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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.A.15-16

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)

A. History

15. Ancient History/Classics.

These notebooks were added to the collection when this catalogue was compiled, and do not appear on the "E.L. Morgan" list. They are a mix of AS's undergraduate notes from his Greats Course, his teaching notes from 1874-1876 when he was a Greats tutor at Trinity College and other undergraduate's notes.

1. AS's notebooks.
i.Quarto book with notes on Homer, Virgil etc. Inside cover inscribed "A.L. Smith Oct. 1869."
ii."Thuc. I,II,III,IV." Quarto book with notes on Thucydides, Aristotle. Inside cover inscribed "A.L. Smith Oct. 1869."
iii.Quarto book with notes on Plato and Aristotle. With philosophy reading list in an envelope inserted. [AS undergraduate notes?]
iv.Quarto book with notes from Green, Jowett, Grote and Caird. AS's undergraduate notes.
v.Quarto book with notes, including many in Greek, on Greek states, mainly from Herodatus and Aristotle.
vi.Small notebook with notes on Greek politics, states, the Leagues etc.
vii.Quarto book with notes on Roman politics.
viii.Thick hardcover quarto book with notes on Roman history and politics. First page inscribed "A.L. Smith October [18]74."
ix."Plato Republic." Quarto exercise book with drafts for lectures [?].
x.Quarto book with notes on various Classical historians.
xi.Quarto book with notes on Roman history, politics.
xii.Quarto book with notes on various emperors from Freeman etc.
xiii.Quarto hardcover book with notes from various historians on Ancient history, Persia, Assyria etc.
xiv.Quarto book with notes on Roman history, politics etc from various authors. 1875.
xv.Quarto notebook with notes on Aristotle, Plato.
xvi."Roman History." Small exercise book. Oct. 1871.

2. Other undergraduate notebooks.
i.Small exercise book with W.P. Ker's notes on Herodatus.
ii.Small exercise book with W.P. Ker's notes on Thucydides. Dec. 1877-May 1878.
iii.Small exercise book with essays on Plato, Aristotle, Greece etc by W.P. Ker.
iv.Small exercise book with essays on Classical literature, history etc by W.P. Ker.
v.Quarto exercise book with notes on Roman History taken by A. Robertson of Trinity College. Oct. 1874. [He was probably tutored by AS.]
vi.Quarto notebook with notes taken by an undergraduate from AS's lectures on Aristotle's Politics. Summer Term 1892.
vii.Quarto notebook - as iii above.
viii.Small notebook with D. Dundas' notes on Plato and Aristotle from Jowett and lectures by R.L. Nettleship.
ix.Quarto hardcover exercise book with Latin and Greek exercises by Hubert Howard, 1889.
x.Quarto exercise book with Latin and Greek language work by E.M. Field. Sept. 1874.

16. Other AS Undergraduate Work.

1. Historical.
i.Thin quarto notebook with notes taken by AS in J. Franck Bright's "Outlines of English History" lectures.
ii.Quarto exercise book with notes taken by AS in J. Franck Bright's lectures on the Normans.
iii."Political Science." Notes on Aristotle, Rousseau etc. 1872. AS kept adding to this book - it has an ALS from P.F. Willert of Exeter College (15 Oct. 1885, 1L), printed notice of the publishing of Jowett's The Politics of Aristotle (1885), printed Political Science collection question paper (Easter 1888), several loose AMS leaves inserted.
iv."Prothero." Quarto notebook with AS's undergraduate notes [?] on Medieval History from Prothero.
v.Quarto exercise book with AS's undergraduate notes [?] on sources for Medieval History. Cover inscribed "A.L. Smith, Balliol." With several loose leaves of AMS notes inserted.

2. Philosophical and Classical. Notes taken for the Greats Philosophy papers etc.
i.Small exercise book with notes from lectures on J.S. Mill, logic.
ii.Small exercise book with notes on Greek works on logic, etc.
iii."Philosophy..." [Label is torn.] Quarto exercise book with notes on various moral and political philosophical topics. Inside cover inscribed "A.L. Smith July 1874."
iv.Quarto notebook with notes on Mill, De Tocqueville, Mommsen.
v.Quarto notebook with notes on Kant, various philosophical topics etc.
vi."A.L.S. Note Book." Notes, essays on various philosophical literary topics. Oct. 1869.
vii.Latin and Greek language quarto exercise book. With 5 loose leaves of AMS notes inserted.
viii."Verg. Æn. VII-." Small exercise book with detailed note on the text of the last books of "The Æneid."
ix."A.L. Smith. Critical." Small exercise book with short essays, notes, exercises on linguistic topics etc. May 1870.
x."Divinity." Small exercise book with notes on various religious topics, including notes from Jowett. Jan. 1871.
xi.Large exercise book with notes taken in lectures on logic, short philosophical exercises etc.
xii.Small exercise book with notes on logic.
xiii.AMS notes taken by AS in T.H. Green's lectures on Moral Philosophy. 3L.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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