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Arthur Lionel Smith Collection - Catalogue Letters N


1. 7 ALS, 2 TLS from L.B. NAMIER. 22 May 1916-18 July 1919. Sending various documents. Would Murray Wrong like to work for him? Arrangements to meet With TL copy of AS to a college in Reading about Namier's wife.

2. 2 printed letters about a conference organised by the NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES. May 1918. Both 1L.

3. TLS from James Marchant of the NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR PUBLIC MORALS about a conference. 26 Jan. 1918. 1L.

4. 3 TLS, 1 TL from L. Ellis of the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SERVICE. 30 April 1919-23 Nov. 1920. All 1L. About a paper by H.A.L. Fisher. Arrangements for a conference in Oxford. Sending a cutting from The Times with a letter by the Speaker of the House of Commons about the Council to W.G.S. Adams. With ALS from Adams to AS about the Speaker's letter (25 Nov. 1920, 1L).

5. ALS, TLS from A.C. Carter of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND. 18 March and 2 May 1919. Both 1L. Arrangements for a meeting. With 2 printed pamphlets.

6. TLS from Douglas Eyre of the NATIONAL LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY MOVEMENT about a conference. 9 Oct. 1917. 1L. With 3 TS sheets of times, speakers etc.

7. 2 ALS from Rev. A.J. Jones about a meeting of THE NATIONAL MISSION in Banbury. 17 and 25 Oct. 1917. Both 1L. With 4 printed notices about the Mission's meetings.

8. 12 TLS, 1 TL, 2 telegrams from THE NATIONAL NEWS. 15 Jan. 1917-Nov. 1918. About articles by AS on Reconstruction, Education, his reaction to the Armistice.

9. ALS from W. NESER [?]. 27 Jan. 1919. 1L. Brasenose have accepted him.

10. 3 ALS, 1 TLS from GEORGE H. NETTLETON. 14 Aug. 1916-16 April 1919. All 1L. Arrangements to meet. Introducing Lt. Richard A. Douglas.

11. 1 TLS, 1 printed letter from H. Carter of THE NEW AGE. Both 17 Oct. 1916. Both 1L. Can AS write on some economic questions? With printed pamphlet.

12. Material relating to a NEW IDEALS IN EDUCATION conference. July-Aug. 1916. ALS, TL from M.B. Synge, ALS from C.H.K. Marten, 4 printed programmes, pamphlet on a teacher-training scheme, 4L of AMS and TS notes on the programme. [See also II C4vi.]

13. Correspondence with the NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. 16 May-31 March 1917. Arrangements for various lectures given by AS. 10 TLS, 1 ALS, 1 TL copy, 1 telegram, 2 printed letters, 2 printed programmes.

14. ALS from J.L. NEWCOMBE. 22 Jan. 1918. 1L. Introducing his son Alfred.

15. ALS, 2 APS from CANON R. NEWHOUSE. 24-29 May 1919. 1L. Can AS address the Reading Ruridecanal Conference?

16. ALS from, TL copy of AS to CAPT. H.O. NEWLAND. 28 Oct. and 3 Nov. 1919. Both 1L. The chance of him getting an Honorary Fellowship at Trinity. With TLS from AS to Grant Robertson, with Robertson's reply on the back.

17. 2 ALS from BEVERLEY NICHOLS. n.d. Both 1L. About an article by AS for Isis magazine.

18. ALS, APS from I. NOAKES. 23 and 28 Jan. 1918. 1L. Can AS sign an application for a Royal Historical Society Fellowship?

19. 2 ALS, 1 TLS from W.F. NORRIS. 10 Jan. 1917-28 March 1919. All 1L. News of his son. Sermons to soldiers. His appointment as Dean of York.

20. 5 TLS from NORWICH PUBLIC LIBRARY. 17 June 1919-29 April 1920. All 1L. Sending the Readers' Guide. The library and the recommendations of the Adult Education Committee's report.

21. ALS from G. NUNN. 19 Oct. 1917. 1L. Can AS send details of a treaty with America that he mentioned in a lecture?

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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