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The Cherry Record Collection of Josephine Reid’s Papers and Books Relating to Graham Greene

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Series 4 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts. June 1988 - September 1990.

This series continues in the style and format of series 3, June 1988 - September 1990. 43pp.

p.1 Page headed 'Cassette rec'd 16 June 1988 posted 13th June' [1988]. 4 items:

1.1 Draft of letter to Arnold Rogow, New York: thanks for book on Hobbes [Thomas Hobbes: Radical in the Service of Reaction by Arnold Rogow, 1986]; and thanks re GG's subscription to the NYRB; hopes they will meet again.

1.2 Draft of letter to Anthony Mockler, Eure, France: considering Mockler's proposal for a 2 volume biography of GG.

1.3 beside item above, in pencil in JR's hand, crossed out in pen, draft to 'Dear Dickie,' thanks for letter and an honour from the BFI [British Film Institute]. (to Richard Attenborough - see item 3.2)

1.4 Draft of letter to Aurora Couto (see item GGJR 3.39.1): thanks for note, apologies for not meeting; details of hectic travels.

p.2 4 items.

2.1 Draft of letter to Rick Gekoski [1944-, London-based rare books dealer]: re selling GG's copy of Lolita ; clarifying publication history of Brighton Rock.

2.2 Notes transcribed in red: ED to show letter from R Gekoski to Nicholas Dennys; JR to send a cheque from Child & Co to Dr W Hofmann; Draft of covering note requesting Dr Hofmann to pay cheque into GG's current account [in Switzerland]; JR to send receipt to Bird & Bird; JR to send Weekend TV receipt and cheque to ED.

2.3 Draft of letter to Mark Amory: GG would have liked to contribute to 160th birthday but is too busy to do it in time.

followed by JR's note in red re tape quality 'LOUD NOISES click clacks Finished on the first side and nothing on the second side.'

2.4 Draft of one-line letter to Andrew Duncan: 'I am so glad that your affair has had a happy ending.'

p.3 2 items

3.1 continuing item 1.2 to Anthony Mockler: re logistics of publishing 1 or 2 volume biography of Greene, rights to check quotations etc.

3.2 Draft of letter to Richard Attenborough (see item 1.3): GG accepts with pleasure honour from BFI; hopes to speak soon about arrangements.

p.4 Page headed 'Belt received 21 June 1988'. 5 items:

4.1 Note from GG to JR: check with Gerald Pollinger re inclusion of GG's story in The Faber Book of Seduction.

4.2 Draft of letter to Mr William Polk, Vence, France. 15 June [1988]: GG enjoyed The Elusive Peace [William R Polk (1929- ), The Elusive Peace: The Middle East in the Twentieth Century, 1979).; its influence on GG's feelings about the Middle East; GG is going to Anacapri to write.

4.3 Draft of letter to Professor [Jeffrey] Meyers: reservations about his book of essays on GG's work [Graham Greene: A Revaluation - New Essays, 1990]; did not like a similar one by [Roger] Sharrock [Saints, sinners and comedians : the novels of Graham Greene, 1984], but will consider writing an afterword after reading a draft.

4.4 Note from GG: notify Mr Renato Olivieri of GG's correct telephone number. Annotated by JR 'Send to E'.

4.5 Note by JR: GG does not recall Kitty Todorovich but may have had previous correspondence from her. Annotated by JR 'Where is New Mexico'.

p.5 3 items.

5.1 Draft of letter to Kitty Todorovich: congratulations re first publication, please send a published copy; GG dislikes reading MSS; re a film adaptation of Sophy of Kravonia. [Kitty Todorovich Eppard,New Mexico-based author of The Slough (1981) and other works]

5.2 Draft of letter to Gerhardt Beckmann, Paul Zsolnay Verlag [literary publishers], Vienna: thanks for catalogue, sorry to miss meeting in London with Max [Reinhardt].

5.3 Draft of letter to Gloria Emerson, Princeton NJ [1929-2004:, American author and journalist]: thanks for press cutting; comment on friendship with [Kim] Philby and Philby's recent death; visit to Russia in October 1988; dissatisfaction with The Captain and the Enemy.

p.6 3 items

6.1 Draft of letter to Dimitri Yakouchkine, Paris: requests a contact to take a letter to Tatiana Koudriavsteva in Moscow personally, as post is slow.

6.2 Draft of letter to Nicholas Jacobs, Libris, London: thanks for work by Mark Rutherford.

6.3 Draft of letter to Chantal Castel-Branco, Toronto: thanks for letter; reservations re her claim of kinship; correcting details of family history; Raymond Greene would have been interested as Greene family historian.

p.7 3 items

7.1 Draft of letter to Mrs Juliet Barclay, London: best wishes for book; GG is unable to provide a foreword.

7.2 Notes in red 'TURN OVER TO SECOND SIDE 12.45 seconds'; note to JR please pass on to ED explanation provided of frequent delay at beginning of second side of dictabelts.

7.3 Draft of letter to Christopher Neame, London [1942-2011]: favourable and detailed comments on Neame's screenplay for A Burnt-Out Case; suggests asking Dr Lechat in Yonda to check its authenticity re leprosy treatment, as he did for the book. Continued on netx page

p.8 Page headed in red 'oh dear I have to repeat something I hadn't put on my little red light'. 3 items

8.1 Conclusion of 7.3 re details of A Burnt-Out Case screenplay. Annotated by JR 'PS to Neame'.

8.2 Draft of letter to Jean-Félix Paschoud [1918-1997, lawyer for Verdant SA, Greene's Swiss corporation set up to deal with royalties etc]: thanks for letter; please clear up detailed complications of copyright in GG's publications with different publishers in different countries.

8.3 Draft of letter to Judith Adamson, Montreal: re arrangements to telephone GG in Antibes soon; retracts recent suggestion of translating a speech made in Brussels as part of it could be used in a book.

p.9 3 items, related.

9.1 Note in red to JR: please send following letter to The Independent (at their request) with covering note.

9.2 Draft of covering note to The Independent: pleased at result of his published letter re Argentine case, hopes the letter following will also be published with similar good results.

9.3 Draft of letter to the Editor of The Independent: presenting the case of Dimitar Botschev, Bulgarian dissident living in West Germany, and continuing difficulties of travel between east and west under Gorbachev reforms.

p.10 Page headed 'Cassette received 22 June 1988'. 3 items

10.1 Draft of letter to Dimitar Botschev: to let him know that GG has sent a letter presenting his case to the Editor of The Independent; hopes it will have the same positive results as his letter re an Argentinian refugee. [i.e. Juan Gelman; see GGJR 3.12.3 etc.]

10.2 Draft of letter to Peter Griffiths, Thames Television, London: re difficulty of scheduling a [?recording/interview] session in July [1988] owing to travel schedule.

10.3 Draft of letter to his Excellency Francisco d'Escoto [then Nicaraguan Ambassador to the UK]: accepts invitation to support & join the 'International Committee for the Victims of the War'; may not be able to attend forthcoming conference owing to travel schedule. Continued on next page.

p.11 3 items

11.1 Conclusion of 10.3.

11.2 Draft of letter to Mme Hélène Zervas, Athens: thanks for letter, best wishes for her writing; GG notes his enjoyment of Nabokov.

11.3 Note to JR, transcribed in red: travel schedule, arrangements for ED dealing with pending large backlog of letters following his 'holiday'. Cassette closed at 7.25 on side 1.

p.12 Page headed 'Cassette received 9 June [1988] from Antibes'. 3 items

12.1 Draft of letter to Francis McDonagh, CIIR [Catholic Institute for International Relations], London: GG is glad about publication of Fr [John] Medcalf's letters; will contribute a foreword though not immediately due to work and travel schedule. [Fr John Medcalf, Letters from Nicaragua, published 1988 with foreword by GG and staged in London in 1989.]

12.2 Draft of letter to Secrétaire général, Comité des Juristes pour le Chili, Paris: GG sends regrets for meeting on 18 June [1988] owing to travel schedule. (?cf. item 10.3)

12.3 Draft of letter to John Ralston Saul, Toronto: GG has reservations re The Paradise Eater (published 1988) and queries several details, but enjoyed the book and meeting Saul. Continued on next page.

p.13 Page headed 9 June 1988. 3 items

13.1 Conclusion of item 12.3.

13.2 Draft of letter to Bernard Levin, c/o The Times: congratulations re Levin's Times article on 'America's Unclaimed Dead'.

13.3 Draft of letter to Mrs Mary Connell (cf GGJR 3.2a.2, 3.5.1, 3.41.1): praise for first two instalments of new novel, looks forward to seeing the whole, please approach Max Reinhardt re publishing in England. Thanks for letter, press cutting and 'one of the boxes'.

p.14 3 items

14.1 Draft of letter to Mr Lane: GG gives permission to quote, thanks for book [not identified here], prefers Paul Hogarth's paintings.

14.2 Draft of letter to Norman Lewis: GG will not be able to meet Lewis in London owing to busy schedule; perhaps in August.

14.3 Draft of letter to Anthony Mockler, Eure, France: GG strongly prefers a two-volume biography to one volume; both Sierra Leone and Philby can be covered very briefly, as material will still be sensitive.

p.15 TS of a 7 line poem by Graham Greene, 'Finis'. No annotations. Enclosed with p.16.

p.16 1 item. Draft of letter to Mr Wilkins [annotated by JR 'John W Editor The Tablet']: enclosing poem 'Finis' found by GG in his dream diary; hopes the Tablet might publish it.

p.17 ?carbon of TLS from Josephine Reid to Andrew Wilski, Tunbridge Wells. 27 September 1988. Sending text of GG's telegram to Bruce Kent re kidnapping and trial of [Mordechai] Vanunu. Signed by Josephine Reid p.p. Mrs Elisabeth Dennys, Secretary to Graham Greene.

p.18 3 items

18.1 Text of telegram dictated by GG to JR on 27 September 1988 for Bruce Kent re kidnapping & trial of Vanunu. (see p.17)

18.2 Text of telegram sent 29 September 1988 by Bruce Kent to Graham Greene c/o Josephine Reid's Minehead address: asks GG to participate in picket in Parliament Square in support of Vanunu on 30 September, and to write a letter supporting Vanunu against threatened deportation from UK,

18.3 Note from Josephine Reid to Elisabeth Dennys re telephone message left for Bruce Kent: no contact available just then for JR, ED or GG.

p.19 1 item. Letter from Josephine Reid to Graham Greene. Minehead, 27 June 1988. Relaying Gerald Pollinger's information re fees for inclusion of short story 'Chagrin in three parts' in The Faber Book of Seduction. JR notes that she has also informed ED about this.

p.20 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) 'Rec'd 2/3/89'. 3 items.

20.1 Draft of letter to Jim Forest, Alkmaar: thanks for his letter and his wife's [Nancy Forest-Flier] re Russia, would like to read book re Russian church [prob. Jim Forest's Pilgrim to the Russian Church: an American Journalist Encounters a Vibrant Religious Faith in the Soviet Union, 1988]; comments on Tom Burns' impression of the USSR; The Tablet may find Mrs Forest's letter rather long.

20.2 Draft of letter to Ruth Lazarus, Paris: Tanya [Tatiana Kudriavtseva]'s concern re lack of reply from Gerald Pollinger re Russian book rights discussions and her pending trip to New York has been addressed by GG's telephone call to Pollinger.

20.3 Next to item 20.2, note transcribed in red, from GG to ED: GG remembers belatedly that he has informed Tanya [Tatiana Kudriavtseva] of his contact with Gerald Pollinger; no need to change the letter.

p.21 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) 'Rec'd 2/3/89' (2). 3 items

21.1 Draft of letter to Andrew Duncan, Nairobi: if Duncan would send GG a draft of the letter he wants, GG will copy and send it.

21.2 Draft of letter to Peter Griffiths, Thames Television: congratulations re award nomination of Brighton Rock production; notes reading only [JK] Galbraith re economics, who received an honorary doctorate from Moscow University at the same time as GG (1988).

21.3 Draft of letter to Christopher Hawtree [corrected from Neame], Hove, Sussex: re Hawtree's changes to It's a Battlefield, forthcoming collection of letters [Yours Etc. : Letters to the Press] and one of short stories; would like to include 'Murder for the Wrong Reason'. Continued on next page.

p.22 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) 'Rec'd 2/3/89' (3). 5 items.

22.1 Conclusion of 21.3 to Christopher Hawtree.

22.2 Draft of letter to Gerald Pollinger: declines invitation to write something about Central America as he has not visited recently.

22.3 Draft of letter to Alan Hill, London: declines, with regret, invitation to meet [Chinua] Achebe [1930-2013, Nigerian writer] in London in early March.

22.4 Draft of letter to Mr RD Talbot, Eastbourne: thanks for article re Kennedy and the Emperor; suggests sending a better-typed copy to Granta.

22.5 Draft of letter to Derrick Wright, Ennetbaden, Switzerland: Thanks for note, good wishes for autobiography.

p.23 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) 'Rec'd 2/3/89 (4)'. 4 items

23.1 Draft of letter to Mrs Cushion: thanks for letter, good wishes for her reception into [Roman] Catholic Church; reassurance re occasional religious doubts e.g. GG's differences with the current Pope [John Paul II].

23.2 Draft of letter to Mr Braybrooke, Isle of Wight: gives permission to use a questionnaire for his book; confirms that Dixon Brett was a detective. [cf GG's recollection of discovering he could read while looking at 'Dixon Brett, Detective' - prob. one of a series 'The Dixon Brett Detective Library, 1925/6-?, various authors.]

23.3 Draft of letter to Lyle Shannon, Old Capital Social Research Associates, Iowa City: thanks for review of book by Elizabeth Abbott [? prob. re Haiti] and article by 'your colleague Jasso'.

23.4 Draft of letter to Brian Cosgrove, University College Dublin: thanks for his article on GG's work; correcting several details.

p.24 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) '2/3/89 (5)'. 3 items:

24.1 Draft of letter to Mrs Pinto: GG cannot find her a pension [i.e. hotel/boarding house] in Antibes.

24.2 Draft of letter to Gloria Emerson: contact details, travel arrangements, hopes to meet in March or April.

24.3 Draft of letter to Bryan Forbes, Wentworth, Surrey: ideas about and difficulties of staging A House of Reputation; mentions Satanic Verses and recent meeting with Salman Rushdie and his wife [Marianne Wiggins]; comments on Anthony Burgess' criticism of Rushdie.

p.25 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) '2/3/89 (6)'. 2 items.

25.1 Draft of letter to Francis Greene: will discuss 'POllinger situation'; GG would write a foreword for [Rick] Gekoski; compares John Fowles' book on Victorian detective fiction and Victorian Detective Fiction. A catalogue of the collection by Dorothy Glover and Graham Greene (1966); waiting for Nick [Dennys]'s catalogue [from Gloucester Road Books]; prices for signed copies.

25.2 Draft of letter to Aurora Couto, London: re signing a letter [of appeal?], will sign one but not compose it; enjoyed recent lunch, particularly meeting Mrs Salman Rushdie [Marianne Wiggins] and a Grenadan poet.

p.26 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) '2/3/89 (7)' 1 item.

Note by Josephine Reid 'To E. Today's Wednesday 22 february and still no sign of Nick's catalogue. The post must be very bad.' (cf. 25.1)

p.27 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) 'Rec'd 18th typed 19th from Antibes (1)'. 3 items.

27.1 Draft of letter to Scott Walter: thanks for defence [of GG] against Mr Pryce-Jones; GG has not read it. [David Pryce-Jones, Graham Greene, 1963.]

27.2 Draft of letter to Mr Jean Sarramea, Gassin, France: his three poems returned with GG's comments.

27.3 Draft of letter to Mrs Wilhelmina Robinson, Wadhurst, E Sussex: thank you for letter and prayers; Mr [Mikhail] Gorbachev deserves prayers as well.

p.28 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) 'Rec'd 18th typed 19th from Antibes (2)' 3 items.

28.1 Draft of letter to Mr Julian Semenov, Moscow: thanks for telegrams & news of prize; declines invitation to visit Moscow at least until Elisabeth Dennys' condition has stabilised following her recent stroke.

28.2 Draft of letter to Mr Norman Thomas di Giovanni [1933- ], Gunn nr Barnstaple: looks forward to receiving his anthology of Argentinian short stories; pleased that his In Memory of Borges [1988] has sold well.

28.3 Draft of letter to Euan Cameron, Barrie & Jenkins, London: declines interview owing to family situation, pressure of work and travel schedule.

p.29 Page headed (MS annotation by JR) 'Rec'd 18th typed 19th from Antibes (3)'. 2 items

29.1 Draft of letter to David Peet, Cardiff: giving permission to use quotes from his interview with GG [annotated in red by JR: 're Dilys Powell on British Cinema'].

29.2 Draft of letter to John Wilkins, editor of The Tablet: GG is enjoying a book by Cornwell, looks forward to meeting him but cannot specify a date owing to pressure of work and travel schedule.

p.30 Page headed 23 March 1989 rec'd by telephone'. 1 item. Draft of letter to Matthew Hoffman, The Correspondence Editor, The Independent , copy to The Pathfinder Press, London: protest re confiscation by government of Grenada of books published in England, incl Pathfinder Press books and Our Man in Havana.

p.31 Page headed 'Belt rec'd from Antibes 6 April 1990 posted 3 April'. Annotated JR '1990 1-3'. 3 items.

31.1 Draft of letter to M Pol Dupont, Université de Mons-Hainault, Mons, Belgium: thanks for letter, declines invitation owing to health.

31.2 Draft of letter to Mrs Peggie Benton, Chichester: gives permission to use a quotation again (not specified); brief summary of current health (in response to her enquiry).

31.3 Draft of letter to John Bright-Holmes, Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, London: thanks for letter, GG does not have time for reading proofs; some confusion re reference to novels of [François] Mauriac. Annotated JR, 'Yours sincerely J Reid pp Amanda Saunders Secretary to GG'.

p.32 2 items

32.1 Draft of note to Gerald Pollinger: affirming some arrangement (not specified) re short stories 'The Blue Film' and 'A Visit To Morin'.

32.2 Draft of letter to Barbara, Countess von Strachwitz: mention of Paul Theroux; lessening correspondence; recent health situation; Elisabeth Dennys' current condition; GG unable to travel to see her; received letter from [Vaclav] Havel; pleased re Penguin issue of Too Late [Too Late to Turn Back by Barbara Greene, about their travels together in Liberia]; personal note re family, mentioning cousins Ave and Tooter; unable to travel to (Barbara Greene's house on) Gozo.

p.33 1 item: Draft of letter to Bernard Diederich, Time Incorporated, Florida: Thanks for letter (delayed) and article in Boston Globe re Chuchu (Jose de Jesus Martinez, cf. GGJR3.3.3-4) who has telephoned recently; current poor health; mentions letter from [Vaclav] Havel and inability to travel.

p.34 Page headed 'Written 7 April 1990 posted 9 and rec'd 12th from Antibes'. Annotated JR '13/4/90 (1)'.3 items

34.1 Draft of letter to Magda Mendes Marques: thanks for letter. Annotated JR 'Brazil'.

34.2 Draft of letter to Mitch Douglas, ICM Inc, New York [GG's ICM agent in USA]: thanks for letter; re GG's books currently out of print. TS annotation by JR in red, 'COPY TO MAITRE PASCHOUD & MAX R'.

34.3 Draft of letter to James Greene, London: sympathy re current libel situation; current poor health; views on life after death.

Bottom of page annotated by JR 'see page 2 >'.

p.35 Page headed '13/4/90 (2)'.4 items

35.1 Draft of letter to Norman Sherry, Kingston nr Lewes, Sussex: re access to closed letters between GG and Catherine Walston, requested by her husband (Henry Walston, Baron Walston (1912 – 1991); copyright in the letters.

35.2 Draft of letter to Jacqueline Buquet, Editions Robert Laffon: thanks for photographs.

35.3 Draft of letter to Jeffrey Meyers, Boulder, Colorado USA: GG will not be able to meet in Antibes; does not recall proofs mentioned by Meyers and does not have a copy of the book (not specified).

35.4 Draft of letter to Max Reinhardt: enclosing note to Mitch Douglas (see 34.2 above); re possibility of Viking taking on GG's out of print books in USA.

p.36 Page headed 'Rec'd from Switzerland 9/8/90 (1)'. 2 items

36.1 Draft of letter to Fr [Leopoldo] Duran, Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain: thanks for letters; moving in arrangements re flat in Switzerland; would like to delay visit due to health and tiredness.

36.2 Draft of letter to Mrs Francis Steegmuller [Shirley Hazzard], New York: thanks for letters, note re GG's article re the United Nations; UN and Cambodia; GG is sorry to have to sell the [Villa] Rosaio [sic, often Rosario - GG's house on Capri] owing to health. Continued on next page.

p.37 Page headed '9/8/90 (2)' 4 items

37.1 Item headed 'Steegmuller (contd). Conclusion of letter to Shirley Hazzard Steegmuller.

37.2 Draft of letter to Gerald Pollinger: thanks for letter; Bodley Head arrangement is satisfactory.

37.3 Draft of letter to Mrs Helen Gardiner: thanks for post, GG is in poor health; best wishes for school/club'.

37.4 Draft of letter to Jocelyn Rickards, London: re her painting again; he still has a picture by her; her MS of his unfinished comedy is valuable; offers market advice.

p.38 Page headed '9/8/90 (3)'. 3 items

38.1 Draft of letter to David Coombes, BBC London: thanks for letter; GG declines invitation owing to poor health.

38.2 Draft of letter to Peter Mayer, Penguin London: thanks for letter; ensuring that all GG's books are with Penguin; notes re other UK publishers; personal greeting.

38.3 Draft of letter to Mitch Douglas, ICM, New York: agrees to Penguin USA publication of 'The Destructors'.

p.39 Page headed '9/8/90 (5). 5 items

39.1 Draft of letter to Bill Buford, Granta [editor]: declines to review (or read) Salman Rushdie's new book owing to poor health.

39.2 Draft of letter to Irma Brusch-Howald: thanks for letter; GG cannot fulfil her request for a photograph owing to ill health and lack of photos.

39.3 beside above item, note in red to JR: request to reply to Pascal Michaux, Richarville, France: GG cannot meet owing to poor health.

39.4 Draft of letter to Roy Fowler, FTT, London: GG gives permission to use article 'Film Lunch' but declines to provide another owing to poor health; GG does not appear on television in any case. Annotated JR 'Spoke to Graham re letters not rec'd to answer on this page'.

39.5 Draft of letter to Mrs Pepper: GG gives permission to Viking to use the photograph. Annotated by JR 'Ring her [crossed out], Rang 9/9/90 + said ok'.

p.40 Page headed 'Rec'd from Switzerland on 14 August 1990 (1)'. 5 items

40.1 Draft of letter to Petre Solomon: sorry not to have met; notes poor health; Gerald Pollinger will deal with permissions and send a copy of The Last Word; personal greetings.

40.2 Note to JR in red type: please ask Max Reinhardt to send a copy of The Last Word to Petre Solomon.

40.3 Draft of letter to Gerald Pillinger: please see to permissions for publishing Romanian translation by Petre Solomon of The Captain and the Enemy.

40.4 Draft of letter to Andrew Robinson, London: thanks for The Inner Eye [Robinson's biography of Satyajit Ray, 1989].

40.5 Draft of letter to Nicholas B Scheetz, Georgetown, University, Washginton DC: thanks for books (at GG's request) The Episode & The Prologue

p.41 Page headed 'Rec'd from Switzerland on 14 August 1990 (2)'. 3 items

41.1 Draft of letter to Jonathan Burnham, Chatto & Windus, London: thanks for proofs of Carol Reed biography [Sir Carol Reed 1906-1976, acted in The Fallen Idol and The Third Man films; biography The Man Between: A Biography of Carol Reed by Nicholas Wapshott, 1990]

41.2 Draft of letter to Arnold Rogow, New York: notes re introduction by [John] Updike [to 1990 reprint of The Power and the Glory]; doubts they will meet owing to GG's poor health.

41.3 Draft of letter to Bryan Forbes, Wentworth, Surrey: thanks for letter; poor health; pleased his shop is selling The Last Word; recommends forthcoming Reflections as better; has seen Carol Reed biography, interesting.

p.42 Page headed 'Rec'd from Switzerland on 14 August 1990 (3)'. 3 items

42.1 Draft of letter to Alan Watkins, London: thanks for book. [prob. A Slight Case of Libel: Meacher Versus Trelford and Others]

42.2 Draft of letter to Count Tolstoy, Southmoor nr Abingdon: GG is unable to provide information re Intelligence background re Africa; will join list of Patrons, cheque enclosed; thanks for letter from Vasiliy; please forward enclosed letter to Vasiliy if possible.

42.3 Draft of letter to Vasiliy: re problems in staging The Human Factor; please ring in Antibes; poor health but hopes to meet. Annotated in red by JR: 'File letter and translation'.

p.43 Page headed '14/9/90 GG rang (4)'.2 items

43.1 Draft of letter to Prof. Roger Sharrock [1919-1990], Oxford: apologies for delay; re essay, would prefer to be regarded as immoralist than moralist.

43.2 MS notes by JR, 15/9/90. Draft of letter to Mrs Coby Gerritsen, Hilversum, NL: GG thanks her for letter but declines request for interview, especially on television.

====== end of list section ==========


GGJR 01 Correspondence
GGJR 02 Administrative notebooks
GGJR 03 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts
GGJR 04 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts
GGJR 05 Correspondence, press cuttings & articles
GGJR 06 Correspondence & ephemera re the deaths of Graham Greene and Raymond Greene
GGJR 07 News cuttings re Graham Greene's life and works
GGJR 08 Material re sale of Graham Greene's archive and library
GGJR 09 Articles etc re Graham Greene's life and works
GGJR 10 Letters from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid
GGJR 11 Photographs of Josephine Reid and Graham Greene
GGJR 12 Cassettes
GGJR 13 Oil painting
GGJR 14 Material from the collection's printed books

- Anna Sander 2015

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