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The Cherry Record Collection of Josephine Reid’s Papers and Books Relating to Graham Greene

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Series 8 Material re sale of Graham Greene's archive and library. 1988-1997.

Gloucester Road Bookshop Catalogues and items inserted, correspondence between Nicholas Dennys of Gloucester Road Bookshop and Josephine Reid, MS notes by Josephine Reid, newspaper cuttings. Position of inserted items in catalogues is indicated by the item numbers on the relevant opening, as the catalogues are not paginated. 47 items.

GGJR 8/1 Gloucester Road Bookshop Catalogue No. 3, Winter 1988. Items by, with contributions by, signed by or otherwise related to Graham Greene nos. 174 - 343. No annotations. 4 items inserted.

GGJR 8/1/1 Newspaper cutting. Article 'The sale to make them all Greene' re Nicholas Dennys' sale of Graham Greene's books and papers. Annotated JR 'Daily Tel 16/10/91'. Inserted opposite items 26-49. No direct Greene connection on these pages.

GGJR 8/1/2 Newspaper cutting. Article 'Qualities and faults' re sale of Greene's books, including many annotations, and papers. Annotated by JR '7/5/93'. Inserted opposite items 90 - 104. See no.98.

GGJR 8/1/3 Newspaper cutting. Article by Sarah Jane Checkland, 'Agatha Christie recording fetches $7, 480' re sale of Agatha Christie's dictation recording of Postern of Fate. See no.92 re Christie item, Dictaphone recording, mentioning Dictabelt process and Christie's secretary Mrs Jolly. Inserted opposite items 90 - 104. See no.92.

GGJR 8/1/4 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop, 22 March 1989. Accompanying catalogue. Inserted between items 327 - 337. See items 327 and 335 ff, copy of The Great Jowett and letters by Graham Greene.

GGJR 8/2 Gloucester Road Bookshop Catalogue No. 4, Spring 1992. Items by, with contributions by, signed by or otherwise related to Graham Greene nos. 89, 201 -309, 325, 389. Numerous MS annotations by JR re items of interest, on front cover, inside front cover and against item entries. 4 items inserted.

GGJR 8/2/1 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). Annotated JR 'Rec'd 19/2/92 I rang re 218'. Inserted between items 13-35.

GGJR 8/2/2 Invoice from the Gloucester Road Bookshop to Josephine Reid. 24/2/92, re Catalogue 4 item 218, The Last Decade (Time & Tide, 1984) Inserted between items 226-251.

GGJR 8/2/3 Blank compliments slip from Gloucester Road Bookshop. Inserted between items 226-251.

GGJR 8/2/4 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). 27 Feb 1992. Inserted between items 308-318.

GGJR 8/3 Gloucester Road Bookshop Catalogue No. 5, Summer 1994. Items 184-239 are by Graham Greene; 198 includes TS and papers relating to the writing of J'Accuse and the subsequent court case. No annotations or inserted items.

GGJR 8/4 Gloucester Road Bookshop Catalogue No. 6, Spring 1997. Items by or otherwise related to Graham Greene 199-252. MS annotations by JR opposite items 199 ff. 2 items inserted.

GGJR 8/4/1 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). Inserted between items 188-211.

GGJR 8/4/2 TLS from Nicholas Dennys to customers of Gloucester Road Bookshop - cover note for catalogue 6. Annotated JR 'rang 26/2/97'. Inserted between items 188-211.

GGJR 8/5 Gloucester Road Bookshop Catalogue No. 7, Christmas 1997. Items by or otherwise related to Graham Greene 140 - 191. MS annotations by JR opposite items 140 ff. 1 item inserted.

GGJR 8/5/1 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). Annotated by JR 'ack 11/10/94' [sic]. Inserted at front.

GGJR 8/6 Gloucester Road Bookshop Catalogue No. 9, Spring 1999. Items by or otherwise related to Graham Greene 187 - 205. MS annotations by JR inside front cover and opposite items 187 ff.

GGJR 8/6/1 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). Inserted between items 181-195.

GGJR 8/7 TLS from Nicholas Dennys and Annie Clegg to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). Form note re unsuccessful order from catalogue (see GGJR 8/4). Undated [1992]. 1s.

GGJR 8/8 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). 21 May 1993. Enclosing booklet.

GGJR 8/9 Draft of TL from Josephine Reid to Nicholas Dennys. Minehead, 8 July 1993. Following up conversation of 22 June re selling several of JR's books.

GGJR 8/10 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). 23 July 1993. Re payment arrangements for JR's books, to be sold through Gloucester Road. Annotated by JR 'Left message at book shop for Nick saying OK Monday 26/7/97' [sic]; Wrote Nick 28/7/93 saying OK + referred to call to bookshop on Monday 26/7.' 2s.

GGJR 8/11 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). 4 August 1993. Re JR providing advice on Graham Greene's library (for sale catalogue), relationships with other authors.

GGJR 8/12 Draft of TL from Josephine Reid to Nicholas Dennys. Minehead, 12 August 1993. Detailed edits to Greene-related entries in a forthcoming Gloucester Road Bookshop catalogue of Graham Greene's library. 1s.

GGJR 8/13 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). 24 August 1993. Thanks for edits to forthcoming Greene library catalogue; cheque enclosed. 1s.

GGJR 8/14 Draft of TL from Josephine Reid to Nicholas Dennys. Minehead, 1 October 1993. Re JR's memory of an ant colony given to GG by AE Ellis (Derek 'Deacon' Lindsay), enclosing copies of correspondence from Lindsay; hopes to attend Service on 12 [October 1993]. (cf. GGJR10/094)

GGJR 8/15 ALS from Nicholas Dennys to Josephine Reid. Gloucester Road Bookshop (compliments slip). AE Ellis items returned with thanks as requested (cf above, GGJR 8/14). Annotated by JR 'Rec'd 16/10/93 Re A E Ellis'. 1s.

GGJR 8/16 TLU from Nicholas Dennys to customers of Gloucester Road Bookshop. 4 April 1994. Announcing sale catalogue of Graham Greene's library and decision to search for a buyer for the whole collection. 1s.

GGJR 8/17 MS draft of note from Josephine Reid to Nicholas Dennys - ?2 points re Graham Greene library sale catalogue.

GGJR 8/18 Josephine Reid's notes on small card - ?re GG library sale catalogue edits: 'GG left for Paris France Jan 1 403 1966' [403 may be a sale catalogue number]; 'Letters of Evelyn Waugh edited try Mark Amory'; 'to GG from Piers Court [Evelyn Waugh's home in Gloucestershire] 5 June 1953 My greetings to you in Albany [GG's London address] PTO [on reverse of card] You + Mr Priestley + Miss Sterne should have some profound talks in the rope walk etc etc'.

GGJR 8/19 Josephine Reid's note on transaction record page from chequebook: 'Archbishop David Matthew b 15/1/1902 d 12/12/1975 [?]Histman Balliol'.

GGJR 8/20 Josephine Reid's note on transaction record page from chequebook: 'Balliol b 1905 Rev Anthony Gervase Matthew d 4/4/76 Dominican ordained 1934 Blackfriars St Giles Oxford Byzantine'.

GGJR 8/21 Josephine Reid's note on A5 spiral bound notepad paper: fragmentary notes ?re GG library sale catalogue preparation.

GGJR 8/22 Josephine Reid's note on A5 spiral bound notepad paper: 'Richard Blacke Brown The Apology of a Young ex Parson 1932 dedicace 1970'

GGJR 8/23 Josephine Reid's notes on 'Three Candlesticks' note paper cover sheet: prob. fragmentary notes for GG's library sale catalogue: names, places and titles including Capri, Newall, AE Ellis, The Living Room, William Samson, Christopher Hill Master of Balliol College, David Matthew, Gervase M, Steegmuller etc. 2s.

GGJR 8/24 Josephine Reid's notes, ?further development of above item GGJR 8/23, for GG's library sale catalogue: names, places and subjects including Graham Greene Family, MI6, Kim Philby, Max Reinhardt publisher, Espionage section etc. 1s.

GGJR 8/25 Josephine Reid's notes, similar to above item GGJR 8/24, prob for GG's library sale catalogue: names, places and titles including Christopher Hill Master of Balliol, David Matthew, Gervase Matthew, Steegmuller etc. 2s

GGJR 8/26 Josephine Reid's notes, similar to above item GGJR 8/24, prob for GG's library sale catalogue: names and titles including 'Graham Greene Demasque, The Ravishing of Lol Stein, Simenon The Accomplices etc.

GGJR 8/27 TS Introduction [to library sale catalogue] 'The Annotated Library of Graham Greene' by Nicholas Dennys (2pp) and frontispiece/advertisement for booklet From the Library of Graham Greene by Jean McNeil. 3pp.

GGJR 8/28 fragment of newspaper cutting. Fragment of ? publication notice for Powers of Darkness, Powers of Light: Travels in Search of the Miraculous and the Demonic by John Cornwell (1991); mentions Graham Greene (interviewed in the book). ND, prob. 1991. Annotated by JR, felt pen highlighting article in margin.

GGJR 8/29 Newspaper cutting. 'Graham Greene's library up for sale' by Hugh Davies. Details of forthcoming London sale of Graham Greene's library, mentioning annotations and enclosures. Annotated by JR 'Daily Telegraph 5/4/94.'

GGJR 8/30 Newspaper cutting. 'The marginalia of Graham Greene' by Christopher Hawtree. Times Literary Supplement 14 August 1992, pp.11-12. Photograph.

GGJR 8/31 Newspaper cutting. 'Inside Greene's treasure house' by Graham Lord. The Daily Telegraph. Annotated by JR '8/4/94'. Photograph.

GGJR 8/32 Newspaper cutting. 'The unseen Greene tells tale of intrigue' by Alison Roberts. Annotated by JR 'The Times 9 April 1994'. 2 photographs.

GGJR 8/33 Newspaper cutting. P.4, letter to the editor 'Greene's library' by Anthony Hore. The Times Magazine 30 April 1994, pp.3-4.

GGJR 8/34 Newspaper cutting. 'Graham Greene's archives and books are bought by US library'. Annotated by JR '19/1/95 The Times'. Photograph.

GGJR 8/35 Newspaper cutting. 'Graham Greene archive sold to American college' by Marianne Macdonald. No indication of source, ND [1995]. Photograph.

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GGJR 01 Correspondence
GGJR 02 Administrative notebooks
GGJR 03 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts
GGJR 04 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts
GGJR 05 Correspondence, press cuttings & articles
GGJR 06 Correspondence & ephemera re the deaths of Graham Greene and Raymond Greene
GGJR 07 News cuttings re Graham Greene's life and works
GGJR 08 Material re sale of Graham Greene's archive and library
GGJR 09 Articles etc re Graham Greene's life and works
GGJR 10 Letters from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid
GGJR 11 Photographs of Josephine Reid and Graham Greene
GGJR 12 Cassettes
GGJR 13 Oil painting
GGJR 14 Material from the collection's printed books

- Anna Sander 2015

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