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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters E


1. ALS from EDGAR C. EAGLE. 13 Oct. 1920. 1L. Eagle has come to Ruskin College and wishes to see AS.

2. ALS from EDWARD C. EAGLE. 6 Nov. 1920. 1L. Eagle is in Oxford from America and wishes to attend some of AS's lectures.

3. 2 ALS from LT. MACK EASTMAN of the Canadian army. 13 Dec. 1918 and 8 Jan. 1919. Both 1L. Eastman is interested in teaching posts in England. With a TS CV of Eastman by AS.

4. 7 ALS from F.Y. EDGEWORTH. 11 Feb. 1917-18 Jan. 1921. Criticism of various books and papers. Meetings of the Political Economy Club, with ALS from A.J. Carlyle about a meeting, and printed invitation card.

5. Pamphlet from the EDUCATION REFORM COUNCIL. n.d. 8pp.

6. ALS from JOHN EDWARDS-MOSS. 2 Dec. 1918. 1L. About Dr. Murray's standing in the election.

7. 4 ALS from, 2 TL copy of AS to H.E. EGERTON. 5 Jan. 1917-3 Oct. 1920. Academic affairs, especially the status of Canadian students.

8. ALS from G. EGREMONT. 9 Aug. 1918. 1L. About the concept of a Commonwealth.

9. 2 ALS, 2 printed letters from the EIGHTY CLUB. 23 Oct. 1917-30 Oct. 1918. All 1L. About various meetings, including one chaired by H.A.L. Fisher.

10. 2 ALS from C. ELIOT. 3 Nov. and 19 Dec. 1916. 2L and 1L. Eliot is in China and has written to Edward Grey and Lord Milner seeking other posts in the Foreign Office or the Colonial Office.

11. 2 TLS from ELLIOTT AND FRY LTD. 22 Jan. and 3 June 1918. Both 1L. Can they include a portrait of AS in their Publishing Series?

12. Printed pamphlet of sonnets by HENRY DAW ELLIS. 1917. 4p.

13. 3 ALS, visitor's card from WILLIAM T. ELLIS. 5 March-29 Sept. 1918. All 1L. Ellis is an American journalist staying in Oxford. Letters about his articles, his stay in Balliol etc. With 2 ALS from Sidney Ball about Ellis.

14. 2 ALS from the BISHOP OF ELY [F.H. Chase]. 10 and 26 April 1919. All 1L. Can AS open the Ely Diocesan Conference on "Christianity and Industrial Problems"?

15. TLS from C.K. Cooke [?] of THE EMPIRE REVIEW. 12 April 1917. 1L. Can The Empire Review publish the MS of a lecture by AS?

16. 2 TLS from A.E. Berriman of The Daimler Co. about the ENGINEERING TRAINING CONFERENCE at the Institute of Civil Engineers. 25 Sept. and 7 Nov. 1917. With printed memos.

17. 8 TLS from, 3 TL copy of AS to Austin Harrison of THE ENGLISH REVIEW. 22 Feb.-14 June 1917. About articles AS is writng on education and post-war reconstruction.

18. Printed pamphlet from THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNION. n.d. 4pp.

19. 5 ALS, 1 APS, 1 TLS from various members of the ETON POLITICAL SOCIETY. 8 Jan. 1919-15 Feb. 1920. All 1L. About a conference organised by the Society and attended by AS.

20. ALS from W.T. ETON. 20 Sept. 1919. 1L. Can AS help a friend's daughter who is coming to England to do legal research?

21. ALS from B. EVANS. 27 Jan. 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for a photograph.

22. 3 ALS from THE EVENING NEWS. 17 Aug.-10 Sept. 1917. All 1L. Can AS write an article on education?

23. Correspondence about a lecture given in EXETER by AS. 12 Feb.-17 March 1917. Letters from Rev. D.H.S. Cranage of the Cambridge University extension scheme, asking AS if he can lecture to their affiliated group in Exeter. 1 ALS, 1 APS, 4 TLS, 2 telegrams.

24. Telegram from the BISHOP OF EXETER [R.E.W.G. Cecil] asking if AS can address the Exeter Diocesan Conference. 16 Oct. 1917.

25. APS from D. EYRE. 23 Jan. 1915. About a meeting AS is going to.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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