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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.A.2

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)

A. History

2. "Maitland."

Material relating to AS's book Frederic William Maitland: 2 Lectures and a Bibliography (Clarendon Press, 1908). The book contained the text of 2 lectures by AS on Maitland, as well as a list of works by and relating to Maitland. Donated by Rosalind Clay in 1960, this material was originally No.12 on the "E.L. Morgan" list.

1. Printed proofs and TS drafts.
i.Printed proofs of the 2 lectures. With OUP stamp dated 9 Oct. 1907. 58pp.
ii.TS drafts of the 2 lectures with AMS corrections. With OUP stamp dated 30 Sept. 1907. 54L.
iii.4 proof copies of the bibliograph of Maitland's works. [1 has no cover and has an ALS from R.A. Abrams of the Bodleian with corrections to the bibliography. 6 Nov. [1907?]. 1L.]

2. AMS notes, drafts etc for the Maitland lectures and book.
Several loose and bundles of AMs leaves including an AMS draft of the bibliography [not in AS's hand], AMS drafts for the lectures etc.

3. Correspondence with and about F.W. Maitland, etc.
i.AMS draft of AS to Maitland. 17 Nov. 1905. 1L. Thanks Maitland for a letter. Points on English medieval courts and their records. [This is AS's reply to the letter by Maitland now at IV B/2ii as part of the Bullard Gift.]
ii.ALS from A.V. Dicey. 10 May 1907. 2L. Sending a passage from Richey's Short History of the Irish People. Thoughts on the value of the study of legal history. AS and Maitland have strengthened his beliefs in this. With AMS quotations from Richey (2L).
iii.ALS from C. Cannan, secretary to the Delegates of the University Press. 17 May 1907. 1L. The Delegates want AS to publish his lectures on Maitland.

4. Reviews of Frederick Maitland. Cuttings mounted on cards and sent to AS by Henry Frowde of the OUP's London Office. With a fragment of an envelope marked "Reviews of Maitland" by AS.
i. Cambridge Review. 20 Feb. 1908.
ii. The Spectator. 22 Feb. 1908.
iii. Manchester Guardian. 27 Feb. 1908.
iv. Morning Post. 2 March 1908. With a unmounted copy.
Westminster Review. March 1908.
Church Family Newspaper. 28 Feb. 1908.
[The above 3 are all mounted on one card.]
v. Daily Telegraph. 4 March 1908.
vi. The Outlook. 14 March 1908.
vii. The Literary Guide. April 1908.
viii. Times Literary Supplement. 2 April 1908.
ix. Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury. 3 April 1908.
x. The Athenæum. 11 April 1908.
xi. Birmingham Daily Post 22 April 1908.
xii. Notes and Queries. 9 May 1908.
xiii. Academy. 4 June 1908.
xiv. English Historical Review. July 1908.
xv. Historische Zeitschrift. n.d.
Scottish Historical Review. Oct. 1908.
[The above 2 are mounted on one card.]
xvi. Offprint from Archivo Storico Italiano. 1909. 3p. 4 copies.
With envelope marked by AS "sent by Prof. Galante." [The writer of the review.]
xvii. 2 offprints from Historichen Zeitschrift. Aug. 1908.

5. Letters to AS acknowledging copies of Maitland and giving comments, and arrangements for the foundation of a Maitland Library. Arranged alphabetically by EVQ.
i. ALS from W. Bliss. 4 March 1908. 1L.
ii. ALS from J.B. Bury. 25 Feb. 1908. 1L.
iii. ALS from W.E. Collins, bishop of Gibraltar. 3 March 1908. 1L.
iv. ALS from J.N. Figgis. n.d. 1L.
v. 2 ALS from W. Fisher. 9 and 10 March 1908. Both 1L.
vi. 2 ALS from E.S.P. Haynes. 19 Feb. and 2 March 1908. Both 1L.
vii. ALS from Mrs. Florence Maitland. 13 March 1908. 2L. With envelope.
viii. ALS from A.F. Pollard. 16 Feb. 1908. 1L.
ix. ALS from F.M. Powicke. 26 April 1908. 1L.
x. 2 ALS from J.C. Reynell (sister of Prof. Maitland). 3 and 9 March [1908]. Both 1L.
With 14 pages of carbon-copied AMS notes on Prof. Maitland.

6. Other material concerning the proposed Maitland Library.
i.Printed notice about a Maitland Library by AS, C.H. Firth, H.A.L. Fisher. n.d. 1L. With TS draft [also with Prof. P. Vinogradoff as a signatory].
ii.ALS from Prof. P. Vinogradoff. 29 March 1907. 1L. About a list of books [for the Maitland Library?].
iii.ALS from Hugh E. Egerton. 7 July 1907. 1L. About a donation to the Maitland Memorial.
iv.AMS note from "E.A." and E.I. Carlyle about the Maitland Memorial. n.d. 1L.

7. Miscellaneous other Maitland material.
i.Offprint of "Frederic William Maitland" by F. Pollock from Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. II. n.d. 6pp.
ii.Printed notice for AS's lectures on Maitland. May [1907]. 1L.
iii.Accounts slip from the Clarendon Press to AS. 15 Sept. 1908. 1L.
iv.Printed syllabus for Political Science lecture "History and Citizenship: A Forecast." [Mentions Maitland's work.]
v.12 pp from a draft of the Cambridge Modern History chapter by AS [?]. With 1L of AMS notes on "Division of Function." [Found in "Maitland" boxes. Unclear what relation they bear to AS's Maitland work.]

8. ALS from Rosalind Clay to EVQ about the Maitland material. 17 Jan. 1960. 1L.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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