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Ancient manuscripts summary listing 251 - 300

March 2014: the descriptor [good/fair/poor/unusable] in square brackets following a manuscript's title indicates its current physical condition as assessed by Oxford Conservation Consortium in January-July 2014. Those in poor condition will not normally be produced for researchers, and those rated unusable not produced at all, until conservation treatment has been carried out in order to prevent further damage during consultation. Poor or unusable manuscripts may also not be fit to photograph safely, including by staff. If you do want to consult or request images from a manuscript that is not currently in a state to produce or photograph safely, please let us know - active research interest is of course a key factor in determining our conservation priorities.

Click here to make enquiries to the archivist about Balliol's manuscripts or to make appointments to consult them - and please share new bibliography/citations.

Digital images of the college's medieval manuscripts are placed online as they are created, usually on demand. Images are linked to from individual entries on these catalogue pages. The digitisation programme is shaped by researchers' requests rather than e.g. starting with MS 1, so if you require images for your research from a manuscript only partially photographed or not yet represented in the Flickr collection, please get in touch to have it added to the 'to-do' list.

251. Porta Veritatis (mid 17th c) [condition: good] images online

252. Aristoteles (late 13th c) [condition: fair]

253. Aristoteles (13th c) [condition: poor] images online here


  • Minio-Paluello, Lorenzo. "Iacobus Veneticus Grecus: Canonist and Translator of Aristotle." Traditio (1952): 265-304.
  • Minio-Paluello, Lorenzo. "The Text of Aristotle's Topics and Elenchi: The Latin Tradition." The Classical Quarterly 5.1/2 (1955): 108-118.

254. Italian (mid 17th c) [condition: good] images online

Breve Relatione dello Stato Forza Richeza et Grandezza del Gran Duca di Toscana fatta al tempo del Serenissimo Ferdinando Medici Gran Duca Vo e del nome ii Adi xii Luglio 1630. Con una munitissima Descrittione delle curiosita da vedersi particolarmente in Firenze etc.

255. Henry Savage (1661) [condition: good]

256. Eusebius etc (12/13th c) [condition: fair-good]

257.Euclides (late 12th c) [condition: fair] images online

258. Sallustius (1461) [condition: poor] images online here

259. Archbishop Ussher (mid 17th c) 259A, 259B [condition: good]

260. Sir John Prise (mid 16th c) [condition: fair]

Mid 16 th cent. (AD 1550-5). Paper (watermark a Hand and star). 139 ff. 11 ¾ x 8 in. 14-17 lines. Good scholarly hand, with autograph corrections. Contemporary panelled calf binding, stamped with a foliage roll (JB Oldham, English blind-stamped bindings, Cambridge, 1952, no. FC h 6); two ties missing.

Sir JOHN PRISE, Historicae Brytannicae Defensio, as printed for Richard Price by H Binneman ( London, 1573), pp. 1-162, but here with no dedication. 1-138 contain the text, with modern title on the fly-leaf, followed by list of chapters in another hand; 139 v addenda and corrigenda (supplied by a friend?) headed: Obseruata a scripto bello.

For the author see under MS 353. This is a fair copy of the final form of the work, and shows only very slight difference from the copy sent to the press, e.g. it lacks the Latin verses on pp. 120-3 of the print. London BM Cotton Titus F.III, ff.170-216, which is holograph and heavily corrected, represents an earlier stage of the text, shorter and radically different, with a dedication to Sir Brian Tuke (d.1545) as its ‘prime and sole instigator’, much of which is reused in the dedication (as printed) to William, Earl of Pembroke. Another MS was at Westminster before the fire of AD 1694; J Armitage Robinson and MR James, The MSS of Westminster Abbey (Cambridge, 1909) 57.

On 100 v (replaced by a longer version on 101-2, which are added and entirely in Prise’s hand) he gives the results of a collation of his own MS of ‘Gildas’ (Nennius), which came from Brecon Priory, with a copy in the Royal Library at Westminster. A note in Hereford Cathedral PV 1 shows that this collation was made in 1550 by his servant William Sae (cf the note on 98 here: ‘Let William Sae see this and confer it with his Regester of Fundaciouns’). Thus the writing of our MS must be placed between 1550 and the author’s death in 1555.

The bequest of Dr George Coningesby, AD 1766, for in his copy of the 1573 edition (in the college library) he has marked the variants of the MS, and the draft of one of his notes, written on the back of a letter to his wife, is still inserted in it.


  • Ker, Neil R. "Sir John Prise." The Library 5.1 (1955): 1-24.

261. Rogerus de Waltham (mid 15th c) [condition: fair] images online here

pressmark: 240; 389.I-4.

Mid 15 th cent. (doubtless written in Oxford, where the scribe was established, and before the donor’s death in 1458). 209 ff. 10 ¼ x 7 ¼ in. 35 lines. Quires of 8 leaves (xxv-xxxvi lost), with catchwords and signatures. Good clear hand, with headings and marginalia in red. Each rubrica (except 5-7, which were overlooked) has a small initial in gold on a ground party brownish-red and blue, diapered in white, with rough marginal foliage; f.2 has a larger initial and foliage border, of moderate work. 2 o folio tantum nota.

2-209. Prologus in Compendium Morale de virtuosis dictis et factis exemplaribus antiquorum magistri ROGERI DE WALTHAM canonici Londoniarum. Sapienciam antiquorum etc. Ecclesiastici 34 et ibidem 8 Non te pretereat narracio seniorum – sicut bonus debitor optimo creditori. Scriptus est liber iste per manus Johannis Reynboldi de Monte ornato terre Hassie Theutonicum etc. 209 v blank.

After 193 is a gap, apparently of 12 quires, containing four-fifths of rubrica xii and over half xiii. The author was prebendary of St Paul’s, London, 1309-30 ( Emden iii. 1974). Other copies of his work are Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 294; Pembroke College 253 and 254; Chicago (Illinois) University Library 103; Durham Cathedral B.III.24; Durham University Library Cosin V.I.7; London BM Cotton Vespasian B.XXI; Royal 7.E.vii and 8 (which has in part the same contents as Pembroke 254); Oxford Bodley 805 (2664), Fairfax 4 (3883), and Laud Misc 616 (876); Merton College 265.

I (flyleaf) has on verso: Compendium morale // Liber domus de Balliolo Oxon’ ex dono M. / Roberti Thwatys quondam magistri eiusdem domus.


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.

262. Nonius (mid 15th c) [condition: good]

images online here

10 ½ x 7 ¾ in. 30 lines. Quires of 10 leaves (the last two ff. cut out), with catchwords. Very good roman hand, the headings in pale red. Initials in gold, as far as 46 of the white vine-stem pattern; thereafter smaller, and on party-coloured grounds of blue, green, and lake diapered in white and yellow (10 of these, ff. 740187, have been cut out). On 1 a full bornder of white vine-stem with small birds and beats; a cartouche at the foot with Gray’s arms, supported by putti, cut out.

1-188 v. Index earum rerum que hoc codice continentur. NONI MARCELLI peripathetici Tiburciensis Compendiosa Doctrina per litteras ad filium de proprietate sermonum. Senium est tedium et odium... Breaks off, about one leaf of text being lost, at p.890: gravibus non impediti Ca[to.

Ed. by WM Lindsay ( Leipzig, 1903). Greek words omitted; book iii absent, vii and viii (f.165) run together.

On the verso of the fly leaf is: Nonius Marcellus // Liber domus de Balliolo in Oxon’ ex / dono reverendi in Christo patris et domini / domini Willelmi Gray Elienses episcopi. Also the 15 th cent. label, with similar inscription, from the old binding.

Mid 15th cent. (doubtless AD 1444-54 , during the donor's sojourn in Italy_. i + 188 ff, with early foliation. 10

263. Galfridus de Vino Salvo etc (14/15th c) [condition: unusable]

Images of a few folios online here.

pressmark: 121 (later 294); 379.K.20. Formerly Arch.C.4.5

14/15 th cent. iv + 181 ff. 10 x 7 ¼ in. 2 cols of 41-42 lines. Collation: + 4 | m-p 12 q 12 (wants 9) r-u 12 x 8 a-b 12 | b 12 a 12 c 12 d 6. Catchwords and signatures; two unnummbered blanks after 137. Small neat English hand, with capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue, small intials in blue flourished in red, and on 7 v and 32 v a modest intial and border of conventional foliage with quite odd gold. F. 56 should stand affter 51, as noted in an early hand, and has no conjugate leaf. 1-104 are badly injured by damp in the top outer corner, affecting the text as far as 90. Mid 17 th-cent. rough calf binding. 2 o fo. utendum.

I-Iv (I) [ANON, Ars Dictandi] Cum inter iocunda familiariter de epistolaris natura dictaminis – ut illud preiudicat fame mee. A short treatise on metrical clausulae, followed by an excerpt on coma (Coma est punctum cum virgula sursum ducta – vide etiam in suo loco de periodo in Catholicon). Cf. London BM Cotton Cleopatra B.VI, f.233; Oxford Bodley 310 (2121), f 148.

I v – 3. (2) [ANON, de Coloribus rethoricis] Incipiunt diversa artium documenta rethorice venustatis observanda etiam ornamenta – vere reprehendere videmur. Also in Cambridge Corpus Christi College 358, f.21 v; Trinity College R.14.40, p.356; Oxford Magdalen College lat.6, f.210.

3-4 v. (3) [Magister BERNENTINUS, de Coloribus rethorivis] Celebris fama meritorum in homine novo spirans – velut leges Acticas esse trades (for ere credas) incisum. Explicit. Also in the Trinity College MS, pp. 359-362, which supplies the title.

4 v-7 v. (4) [ANON., Compendium artis dictatorie] Ad omnipotentis dei laudem gloriosus extollendam... Mutacio potest dici congrue dictorum disposicio – percipiet eos sapidiores auditoribus apparere Amen. Explicit etc. Also in the Corpus Christi MS, ff. 1-5; Oxford Bodley Selden supra 65 (3453), f.125 v.

7 v-32. (5) [GALFRIDUS DE VINO SALVO, De arte versificandi] Tria sunt circa que cuiuslibet versatur artificium principium scilicet progressus et consummacio – potentia vindicandi ita dictum sit de conclusione. List of 16 chapters follows; at end, Explicit Tractatus qui dicitur Tria Sunt. For the text see E. Faral, Les Arts poétiques du xii et du xiii siècle (Bibl. de l’École des Hautes Études, fasc. 238, Paris, 1923) 265-320, but this is a longer (interpolated?) version, as in Selden supra 65. Other copies in English libraries are listed by N Denholm-Young, Collected Papers on Medieval Subjects ( Oxford, 1946) 47; add Cambridge Pembroke College 287 and an odd leaf in Bodley Rawlinson D 893.

32 v-44 v. (6) [IDEM, Poetria nova] P<apa stupor> mundi si dixero papa nocenti – quantum de iure mereris. Explicit liber magistri Galfridi de nove poetria. Printed by Faral, op. cit. 197-262; manuscript copies amount to threescore at least.

44 v – 49. (7) [THOMAS MERKE, De moderno dictamine] Prologus tractatus episcopi Carleolensis. Dilectissime frater in Christo in quodam amoris et timoris interstitio – si fuerit ibid rethorica. Explicit tractatus Episcopi Caroliolensis de regulis dictaminis. Denholm-Young 52 lists six copies; add Bodley Rawlinson D 232 and a volume belonging to the Chicago Historical Society, which also contains the Tria sunt.

49 v - 113 v. (8) [GUILDO DE COLUMNIS, Historia Troiana] Licet quotidie vetera recentibus obruant – efficaciter laboravi. Factum est presens opus anno dominice incarnacionis m occlxxxvij o eiusdem prime indiccionis feliciter. Deo gracias agamus. The last three words, forming one line, are flanked by R...B, possibly the initials of the scribe. Last printed by NE Griffin, Cambridge, Mass. 1936.

114-24. (9) Glorioso principi potestates aerias etc. Rex virtutum progressurus – et vox laudis amen. Explicit Sompniale delucidarium Pharaonis compositum per JOHANNEM LEMOVICENSEM ad Regem Navarnie. Printed by C Horvath in the author’s Opera Omnia (Vesprém 1932) i.69-126; cf. Glorieux ii, no.361d.

124 v-137 (10) Universis Christi fidelibus etc. Quid retribuam domino pro ominbus – faciei conspectum amen. Explicit Philobiblion domini RICARDI DE BURY Dunelmensis episcopi; completus est autem tractatus iste in manerio nostro de Aukeland xxiiij to die Januarii AD m occc moxliiij to etatis nostre lviij o precise completo pontificatus vero nostri anno xi finient ad laudem dei feliciter amen. 137 v and two others blank. Cf. MS 166A, art. 7.

138-153 v. (11) [MATTHEUS VINDOCINENSIS, Ars versificatoria] Ne meas viderer magnificare fimbrias – Vindocinensis opus. Explicit tractatus Vindocinensis de arte versificatoria. Printed by Faral, op cit 109-193; this copy, like that in MS 276, omits his § 54, has §58 inn front of § 56, and preserves on 144 v 77 lines wanting on his p.148.


  • Camargo, M. "Chaucer and the Oxford Renaissance of Anglo-Latin Rhetoric." Studies in the Age of Chaucer 34.1 (2012): 173-207. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Camargo, M. "Epistolary Declamation: Performing Model Letters in Medieval English Classrooms." Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 79 no. 3, 2016, pp. 345-363. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/hlq.2016.0019.

264. Forma Religiosorum (15th c) [condition: good] images online here.

265. Alanus de Insulis (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]


  • Gibson, Margaret Templeton, and Nigel F. Palmer. "Manuscripts of Alan of Lille,'Anticlaudianus' in the British Isles." Studi medievali 3rd s XXVIII.ii, 1987. 905-1001.

266. The Lyffe of Sr Thomas Moore (early 17th c) [condition: poor]

267. Greek (17th or 18th c) Item 1, Damianus of Larissa, Chapters of the Optical Hypotheses. Item 2, Autolycus of Pitane ΠΕΡΙ ΚΙΝΟΥΜΕΝΗΣ ΣΦΑΙΡΑΣ, On the moving/rotating sphere. Item 3, Theodosios of Bythynia, Peri oikeseon, On Habitations.[condition: fair] images online

268. Henry Bradshaw's Life of St Werburg (16th c) [condition: fair] images online

More about this text:

  • Clarke, Catherine. "Mapping Medieval Chester: Henry Bradshaw, Life Of St Werburge". N.p., 2017. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.
  • Clarke, Catherine AM, ed.. Mapping the Medieval City: Space, Place and Identity in Chester, C. 1200-1600. University of Wales Press, 2011. [see esp. Camp, Clarke & Varnam.]
  • Camp, Cynthia Turner. Anglo-Saxon Saints' Lives as History Writing in Late Medieval England. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2015.
  • Lewis, Katherine J. 'History, Historiography and Re-writing the Past.' A Companion to Middle English Hagiography. Boydell & Brewer, 2006.


  • Boffey, Julia. "From Manuscript to Print: Continuity and Change." A Companion to the Early Printed Book in Britain, 1476 1558 (2014): 13-26.

269. Turkish (17/18th c) [condition: fair]

270. George Cavendish's Life of Cardinall Wolsey etc (early 17th c) [condition: good]

271. Cartularium Sancti Guthlaci (early 14th c) page 1 page 2 [condition: good] images online


  • Jurkowski, Maureen. "Who Was Walter Brut?." The English Historical Review 127.525 (2012): 285-302.
  • Lobel, Mary Doreen. Hereford. Lovell Johns-Cook, Hammond & Kell Organization, 1971. article online accessed 23 September 2015
  • Walker, David. "I Charters of the Earldom of Hereford, 1095–1201." Camden Fourth Series 1 (1964): 1-75. article online accessed 23 September 2015
  • Smith, David M and Vera CM London. "HEADS OF RELIGIOUS HOUSES ENGLAND AND WALES II 1216-1377." Cambridge University Press (2001). article online accessed 23 September 2015
  • Veach, Colin. "King and magnate in medieval Ireland: Walter de Lacy, King Richard and King John." Irish Historical Studies 37.146 (2010): 179-202. article online accessed 23 September 2015
  • Ogilvie-Thomson, Sarah J. The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist VIII: Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Oxford College Libraries. Vol. 8. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2007.
  • Tock, Benoît-Michel. "Les fondations anglaise et galloise de l'abbaye de Vaucelles." Revue du Nord 2011/3 (n° 391-392)(2011): 795-814. article online accessed 23 September 2015
  • Walker, David. "The ‘Honours’ of the Earls of Hereford in the Twelfth Century."Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 79 (1960): 174-211. article online accessed 23 September 2015
  • Piroyansky, Danna. Cults of political martyrs in late medieval England. Doctoral Dissertation, Queen Mary University of London. 2005. article online accessed 23 September 2015.

272.Cicero (1st half 12th c) [condition: good]


  • O’Daly, Irene. "Managing Knowledge: Diagrammatic Glosses to Medieval Copies of the Rhetorica ad Herennium." International Journal of the Classical Tradition: 1-28. (first online 9 September 2015) article online accessed 23 September 2015

273. Cicero (1st half 12th c) [condition: good] images online here

274. Johannes Wallensis etc (1409) [condition: fair] images online here


  • Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn. "English Joachite Manuscripts and Medieval Optimism about the Role of the Jews in History: A List for Future Studies." Florilegium 23.1 (2006): 97-144.
  • Diem, A. & Verweij, M. "Virtus est via ad gloriam?: John of Wales and Michele da Massa in Disagreement." Franciscan Studies 63.1 (2005): 215-269. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

275. Cassianus (early 14th c) [condition: fair]

276. Galfridus de Vino Salvo etc (mid 15th c) [condition: fair] some images online here


  • Gibson, Margaret Templeton, and Nigel F. Palmer. "Manuscripts of Alan of Lille,'Anticlaudianus' in the British Isles." Studi Medievali 3rd s XXVIII.ii, 1987. 905-1001.
  • Geoffrey of Vinsauf, Poetria nova, trans. Margaret F. Nims. Rev. ed. Introduction by Martin Camargo. (Mediaeval Sources in Translation, 49.) Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2010. First ed. published in 1967.
  • Woods, Marjorie Curry.Classroom Commentaries: Teaching the “Poetria nova” across Medieval and Renaissance Europe. (Text and Context.) Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 2010.
  • Camargo, M. "Chaucer and the Oxford Renaissance of Anglo-Latin Rhetoric." Studies in the Age of Chaucer 34.1 (2012): 173-207. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

277. Aristoteles (late 13th c) [condition: fair-poor]


  • Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem, Meteorologica. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Praefatio. Aristoteles Latinus X 2.1 (Turnhout, 2008).p.51.
  • udrun Vuillemin-Diem, Metaphysica Lib. I-XIV. Recensio et translatio Guillelmi de Moerbeka. Praefatio. Aristoteles Latinus XXV 3.1 (Leiden – New York – Köln, 1995). p. 40.

278. Thomas Aquinas (late 13th c) [condition: fair-poor] images online here

279. Dictionarium (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]

280A. Gregorii Moralia I (early 13th c) [condition: good]

280B. Gregorii Moralia III (early 13th c) [condition: good]

281. Aegidius Beneventanus (late 13th c) [condition: good]

282. Aegidius Romanus; Walterus Burley (mid 14th c) [condition: good] images online here

283. Isidorus (13th c) [condition: fair]

284. Avicenna etc (13/14th c) [condition: good]


  • Gutman, Oliver. "On the Fringes of the Corpus Aristotelicum: the Pseudo-Avicenna Liber Celi Et Mundi." Early Science and Medicine 2.2 (1997): 109-128.

285. Razes etc (13th c) page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 [condition: fair] images online here


  • Steinschneider, Mor. "Die griechischen Ärzte in arabischen Übersetzungen."Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medicin124.3 (1891): 455-487.
  • Kibre, Pearl. "Hippocrates Latinus: Repertorium of Hippocratic Writings in the Latin Middle Ages (IV)." Traditio 34 (1978): 193-226.

286. Flavius Blondus (mid 15th c) [condition: good]

287. Willelmus Alvernensis (Arvernensis); Guarinus (2 vols bound together: mid 15th c, 1450) [condition: good]


  • O'Donnell, J. Reginald, CSB.'Tractatus Magistri Guillelmi Alvernensis De bono et malo', Mediaeval Studies 8 (1946). 245-99.
  • O'Donnell, J. Reginald, CSB. "Tractatus Secundus Guillelmi Alvernensis De Bono et Malo," Mediaeval Studies xvi (1954), 219-271.
  • Holly James-Maddocks. "The Illuminators of the Hooked-g Scribe(s) and the Production of Middle English Literature, c. 1460–c. 1490."The Chaucer Review 51.2 (2016): 151-186. Project MUSE. Web. 5 Apr. 2016. <>

288. Johannes de Ravenna (early 15th c) [condition: poor] some images online here


  • Weiss, Robert. "II Codice oxoniense e altri codici delle opere di Giovanni da Ravenna." Giornale storico della letteratura italiana 125 (1948): 133-48.
  • Tognetti, Giampaolo. "Sul moto dei Bianchi nel 1399." Bullettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo 78 (1967): 205-343.
  • Kohl, Benjamin G. "The Manuscript Tradition of Some Works of Giovanni da Ravenna." Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Amstelodamensis: Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies Amsterdam 19-24 August 1973. Ed. P Tuynman, GC Kuiper and E Kessler. Munich: 1979.610-619.
  • Zimmerman, TC Price. "Confession and Autobiography in the Early Renaissance." Renaissance Studies in Honor of Hans Baron, ed. A Molho and JA Tedeschi. Florence: Sansoni, 1971. 121-140.
  • Giovanni (da Ravenna), ed. and trans. Libia Cortese and Dino Cortese. La processione dei bianchi nella citta' di Padova (1399). Centro studi antoniani, Basilica del santo, Padova 1978.
  • Giovanni Conversini da Ravenna, ed., trans., intro & notes by Vittore Nason. Liber De primo eius introitu ad aulam. Padova: CLESP, 1984.

289. Augustinus (mid 15th c) [condition: fair] images online

290. Johannes de Aricio (mid 15th c) [condition: good] images online here


  • Donati, Gemma. L'Orthographia di Giovanni Tortelli, Messina: Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Umanistici, Messina, 2006.
  • Tomè, Paola. 'La princeps Veneziana dell'Orthographia di Giovanni Tortelli (con cenni sulla fortuna a stampa dell'opera in Veneto)', in Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae, XVIII, Città del Vaticano 2012, pp. 517-581. (PDF 'offprint' via

291. Duns Scotus (1464-5) [condition: fair-good]


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.
  • Vos, Antonie. Philosophy of John Duns Scotus. Edinburgh University Press, 2006.
  • Mohan, G. E. , O.F.M."Incipits of Logical Writings of the XIIIth-XVth Centuries." Franciscan Studies 12.3 (1952): 349-489.Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

292. Ricardus de Furnellis (13th c) [condition: fair-good]

293. Willelmus Durandi III (13/14th c) [condition: fair-good]

294. Bartholomeus Anglicus (late 14th c) [condition: good]

295. Commentarii in Ciceronem (1445) [condition: fair]

296. Abaelardus (mid 14th c) page 1 page 2 [condition: unusable]


  • Abelard, Peter. John Marenbon and Giovanni Orlandi. Collationes. Oxford Medieval Texts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001
  • Allen, Julie A. "On the Dating of Abailard’s Dialogus: A Reply to Mews." Vivarium 36.2 (1998): 135-151.
  • Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn. "English Joachite Manuscripts and Medieval Optimism about the Role of the Jews in History: A List for Future Studies." Florilegium 23.1 (2006): 97-144.

297. Digestum Vetus (13th c) [condition: fair-good]

298. Hugutio (14/15th c) [condition: fair]

299. Willelmus de Ockham (mid 14th c) [condition: fair]

300A. Polycraticus (mid 15th c) [condition: fair-good]

300B. Polycraticus (14th c) [condition: fair] some images online here

MSS 1-50

MSS 51-100

MSS 101-150

MSS 151-200

MSS 201-250

MSS 251-300

MSS 301-350

MSS 351-400

MSS 401-450

MSS 451-475

- Anna Sander

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