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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters F


1. Correspondence from THE FABIAN EDUCATION GROUP. 13 Jan. 1917-19 Jan. 1918. Concerning various meetings on the Education Bill. 1 ALS, 2 printed letters, 1 printed agenda, 3 printed postcards.

2. Correspondence from, and about B.W. FAGAN. 14 Aug. 1917-4 Feb. 1919. Fagan's uncle J. Morton wonders if AS can help Fagan get a publishing job? Various letters re Fagan. 2 ALS, 2 TLS, 5 TL copies, TS CV for Fagan.

3. 2 ALS, 1 telegram from R. FALCONER of Toronto University. 9 Aug.-10 Oct. 1918. All 1L. Canadian academic matters. Can AS recommend people for the Toronto chair of Latin?

4. 2 ALS from, 1 ALS about, 1 AL copy of AS to H. FALKNER. 9-28 Oct. 1917. All 1L. Falkner is a friend of Canon Lovett. Can AS help him with archaeology studies?

5. 2 ALS from LEWIS T. FARNELL. 22 Nov. 1919 and 12 Oct. ?. Both 1L. Thanks AS for his letter. About the headship of a school in Plymouth.

6. Correspondence with, and about ARTHUR A. FARRAR of Kent Education Committee. 27 Oct. 1916-28 March 1919. Farrar's work for the KEC and Ham Street WEA. His illness. Posts and holidays arranged for him. His unsuitablity for military service. 11 ALS, 3 TLS, 8 TL copy, TS programme of KEC lectures.

7. TL from J.A FARRER. 21 Dec. 1919. 1L. Thanks AS for remarks about his book on literary forgeries.

8. ALS, AMS poem from, ALS about REGINALD FARRER. 12 Nov. 1916-14 Nov. 1918. All 1L. Farrer wishes to visit Oxford and see AS and H. Bidden.

9. 4 ALS from W. FARRER. 17 July 1917-26 Dec. 1918. All 1L. Personal news. Travel plans. Arrangements to meet.

10. 2 ALS from W.F. FARRER. 16 and 26 June 1919. Both 1L. About a dinner for Balliol men organised by Henry Walrond.

11. TLS from C. Tennyson of the FEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRIES. 12 July 1919. 1L. Can AS attend an economic conference organised by the Federation?

12. 2 ALS from RICHARD FEETHAM. 24 and 27 Nov. 1919. Both 1L. Can Feetham come to Oxford and stay with AS?

13. 2 ALS from, letter of introduction to HUBERT FEIS. 20 June 1919-23 Feb. 1920. All 1L. Feis is a friend of Harold Laski's from Harvard - can AS show him Oxford?

14. ALS and TLS from F. FERGUSON. 20 and ? May 1920. Both 1L. Sending AS a poem for his comments. With 2 copies of the poem "In Admiration of Oxford."

15. ALS from OSWALD FIELDS. 2 Oct 1920. 1L. Can AS attend a meeting?

16. 2 ALS from, 3 ALS about, TL copy of AS about C. CH. FIEROS. 26 Feb-4 March 1920. Fieros, a Greek, is thinking of applying to Oxford. Can AS help him?

17. 4 TLS, TL copy of AS to the FIGHT FOR RIGHT MOVEMENT. 22 Sept.-7 Nov. 1917. All 1L. Can AS lecture on industrial problems? Sorry he was unable to lecture. With printed programme for the lectures and ALS from Lord Sumner (who stood in for AS).

18. 6 ALS about and from, TL copy of AS to FILIPPO DI FILIPPI. 8 Sept. 1917-16 March 1918. Filippi has been sent by the Italian government to lecture on the Italian war effort. Correspondents include Filippi, Sir Rennel Rodd (British Ambassador in Rome).

19. 5 ALS, 1 AP from ROSALIN FINNEY. 10 Feb. 1918-July 1920. Personal and family news. Political opinions. Views on a lecture by AS.

20. Correspondence with, and about H.A.L. FISHER, President of the Board of Education. 5 Nov. 1917-22 May 1919. Views on the 1917 Education Bill. AS's notes on Fisher for an article in The Morning Post. Fisher asks AS's advice on suitable candidates for various college and school headships. The use of a trust left by Sir Ernest Cassel for WEA work. 6 ALS, 4 TLS, 1 TL copy, TS notes on Fisher (4L).

21. Visiting card with AMS thankyou note from REV. ARCHIBALD FLEMING. Jan. 1920.

22. 3 ALS, 3 APS from, TL copy of AS to C.R.L. FLETCHER. 10 July 1920-30 Jan. 1921. All 1L. Views on various books, academic matters. Fletcher is trying to write a memoir of E. Warre.

23. Correspondence with, and about PERCY FLETCHER. 21 Aug. 1917-10 Oct. 1918. Fletcher is with the Canadian Field Ambulance. He wishes to gain a commission. 11 ALS, 1 APS, 3 TLS, 3 TL copy Correspondents include Fletcher, Quartermaster-General Sir John Cowans.

24. 2 ALS from RUTH M. FLETCHER. 6 March and 2 May 1920. Both 1L. Can AS address a schools Joint Local Commitee in Bath?

25. ALS from G. FORREST. 28 Sept. 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for sending a report.

26. ALS from CPL. R. FORREST. 14 Jan. 1919. 1L. Does the university run any lecture courses in aeronautics?

27. ALS from HILDA T. FORSTER. 2 Jan. 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for sending a testimonial.

28. 2 ALS, 2 telegrams, 1 TLS from SIR HENRY FOWLER, the famous railway engineer. 20 April-23 June 1920. All 1L. Thanks AS for a visit to Balliol and an address. Arrangements to meet.

29. ALS from J.H. FOWLER. 29 Oct. 1917. 1L. Can AS be an examiner in History for Warwick County Council?

30. ALS from ADAM FOX. 20 Jan 1920. 1L. Thanks AS for a letter about F.N. Rogers.

31. Material relating to lectures by GEORGE L. FOX of New Haven University School. Oct. 1920. Cutting from The New Haven Journal-Courier 1 Oct. 1920, on a lecture by Fox on Lloyd-George. TS summary of a lecture by Fox on Ireland. 4L.

32. Printed letter and proofs of an advert from J. EDWARD FRANCIS. 27 June 1919. Francis is leaving the Athenæum Press and founding a new spiritual journal, Christianity.

33. ALS, 2 telegrams from F. FRANKFURTER, US Assistant Secretary of War. 28 Feb.-2 March 1918. Frankfurter is visiting Oxford. With letters of introduction from W. Shepardson and Arthur Willert.

34. ALS from E.T. FREDERICK. 29 March 1920. 1L. Views on a paper that AS has lent to him.

35. TLS from P.J. Hooper, editor of THE FREEMAN'S JOURNAL. 2 Nov. 1920. 1L. Enclosing an article on British "reprisals" in Ireland. With AMS copy of a telegram from AS to the Journal "abstaining from political controversy."

36. ALS and TLS from F.E. FREMANTLE. 14 Nov. 1919 and 15 Oct. ? Both 1L. Dinner arrangements.

37. 2 ALS from W.L. FREWIN. 8 Feb. 1919 and 15 Nov. ? Both 1L. About various articles by AS and others.

38. Visiting card of LT. COL. H.K. FRY, and AMS note saying he cannot dine with AS. 22 May ? 1L.

39. 2 ALS from JOSEPHINE FRY. 14 and 23 March 1917. 1L. Can AS write a testimonial for her?

40. 6 ALS, 3 APS from T.C. FRY. 2 March 1917-14 April 1920. All 1L. About various papers and meetings. Views on church reform. Arrangements to meet.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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