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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.A.12-14

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)

A. History

12. "The Papacy."

Notes, essays etc on the Papacy, mainly that of Innocent III and IV. These papers were originally part of the original "Miscellaneous Historical Papers," but their volume seemed enough to warrant an individual entry. They were probably used as part of the General History course or as a Special Subject, and for Extension or summer school teaching. The Papacy also formed the central theme for the Ford Lectures - see I A3 above.

1. TS and AMS lectures, teaching papers etc.
i. "Papacy." TS notes on the Papacy in the medieval period. 30L.
ii. "Canossa, one of the most momentous events in European History." TS paper on Gregory VII and Henry IV. 6L.
iii. "Engelbert." AMS paper on Engelbert Archbishop of Cologne and the Papacy. 17L.
iv."Innocent III. The Greatest of the Popes. Innocent IV. Innocent IV by A.L. Smith." TS drafts for the printed syllabuses below. 6L. 5 copies (2 lack the "Innocent IV by A.L. Smith" section") and an annotated AMS draft of "Innocent IV by A.L. Smith."

2. 3 printed syllabuses with some TS drafts from an Extension Delegacy Summer School 1909.
i."Frederick II. The Greatest of the Emperors." 1L. 2 copies.
ii."Innocent III. The Greatest of the Popes." 1L.
iii."Innocent IV. The Ruin of the Empire and the Deterioration of the Papacy." 1L.
iv.Printed programme for the 1909 Summer lectures. 25 Feb. 1909. 1L.

3. Loose leaves of notes on the Papacy, mainly on Innocent III and IV.

4. Undergraduate work.
i. Undergraduate's TS copy of 1iii above. Inscribed "J.P. Younger." 17L in a "William Hunt" cover.
ii. "The Importance of the Pontificate of Innocent IV." AMS essay by A. Gray. 8L.
iii. AMS collection question paper on the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire. 1L.

13. "Maine."

Mainly AMS notes and drafts on various topics from Sir Henry Maine's work, mainly his Ancient Law, but also newspaper cuttings and the TMS of lectures on Maine and the study of sociology. Originally No.13 on the "E.L. Morgan" list.

1. TMS of lectures on Maine and sociology.
i. "Historical Method." 12L. With a xerox copy.
ii. "Evidence for and against the Patriarchal Theory (Maine's "Ancient Law.")" 4L.
iii. TMS of a series of 20 lectures on the study and history of sociology. 5 Oct.-10 Dec. 1908. 77L.

2. Bundles of AMS notes, and some loose leaves, on various topics and aspects of Maine's work.

3. Other material.
i. Printed lecture hand-out [?] "IX. The Patriarchal Theory of Early Society." 1L.
ii. Cutting from The Times of a letter from A.V. Dicey about introducing a Referendum system. n.d.
iii. Newspaper cutting reporting a lecture by Sir Erle Richards on sovereignty of the air. n.d.

14. "Miscellaneous."

Two boxes of miscellaneous notes originally formed Topic No.8 on the "E.L. Morgan" list. The material was examined when this catalogue was produced, and many of the loose AMS notes were relocated to their original categories. Also a large amount of material on the Papacy was removed and is listed and boxed seperately at I A12 above. Therefore there is a great deal less material under this heading than there was when the "E.L. Morgan" list was compiled. However some "Historical and Scholarly" material was transferred to this section from the "Miscellaneous" material that originally made up Group IV of the collection, and some material was placed here from the large collection of papers that had not been included on the original list.

1. TS and AMS lectures, papers etc.
i. "Faith in the 13th century." TS paper inscribed J.H. Burrows. 13L in a "William Hunt" cover.
ii. AMS review by AS of The Medaeval Mind by H.O. Taylor. 9L.
iii."Accidie." AMS notes, drafts for a short paper on the Medieval concept of accidie and sin. 5L. With a short note from F.M. Powicke, 2 later TS copies made by EVQ. [A later gift from Lady Clay - not part of the original collection.]

2. Notebooks.
i."English Exam Questions to 1600." Quarto card-covered exercise book with exam and essay questions, topics etc for Continuous English History. Also with questions on the Holy Roman Empire, notes on German Popes. 1879.
ii."FRED. G." Quarto exercise book with notes on Frederick the Great.
iii. Thick quarto notebook with some constitutional notes, and notes taken for AS's Law Institute exams. 1877.
iv.Quarto exercise book inscribed "H.C. Lowther Sept. 1872." Contains shorthand, many doodles, a few historical notes.
v.Quarto exercise book with case notes taken by AS for his Law Institute exams. 1875.
vi.Small exercise book with notes on 18th C. English and Irish history.
vii.Small exercise book [not AS's] with brief notes on Austria-Hungary, and with bridge pairings in the front cover.

3. Loose and bundles of AMS notes, drafts etc, on various religious and literary topics, the history of France, notes on Frederick the Great etc. With a few loose TS leaves.

4. Printed markbook for 1903. Filled in with marks for male and female undergraduates.

5. "On the need for the redistribution of the work prescribed for the School of Modern History," a pamphlet by Ernest Barker, replying to C.H. Firth's criticisms of the School. 1893. 7pp. With a xerox copy. With AMS draft of a memo by AS on the make-up of the course. n.d. 1L.
[The xerox copy was found in the "Miscellaneous" box in Group IV. The original pamphlet was found among the WEA Correspondence in the Letters to A.L. Smith.]

6. Collection question papers.
i.Printed question paper for Continuous English Political History I and II. n.d. 1L. [The questions run from the Saxons to George III, and would examine the material taught in sections IA5-8 above.]
ii.AMS question paper for a General History period [c.16th/17th C.]. n.d. 1L.

7. Other material.
i. Cutting from The Times Literary Supplement 7 July 1910, of an article on Francis Bacon.
ii. Printed notice of the results of a meeting of the Bodleian Curators on 25 Oct. 1913. 1L.
iii. Messages from various undergraduates.

[Note that Sections 15 and 16 did not appear on the "E.L. Morgan" list, hence their placing at the end of this Class of material.]

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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