of MS notes in CG Stone's hand. 'Final Statement' (Envelope 1), 'On self-contradiction' etc Chapters I-III. January-February 1960.

10.4 A5 envelope of MS notes in CG Stone's hand. Notes on Philosophy's meaning Impossibility. August-September 1958.

10.5 A5 envelope of MS notes in CG Stone's hand. A Metaphysical Argument III. First Envelope, introductory Note, Chapters I & II, pp.1-77. April-May 1969.

10.6 A5 envelope of MS notes in CG Stone's hand. A Metaphysical Argument I. January-March 1968.

10.7 A5 envelope of MS notes in CG Stone's hand. A Metaphysical Argument V. January 1970.

10.8 A5 notepad. Metaphysical Notes I and II first part. January-February 1970.

10.9 A5 notepad. Metaphysical Notes II second part, III part I with Digression.

10.10 A5 notepad. Metaphysical Notes III, III second part, the Heart of the Matter.

10.11 A5 notepad. Metaphysical Notes IV. Notes III cont, The Heart of the Matter.

10.12 - 10.35 A5 notepads, MS drafts of Metaphysical Notes.

Stone 11

more acquisition correspondence.

11.1 A4 notebook. General Account etc. Notebook VI on Metaphysical Thinking. September 1963.

11.2 A4 notebook. General Account etc. Notebook VII on Metaphysical Thinking II; Note on Two Articlesin Mind LXXIII. November 1963.

Stone 12

12.1 A4 notebook. General Account etc. Notebook VIII: Restatement of the Argument. March 1964.

12.2 A4 notebook. General Account etc. Notebook II. September 16 - October 31 1962.

12.3 A4 notebook. General Account etc. Notebook V: the Argument considered again. June-September 1963.

12.4 A4 notebook. General Account etc. Notebook IV. January-May 1962.

Stone 13

13.1 A4 notebook. General Account etc. Notebook III. November - December 1962, March - April 1963.

13.2 A4 notebook. General Account etc. Notebook I containing Part I. July 4 - September 15, 1962.

13.3 A4 notebook. Diary of JG Stone, father of CG Stone. October 1905 - May 1906. MS, 189pp. With accession correspondence (1976).

13.4 TS of A Metaphysical Argument: a would-be final statement (second attempt) by CG Stone. Foolscap, 51pp.

13.5 TS of article 'The Ghost from the Grave: a note on Shakespeare's Apparitions'. Annotated by EVQ 'by CG Stone' but cf article by JC Maxwell of the same title (Durham University Journal (1956), pp. 55-9). 9pp. With accession note from EVQ.

13.6 TS copy with corrections of A Metaphysical Argument: a would-be final statement (second attempt) by CG Stone. Foolscap, 51 pp. With accession correspondence (1977).

Stone 14 (Accn 15/11)

Accession correspondence.

14.1 A4 Balliol notebook. MS 'Notes on Roman History' in CG Stone's hand, with index. Vol 1. 114pp as numbered.

14.2 A4 Balliol notebook. MS 'Notes on Roman History' in CG Stone's hand, with index. Vol 2. 116pp.

14.3 Correspondence: ALS from CG Stone to Allan S Hoey, 1936-1939. Not yet individually described.

== end of list ==

- Listed by Anna Sander, January 2016.

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Updated 26.i.16
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