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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.A.3

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)

A. History

3. Ford Lectures on Church and State in the Middle Ages.

This series of six lectures was delivered by AS in 1905 under the title of "Some Sidelights on English History in the Thirteenth Century." They were published in 1913 by the Clarendon Press as Church And State in the Middle Ages. This material was originally No.11 on the "E.L. Morgan" list and was contained in 3 boxes.

1. Syllabuses of the six lectures. n.d. 6L. 3 sets - 2 sets are annotated [by AS?].
With a Clarendon Press envelope marked "Proofs" by AS. 1 set dates from 1913.

2. TS drafts of various lectures/chapters of the book. These are heavily annotated and are not consistently titled or numbered.
i. "Preface. State of English Church and Papal Influence." 36L.
ii. "Introduction. Innocent III and Gregory VII. The Rise of the Papal State as Constituting a New Era. Innocent III and Empire. Innocent III and England. Innocent III and France. The Lateran Council. Innocent III as Canonist." 41L.
iii. "Relation of Papacy to English Church." 8L.
iv. "John Athon." 1L.
v. "Lecture II Syllabus." With stamp "Received & Entered at the University Press. 5 Feb. 1906." 3L.
vi. "Inn. IV in England." 4L.
vii. "Inn. IV in France." 2L.
viii. "Innocent IV in Germany." 4L.
ix. "Innocent IV." 6L.
x. "Innocent IV - Haud Ligurum extremus dum fallere fata sinebant." 2 versions: 1 of 6L, 1 of 16L.
xi. "Pope Alexander's Vision." 2L.
xii. "Lecture VI End." 1L.
xiii. 1 loose leaf from a TS draft.

3. Cuttings of reviews of Church And State In The Middle Ages.
i.From ? n.d.
ii.The Athenæum 30 Aug. 1913. (2 copies).
iii.The Nation 6 Sept. 1913.
iv.The Times of India 10 Sept. 1913.
v.The Tablet 20 Sept. 1913.
vi.Church of Ireland Gazette 27 Sept. 1913.
vii.The New Statesman 27 Sept. 1913.
viii.The Commonwealth Oct. 1913.
ix.The Spectator 4 Oct. 1913.
x.The Cambridge Review 23 Oct. 1913.

4. Miscellaneous material relating to the Ford Lectures and to Church And State.
i.2 TLS from A.V. Dicey. 7 and 21 Oct. 1913. Both 2L. With envelope. Praise and very minor corrections for the book.
ii.Printed notice from the Examination Schools giving AS permission to use the South School for the Ford Lectures. 17 Nov. 1905. 1L.
iii.Printed letter from Henry Frowde of the OUP enclosing notices of Church and State from The Athenæum and The Nation. 12 Sept. 1913. 1L.
iv.AMS list of people to receive copies of Church And State.

5. Loose and bundles of leaves of AMS notes and drafts for the lectures and the book.
Several hundred leaves of notes on various texts and topics, and various rough drafts for sections of the lectures or book. These notes are in no coherent order, and only some carry the relevant lecture or chapter number.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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