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Papers of George Malcolm (1917-1997), Balliol 1934, harpsichordist and Honorary Fellow


Creator: George Malcolm (1917-1997, Balliol 1934 and Honorary Fellow), pianist, harpsichordist, organist and conductor: see Balliol College Annual Record 1998, Balliol Registers, Who’s Who etc.

Provenance: Deposited by Chris Hirons, George Malcolm’s executor, August 2003. 

Extent: deposited as 52 courier bags and three crates; repackaged in 26 ‘R-Kive’ cardboard boxes 2003, 74 acid-free archival boxes (2016).



Malcolm 1 (2 boxes)
1.1      acquisition correspondence
1.2       Scores: vocal, Musical Offering, trio sonatas
1.3       Scores: Hummel, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Beethoven, Pauer, Weber, Chopin

Malcolm 2 (3 boxes)

2.1       Scores: Bach, Sibelius, Mozart, Krammer, Purcell, Brahms, Vivaldi
2.2       Scores for keyboard: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven

Malcolm 3 (2 boxes)
3.1       printed concert programmes, 1963-64 and 1973-75
3.2       printed concert programmes, ND (1960s-80s)

Malcolm 4 (2 boxes, 1 folder)
4.1       Scores: Händel, Bach, Geminiani, Arno
4.2       Diaries detailing organ and choir programmes for church services, 14 vols, mostly 1950s

Malcolm 5 (3 boxes)
5.1       Scores: Haydn, Geminiani, Mozart, Bach
5.2       Scores: Purcell, Mozart, Händel
5.3       Scores: Bach, Arne, Boyce, Leigh, Wagner, Chaminade, M. Haydn

Malcolm 6 (3 boxes)
6.1       printed concert programmes, 1985-, 1970-72, newspaper articles
6.2       printed concert programmes, newspaper reviews, ND
6.3       Scores: organ music

Malcolm 7 (3 boxes)
7.1       printed concert programmes, 1980s and 1990s
7.2       Scores
7.3       Newspaper cuttings 1970, printed concert programmes 1976-78

Malcolm 8 (2 boxes)
8.1       Scores: Boyce, Nielsen, Morovitz, Bartók, Molary, Beethoven, Bach, Stravinsky, Delius, Maw, Parry, Stanley, Williams, Teleman, Mendelssohn, Mathias
8.2       printed concert programmes, 1981-85, newspaper cuttings 1960-62

Malcolm 9 (3 boxes)
9.1       Scores: vocal, Bach Musical Offering, hymns &c., Christmas Carols
9.2       Scores: Mozart, Händel, Bach
9.3       Scores: Geminiani (on microfilm), Bach, newspaper cuttings

Malcolm 10 (2 boxes)
10.1     Scores: Mozart, CPE Bach
10.2     Scores: wind, guitar, violin, viola

Malcolm 11 (2 boxes)
11.1     Scores: Britten (mostly), other composers
11.2     Scores: Brahms, Britten, other composers, vocal work

Malcolm 12 (3 boxes, 1 folder)
12.1     Festival yearbooks (Windsor, Harrogate, Hereford, Bath…)
12.2     Scores: Händel, Britten
12.3     Scores: Marchand and Couperin keyboard works
12.4     Scores: Chopin

Malcolm 13 (3 boxes)
13.1     Scores: harpsichord solo
13.2     Scores: Bach, Haydn
13.3     Scores: Morovitz, Dodgson, Martin, Haydn, Bach, Benda

Malcolm 14 (3 boxes)
14.1     Scores: piano duets
14.2     Scores: Händel, Berlioz, Purcell &c.
14.3     printed concert programmes

Malcolm 15 (3 boxes)
15.1     Scores: Händel, Pauer, Bach
15.2     Scores: Händel, Bach
15.3     Music festival programmes

Malcolm 16 (5 boxes)
16.1     Scores: vocal and choral
16.2     Scores: Scarlatti
16.3     Scores: Britten, Mozart, Händel, de Falla

Malcolm 17 (4 boxes)
17.1     Scores: Fitzwilliam, early keyboard works
17.2     Scores: Händel, Bach, Teleman, Paul
17.3     Scores: modern piano works

Malcolm 18 (3 boxes)
18.1     Scores: Rubbra, Beethoven, Martin, Maw, Stravinsky, Mendelssohn
18.2     Printed programmes &c (unsorted), newspaper cuttings 1960s

Malcolm 19 (3 boxes)
19.1     Scores: choral works
19.2     Scores
19.3     Scores: Zelenka, Mozart, Purcell

Malcolm 20 (3 boxes)
20.1     Scores: Bach, CPE Bach
20.2     Scores: Bach, Mozart, Howell, Corelli

Malcolm 21 (1 box)
2 box files: printed festival notes 1979-81, 70th birthday cards and later

Malcolm 22 (3 boxes)
22.1     Rolled: Honorary Degree certificate, University of Sheffield
22.2     Balliol 1500th Concert, Degree Payment, Lauda Sion notes
22.3     Railway Magazine correspondence
22.4     Rupprecht notes
22.5     German-Swiss tour October 1991
22.6     USA, Israel, Africa tour notes
22.7     Budapest December 1977, “Long Weekend”
22.8     Tokyo May 1976, November 1979, Egypt November 1982
22.9     Israel April 1973
22.10   Schloss Elmau 1963 &c.
22.11   Engagements, recording projects, 80th birthday concert
22.12   ECO tour January 1979
22.13   Spode Music Week 1981/2
22.14   Correspondence, accounts and contracts with Schmid (Germany)
22.15   English Chamber Orchestra, London Bach Orchestra notes
22.16   Royal College of Music teaching accounts &c.
22.17   Hon Degree from University of Sheffield – notes
22.18   Hotel bills
22.19   Hotel bills
22.20   Gramophone contracts and correspondence
22.21   void
22.22   Rolled: RCM Fellowship certificate
22.23   Address books
22.24   Discography on index cards
22.25   “The Mount Pleasant” College Magazine, July 1924
22.26   Tom Goff memorial, RAF release, NHS cards & ID cards, Worshipful Co of MHS
22.27   received correspondence, biographical publications
22.28   received correspondence
22.29   received correspondence, memoranda &c

Malcolm 23 (2 boxes)
23.1     Visit to USSR, 1962/3
23.2     Correspondence with Vatican, 1970
23.3     Harpsichord repertory and programmes, programme suggestions
23.4     Good-luck cards related to the performances of ‘The Turn of the Screw’
23.5     A reprint of some of Churchill’s speeches
23.6     Seating plan of Harold Macmillan’s 90th birthday dinner
23.7     Notes on Messiah and Bach Passions
23.8     Tickets for Messiah at the Barbican, performed by ECO, dedicated to GM
23.9     Notes on Schiff recording
23.10   Orders of service and memorial service notes
23.11   Address by N. Kenyon at GM’s memorial service
23.12   Discography notes and correspondence
23.13   Concert and recording contracts
23.14   A folder labelled ‘Programmes and my biography,’ containing mostly programmes and a few biographical (probably not autobiographical) notes
23.15   Rolled: Hon Membership of Royal Academy of Music certificate
23.16   Financial investment statements, IMA part 1
23.17   Financial investment statements, IMA part 2
23.18   Eagle Star insurance
23.19   Nat West bank statements & investment papers
23.20   Westminster Cathedral correspondence. File closed. Readers wishing to consult this file must obtain written permission in advance from GM’s executors. Balliol’s archivist can forward such requests if necessary.
23.21   Tax records

Malcolm 24 (3 boxes)
24.1     Note on GM items kept at 110 Lambton Road (presumably prior to transfer to Balliol)
24.2     Note on organisation of 24.3
24.3     correspondence, ordered alphabetically

Malcolm 25 (4 boxes)
25.1     Memo books detailing expenses (transport to concerts and rehearsals, &c.)
25.2     Organ log books, 1940s
25.3     A box file with working diaries (concerts, rehearsal schedules &c.) and expense books, 1980s-1980s
25.4     Westminster Cathedral orders of service, printed
25.5     Rolled: Westminster Cathedral music lists, printed
25.6     Rent details for tenants, 38 Cheyne Walk, SW2
25.7     Various personal letters, birthday cards, thank-you cards
25.8     Material relating to Benjamin Britten correspondence, deposited in the Britten-Pears Library
25.9     Engagement diaries, 12 volumes
25.10   Passports

Malcolm 26 (2 boxes)
26.1     Engagement diary 1997
26.2     notebook: GM’s friends’ birthdays
26.3     notebook: lengths of pieces by various composers
26.6     Westminster Cathedral: letters 1950s-1970s.
26.7     Engagement diary for 1960 with programme of a concert involving poetry readings at the back
26.8     Wall calendars 1970s-1990s
26.9     Seating plan for dinner at 10 Downing St, 1973
26.10   Poster for Wigmore Hall recital, 1985
26.11   Copy of Stern magazine 1980, interleaved with correspondence re Hans Kroker


- Listed by Peter Sozanski, Anne Hammerstein, and John Jones, August 2003

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