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The Cherry Record Collection of Josephine Reid’s Papers and Books Relating to Graham Greene

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Series 2 Administrative notebooks. 3 items. 1980s-1990s.

GGJR 2.1 ADDRESS BOOK of Graham Greene in loose leaf copy. 77 unbound pp of ca A5 size with avg. 6 addresses per page. Contains ca 450 names & addresses of Greene's contacts: friends & family, artists; journalists, writers, actors, priests, publishers, hotels he liked to stay, doctors, academics, booksellers, typists, agents, a chiropodist, etc. Numerous MS crossings out, corrections, updates, cross-references, dates of death etc by JR (and ED?) but no substantive notes. Probably updated in Greene’s later years by Elisabeth Dennys, after she took over Josephine Reid’s work as Greene’s secretary. JR occasionally resumed her role to cover Elisabeth's holidays.

GGJR 2.2-4 3 small notebooks used by JR as cash books, covering 1982-1985, 1986-1989 and 1990-1991.
From the front they record secretarial purchases and from the back hours spent working for Greene and payments received. The last is only partly filled as the work ceased with Greene’s death in 1991.

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GGJR 01 Correspondence
GGJR 02 Administrative notebooks
GGJR 03 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts
GGJR 04 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts
GGJR 05 Correspondence, press cuttings & articles
GGJR 06 Correspondence & ephemera re the deaths of Graham Greene and Raymond Greene
GGJR 07 News cuttings re Graham Greene's life and works
GGJR 08 Material re sale of Graham Greene's archive and library
GGJR 09 Articles etc re Graham Greene's life and works
GGJR 10 Letters from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid
GGJR 11 Photographs of Josephine Reid and Graham Greene
GGJR 12 Cassettes
GGJR 13 Oil painting
GGJR 14 Material from the collection's printed books

- Anna Sander 2015

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Updated 14.iv.15
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