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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters D


1. 3 ALS from MARIANNE R. DACOMBE of St. Hilda's Hall. 10-22 Feb. 1917. All 1L. Can AS write a testimonial?

2. 2 telegrams from THE DAILY NEWS about articles by AS. 6 May 1919 and ?.

3. ALS from DAISY. 6 March 1920. 1L. About a potential student she has intoduced to AS.

4. ALS from A. SELBY DALGLIESH. 21 Feb. 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for advice and information.

5. ALS from H.W.L. DANA. 15 July 1920. 1L. Dinner arrangements.

6. ALS from ELLIS DANIEL. 18 Oct. 1919. 1L. Personal news.

7. 5 items to, re and from ERNEST W. DANN, 16 March - 21 July 1920.

7.1 ALS from Ernest W Dann to AL Smith. Nautical College, Pangbourne, Berks. 16 March 1920. Dann has left the army and is taking up teaching, requests ALS' advice and opinion on his geography book. 3s.

7.2 ALS from Ernest W Dann to AL Smith. Nautical College, Pangbourne, Berks. 20 April 1920. 2s.

7.3 ALS from H Becket to AL Smith. 'as from' School of Geography, University of Oxford, Acland House, 40 Broad Street. 23 April 1920.

7.4 Copy of TLS from AL Smith to EW Dann. [Balliol College]. 21 July 1920. 2s.

7.5 Printed CV and testimonials for Major Ernest Walker Dann, b. 10 February 1878. 2s.

8. ALS from WALTER M. DARE. 13 Nov. 1916. 1L. Thoughts on the elementary schools system.

9. 2 ALS from SIR GEORGE DASHWOOD. 11 and 14 Feb. 1919. Both 1L. Can Dashwood come to a meeting in Balliol?

10. 5 ALS, 2 TLS from A.A. DAVID, Headmaster of Rugby School. 12 March 1917-12 May 1920. All 1L. Personal news. Various political and adult education meetings.

11. ALS from V. RHYS DAVIDS [to G.B. Whitaker]. 2 May 1917. 1L. About teaching notes by AS.

12. 4 ALS from, TL copy and ALS by AS to EILEEN K. DAVIES. 16 May-1 Nov. 1918. Death of her husband General Davies. News of her brother Major Cornwall.

13. ALS from R.H. DAVIES. 25 Feb. 1918. 1L. About an article in the Manchester Guardian. Davies cannot come to Oxford.

14. TLS from, TL copy of AS to ERNEST DAVIS. 14 Oct. 1920. Both 1L. Davis is coming to Oxford. Can AS contact a New Zealand student at Balliol?

15. ALS from MURIEL O. DAVIS. 27 Feb. 1920. 1L. Can AS act as her referee for an application for the Principalship of Newnham?

16. 2 ALS from R.J. DAVIS. 22 Dec. ? and 6 Jan. ? Both 1L. Personal news.

17. TLS from EDGAR DAWSON. 14 Feb. 1920. 1L. Can AS write to him about "the teaching of citizenship?"

18. 2 ALS from LILIAN DAWSON. 29 March and 4 April 1918. Both 1L. Can AS write a testimonial?

19. ALS and TL from PHILIP J. DEAR. March and June 1918. About a scheme to build the cloisters in Christ Church. With a sketch of his plans for the front of Christ Church cathedral, and the Sept. and Oct. 1917 issues of The British Architect.

20. ALS and telegram from DE LA WARR. 11 Nov. and 10 Dec. 1918. Both 1L. De la Warr wishes to visit AS. His son would like an interview with AS.

21. 3 printed letters and other printed material from the DENISON HOUSE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE. 1918. Concerning a petition on public assistance.

22. TLS from J.M. DENT. 23 Oct. 1919. 1L. Can Dent see AS in Oxford?

23. Correspondence from the DERBY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 14 July 1916-18 May 1917. Concerning various lectures to be given by AS. 12 ALS, 2 APS, 1 TLS, 1 telegram, printed programme for AS's lecture.

24. 2 ALS from, TL copy of AS to EDWARD DE STEIN. 17 Nov.-31 Dec. 1919. AS's opinions on an economics book by De Stein.

25. ALS from LEWIS T. DIBDIN. 19 Match 1917. 1L. Concerning a letter in The Guardian about church tithes.

26. 3 TLS, 1 ALS from A.V. DICEY. 21 May-2 June 1917. All 1L. Dicey's problems with the publishing of his Statesmanship of Wordsworth. Views on a pamphlet about Sir Edward Grey and the outbreak of the war by Prof. Murray.

27. ALS from G. LOWES DICKINSON. n.d. [c.1918-1919?]. 1L. Will AS sign a petition about British action against the Bolsheviks? Petition enclosed.

28. ALS from G. DIONRITCH. 11 Sept. 1917. 1L. Thanks AS for his hospitality.

29. Printed letter from DISCOVERY magazine [?]. 24 Jan. 1920. 1L. Sending payment for an article by AS.

30. ALS from F.D. DOCKER. 10 Nov. 1915. 1L. Personal news.

31. ALS from A.H. DODD. 20 Jan. 1919. 1L. Dodd has left the army - can AS advise him on openings in WEA work?

32. ALS and printed paper by J. THEODORE DODD. 29 Sept. 1917. 1L and 4L. Sending AS his paper "Temperance and the Universities after the War."

33. ALS from DOLLY [a relative of AS?]. 3 Nov. ? 1L. Thanks AS for his letter on the death of her husband [?].

34. 3 ALS from, TL copy of AS to J.H. DONCASTER. 28 Oct. 1918-30 Jan. 1920. All 1L. Asking AS's advice about an appeal from Ruskin College. Thanks AS for helping Mr. Favell.

35. ALS from H.C. DOWDALL. 23 July ? 1L. The Church Central Board of Finance needs advice on funding Oxford candidates.

36. 2 APS from G.C. Vassall about AS's subscription to THE DRACONIAN. 12 and 28 Feb. 1918. 37. Letter of introduction to MARC DUFAUX, editor of La Suisse, by W.M. Dixon of the Ministry of Information. 17 July 1918. 1L.

38. 2 ALS from W.A. DURNFORD of Rotherham Grammar School. 19 and 25 March 1919. Both 1L. Asks AS's advice on a new Headmaster. With ALS from E.A. Burroughs about one of the canidiates.

39. 3 ALS from REGINALD G. DURRANT. 15 Nov. 1916-16 July 1920. 1L. About a deputation on teaching to a Govt. Committee. Durrant has got a Lectureship at Reading.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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