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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue II.C.8-14

Group II. Papers on Public Questions, 1908-1924.

The following material relating to AS's work on various national issues had been arranged in chronological order under each heading by the time that the the "E.L. Morgan" listing was made. This structure has been preserved, and the letter identifiers given to each heading correspond to those on the "E.L. Morgan" list. The Morgan list noted that the material on "Extra-Mural Work" had been arranged with more care - this implies that this material had been used before the Morgan list was drawn up [See II A below].


This material was originally in three of AS's red marbled file boxes, two of which had been marked by AS "Conference" and "Education." The papers relate to general education concerns, and a Conference on Education held at Balliol in late July 1916. The initiative came from the WEA, and the calls for educational reforms which followed the Conference became linked with the efforts of the then education minister, H.A.L. Fisher, to get a new Education Act through Parliament.

8. Material relating to an address by AS on "Education after the War" to a British Association for the Advancement of Science Conference in Newcastle, 6 Sept. 1916. With envelope marked "B. Assoc. Paper."

i.2 cuttings from ? Aug./Sept. 1916. Announcing the British Association lectures.
ii.Cutting from The Leicester Daily Post 8 Aug. 1916. Announcing the British Association lectures.
iii.Cutting from The Yorkshire Herald 8 Aug. 1916. Announcing the British Association lectures.
iv.Cutting from The Yorkshire Observer 8 Aug. 1916. Announcing the British Association lectures.
v.Postcard from ? 2 Sept. 1916. Inscribed "Education after the War," with a reference to Charles Dickens. In French.
vi.ALS from A.W. Hall. 3 Sept. 1916. 1L. Sorry he cannot hear AS speak in Newcastle.
vii.Cutting from The Manchester Guardian 7 Sept. 1916. On a discussion at the Conference on post-war industrial problems.
viii.Cutting from The Yorkshire Observer 7 Sept. 1916. On a discussion at the Conference about problems of industry and the neglect of science.
ix.Cutting from The Schoolmaster 9 Sept. 1916. On an address to the Conference by Rev. W. Temple.
x.TS script of AS's address. 56L. 2 copies.
xi.AMS notes for the address. 1L.

9. Cuttings on education problems and issues, H.A.L. Fisher, etc 1917.

i.From The Daily News 2 Jan. Praise of H.A.L. Fisher by AS.
ii.From The Morning Post 2 Jan. The education conference at London University.
iii.From The Times 2 Jan. A speech by AS at the education conference at London University. 2 copies.
iv.From The Westminster Gazette 2 Jan. Balliol men in the cabinet and armed forces.
v.From The National Weekly Jan. Letter from A. Ramsbotham about universities after the war.
vi.From The Times 16 Feb. On Labour's plans for education.
vii.From The Times 19 Feb. Letter by a wounded officer (R.H. Tawney) on education reform.
viii.From The Times 27 Feb. H.A.L. Fisher's views on advertising education.
ix.Newspaper cutting 6/7 March. Fisher's education reforms.
x.From The Christian Science Monitor (a US paper) 14 March. Notes on European educational issues.
xi.From The Australian April. The education conference in London.
With note from "G.C.A." [?] attached. 2 April. 1L.
xii.From The Times Educational Supplement 5 April. Child mortality figures.
xiii.From The Times 12 April. Teachers' pay.
xiv.From The Times 13 April. Pay demands by the NUT.
xv.From The Times 20 April. A statement by H.A.L. Fisher and Commons debate on education.
xvi.From The Guardian 10 May. The textile industry and continuation classes.
xvii.From The Times 10 May. Editorial about progress of educational reforms.
xviii.From The Westminster Gazette 19 July. LCC scholars are not suited for business life.
xix.From The Times 6 Sept. On the German reporting of the education bill.
xx.From The New Statesman 22 Sept. Letter by M.E. Sadler on The State and Education.
xxi.From The Manchester Guardian 26 Sept. H.A.L. Fisher's tour of Lancashire schools.
xxii.From The Times 19 Nov. H.A.L. Fisher's views on rural education.
xxiii.From The Reading Observer 15 Dec. Annual meeting of the Reading Class Teachers' Association.

10. Material relating to conferences, debates etc on education, H.A.L. Fisher's work as Education Secretary.

i.Printed letter from H.A.L. Fisher about teachers and the war effort. 19 Feb. 1917. 1L. 2 copies.
ii.TLS from Arthur Greenwood of the Council for the Study of International Relations. 13 April 1917. 1L. Enclosing a memo on the report of the Lewis Committee on Education.
With TS draft of the memo. 9L.
iii.TS (2L) and AMS (3L) notes on remarks by AS at a WEA Education Conference. 3 May 1917.
iv.2 TL copies, AMS draft of AS to Percy Watkins. 10 July 1917. 1L. AS has been appointed chairman of a Reconstruction Committee. Views on education in Wales.
v. ALS from Watkins. 13 July 1917. 1L. Replying to the above.
vi. TLS from J.M. Mactavish to AS. 16 July 1917. 1L. Returning Watkins' letter.
vii.Pad of notepaper with AMS notes by AS for a lecture [?] on "The Place of Natural Science In Education." Inscribed "Caxton Hall, 19 July 1917." 28L.
viii.TS list of resolutions from an Education Summer School. Aug. 1917. 1L. 5 copies.
ix.Annotated TS script of "Education up to Eighteen," a short article by AS for The Daily News 13 Aug. 1917. 5L.
With 3 cuttings of the article from The Daily News.
x.ALS from W. Miles. 13 Aug. 1913. 4L. Miles attended the Summer School and has read AS's article. Points about education reform. Encloses a WEA report to the Derbyshire Miners' Association (1L).
xi.Printed programme for a conference on "New Ideals in Education" at Bedford College, 14-21 Aug. 1917. 6pp.
xii.AMS list by George Whitaker of books, articles etc on education recommended by AS. 10 Nov. 1917. 2L.
xiii.2 TS circular letters from Sir Thomas Allen on Food Production and the need for an active Education Board. 1 Jan. 1918. Both 1L.
xiv.Printed programme for a YMCA education conference in London, 1-4 Jan. 1918. 4pp. 2 copies.
xv.Printed memo from the Secondary Schools Association about H.A.L. Fisher's proposed system of grants. 7 Jan. 1918. 1L.
xvi.APS from The Fabian Society. 18 Jan. 1918. The MS on the Education Bill might not be published.
xvii.TS copy of a letter to Sidney Ball of St. John's College from H.A.L. Fisher. 20 Feb. 1918. 1L. A memo and deputation on education from the Federation of British Industries.
xviii. ALS from A.J. Carlyle to Ball. 21 Feb. 1918. 1L. Returns Fisher's letter. Thoughts on the Education Bill.
xix.2 ALS from V. Seymour Bryant, ALS from Gilbert Bourne about a meeting to discuss science teaching being held in Balliol. 13-19 June 1918.
xx.2 TLS from, TL copy of AS to Percy Alden. 15 June-2 July 1918. The best way to spend a grant left for eductional purposes.
xxi.Material relating to the "New Ideals in Education" conference in Oxford, 12-19 Aug. 1918. ALS from M.B. Synge inviting AS to chair a discussion, 23 July 1918 (1L), printed pamphlet (6p, 2 copies), printed postcard, printed programme (8pp).
xxii.Material concerning a visit by H.A.L. Fisher and AS to Rugby School. AMS notes by AS (2L), AMS description of the meeting (2L), 2 cuttings from The Rugby Observer n.d. and 25 Oct. 1918. With envelope marked "Rugby Oct. 18/18 (Fisher)."

11. Cuttings on education problems and issues, H.A.L. Fisher's Education Bill etc, 1918.

i.2 cuttings from The Newcastle Journal 15 Jan. 1918. An address by AS to a meeting of representatives of educational authorities.
ii.Reprint from The Kingsbridge Gazette 25 Jan. 1918. 7pp. Summary of a lecture by P.H. Wykes on "The Outlook in Education."
iii.2 cuttings from The Times Educational Supplement 28 Feb. 1918. The cases for and against the Education Bill, and a review of Educational Reform, a book of Fisher's speeches.
iv.From Great Thoughts 18 May 1918. "The Reconstruction of Education."
v.From The Times 9 Aug. 1918. Summary of the new Education Act.
vi.Fragment of a newspaper cutting attached to a cuttings agency slip.

12. Undated/miscellaneous educational material.

i. Printed memo to H.A.L. Fisher from the Committee for the Furtherance of University Education in the South-West, on the need for a new University in the South-West. n.d. 3L.
ii.Printed MASU/WEA scheme for study circles and classes. n.d. 1L.
iii.TS draft of a programme [?] for a conference on "Next Steps in Educational Progress." Dated "June." 2L.
iv.TS summary of a speech by S. Jast on "Children and Literature." n.d. 1L.
v."Family tree" style chart of the structure of the education system, by W. Ripper [?]. n.d. 1L.
vi.ALS from M. Seton. 18 April ?. Returns AS's notes lent to him by Murray Wrong.
vii.Newspaper cutting. n.d. A speech by H.G. Wells on education.
viii.Newspaper cutting. n.d. A speech by AS to a Women Teachers meeting.
ix.Newspaper cutting. n.d. Reviews of J. Welton's What Do We Mean By Education? and H.S. Curtis' Education Through Play.
x.From The Westminster Gazette n.d. Review of M.W. Keatinge's Studies in Education.
xi.Empty envelope.

13. AMS and TS notes for various speeches on education during the war. Several bundles and loose leaves, some in a very rough state.

14. AMS list mounted on card of lectures and addresses given by AS 1916-1923. [This was not included on the original list. It has been to date some of the addresses in IIC-E.]

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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