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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters C


1. Autograph thankyou note from C. 11 Sept. 1918. 1L.

2. Book of blank CABLEGRAM forms with a TLS from the Western Union Telegraph Co. 22 March 1917.

3. 1 TLS, 3 ALS from D.S. CAIRNS. 20 June 1919-4 Oct. 1920. Cairns is doing a biographical sketch of Prof. A.R. MacEwen. His committee work. Will visit AS at Bamburgh. Thanks AS for sending an article.

4. 3 ALS from PROF. W.B. CAIRNS of Wisconsin University. 8 June 1920-13 May 1920. All 1L. Cairns is coming to Oxford to study the history of literature. With two letters of introduction from G.H. Putnam.

5. APS "with all good wishes" from REV. C. CALDWELL. Dec. 1919.

6. Correspondence with HENRY S. CANBY of Yale University. 18 March-3 Aug. 1918. AS thinks the US should know more of English working-class opinion. Arrangements for Canby to visit Oxford. Canby has visited Burford, and met Grey in London. 8 ALS, 1 APS, 1 TL copy, 1 telegram, Canby's visiting card.

7. AMS compliment slip from E. CANNON, sending his book/article The Paper Pound of 1797-1821. n.d.

8. TLS from JAMES CANNON JR.. 25 March 1919. 1L. Cannon and his daughter enjoyed Oxford.

9. ALS and APS from ALFRED CAPPER. 24 June and 6 July 1918. Both 1L. Capper is sending AS a book.

10. Correspondence with CARDIFF EDUCATION COMMITTEE concerning Conscientious Objection. 20 Feb.-22 April 1917. The case of E. Whitefield Jones and other teachers dismissed for refusing to answer a questionnaire on Conscientious Objection. Mrs. Whitefield Jones asks AS's advice. 4 ALS, 1 AL copy, 2 TLS, 2 TL copies, 2 cuttings from The Western Mail, 3 cuttings from the Cardiff Evening Express.

11. Correspondence with CARDIFF UNIVERSITY concerning lectures held with the WEA. 9 June 1916-31 Dec. 1919. Can AS give various lectures? Travel arrangements. Subjects for the courses. Correspondence with J.P. Hughes, bishop of Llandaff, about the lectures. 7 ALS, 11 TLS, 2 TL copies, 1 telegram, printed programme for the 1917 lectures.

12. Correspondence with CARDIFF UNIVERSITY concerning the selection of a new Principal. 22 May 1917-10 June 1919. AS's advice is asked. Opinions on the various candidates, including Thomas Jones, Raymond Beazley, Frank Fletcher, Sir William Ashley. 11 ALS, 4 TLS, 4 TL copies, cutting from The Times, 2 copies of notes on one of the candidates.

13. 2 ALS from LADY CARLISLE. 31 Aug. 1917 and 20 May 1920. Both 1L. Personal news. Enquiry about Rev. Pechey, ALS from C.E. Haselfort and A. Pickard-Cambridge to AS about Pechey and a living on the Carlisle land.

14. ALS from ? (illegible) announcing the first meeting of the CARLTON CLUB. 28 May 1919. 1L.

15. ALS from REV. CARLYLE. 13 May 1919. 1L. About references to Frederick II.

16. 4 ALS from A.J. CARLYLE. 28 June 1918-8 May 1919. All 1L. Carlyle is applying for a post at King's College. Organising of a conference of the National Alliance of Employers and Employed. With an AMS note about the conference by AS (2L).

17. 4 ALS from MARGARET CARLYLE. 1-24 Jan. 1919. All 1L. Can AS give a lecture on the League of Nations to a group of Lady Margaret Hall students?

18. AMS note re MADRE C. CAROBBI on the back of an AMS menu. n.d. 1L.

19. 5 ALS from J.E. CARPENTER. 23 March 1917-21 Feb. 1919. All 1L. Can AS advise a Japanese researcher, Tadashu Yoshimoto, about studying colonial history? Sends material about Christians in Turkey and Protestants in Transylvania.

20. ALS from, TL copy of AS to WILLIAM CARR. 17 and 24 Jan. 1921. About a donation of books by the family of the late Master of University College.

21. 2 ALS from C.R. CARTER. 14 and 18 Feb. 1921. Both 1L. Dinner arrangements.

22. 2 ALS, 1 TLS from E.H. CARTER. 26 Dec. 1916, 1 Jan. 1917, 13 May 1919. All 1L. Can Carter visit AS and discuss education matters? Can AS lecture at a history course for teachers?

23. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to REV. J. CARTER. 9 Aug.-4 Oct. 1920. All 1L. Can AS lecture to the Industrial Christian Fellowship? With ICF manifesto (8pp).

24. ALS from J.L. CARTER. 21 May 1917. 1L. Can AS write an article to the major papers about teacher exchange schemes within the Empire?

25. Correspondence from, and about ED. S. CARTWRIGHT. 29 March 1916-24 Dec. 1920. Cartwright's exemption from military service due to his WEA work. The suitability of Mr. Blakiston for WEA work. WEA administrative work. Personal news. Sends a book on Lyme Regis. 7 ALS, 4 TLS, 1 TL copy, 2 AMS notes

26. ALS from ETHEL S. CARTWRIGHT. n.d. 1L. Thanks AS for sending a cheque.

27. ALS from FLORENCE CECIL. 5 April 1919. 1L. Can AS come to lunch?

28. ALS from WILLIAM CECIL. n.d. 1L. Enquires about the character of P.H. Brinton.

29. TLS from, TMS of article " England and America" by AS for CENTRAL NEWS LTD. 14 Dec. 1916.

30. ALS from, TL copy of AS to LEONARD W. CHALKE. n.d. and 9 Dec. 1920. Can AS write an article on "the tail" of universities for the London Daily Chronicle?

31. TS note from MISS E.C.W. CHAMBERS. 6 Sept. 1916. 1L. Cryptic note about various friends.

32. 8 ALS from, TL copy of AS to ADELE CHAPIN. 25 March 1918-15 June 1920. Personal news. The teaching of Chapin's daughter. Arrangements to meet.

33. Card of and 2 ALS of introduction to PROFESSOR ROBERT W. CHAPIN. 18 March 1918.

34. 2 ALS, 1 APS from C. CHAPMAN. 28 June 1917-3 May 1918. Arrangements to meet. Thanks AS for his signature on a document.

35. Printed letter inviting AS to a dinner to meet W.B. CHAPMAN. Feb. 1919. 1L.

36. Printed letter from THE CHARITY ORGANISATION SOCIETY. 20 July 1918. 1L. Sending a leaflet about a student training scheme.

37. 15 ALS, 1 APS from LORD [?] CHARNWOOD. 9 Nov. 1916-25 July 1919. On a Church of England membership scheme. Political views. Charnwood's book. Arrangements to meet. Personal news. Progress of Charnwood's son. Problems of the 1919 Church Government Scheme.

38. ALS from LLOYD CHASE. 24 June 1917. 1L. Can Chase meet AS?

39. Printed letter about a lecture for CHESTERFIELD AND DISTRICT FEDERATION OF ADULT SCHOOLS. 2 April 1918. 1L.

40. 2 ALS, 1 APS from W. CHILDS. 7 June 1916-7 May 1920. All 1L. Thanks AS for his time. Can AS return a book? Thanks AS for his signature.

41. APS and ALS from REV. ARTHUR CHILTON. 11 July 1917 and 8 May 1919. Both 1L. Thanks AS for a visits to Balliol.

42. Card and letter of introduction to MR. CHINTAMANI of The Leader, an Indian newspaper. 24 July 1919. 1L.

43. 2 ALS from L. Garland of the CHRISTIAN SOCIAL UNION. 24 Dec. 1916 and 23 Jan. 1917. Both 1L. Can the CSU print an address given by AS?

44. TLS from the Rev. Rudolf about a meeting re CHURCH OF ENGLAND HOMES FOR WAIFS AND STRAYS. 18 July 1918. 1L.

45. TLS from, TL copy of AS to the CHURCH OF ENGLAND PEACE LEAGUE. 30 Oct. and 14 Nov. 1917. Both 1L. Can AS sign a memorial about conscientious objectors? With 2 copies of the memorial (1L), AMS memo from AS to A.D. Lindsay asking his advice, with Lindsay's reply (1L).

46. TL, 2 TLS from, AMS copy of AS to Rev. W.E.S. Holland of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND RECRUITING CAMPAIGN. 24 June-27 July 1918. Re various meetings of the recruiting staff. With 3 printed circular letters, pamphlet by Holland.

47. 3 TLS, 1 ALS about an article by AS in the CHURCH FAMILY NEWSPAPER. 21 Feb.-1 March 1919.

48. 4 ALS, 2 TLS from the secretary of the CHURCH REFORM LEAGUE. 22 Feb.-22 June 1917. Concerning AS's address to the CRL annual meeting. With admission ticket and pamphlet "The Church Reform League Twenty-Second Annual Report 1916-1917." 8pp.

49. 2 ALS from, 1 TLS about WINSTON CHURCHILL, an American novelist. 17 Aug.-15 Oct. 1917. Arthur Willert knows Churchill is coming to Oxford - can AS meet him?

50. 8 ALS from THE CHURCHMEN'S UNION. 8 Oct. 1916-19 June 1917. All 1L. Concerning AS's address to the Union's annual meeting.

51. Correspondence with the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. . Can AS sit on a new selection board? Can AS be an Examiner for the Indian Civil Service exams? 1 ALS (from Sir Stanley Leathes, with details of the new selection scheme), 1 TLS, 2 TL copy, 1 printed letter, 1 printed postcard.

52. 2 TLS from J. de M. Johnson at the CLARENDON PRESS. 22 Aug. 1916 and 3 April 1918. Both 1L. Thanks AS for his suggestions. AS wishes to know sales figures for Prof. Gilbert Murray's pamphlet.

53. ALS from F. CLARKE. 4 Oct. 1920. 1L. Sends a letter from the Vice-Chancellor of Cape Town University.

54. 7 ALS from, 2 TLS and 1 ALS about F. STANLEY CLARK. 17 April 1916-14 Aug. 1917. All 1L. Views on various papers by AS. Opinions on education in the Empire. Opinions of A. Zimmern and R. Coupland of The Round Table on Clark's papers.

55. 3 ALS, 3 TLS from HENRY CLAY. 13 Oct. 1915-12 Nov. 1920. All 1L. News, opinions about various conferences, academic works. Arrangements to meet.

56. 2 TLS from DUGALD CLERK. 4 and 19 Feb. 1918. 1L and 2L. About addresses given by Clerk.

57. 3 ALS, 1 APS from the Vicar of CLIFTON. 22 Nov.-6 Dec. 1917. All 1L. Arrangements for AS to attend a meeting on "The Church and Labour."

58. 1 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 TL copy, 3 cuttings about J.R. CLYNES. July 1919. Re the sarcastic nature of the Latin speech when Clynes - a miner and Labour Party member received his DCL.

59. ALS from GEORGE COATES. 3 Oct. 1917. 1L. The son of a friend of Coates is coming to Balliol.

60. ALS from C. COCHRAN [?]. 29 Aug. 1919. 1L. Enclosing a letter (missing).

61. TLS letter of introduction for R.P. COFFIN from Princeton University. 5 May 1919. 1L.

62. TLS inviting AS to the COLCHESTER OYSTER FEAST. 11 Oct. 1920. 1L. 2 copies.

63. 3 ALS from G.E. COLCLOUGH. Jan.-24 April 1917. All 1L. About tutorial classes in Glossop. Colclough is standing for a Trade Union post.

64. 3 APS, 2 ALS from W. COLDSTREAM. 12 May 1918-8 Oct. 1919. Can AS give information on various books, biographies, references etc?

65. 4 ALS, 1 APS from E.R. COLE-BAKER. 28 Feb. 1917-31 July 1918. All 1L. Teaching arrangements. Can AS give Miss Cole-Baker a testimonial?

66. TLS about COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY's "War Papers." 23 April 1917. 1L.

67. ALS from THE COMMONWEALTH magazine about a book review by AS. 24 March 1914. 1L.

68. ALS from L.G.E. Jones of the University's COMMONWEALTH CLUB. 16 Oct. 1919. 1L. AS has been elected President. Can he address the Club?

69. TLS from the chairman of the COMMONWEALTH WELFARE AND EDUCATION TRUST. 8 Oct. 1920. 1L. Can he meet AS to discuss the Trust?

70. 2 ALS from MARJARIE H.F. CONAS [?]. 5 and 25 May 1919. Both 1L. Can AS give her a testimonial?

71. ALS from, TLS and TL copy about J.B. CONDLIFFE. 1 Feb.-22 Dec. 1919. All 1L. Concerning Condliffe's application for a chair in Economics in New Zealand.

72. Printed letter and programme, TLS from the CONSERVATIVE WOMEN'S REFORM ASSOCIATION. Sept. 1918-31 Jan. 1919. About AS attending various meetings and conferences.

73. Receipt for CONSTABLE & COMPANY LTD. 4 July 1916. 1L.

74. ALS and TS programme from R.S. CONWAY. n.d. About a conference to establish a journal for the progress of knowledge.

75. 2 TLS from E.T. COOK. 8 Oct. 1917 and 17 Dec. 1918. Both 1L. Will AS join the Educational Committee of the Victoria League? Thanks AS for reading his book.

76. 2 TLS, 1 ALS from THE CO-OPERATIVE UNION LTD. 14 Nov. 1916-29 Oct. 1917. All 1L. Sending a report and copies of an address by AS. Could AS attend a conference?

77. ALS from W. COQUELIN. 10 Nov. 1920. 1L. Can he come to concerts in Balliol?

78. ALS from P.E. CORBETT. 8 April 1920. 1L. Can AS sign Corbett's application to be a Bodleian reader?

79. 2 ALS, TL, telegram from H. COSTLEY-WHITE. 10-15 July 1919. All 1L. His post as Principal of Liverpool College.

80. 6 ALS and 3 TLS from, 1 TLS about G.G. COULTON. 19 Feb.-9 Oct. 1919. Coulton is standing for a Professorship. Church matters. Coulton's publications and lectures.

81. 1 ALS, 5 TLS from the COUNCIL FOR THE STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. 5 Jan. 1916-27 March 1917. All 1L. About various meetings of the Council and various publications.

82. 6 ALS, 1 APS, 1 TLS from, TL copy of AS to R.COUPLAND of The Round Table. 21 Dec. 1916-3 Feb. 1921. About various meetings, addresses etc. A visit by General Russell of the New Zealand forces. Can AS come to a dinner with Col. Lawrence? [T.E. Lawrence of Arabia?]

83. 4 ALS from E.S. CRAIG. 26 April-19 Dec. 1918. All 1L. Can AS lecture to convalescing officers at Somerville?

84. TLS from EDGAR CRAMMOND. 25 Jan. 1917. 1L. Can AS send a copy of his address to the Historical Association?

85. TLS about, telegram from LORD CREWE. 22 and 24 Nov. 1916. Both 1L. Lord Crewe is interested in educational developments. He will meet AS for lunch.

86. 2 ALS, 1 Christmas card from L. CROSSWELL. 14 Dec. 1916, and 1 April and 22 June 1919. Personal, family news. Political observations.

87. ALS from R. CRUM [?]. 7 Aug. 1918. 1L. Arrangements to meet.

88. 2 ALS, 1 TLS, TS notes about a land purchase by the University at CUMNOR. March 1919.

89. 2 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 telegram from, TL copy of AS to J.W. CUNLIFFE of the American University Union in Europe. 28 Aug. 1918-12 July 1920. All 1L. Arrangements to meet. Introductions to various American academics.

90. ALS from, TLS about, testimonial by AS for LESLIE CURNOW. 9-12 Oct. 1917. Curnow is applying for a post in the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

91. ALS from B. CURRAN. 29 Oct. 1920. 1L. Sending payment for some tickets.

92. 3 ALS, 1 APS, 2 telegrams, TS memo from L. CURTIS. 8 June 1918-8 Feb. 1921. Visits of various figures. Political views. A cutting from The Times on the 'flu epidemic.

93. APS from DR. HARVEY CUSHING. 8 Sept. 1919. [?]. AS has inquired about a lecture.

94. 2 ALS from, testimonial by AS for F.W. CUTHBERTSON. 2-8 Dec. 1920. Cuthbertson is applying for a post as regional representative for the League of Nations Union.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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