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Conroy Collection: Catalogue 84 - 134

Sir John Conroy, 3rd Baronet

Out-letter books

84. The 3rd Baronet's out-letter books. 21 vols, with impressions of ca 8000 letters by him on all aspecys of his affairs, in a single chronological sequence, 1884-1900. [4A & B]

Family Affairs

85. Letters (ca 45) to the 3rd Baronet from Clements Good, Emily Good and GL good, 1880-1888. [2A.C]

86. Correspondence of 1881, including a copy of a letter from Sir Henry Ponsonby to Henry Conroy advising him that the Queen had agreed to grant him a pension of £200 pa from her privy purse. [3A.E]

87. Other Conroy family letters (12 bundles) to the 3rd Baronet, 1879-1888. [2A & 2B; 2.A.D-I; 3A.A-D]

88. Letters and papers (ca 50 bundles) concerning various member of the Conroy and Good families. [1C.A-L; 1D/E. Residue]

Other personal and social matters

89. The 3rd Baronet's diary for 1868/9, with reminiscences of the 1st Baronet and Princess Sophia. Contains some material in cipher (on, inter alia, the possibility that Lady Elizabeth Conroy was the natural daughter of the Duke of Kent.) [3D.9]

90.The 3rd Baronet's certificates as a Mason, 1868, 1869 and 1873. [3C.5]

91. Miscelleanous papers, including a list of the London houses to which Conroy was invited in 1870. [6.J]

92. HW Acland's medical advice to Conroy, 1877. [3B/C.Residue.3]

93. Six photograph albums, compiled by the 3rd Baronet, containing portraits of his family and friends, mostly with identification. [3B]

94. Invitations received by the 3rd Baronet, his cheque-book stubs, and receipts, mostly of 1880-1890, in parcels and bundles (ca 20 kg of material in all). [2D.Residue; 3B; 5]

95. The 3rd baronet's letters from the Dukes of Northumberland and other members of the Percy family, ca 10 bundles, 1880-1900. [1D/E.5; 1D/E.Residue; 2B.8; 6.P; 14B.B]

Scientific correspondence

96. Letters (2) from CV Boys FRS, 1879 and 1889. [11; 1A.2]

97. A letter from HB Dixon FRS. 1882. [11]

98. A letter from Lord Rayleigh (JW Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh) PRS, 1889. [1A.2]

99. A letter from Lord Rosse (Laurence Parsons, 4th Earl of Rosse) FRS, 1888. [2B.7]

100. Letters (ca 40) from GG Stokes PRS, 1876-1890. [1A.2; 2B.7; 11]

101. Letters (12) from William Thomson (Lord Kelvin PRS) 1884. [11]

102. Letters (ca 50) from Augustus Vernon Harcourt FRS, 1868-1889. [1A.2 & 3; 2B.2 & 7; 11]

103. Other scientific correspondence etc (ca 10 bundles), including letters from Adam Hilger the instrument maker, and papers concerning the Balliol-Trinity laboratories, 1871-1899. [1A.2-7;11]

A more detailed list of the 3rd baronet's scientific papers is online here.

Keble College

104. Miscellaneous Oxford correspondence, mainly to do with Keble, including letters (5) from ES Talbot, 1880-1881. [2B.1a]

105. Correspondence on Conroy resigning as a Tutor of Keble, including letters (5) from ES Talbot, and a receipt for apparatus removed from Keble to Trinity College 1887. [1B.29]

106. Correspondence concerning the Bursarship of Keble, which Conroy declined, including 3 letters from ES Talbot 1888. [2B.8]

107. Conroy's Keble battels accounts 1890-1899. [1D/E.6]

Balliol College

108. Analytical results on Balliol well water 1875-1887, and comparisons with the Oxford City supply. [1B.29]

109. Correspondence (1 bundle) on Conroy's appointment as a Balliol lecturer, including letters from ES Talbot, HB Dixon, JL Strachan Davidson and Benjamin Jowett, 1886. [1B.30]

110. Papers (1 bundle) concerning the death of Benjamin Jowett and the intrigue surrounding the election of Edward Caird to succeed him, including a long letter from Alfred Milner to P Lyttleton Gell, 1893. [1B.12]

111. Correspondence (1 bundle) concerning the extension of the College playing field in Holywell, 1893. [1B.10]

112. Title deeds etc for 18 Holywell Street, Oxford 1769-1893 (18 docs) and a bundle of 1894 correspondence with taxation docs etc concerning the same property 1893-1899. This property was obtained by Conroy, acting secretly for the College, in order to secure the nortern part of its garden for the extension of the College playing field. [12]

113. Other correspondence and papers (ca 30 bundles) concerning Balliol affairs, including letters from Evelyn Abbott, Edward Caird, JL Strachan Davidson, Sir William Markby, EJ Palmer, AW Pickard-Cambridge, AL Smith, FF Urquhart and Augustus Vernon Harcourt, 1889-1900. [1B.1-9 & 13-28; 14B.B]

114. Conroy's Balliol battels statements and receipts, 1890-1900. [1D/E.6; 3C.10]

Trinity College

115. Conroy's Trinity battels accounts 1890-1899. [1D/E.6]

116. H Blakiston to Conroy 2 Aug 1897, about Blakiston's candidacy for the presidencey of Trinity. [1B.20]

117. Other correspondence concerning the Trinity affairs, mostly to do with the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, including letters from HG Woods, H Blakiston and DH Nagel, 1890-1900. [1B]

Other Oxford business

118. Miscellaneous Oxford correspondence (ca 100 letters) 1882-1886. [2B.1]

119. A letter from E Chapman on Conroy's election to the Ashmolean Club, enclosing a list of members. [1B.29]

120. Conroy's papers as a member of the Committee of Delegates appointed to consider the accommodation in the University Museum, including a detailed plan of the Museum with a schedule giving dimensions and uses of all the rooms, 1896. [1A.1]

121. A printed paper and detailed plan concerning fire precautions at the University Museum, 1900. [1D/E.9]

122. Correspondence about a proposal to elect JE Marsh to the Royal Society, including letters from William Odling FRS and William Ramsay FRS 1897. [1B.20]

Church affairs

123. A copy of the Oxford University Herald 16 Oct 1880, which includes a report of a lecture by Conroy on appropriated seating in churches. [3B/C.Residue.2]

124. A letter of introduction for Conroy and Henry Wakeman from Cardinal John Henry Newman to Cardinal Howard, written at Birmingham, 19 March 1883. [14B.B]

125. Papers (a substantial bundle) concerning the Pusey memorial Fund, 1883-184. [2B.6]

126.Correspondence and papers (8 bundles) concerning the English Church Union and related matters, 1883-1888. [2B.3]

127. Conroy's election to the Council of the English Church Union. He served until his death; in 1892 he was invited to be President, but he declined (see his letter book, 4 Nov 1892). [1C.Misc.1890(3)]

128. English Church Union Council agenda papers, minutes etc, and related correspondence (ca 12 bundles), 1889-1900. [1D/E.1]

129. A letter to Conroy from Charles Gore about a proposed memorial to Henry Wakeman in Pusey House, 1900. [1D/E1.]

130. Letters (3) to Conroy from VSS Coles, 1900. [14B.B]

Hospital administration

131. A collection of printed Rules and Regulations for various hospitals (Royal Salisbury Infirmary; Bedford General Infirmary; Cornwall Royal Infirmary; Bristol General Hospital; Buckinghamshire Infirmary; Sussex County Hospital; The Infirmary, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Manchester Royal Infirmary; Cumberland Infirmary; County Hospital, Lincoln); with the Rules of the Royal Berkshire Hospital and papers concerning a controversy there, all of ca 1880. [2B.5]

132. Papers (4 bundles) concerning Conroys' business as treasurer of the Radcliffe Infirmary, 1897-1899, including:

  • 4 plans, photographically reuced, for the proposed rearrangement and enlargement of the Radcliffe Infirmrary, by TG Jackson, 1896.
  • An annotated printed list giving details (names, addresses, ages, previous appointments) of 52 candidates for the office of Matron, ND, ca 1897-99.
  • Printed Radcliffe Infirmary Annual Reports, 1898 and 1899.
  • Printed Rules, Regulations and By-Laws for the Radcliffe Infirmary, 1897-1899. [1D/E.4]


133. A note of specific gifts under Conroy's will, 1901. [3D.8]

134. EJ Palmer's correspondence of 1908 concerning Conroy's executorship. [8.2]

- Katherine Hudson and John Jones

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